

  • ScoobaChick
    ScoobaChick Posts: 185 Member
    So happy to see you here. I miss seeing you in my feed! Great job on your journey.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 50 Member
    ScoobaChick, I’m so glad you found me. I miss everyone too. I’m working hard at it. Just need to keep it up.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 50 Member

    So I weighed in this morning and I was down another pound. That is awesome for me. I just came back from running errands and when I was in the grocery store I didn’t buy junk food. I got what I needed and left. Yay Me!!!!!!
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 50 Member

    My food for the day is over. I’m still working on my 10,000 steps for the day. It’s been storming here for few hours. I’ll be dancing in the house soon to finish my steps for the day.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 50 Member
    I tried to get to 10,000 step early in my day so the rest would be gravy. Today I worked on my legs(I wear my Fitbit on my ankle not my wrist). I didn’t do any dancing today. Just exercise I do sitting down.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    So since MFP no longer has a newsfeed, which I used like a personal blog and MFP only has this Discussion area or groups, I decided to start a personal Blog. Someplace I can come a record my thoughts and news of my journey. I don't know if this is allowed here but I don't care since I no longer have my newsfeed I am using it. Let's see how this goes. I hope the category of 'motivation and support' is OK.

    You could also do all this in your Activity Feed, if you wanted:
  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 277 Member
    I’ve been teetering around 190 all week (189.6 this AM). Spent an ungodly amount of time in the car yesterday, since I had to drive up to the far north side of town to give a legal deposition**. It was very tedious, but at least it’s “done”.
    Still fighting a nagging headache this AM, but I’ve taken my ibuprofen & need to get on to work.
    ** I fasted most of the day (worked out to roughly an 18:6) - worried that my growling stomach was gonna come through on their microphone!
    I’ll blog about it later - I’ll post a link if you’d like.

  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 50 Member

    “You could also do all this in your Activity Feed, if you wanted:”

    I checked it out and I don’t like it. I like using my phone in Discussions for my personal blog. I can use my phone. When I click on discussion I can find it easily. I cannot find Activity feed as easy. If I follow the instructions on the link. I get nothing.


    I usually do an 18-6 but most days I do a 20-4

    I would be interested in reading what you wrote.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 50 Member
    Do you remember the REWARD CHARTS we had as kids? I decided to something similar for my weight loss. Here is my calendar from my fridge. I record my daily weight if I weigh in. I give myself a smiley face if I eat on plan and a star if I get my 10,000 steps in or some other form of exercise. I don’t reward myself with food or stuff I just like seeing the smileys and stars.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 50 Member

    My weigh in this morning was down 2 more lbs. YAY ME!!!!!!
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 50 Member

    So today’s food was 2 slices of Mozzarella cheese from crackle barrel for brunch around noon and supper was cross rib roast.

    I did manage to do 40 minutes of dancing around the house to put in the steps I need for today. I am lucky that the rest of my day put on an extra 5000.

    I’m on a roll. 4 days in a row. Just need to stay with it. I get to add and star and smiley face.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member

    “You could also do all this in your Activity Feed, if you wanted:”

    I checked it out and I don’t like it. I like using my phone in Discussions for my personal blog. I can use my phone. When I click on discussion I can find it easily. I cannot find Activity feed as easy. If I follow the instructions on the link. I get nothing.

    From here in Community, tap your little image in the top left corner, then (if you're using a phone) when the next paged comes up, tap your image again.


    Scroll down and post!

  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 50 Member
    edited June 22

    Thank you for the better explanation. I have finally found it. I don’t like it. Can’t really say why but it doesn’t grab me. I appreciate you taking the time to explain everything though.
  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 277 Member
    Juneteenth came at the right time - my son Zach started his new job with a “split week”: he worked Mon & Tues, had Wed off for Juneteenth, then worked Thurs & Fri, not too intense!
    We are going out Sun night for dinner (Z’s choice) to celebrate the new J*O*B, but this afternoon I’m hauling down near Buffalo to ride with my friends & camp out overnight.
    Here’s a link to my blog (I blogged extensively when I had Spark People; transferred some of that over but much was lost. Nevertheless, I like to look back & hopefully see some forms of progress!)


  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 50 Member

    That is awesome to hear. I’m glad every thing is going well.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 50 Member
    edited June 23

    My day was a little off today. First, I didn’t get a very good night sleep. Second, I ate my left over cross rib roast for brunch and then since I ate most of my calories then and really didn’t feel like cooking I ate sliced mozzarella cheese for supper. Third, my knee was bothering me today so I did non-weight baring exercises to get my steps in, which took me all day to do. Even when I went to go to bed I was still short on steps and walked around my bedroom to get them all in. Finally, I’m in bed @ 8:20 pm hoping for a better night sleep. Relaxing with a David Attenborough show and a good book.

  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 277 Member
    Whelp we were out “late” (for us) last night, celebrating my son’s new J*O*B - got home a little after 10 PM. Also surprise-hosting my friend’s 12-yr old daughter (explanation in blog) for the week, let’s pray I find some extra source of stamina bcz I want to show her a bunch of Things to Do in Dallas (the zoo, the natural history museum), maybe an amusement park or two??).
    But for now I’ve gotta slug down my coffee & get going - Catie’s already down at the barn!
    And best news of all, my weight has dipped below 190 for the first time in about 2 yrs: 189.6 this morning.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 50 Member
    edited June 25

    Sunday I ate well but took the day off from my steps. I tweaked my knee Saturday and wanted to rest it besides the Fitbit needed a charge.

    Monday I had to go to a funeral in the city about an hour away. I live between 2 cities in the country. The funeral I could tell was going to be very sad. I decided to just go to the visiting and then head to my favourite grocery stores. I went to the Canadian Superstore and picked up some beef and chicken thighs. I then went across the street to Remarks. This is a privately owned company that I think is only in Windsor and London Ontario. I could be wrong but it sells the highest quality of fruit and vegetables among other things. While I was there I picked up 2 peach pies. They are my favourites and the closest I have come across that tastes like my Aunt made who passed 5 yrs ago. They were 8 inch pies. Now in the past I would have eaten both of them. However this time I only ate the centre out of one pie and left most of the crust alone and I counted it as my supper. I sent the second pie with my son. He shared it with or gave it his dad, my ex.

    Monday’s steps were close. I didn’t realize I didn’t get them all in when I went to bed or I would have kept stepping to reach 10,000. I did however have 161 zone minutes. I still haven’t figured out the ‘Zone Minutes’ thing yet on my Fitbit. It’s been changed from just regular minutes. I was tired last night so went to bed early and slept till noon.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 50 Member

    229lbs was my weight on June 1st. So I am back to this weight. Now if I can get lower by the end of June then I would say that June is a win for me. I have now lost the ‘Birthday Weight’ I gained celebrating my birthday.

    I’m hopeful that eating the pie yesterday doesn’t throw me off too badly. I couldn’t resist the call of the pie. I have 5 days to get below what I started the month with.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 50 Member
    edited June 26

    Today, the only thing I managed to do was eat right. I had one meal at supper.

    I’m still feeling tired and lazy. Here is to hoping tomorrow is better.