A confession to the MFP Police

I need to confess. Here is a list of rules that I have broken:

1. I do not log every single little thing that goes into my stomach. I have a little creamer in my coffee every morning.... I don't log the coffee or the creamer. I also have a jar of sugar free hard candies on my desk..... I eat probably 6 of those a day. Oh, and I just had a chocolate and I have no intention on logging that either.

2. I did not even know or understand what TDEE was until I googled it a couple months ago. Now I get it and I still have no intention on using it.

3. Some days I do not eat my exercise calories back.

4. Some days I am in starvation mode. Sometimes this will last for more than a day.

5. I do not drink enough water. I am lucky if I make it to 6 cups in a day.

6. I do not use a HRM. I use the calories burned MFP says. If I am on a treadmill, I will use that amount. Occasionally I will get curious and google "calories burned
" just to see what that says.

7. I do not weigh or measure my food. I never have. I follow the hand guidelines that I have seen and heard many times.

8. Some weeks I only weigh myself once, some weeks I will weigh myself 7 times. Sometimes I weigh myself more than once in a single day. It depends on how obsessive I am and wether or not I weighed myself and shortly before I had a good poop. Honestly, you can loose a whole pound just by going to the bathroom somedays.

9. There are weeks when I am lazy all week and the only thing that will make me happy are pop tarts. 400 calories of toaster pastry goodness. And on those days, I do not log my pop tarts because I do not want to see what I did.

10. I used to be fat..... just like you.

So there it is, folks. My confessions. Beat me up all you want. I am a MFP sinner.

Seriously though, I get on here everyday and I see people getting beat up on by the MFP police. Almost everyone on here started on here because they were overweight and needed/wanted to get healthy. It is great that so many people have lost weight and changed their lives through exercise, diet and education. You would not have started MFP if you were already an expert. See, if you were you would not have been overweight and unhealthy in the first place, right? Obviously, there are people on here who want the quick fix and the instant gratification. They are not going to be successful until they are ready to put in the hard work. I'm not going to lie, I did atkins. It worked.... until I stopped and gained all of the weight back.

Now me, I am against supplements, netting less than 1200, eating improperly all that nonsense. But, I do it sometimes myself (minus the supplements). I have gotten BELOW my goal weight and have broken the rules sometimes. Has it taken me a little longer since I have broken rules? Absolutely. But I still lost the weight. And I am still a success

Since we are all on this "journey" together, before you go juding people and calling them out for not being educated, remember you were uneducated about all of this once too. That's why you are here.

The point I am trying to make is why beat people up all of the time? Why talk badly about people and give negative feedback because you know something that they don't? Why not just be supportive or ignore? People are going to use supplements and not eat enough calories and not log everything. This site is supposed to be supportive, helpful and educational. Not full of a bunch of bullies. Haha I lost a 100 pounds and you are having trouble so let me be mean. Really? I know my ticker shows that I started this overweight. I am pretty sure most everyone else's does too.

Congrats you lost weight. I lost 36 pounds. I am not better than anyone else. I am just a fat girl living in a skinny world right now. And I would really love a jelly donut. Or some pop tarts.


  • Dch2272
    Dch2272 Posts: 93 Member
    Amen! Love it, thanks for the smile today!
  • hazellac
    hazellac Posts: 90 Member
    I think I love you for this post!! :heart:

    Oh I want to add my confession -

    I wait until the end of the day when I know I'm not going to eat anything else - then I work out how many squares of chocolate I could eat with the remaining calories I have left and sometimes .... just sometimes, I eat that chocolate goddammit! :happy:
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Too many people pick up stones before they remember that they are kicking back on the sofa in their glass house...
  • kerbyd13
    kerbyd13 Posts: 46 Member
    I love this! It made me smile, because i do a lot of the same things.
  • sms670
    This is awesome.
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    Good on you, Jennifer!
  • dietingdanni
    Wonderful post, we all make mistakes, do stupid things and need help... Well said.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I have no problem with people making suggestions. I know myself, that I didn't start to see weight loss until I logged what I ate. If I suggest a person log if they are not, and that makes me the MFP police, so be it.

    Congrats on your success!
  • nena49659
    nena49659 Posts: 260 Member
    I think I love you for this post!! :heart:

    Oh I want to add my confession -

    I wait until the end of the day when I know I'm not going to eat anything else - then I work out how many squares of chocolate I could eat with the remaining calories I have left and sometimes .... just sometimes, I eat that chocolate goddammit! :happy:

    I love her too!
  • Cyliesmom
    Cyliesmom Posts: 35 Member
    oh thank god, i thought i was the only imperfect person on here. I try my best to eat good nutritious food, and to exercise daily....I have broken all the same rules...and perhaps a few more. Guess what I am about 95 pounds lighter than I was in 2007. Perhaps some rules are meant to be broken.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    I think the "rules" have their place if you're not meeting your goals. For example, if you're good at eyeballing amounts you don't need to measure. But if you have been maintaining when your numbers say you should be losing, measuring and making sure to log everything is a good way to make sure you're calibrated. But yeah, no one needs to worry about all the rules :)
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    :laugh: :heart::blushing: :drinker:
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I am super stoked that you cared enough to take the time to write up this awesome post!

    I am positive that this will put them all in their place after reading it.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    I have no problem with people making suggestions. I know myself, that I didn't start to see weight loss until I logged what I ate. If I suggest a person log if they are not, and that makes me the MFP police, so be it.

    Congrats on your success!

    Thank you! I also have no problems giving and taking suggestions. Taking suggestions and learning different things is how I lost the weight. I am referring to people that are just mean and rude and make fun of other people because they do not know everything or they are trying and doing it all wrong. That's all. There are some mean people on here. And I am positive that you are not one of them!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Well done!

    I do have to confess that weight loss isn't even my goal.


    My goal is to still be able to move under my own power when I'm 95 (if I'm around that long).

    I will credit MFP for helping me crystallize that goal by helping me fall in love with barbell training and a general idea of what my intake ought to be while at the same time connecting me with some fabulous ladies who are smashing all the prejudices one heavy squat at a time.

    I was under the impression that this is MyFitnessPal and not MyWeightLossPal ?

    I don't need support to lose weight. I've lost metric craptons of weight over the years and put it back on again because I was focused on the wrong things for the wrong reasons. I need support to get and stay fit, because that's a new thing for me and uncharted territory. But I'm finding my inner fit person now, and she's awesome. :drinker:

    I do think people end up talking past each other because in reality they have different goals but assume everyone is here for the same reasons. When that's just not the case.
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    I don't know who you think you are JenniferTSmith, but you're doing it ALL WRONG! Now CHECK YOURSELF, LADY or MOVE ON!!

    But seriously, yeah, sometimes we can all get a little hostile, but sometimes people are just so "out there" with their ideas of how to get health that their posts deserve to be batted down, although maybe in a kinder manner than they are. Not that we all have to follow the same process...but, you know...

    But really, you don't measure or weigh your food? Man, I wish I could do that. Good for you.

    Ok, as you were....
  • Eabec
    Eabec Posts: 53 Member
    in short, do what works best for you. Hells yeah.
  • walzllw
    walzllw Posts: 105 Member
    Amen to this post! :love: