
  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 337 Member
    It’s amazing how much those tiny dopamine hits help!!! I am mostly “venting my spleen” in my blog but I appreciate each & every comment…

    Silas & I just finished our 11-mile loop on this 3rd & final day of our ride (Wah!) very slowly & carefully - a rider was badly hurt when her horse tripped & fell yesterday, rolling over her which broke her femur & separated her pelvis. She had to be Care-Flighted to El Paso, the closest hospital w/Level 1 Trauma capacity. AFAIK she’s doing alright - she was from AZ so I don’t know who’s taking care of her horse & her rig? I’ll blog all about it - no guarantees in life that’s for certain!
    But I’m going to push at least partway back tonight, don’t know if I have the energy to drive the whole way which would put me home about 1 AM 😳
    I have to appetite today - guess I should count my blessings! But distressed last night by a persistent headache and a short spell of nausea - I was afraid there might be a catastrophe this morning but thankfully everything has settled down. I’m blaming the altitude; I am usually bothered by minor headaches the first few days I come out here (we’re at 6500’, quite a bit for this Sea Level Texas Plains person!)

  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 98 Member
  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 337 Member
    Despite the fact I had NO appetite yesterday (didn’t proofread well enough), I weighed in at 189.6 this AM. I pushed on through, drove the whole way home & got in about 1:30 AM. How pleasant to have this full day to relax & recuperate even if I’m tired & still a little head-achy! No doubt I’m a little bloated from snacking on truck-stop food - even though I wasn’t feeling much genuine hunger, I bought a mini-pizza & a corn dog along the way. Blech! And here, shortly after 10 AM, I already have my 2nd (& final) load of laundry running, go me!
    Hubby seems to have kept everyone else alive & fed - I offered to take him out for breakfast (I did wake up with genuine hunger this morning), but he declined. Gotta go check on my mom in a bit.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 98 Member
    My weight has not moved down from 225. It’s discouraging. I had jury duty selection on Monday. I was not chosen. The whole day messed with my routine and I succumbed to sweets Monday and Tuesday.

    I doing a reset by not eating for 24 hrs. My last meal was between 5-6 pm yesterday. So if eat after 6 pm today that is 24 hrs. I’m supposed to have company today. I’m just waiting for a text now.

    I need to put more effort into exercising every day. That will be my goal for the rest of July. I’ll keep you posted.
  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 337 Member
    edited July 25
    I’ve obviously got some kind of mental block about my own 190-lb threshold: every time I start to get below it, I’ll sabotage myself with Tex-Mex & other junk food. 191 this AM, since I had a big plate o’ nachos last night.
    Good idea on fasting - I’ll go for a 22:2 today which shouldn’t be that hard as I’m already 14 hrs in!
    I’ve kind of fallen deep down the rabbit hole myself, as I’ve been reminiscing about the Tevis ride (our big endurance riding event which was last weekend), I now wonder if Sue started to get her hooks into (my ex) Michael when he went out to ride in ‘97?? I think I was blocking things out; I didn’t want to see what was right under my nose. Of course if you want to stay married, you’ve got to trust your partner! I’ve got to get going with my day and quit ruminating about it - that is all Ancient History!!!
    Another friend of mine who moved up to Arkansas last year was feeling sorry for herself (“lonely & depressed”) last night. She made some comment about the sexual & emotional intimacy of marriage which made me laugh - are we talking about my husband who avoids me like the plague??!!?? At least he started working on the shower retiling project again.
    I’m going to go take my own hot steamy shower upstairs which should make me feel better…
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 98 Member

    Wow that pictures is so very true. I’m stealing it for my fb page and my tumblr.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 98 Member
    August 1st and I am higher this morning than I was on July 1st.

    I have no idea what has happened to my motivation but I am going to do a 24 hour fast. Stopped eating yesterday at 6 pm. I may make it longer by waiting until tomorrow at noon. That would be 44 hr fast. That would definitely give my body a reset.

    Since I began this new plan on June 9th, August 9th is technically my anniversary date.
    If I can get to 225 by then I will be very happy. I’m going to have to be very strict about my eating plan. I need to be more carnivore.

  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 337 Member
    August 1st = 190.4 for me; not where I wanna be but could’ve been worse. During last week’s stroll down memory lane, I was reviewing some of my old Spark People blogs when I was struggling to get out of the 200’s and into Onederland (circa 2011). My metabolism back then was definitely whack - there was one week where I gained 8 lbs and no, I wasn’t gorging myself!
    (I did suffer from binge eating disorder in my late teens and early 20’s) Obviously, between yo-yo dieting and losing my thyroid at age 25, my metabolism is Abbie-normal!!!
    I need to either get serious about carnivore or really devote myself to keto - one of my employees (mid 30’s) with evidence of thyroid issues, has done carnivore this past month and has lost 10 pounds, she is feeling much better. I need to catch this hint.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 98 Member
    This seemed to some it all up
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 98 Member
  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 337 Member
    Whelp I weighed in at 190.2 lbs this AM - kinda forced myself onto the scales; I knew holding the line was the best I could hope for with the weekend’s indulgences!
    Cindy’s daughter cooks up a storm for us while her husband makes breakfast. Back on track this AM as I bought a new case of protein shakes to fill the chinks during my workdays…
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 98 Member
    Last week was a complete write off. I have had so much going on I haven’t even been on the scale. To be honest, I’m a little afraid to get on it. Tomorrow morning should be a better start to my day so I plan to get on the scale.

    My second month into this plan, I am sure I am much higher than I was at the start of my second month.

    Today is the first day of my third month and I plan to do a much better job.

    Today has also been a very good day for exercise. I was able to get my 10,000 steps in before 4 P.M.

    I must say, though my knee is barking at me real loud. After supper, I’ll take a leave and hope for the best.


    I thought this quote was appropriate for this past month.
  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 337 Member
    I hear ya - I continue to teeter around that 190-lb mark as if something scares me about dropping below it…
    Zach successfully completed his “14 days straight” stretch at work, but was very disappointed that increased proportion of taxes & withholding meant he didn’t get the windfall he thought he would - sorry son! So I’m not sure if this will be the week that he transitions to his regular schedule which will be Wed - Sun with Mon/Tues as his “weekend”.
    My cousin’s ex-husband passed away rather suddenly (age 66, sounds younger Every. Damn. Day!) so I went by the visitation this afternoon to show my support for his young adult daughters. It was a good excuse to see my cousins as we haven’t had any significant family social events since Covid. Life gets busy, etc, etc - I wasn’t sure if Denise herself was going (I started to text her but I figured she had enough on her plate - if she was there, I’d see her! & she was) Turns out they were on vacation, so she had to cut things short & drive back.
    If I’m lucky enough to outlive my ex, I will probably attend his funeral in pure support of my son (not to mention it would drive his widow CrAzY!). Maybe there’s my goal to shoot for?!?
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 98 Member
    I understand completely about out living ex’s. My ex had a stroke in ‘22. He continues to drink and smoke. I’ll ask my son if he wants me to go and will respect his wishes. My ex doesn’t have anyone and I doubt he will. He is still a narcissistic alcoholic *kitten*. The gf he did have left too because he hasn’t changed.
  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 337 Member
    190.6 this AM, which is not surprising considering the fact I took the crew out for a Tex-Mex luncheon yesterday to commemorate Bayli’s last day before she hast to go back to college in Lubbock.
    I’m excited to go back for another acupuncture treatment at the new place I signed up with - kind of an impulsive decision but I’m gonna roll with it… A lot of drive time and a fair amount of money, but I’m counting it as an investment in my health. I really liked the acupuncturist and I could feel the energy flow in my right arm from the moment she started placing needles! (Now I just need to take advantage of that by getting back into some light exercise)
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 98 Member
    That is awesome to hear. I didn’t weigh myself this am. I will tomorrow though. I only slept 3 hrs last night. I don’t weigh myself if my sleep is less than 6 hrs. It wouldn’t be accurate.
  • leanstrongsexy
    leanstrongsexy Posts: 98 Member
    Well I finally had a good nights sleep. 12 hrs to be exact. That is what happens when you have too many nights of 3 to 4 hrs of sleep. I hope tonight I sleep just as well. When I weighed myself this morning I was at 226. Lately I’m only eating One meal a day. So my IF have been 23/1 I’ve been eating between 4 & 5 pm. Sticking to protein and veggie only. Today’s meal is rib steak and yellow beans. The whole can of beans.
  • Corina1143
    Corina1143 Posts: 3,447 Member
    That is awesome to hear. I didn’t weigh myself this am. I will tomorrow though. I only slept 3 hrs last night. I don’t weigh myself if my sleep is less than 6 hrs. It wouldn’t be accurate.

    Tell me more @leanstrongsexy .
    I often sleep 2-3 hours a night. I always weigh more those mornings, less the mornings I've slept well, but never knew why--at least on the nights I don't eat all night long cause I'm not sleeping!
    It would be so much easier to lose if I could sleep.
  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 337 Member
    My best nights tend to be those rare weekend mornings when I don’t have to set an alarm… My Fitbit credited me with 8 hrs sleep last night, yet I spent “only” 8.5 hrs in bed! Pretty good for me, even though scales seem to be stuck. Too damn hot for any outdoor activities today (104), fortunately also too warm for mindless snacking!

  • endurovet
    endurovet Posts: 337 Member
    I shouldn’t have bragged about Saturday’s decent night of rest, bcz the vultures came home to roost last night! All my anxieties came calling at 3 AM; no matter how sternly I told myself “Nothing you can do about XYZ at this time of night!”, I couldn’t shake it off. Guess what, my scales jumped up 2 lbs this morning, I shouldn’t have even stepped upon ‘em.
    C’mon, coffee!!!
