

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,369 Member
    Lisa ~ Publix has wonderful Southern Potato salad.

    Terri ~ Your flower arrangement is beautiful! You are so talented in so many different ways.

    Sue ~ That former renter sounds like she has a few screws loose.

    Rebecca ~ Hope you feel better soon.

    Annie ~ So nice that you can get away if only for a while. Hope your dad continues to enjoy the center.

    Rosemarie ~ You've been missed!

    My son's family is going to St Augustine Beach this weekend and we get to keep the dogs. The two dogs are very big and are getting old so hope they will enjoy their visit with us. We did keep them one other summer vacation and boy did they shed a lot of hair.

    Carol in GA
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    It's a brisk 38 degrees at my house right now. Middle of June. Long cool summer perhaps.

    For Michael Mosley/ZOE fans, here's an interview with him & Tim Spector a year ago:

    Heather - good, good news. Just think of how much you've recovered in a week's time. :p

    Sue - what in the world is that psycho still doing in your community? Was she from there originally? I wonder if she's now living in her car. Seems strange she's not a member of the gym but is allowed to shower there - sounds like a homeless situation to me. I was hoping she was long gone and far away. As Annie says, stay safe!

    Annie - glad that you seem to be getting over the worst of the crud. I wonder if some of us have allergies on top of cold viruses and other respiratory bugs.

    Rebecca - sending good thoughts to you as YOU navigate through your illness too.

    Rosemarie - glad you popped in. Totally agree that bringing a guy into our lives via these online dating sites when we want to relax won't work for us right now. I'm having trouble keeping energy up every day as well.

    Had a nice lunch with my friend M yesterday and came home and napped. I'm going to keep blaming allergies and the weather. :p

    Allie - great job with the weight loss and good luck with shopping and meal planning. I think I've gotten out of the habit of cooking.

    Yesterday I received next Monday's class outline for the diabetes prevention class. It's all about portion control and tracking. Guessing how many calories are in a portion of food v. what the real count is - illustrated by something like MFP where we enter that info. I know this is new to many people in my class. My experience so far has been if my goal is to lower carbs and concentrate on lean protein, fiber and healthy fats, the calories take care of themselves.

    I have a "blind man" scheduled this afternoon. :D My huge old insulated accordion pleated window blind needs to have a cord replaced. Maybe all three need to be replaced. There's no way I could have taken it down (too heavy!) and brought it into the shop, so luckily he makes house calls. I guess I'll take the books off the coffee table, maybe that's where he'll work on it. Or on the floor? Will have to drug Rosie with CBD so she doesn't try to help, lol. She'll probably get relegated to the back bedroom to drown out her barking. Sigh.

    Heading down to the corner to grab goodies from the produce guy. He opens at 7 and I like to get first pick. :p

    Make it a super day! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,814 Member
    Yum - strawberry shortcake is a favorite of mine.
    Well I did online ordering for Walmart and Sams to pick up tomorrow, today I'll go to aldi and shoprite and just pick up the things I have on my list.
    Tracy,Kyle and Miles will be gone the last week of June on vacation so I will be dropping by a couple times a day to feed Ginger and let her out.she is a shedder and I can't have her here..she is a good girl.and next week taking Dan to eye appointment
    He wants my opinion on glasses he hasn't gotten them in quite a few years plus I have AARP and Triple A for discounts lol
    Im off to brave a couple of the grocery stores..ugh
    Ta ta for now
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,540 Member
    Sue- gosh can't get rid of her huh? She sounds like a user and Karma will come back to bite her in the butt.
    I am a bit overwhelmed i have to grocery shop again...but want to get the right stuff,but to do that I have to go to different stores.
    I can do grocery store pick up for a couple.. but have to kinda figure out what im going to eat the next few weeks.
    Oh well..I'll figure it out.

    See what you have first in your cabinets, freezer, and pantry to make meals, and add ingredients accordingly. Have easy meal nights when what you planned just isn't in the cards. Only buy what's on your list.😁💖🤗
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,540 Member
    Went to my wound check. John drove me there. The nurse peeled off my big bandage and pronounced it 'perfect'. :D I looked in the mirror, and was impressed by the thin line. No redness.
    She said to just leave it free now. Showers, but not baths for another two weeks. And I could get a new tube of wound cream to massage it with. I've ordered some fancy French stuff from Amazon, just because....... :p Arrives tomorrow.
    I must say, it 'pulls' a bit more without the bandage on, so I'm more conscious of it, but I guess that will improve.
    Came home knackered. I was unaccountably nervous before I went, and I'd woken up for the day at 5 am. So, I had a nice nap.
    John is prepping the mushroom risotto we are having for dinner. I will do the stirring etc. Friday night is wine night, so we are having a rosé.

    So, another step forward.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    So relieved the wound is perfect! Your journey has been inspiring, and really shows us if we pre-prepare for surgeries, we can navigate them well! Some people I have known have had knee, back or hip surgeries and they have never been the same. Wounds not healing, or they didn't do the required after care. You really have to pay attention. The plans doctors give you isn't just a waste of paper. They do know what they're talking about.💖👍🏼
    You should be very proud of yourself, and breathe a sigh. Also John has done splendidly! Tell him he can breathe too. I know he has gone thru quite a time. Being on the other side, waiting in the waiting room is the most scariest thing. Acknowledge that.💖🤗
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,583 Member
    Sue- gosh can't get rid of her huh? She sounds like a user and Karma will come back to bite her in the butt.
    I am a bit overwhelmed i have to grocery shop again...but want to get the right stuff,but to do that I have to go to different stores.
    I can do grocery store pick up for a couple.. but have to kinda figure out what im going to eat the next few weeks.
    Oh well..I'll figure it out.

    See what you have first in your cabinets, freezer, and pantry to make meals, and add ingredients accordingly. Have easy meal nights when what you planned just isn't in the cards. Only buy what's on your list.😁💖🤗

    One bit of advice my mother gave me years ago, and I stress with my kids, shop on the outside of the store. Don't browse the aisles. Only go into the lanes when you have something very specific to get.

    I'm glad that the drug is working for you, Allie.

    Willamette Valley, OR
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Outside bike ride w/cannondale- 1st hilly ride w/new bike- gears shifted great!- 2hrs30min 05sec, 73aw, 130ahr, 156mhr, 1058elev, 31.76mi= 1172c
    Strava app= 730c

    Rode up to table mountain casino, didn’t know it was that close. Glad the gears didn’t fail me.

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,539 Member
    Oh Allie, I'm so sorry. Thinking about all of you.
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,369 Member
    Happy Early Birthday Rebecca! Lobster and steak sound delicious!

    Allie ~ Fingers crossed and prayers for Tracy! janv44vvtbrd.png

    Got my new crown placed today! I hate, hate, hate going to the dentist.

    Carol in GA

  • Rosemarie2972
    Rosemarie2972 Posts: 450 Member
    Grandmallie: Such sad news. Thinking of you and Tracy and Kyle with prayers in mind.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
    Devastating news
    Tracy lost baby A, the VacterL baby but they share a placenta so its iffy about the other now... please keep them all in your prayers she is devestated.. As is grandma.

    So sorry, thoughts are with you
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Allie: Adding my condolences for Tracy. Hoping Baby B stays strong. 👶🏼

    Tracey: Happy Anniversary! 💞

    Rebecca: Happy birthday to you 🎵 Enjoy the steak, lobster and piano.

    I have an out of town guest coming in less than 2 weeks so I am getting started with getting my place sparkling and cute. Big storm running through here right now. 🌩🌩🌩

    Stay well, friends.

    Colorado Foothills