

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,034 Member
    My project this week - Bay laurel starts. My current bush is in a too small container, needs to go bye-bye and it's best just to start over. In past years I've been successful with cuttings, let's see if my luck holds. I might do a couple more - all I need is one.

    By the way, I'm rarely on FB these days other than to scroll through and get the weather report and local news happenings, obituaries. I do pop in to "friends" pages but not very often. Nothing personal, just a time factor. ;)

    If I eventually go that route, I'll need a smarter smart phone. My 5 year old one is starting to fail with some of the apps. It's only 3G and now 5G seems to be the norm. As long as I can call and text, I'm holding off though until I have time to really shop. I bought a new 7" Fire tablet which is light and fits in my purse and should be able to hook up to Walmart and Starbucks parking lot wi-fi so I can check email and Messaging the rare times I need them when I'm in town.

    Lanette <3
    SW WA State where sun is out, nice breeze blowing. The mower will be calling my name.[/quote]

    Thanks for the reminder- I need to pick some bay/laurel leaves off the trees at moms. We have TONS of them at the edge of the property plus one right near the house.

    Haha- I am on Facebook WAY too much- Need to work on that.
    With the exception of zumba, Facebook and MFP are the only real interaction I have with people for the most part- I do have a few friends, including former hubby that I text but only like 3 people including him

    Napa Valley,Ca
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,034 Member

    Debbie - I'm envious of the wild Bay Laurel. We've tried planting some of my starts in the soil at this place and they just don't make it. They do in large containers however. I don't use a lot, but it's nice to have them handy. Very expensive in the store. Have a good time at your mom's and enjoy dinner with your friend.

    Here are the tomato seeds I stocked up for next year:
    Renee's Garden: Tasmanian Chocolate Heirloom Container & Super Bush Container

    Totally Tomatoes: Little Napoli Hybrid (I have been planting one called Little Sicily they don't carry anymore, the plant is very sturdy and stays small. Fruit doesn't split!) I'm hoping the Little Napoli is similar. Edible Potted Red Velvet Hybrid, Celano Hybrid, Fantastico Hybrid (a mini plum).

    I have some old Principe Borghese seeds - this plant must be indeterminate since it gets quite large but the late summer cherry tomatoes don't seem to crack and store well. Didn't plant any this year, but hope to get some going next year. I can attach them to the fence and not have to dink around with tomato cages. Another PITA, lol. And I'm not talking about bread! >:):p

    Got my big mow done this morning. I like mowing just fine if the weather is nice like today. It's not so much the mowing tho as much as how nice it looks for a couple days before the dandelions get wild again. Kind of like doing dishes. I'm not a fan of that, but love the feeling of satisfaction seeing them in the drainer with the stovetop and oven wiped down.

    Enough chatter. :p
    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    Two of the tomatoes I am very anxious to get some tomatoes off of are ones that my dad saved seeds from for years. The one is a very large dark pink tomato- Holmes Mexican. The other one we don't know the real name of it. Dad got the seeds from his friend who's last name was Bertoli- his great grandfather brought the seeds years before with him from Italy when he immigrated to US. So, we call them Bertoli. A meaty one like a Roma but bigger.

    I have a red velvet that my friend gave me- have never tried it .

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,408 Member
    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    Thank you Ladies for your support! It means the world to me.

    Love all the garden talk I never even got flowers/hanging baskets this year. :( No time.

    Allie- You can do this! One step at a time!

    Heather-Great to hear you are making progress.

    Tracey- Congratulations! I am proud of you!

    Time to try out my newest accessory.....first night with cpap.

    Healing thoughts!
    I read all but am tired.

    Lots of love,
    Kylia in Ohio
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Books read by the half-year point ...


    Machka in Oz
  • mcmillonmail
    mcmillonmail Posts: 19 Member
    Sorry about your headaches, Matchka. I get Migraines, too, especially in the summer. I keep a migraine pack on me at all times. I got some stuff from Etsy, like essential oils, meds, and a small pillow with rosemary and lavender. Sometimes, I nap in a dark, cool room until it is gone. At work, I step out and shut off the lights for 15. At times, it can be nauseating. I even got tea for headaches. Take care of yourself and rest. It is hard to slow down for ourselves sometimes.
    @Grandmallie, I hate that you are in so much pain. UTIs are very painful; I hope the doctor can get you some Bactrim or something to clear it up. I hope you feel better soon.
    @Anniesquats100, I hope you get help from Easter Seals. It is so hard for our parents to find help, and it takes a lot of investigative work. Please keep us posted on how it goes.
    Michele, I am so sorry about your friend. You have a special place in her heart for being there for her; that is what she takes with her. She felt the love you always had for her. It is so hard to say goodbye. I am sending hugs.

    My son is better and enjoys walking around Manhattan, New York. I went to my job for a retirement party for my co-workers. It was great seeing everyone. My husband was trying to help me with our alarm system. ADT has a lazy system where they tell you how to fix it instead of them coming. I told them that I was on a step stool and could not reach the monitor on the ceiling. With my foot issues, I had to climb on top of a side table to fix the system. I am so glad I didn't fall. Other than that, all is good here.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,893 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Tracey - He has always done the Thursday fruit and veg shop. He is responsible for breakfast, which is homemade muesli, (inc nuts and seeds he buys), fruits and many berries, and I have homemade yoghurt on top. :D
    He also stews fruit regularly for dessert, like apricots, or apples and berries, plums, or pears. He uses different juices to stew them, so they are no sugar.
    In addition, he buys the normal veg, (broccoli, cauliflower, green beans etc) and salad stuff, plus a bit of bread, or anything like sea bass, if they have it. He then staggers home with all this in two bags!
    I do my Waitrose order about once a fortnight, but it's not so much fresh stuff, though I do order avocados and flat beans, onions. He likes to pick out the raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, nectarines, etc. himself.
    I normally get extras from the deli, things he doesn't automatically buy, that I like.
    Tonight is cod that he previously bought from the fish market , with a coating of panko and pesto, with crushed peas in olive oil, and broccoli. Yum! Last night's chicken medley was divine, with a German rose wine! It's called Stepp, and is unexpectedly delightful. We order it regularly.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited June 29
    PS - I also noticed kiwi fruit , grapes, and banana in my muesli this morning!
    I'm so glad he has taken the mental load with the breakfasts. They are fabulous, and I don't have to think about them at all, apart from making yoghurt.

    Lanette - My miracle basil plant is still going strong on the kitchen windowsill. I have had many pesto meals off it. It keeps coming back. It more or less grows in a water reservoir, to which I add a couple of drops of Baby Bio in the summer, when I remember. Not often. :* If you have a supermarket one, like mine, to may want to separate out the plants. There are usually far too many in the pots and they die off.
    The rambling rose is next door's present :p
    The enormous green bush/tree behind it is our bay tree!!! Needs a good prune, but we are waiting for the autumn when the birds have finished nesting. The sparrows produce three broods a year!

    This is the result of my freezer excavation this morning. 2 kinds of Dim Sum, and the cod. John has put the apricots out so he doesn't forget to cook them. :p I steam the DS for 12 minutes and serve them with chilli sauce for me and a Chinese dip for John, soy sauce, sesame oil, Chinese wine, vinegar, fish sauce.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,116 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Kylia hope the CPAP went well. For me, the improvement was gradual as I learned to sleep with the hose and all.

    I'm supposed to meet a friend in a couple hours to go walking but not sure if it will work. Dad didn't charge his hearing aids and his belly was upset last night. Maybe.

    On a good note, I looked back and it was May 17 that the police were here about Dad, and we started the new regime. We have done pretty well so far.

    Allie, thinking about you!

    Have a great day! May you be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,545 Member
    Morning, my chickens, from the pre-dawn darkness of a summer Saturday in middle America,

    Annie - So glad you're feeling like things are getting better with your dad, and that you're able to ride again. Mental health isn't always that easy to achieve in a situation as fraught as yours.

    Heather - You and John found an amazing partnership, it's always fun to see how y'all split things up. Shopping in the freezer looks like fun when you do it!

    Monique - So pleased that your son is doing better, and that you are, too! Climbing on furniture to accomplish things is not a good idea at the best of times, though. Be careful...

    Tracey - I had to ask for the hug, in the end, but I got it. Reminds me once more that men can't read our minds, and asking is better than just wanting and not getting.

    Michele - Well done for the good deed... I know that guy was terribly worried, and you made things better for him.

    Allie - Hope the antibiotics have cut in - did Tracy have to cut her little vacation short, or did Miles stop pitching a fit?

    Lanette/Debbie - We planted an Arkansas Traveler, a cherry tomato and two others, one heirloom, but the names escape me. Corey's getting enough cherry tomatoes to take a half-dozen with him for lunches. We're going to roast all the ripened full-sized ones we've got on Sunday to make the first tomato-based sauce of the season. Corey's already salivating at the thought. Seems like everything grows like mad here.

    Definitely a better mood than when I went to bed, and that's a very good thing.

    Supposedly rain tomorrow... varies by which weather weasel you pay heed to, so it's a guess. Hope it does. Helps keep our water bill down, and keeps us out of the inevitable burn bans and hose pipe bans.

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    edited June 29
    Good morning!
    Well I reckon I slept better last night. Woke up feeling rested and not tired, so that is good. My AHI score was 16 (that was events per hour) Last night I had 5 with the mask. No leakage. Not much bothers me once I fall asleep. Just dealing with frustrations of not being able to log into anything because my main email address is hooked up with DH's account. RRR. Will hopefully be able to fix on Monday.

    Annie- I hope you get to go for your walk.

    Love all the plant pictures.

    Heading out to a car show shortly.

    Much loves,
    Kylia in Ohio