
  • UpcyclerGirl
    UpcyclerGirl Posts: 45 Member
    edited August 20
    I'm back as of yesterday after being away from MFP since January. Wow, I was gobsmacked about how lonely it feels here now. WTH happened to the timeline? I still have "pals" but what's the use of having them unless we can communicate via the timeline! Whoever made this decision @ MFP corporate should be fired. Why call it MyFitnessPAL unless you can talk to PALs?????

    Anyhoo...rant over. lol I am enjoying reading your blog. :)
  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 337 Member
    The Sunday acupuncture session I had scheduled for myself completely slipped my mind so I missed it! I tried to get back on track last night by going after work - when I drove back home, the full moon was absolutely gorgeous. Bonus points that I was able to have dinner with Zach, since he is now on his normal schedule: being off on Mondays & Tuesdays and working Wednesdays through Sundays.
    (Victoria was working, but if Z‘s not careful he’s gonna be in big trouble because he was doing irritating things like sending her pictures of our sushi!) The sodium/MSG bloat is worth it this morning…
  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 337 Member
    I’m proud of myself for cruising through an 18-hr fast today which helped me release 2 lbs of bloat (urinating like crazy even though I did not hydrate excessively). I’ll actually be looking forward to stepping on the scales tomorrow morning.
    Today’s acupuncture session left me feeling slightly drained rather than energized, so I’m not gonna push myself. Going to find a moderate yin yoga session to relax & rewind.

  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 337 Member
    190.4 this AM, that equals 4 lbs of fluid + inflammation melted off since Tuesday. (The amazing swings in my metabolism still surprise me sometimes)
    The downside is that I to get up twice to urinate last night which made it a less than restful experience. Took me forever to get my horse trailer hitched (I always try to get that done in the cooler conditions of early morning as I’m riding with the my friends tomorrow morning) - I told Hubby my “hitch-to-eye” coordination was off-kilter. And then I realized that I was out of cream for my coffee, oh unhappy day!

  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 98 Member
    My days have been busy so I have forgotten the scale most of the week. Food wise I have gone 2 weeks staying on plan. I did get to 224 but the have no idea if I have stayed there or gone lower. I’ll be really upset if I’m higher.


    Steps have been better this week but I’m not 100% sure it’s from walking or from rocking. I say this because when I read or watch tv I like to rock. Because of my knee issue I use an ottoman in front of my rocker, not a glider. Gliders actually make me sea sick. Anyway I sit and move my dominant foot slightly to give me a slight rock. I wear my Fitbit on my dominant ankle.

    I have noticed that my appetite is not as big as usual. I say this because I can usually eat a 12 oz steak or an entire pan of chicken wings in one sitting, for example. Lately I’m eating about half to 3/4’s when I show signs of being full. This is progress. Most days I’m still eating 1 meal a day. Although sometimes after taking my vitamins I have to put something in my stomach to counter act the vitamins I’ll have a stick of cheese or slice of cheese, mozzarella is my choice. I will count that as brunch. I sleep or try to sleep until 10 am so if I have 2 meals a day I call them Brunch & Supper.

    Last week I ate rib steak and yellow beans or baked chicken wings and yellow beans. Although if I’m lazy no beans.

    I have rambled on enough. Talk soon. TTFN
  • pony4us
    pony4us Posts: 155 Member
    Just want to say how much I admire you. Others are still complaining about the newsfeed but you decided that getting healthy by being proactive and being true to yourself is worth the effort. GO YOU!!!
  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 337 Member
    I continue to stumble along, waxing & waning with my weight refusing to dip below that 190-lb threshold. It’s like I’m scared of making progress; I’ll shove junk food down my gullet as if it were a livesaving measure!
    Still perpetually in search of that ideal night’s sleep too - these days the best I seem to be able to do are a series of 2-hr “naps” throughout the night - but at least I’m usually able to go back to sleep. “High Anxiety”

  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 98 Member
    edited August 28
    I had this all typed out on my phone and then got a texted and everything disappeared. So I will try again from the webpage. By the way when I came to the webpage I took the survey. I was able to tell them that the lack of newsfeed is why I'm using the community page but Its not helping since none of the Pals i have know I'm here.

    So yesterday was a bad day for me. One, I only got about 4 hrs. sleep. Two, I stupidly didn't take my vitamins. Three, my sister canceled on me which seemed to cause me to mentally check out. I am not sure that is the correct term for my day but I cant think of a better one. Four, my only meal yesterday was a family size bag of Lay's BBQ chips and a 250 ml of Heluva Good dip. The saving grace of the day was going to bed early and actually falling asleep at a reasonable hour and getting 9 hrs. sleep according to Fitbit.


    My steps, although says 10,803 was not from actually walking or exercise but from rocking. I spent a lot of time zoned out on my phone playing solitaire and unconsciously move my right foot so that my rocking chair rocks. As I have stated before I love to rock. To me it’s like swinging but without having to go outside and can be done hands free.


    Today I have started my day much earlier than normal. I woke up and got out of bed by 9 am and took all my vitamins. I'm still feeling a little tired on the edges but once the vitamins kick in I should be ok.
    I do feel much better mentally today too. Probably because of the good night sleep and taking my vitamins.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 98 Member
    edited August 28
    Just a fun FYI post. I follow the almanac and believe in astrology and moon signs.

    So if anyone is struggling with motivation and determination this might help. I know I struggled yesterday. But I’m back at it today.

    Best Days to Start Diet to Lose Weight as published in the Farmers Almanac.

    August 2024 - 30th, 31st

    September 2024 - 1st, 18th, 19th, 26th, 27th, 28th.

    Best Days Explained...
    According to Farmers' Almanac tradition, when the moon is in the appropriate phase and place in the zodiac, it's widely believed that activities will be more fruitful or lead to improved results. The period between the new and full moon (first and second quarters) is considered as the best time to perform tasks that require strength, fertility and growth. The period between the full and new moon (third and fourth quarters) is best for harvesting, slowing growth, etc. Consideration is also given to the relationship the moon has with the 12 ruling signs of the zodiac.

  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 337 Member
    edited August 29
    It is remarkable how similar our sleep profiles are - I also tend to fall into a deep sleep early on and spend most of the early morning hours restless & napping:
    (This was Tues night, here’s Wednesday’s steps - just an average workday, no supplemental exercise)

    But I was SO dreading yesterday because my colleague is out - her husband is having surgery & while she hopes to be only gone for three weeks, who knows what could happen? He’s not a young man and complications can always occur as we all well know.
    Anyway I got up yesterday morning feeling absolutely awful: “this is what rock-bottom feels like”. I was trying to do a therapeutic fast but needed some protein at lunchtime as I faced a fully booked afternoon schedule - I ate two damned hot dogs and this morning my weight is up another 3 pounds?!? So I’ll try, try again today…
    At this stage I’ll follow the farmer’s almanac, astrology, voodoo or almost anything just to feel better. Going for another acupuncture treatment this afternoon which hopefully will help - after the initial energy boost I felt from the first treatment these other treatments have left me feeling dull and drained, but hopefully that is the energy shifting around in this ol’ carcass!

  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 337 Member
    My weight is back down to 191, so I can be thankful for that at least. I made it through another work week, but this morning’s plans just got disrupted because the new farrier texted to say he is ill & can’t come this morning…
    Still have to go to the feed store and go check on my mom - my son gave me an outside chance of dinner tonight so I’ll hold out for that! I scheduled my acupuncture treatment for this afternoon so I’ll be on that side of town.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 98 Member
    Endurovet, hot dogs are high in sodium so that weight gain might have been water weight because of the higher sodium. If you take a vitamin B6 it will help with water. So will dandelion supplements. I take a B vitamin complex and dandelion supplement every morning to help with water retention.

    Since Tuesday until yesterday my meals have been junk food not real food. This morning my weight was 232 which is only one pound less than August 1st.

    Since all the junk food I bought this week I bought is now gone I’m back on plan. So far today I ate 8 drumetts.

    Last nights sleep was 9 hrs but it was interrupted by a storm during the night. It’s been a long time since we have had that much thunder during the night. Actually this summer we have had very few thunderstorms with a lot of noise. We have had a lot of rain though in my area of SW Ontario.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 98 Member
    edited September 1
    Well my first day back on plan went well. Brunch was left over chicken drumettes, 8. Supper was scrambled eggs, 8.

    Weighed in this am at 232. That rise is because of ice cream, BBQ chips and dip and peach pie. I love peach pie. I think I have mentioned that before. The grocery store I went to on Thursday had 2 left at reduced price. They probably won’t get anymore. It’s a seasonal pie at this store.

    So far today, after my vitamins, I had 2 slices of mozzarella cheese, mostly because my stomach was not handling the vitamins well.

    Supper will be chicken wings. I like the wingettes so I will eat them first. I might add some veggies too but haven’t decided yet.

    My son and grandson who has been here since Thursday are still here and will be until Tuesday. I have had late nights since they have been here but Friday I did get lots of sleep but broken at least according to my Fitbit. Last night my Fitbit did not record any sleep and this morning I spent an hour or so trying to sync my Fitbit to the app. I hate when you have to troubleshoot.

    Tonight will probably be another late night. NASCAR cup race doesn’t start until 5:30. You never know how long a race will be. I remember once I gazelled from the start of the green flag. There was a huge crash with multiple cars about half way through. The race was red flagged. I still gazelled. After an hour of the red flag and 2 hrs of racing I gave up. My legs were like rubber. Fitbits weren’t around then but the gazelle said I went for miles. I was in such better shape then.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 98 Member
    Just wondering, has anyone found an app where you have a newsfeed to post info that your friends can see. Like Pal use to be. I would love it if we found one we could all be friends on and see the feeds easier.

    Let me know.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 98 Member
    If anyone wants to be friends on Fitbit, they have a feed for just friends, my email for Fitbit is beebutterflyranch@gmail.com and my name is LeanStrongSexy.

    I know not everyone has a Fitbit, so if we could find an app where as friends we can see each other in a newsfeed I would be happy to add the app to my phone.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 98 Member
    This morning I weighed in at 228. 2 days of low carb eating and a good night sleep can do for your healthy lifestyle. Here is my meal and sleep log for yesterday.



  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 337 Member
    I saw the lower edge of 190 (189.6) after Sunday’s ride, but then a friend came into town for me to take care of her little dog’s dentistry today - of course we went out for Tex-Mex so of course this morning my weight is back up to 192. Again, I know that’s mostly sodium bloat, as I watched my skinny-Minnie friend eat most of our bowl of tortilla chips!
    Gotta get moving to get on into work this morning, lots to do today after this 3-d holiday weekend…

    My little veal cutlet enjoyed his roll in the sand
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 98 Member
    Meals for September 2nd


    Today’s weigh in at 228. Yesterday’s steps 6980. I’m close to that today and it’s only 2 pm. Love that.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 98 Member
    Meal for September 3rd


    It also shows my steps. I made it past the 10,000 step mark.
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 1,347 Member
    Way to rock the steps, Yay U!