
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    Machka good work on your yard! And you are right about Dad. Thank you. He cries fairly often. He has a picture of Mom that always makes him weepy, and he keeps it on the kitchen table. He cries just sitting on the couch. But he never says anything about why, and I let him be. It's tough for a man of his generation to identify feelings but I think he is sliding from grief into depression. He feels useless, and hates to see his abilities declining. Not much more I can do, as long as he tells the doctor that all is well.

    Pip ten miles! Wow. When is the marathon?

    Lisa sorry about your back pain. Tylenol on an iron? Who knew?

    Mo great job walking 3 miles! Sounds like that parent is really a handful. So sad. And hope your situation with Julia improves. I have an estranged daughter and I'm so full of guilt and questions over her!

    Michele thank you. And glad you got rid of the red ants.

    Rita glad you are out of the flooding.

    Rosemarie a new poodle! How exciting! What's his name? What color? How is his training going?

    Rebecca my sympathies with your waiting for your son's to reply. It is tough.

    Barbara that's excellent that Mooch and Shadow avoided joining the dog tussle. Good job training!

    Not much on the schedule today. I have a book to finish reading. And several ongoing chores.

    One of my college friends Mark has cancer surgery on Wednesday. I need to write to him, but I don't have much to say.

    Anyway, have a great day! May you all be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,543 Member
    Machka I just wanted to thank you again for your comments on emotions and brain damage. I have a tendency to slide from "what can I do" to "it's my responsibility" down to " it's my fault." You remind me that it's his disease, and I have very little control. Thank you.

    Annie in Delaware


    One of the things I have to remind myself about quite frequently is that, in my husband's case, it's his injury. It's not my fault. It's not his fault. It's just the injury.

    There isn't much I can do to make certain situations easier (although I have a few tricks up my sleeve that may help sometimes) and I can't expect him to "snap out of it" or come good after a few minutes because his brain is no longer capable of that. Not my fault. Not his fault. Just the injury.

    It's a similar situation with your father. It's not your fault. It's not his fault. It's the dementia.

    It's so sad when things affect the brain like that.

    Machka in Oz

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,565 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,184 Member
    edited October 21
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    Machka good work on your yard! And you are right about Dad. Thank you. He cries fairly often. He has a picture of Mom that always makes him weepy, and he keeps it on the kitchen table. He cries just sitting on the couch. But he never says anything about why, and I let him be. It's tough for a man of his generation to identify feelings but I think he is sliding from grief into depression. He feels useless, and hates to see his abilities declining. Not much more I can do, as long as he tells the doctor that all is well.

    Pip ten miles! Wow. When is the marathon?

    Lisa sorry about your back pain. Tylenol on an iron? Who knew?

    Mo great job walking 3 miles! Sounds like that parent is really a handful. So sad. And hope your situation with Julia improves. I have an estranged daughter and I'm so full of guilt and questions over her!

    Michele thank you. And glad you got rid of the red ants.

    Rita glad you are out of the flooding.

    Rosemarie a new poodle! How exciting! What's his name? What color? How is his training going?

    Rebecca my sympathies with your waiting for your son's to reply. It is tough.

    Barbara that's excellent that Mooch and Shadow avoided joining the dog tussle. Good job training!

    Not much on the schedule today. I have a book to finish reading. And several ongoing chores.

    One of my college friends Mark has cancer surgery on Wednesday. I need to write to him, but I don't have much to say.

    Anyway, have a great day! May you all be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware

    November 3rd. Last Saturday we did 11.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,265 Member
    edited October 21
    @Lisa, must be something in the air. For me, change in air pressure makes all my bones hurt. The higher the pressure, the more they hurt. Anything over 29.5 of pressure I know it without looking. Join me in the back brace, just add a knee brace and we can be “twins”!
    LOL. RVRita in Roswell

    This month’s diabetic class is on sleep. Take a look in the spoiler:
    Session 17: Sleep
    When you are trying to lose weight, it makes sense to focus on your food intake and your activity. Another factor that is important to think about is your sleep. In an earlier session, we talked about the damage stress can cause to your
    body. When your
    body is not rested, it is
    in a state of stress. In
    addition to this stress,
    being tired decreases
    your motivation and
    makes it hard to
    make good choices.
    In this session, you will
    learn how sleep
    affects you, and you
    will learn some basic skills that will help you to get the sleep that you need.
    How Sleep Impacts Your Body
    Two key hormones that affect your hunger are ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin is the “go” hormone that tells you when to eat. When you are sleep deprived you have more ghrelin and this causes you to want to eat. Leptin

    is the hormone that tells you to stop eating. When you are sleep deprived you have less leptin and this makes it harder to stop eating. Can you see how this combination could lead to weight gain?
    In addition to the impact that a lack of sleep has on your hunger and fullness signals, not getting enough sleep can also increase your risk of many health issues including heart disease, diabetes and heart attacks.
    How Sleep Impacts Your Behavior
    If you are feeling sleepy at work, you may be tempted to reach for a cup of coffee and a doughnut for a quick shot of energy. If you are tired, you may skip the gym and pick up takeout on your way home. When you are sleep deprived and running low on energy, you may reach for comfort, high-calorie foods. Poor food choices and a lack of exercise can lead to weight gain.
    Recommendations for Sleep
    The National Sleep Foundation says that while sleep needs can be different for different people and change with age, most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep and most older adults (65+) need 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

    Tips to Improve Sleep
    ➢ Do not go to bed hungry or stuffed.
    ➢ Limit drinks before bed.
    ➢ Avoid any caffeine in the afternoon as it can keep you in the lighter stages of sleep.
    ➢ Limit alcohol intake.
    ➢ Stick to a sleep schedule. Try to go to bed and
    wake up at the same time each day.
    ➢ Get comfortable. Create a room that is ideal for sleeping. Often, this means cool, dark and quiet.
    - -

    Regular activity can promote better sleep.
    ➢ Manage stress. When you have too much to do and too much to think about, your sleep will likely suffer. (use tips from session 14)
    ➢ Limit screen time before going to bed, and avoid any screen time while in bed.
    ➢ Consider making your bedroom a screen free zone to avoid temptation.
    ✓ Skill Building Activity: Preparing for Sleep (your coach will lead you through this activity)
    Sleep Journal

    See Handout: Your Sleep Space
    Unwind about an hour before bed.
    See Handout: 8 Tips to Unwind Before Bed
    Limit daytime naps.
    Include physical activity in your daily routine.

    If you are struggling to get enough sleep, use the mobile app, website, or the handout provided to track your sleep and the behaviors that may affect your sleep. You may need to track for a few weeks before you can find a pattern. Once you figure out what is preventing you from getting enough sleep, you can work with your coach on making changes. It may take a little time and effort to improve your sleep, but it is worth it. Your body will thank you.
    Be sure to track the following:
    Total hours of sleep
    Number of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages
    Physical activity minutes
    Nap minutes
    Wake time and bedtime
    See Handout: Sleep Journal

    Sleep plays a very big role in overall health. If you are not getting enough sleep, use the tips given in this session and try to increase your sleep hours each night. You may find that your mood, energy, memory, weight, and overall health benefits from your efforts.
    Skill Building Activity: Sleep Journal (your coach will lead you through this activity)

    Keep Moving
    After getting a good night’s sleep, you may wake up with more energy. Start your day with a set of simple stretches to wake your body up.
    □ Use the app, website, or the sleep journal provided to track your sleep this week.
    □ Review the handout for improving your sleep space and make one change to improve where you sleep.
    □ Goal setting: Work with your coach this week to set one goal associated with this session. Example: I will decrease my coffee intake to one cup per day.
    List your goal here or message it to your coach: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
    □ Ask your coach how he/she would rate the amount of sleep you currently get.

    □ Ask group members if they have any tips or suggestions for getting better sleep.
    “Sleep is the golden chain that binds health and our bodies together.” -Thomas Dekker

    Your Sleep Space
    Use the five tips below to make your bedroom an ideal place to get the rest you need!
    Keep your bedroom temperature comfortable:
    ● Some studies say 65 degrees is optimal sleep temperature. However, you can play with the thermostat to see what works best for you.
    ✔Keep the room dark:
    ● Eliminate as much natural & artificial light as
    ● Artificial light from a television, phone or
    computer screen can decrease the hormone that helps you fall asleep and stay asleep.
    ✔Make the room smell nice:
    ● Using scents like lavender may decrease your
    heart rate and blood pressure making you
    more relaxed.
    ● It may help to keep your sheets clean & fresh.
    ✔Turn off the volume:
    ● Rather than falling asleep to the sound of the
    television, try using white noise or making your room as quiet as possible.
    ✔Invest in a good mattress and bedding:
    ● Consider getting a quality mattress about every
    eight years and new pillows every two years.

    Eight Tips to Unwind Before Bed
    Below is the list of tips to help you unwind before bed:
    1. Listen to soft, relaxing music
    2. Drink non-caffeinated herbal tea
    3. Take a warm bath or shower
    4. Drink warm milk or warmed up non-dairy alternative 5. Read - hard copies are the best!
    6. Practice deep breathing exercises
    7. Mediation - try a meditation app!
    8. Hide your clock so you can’t keep an eye on it

    Sleep Journal Date​:​ ___________
    Notes: (Include Stress and Emotions) ______________________________________________________________________________________
    Date:​ ___________
    Notes: (Include Stress and Emotions)
    ______________________________________________________________________________________ Date:​ ___________
    Notes: (Include Stress and Emotions) ______________________________________________________________________________________
    Hours of Sleep
    Wake Time
    Woke # times
    Exercise (Y/N)
    Alcohol (Y/N)
    Nap (Y/N)
    Caffeine (Y/N)
    Energy (1-5)
    Bed Time
    Hours of Sleep
    Wake Time
    Woke # times
    Exercise (Y/N)
    Alcohol (Y/N)
    Nap (Y/N)
    Caffeine (Y/N)
    Energy (1-5)
    Bed Time
    Hours of Sleep
    Wake Time
    Woke # times
    Exercise (Y/N)
    Alcohol (Y/N)
    Nap (Y/N)
    Caffeine (Y/N)
    Energy (1-5)
    Bed Time
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,565 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,565 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,265 Member
    Today is: celebrate pumpkin pie, apples, and lizards! Have a great day!

    RVRita in Roswell
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,184 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,622 Member
    Machka - thank you so much for that in-depth look at how our brains function. One of the best I've read, plus your personal experience with your DH sheds a lot of light on brain injury.

    Rosemarie - so glad to see you back with us! You have been very busy - good to hear your son's move is just about completed, and that you're back knitting and now writing. :p Enjoy your poodle, they are so smart, I bet you'll have him trained in no time. Welcome, sadly, to the pre-diabetes club. :( But the good news is that there are ways to head it off at the pass with cleaning up our eating and getting more exercise. Your walking will help a lot. Did your doctor give you any guidance on nutrition/activity/lifestyle changes?

    Ginny - I use 3 or 5 pound weights on my house walks too. I aim to get 30 minutes or over each day, walking after meals 10 to 15 minutes each time, to help control blood sugar. I know that's beneficial. I'm interested in the Farmer's Walk with gradually heavier weights to increase my grip strength. After my foot started giving me hassle earlier this year, I stopped wearing the weighted vest to lessen the pressure on that foot, but the stress fracture or whatever was causing swelling has settled down so might resume putting it on for a little bit at a time. How's your foot?

    Friend Charlie stopped by yesterday and took a look at my mower, which had been making some noise. I wear heavy duty hearing protectors when I mow and I could still hear it "scream", which told me it might be a bearing. Sure enough, Charlie took it for a spin and one of the bearings is going out. He found the right wrenches in DH's tool collection and dismantled that part of the mower deck in just a couple minutes. He'll get a new bearing and install it for me next time he's out this way. He told me it's a simple process, even I could do it, and I thought I probably could as I watched him remove the bolts. But my problem would be strength to turn the wrench. Hence my interest in getting and keeping my hands (grip) and forearms strong. Hope Farmer's Carry/Walk helps with that.

    Make it a fabulous week, ladies!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,662 Member
    edited October 21
    Recovery day for me after our guest. I managed a good exercise session this morning, including dumbbells.
    I also did some research for my next chapter, which is about the meeting of gametes and the chance of us being here at all as a unique individual.
    In terms of just human DNA it's 400,000,000,000,000,000.
    Then you have to go back in natural history, so it's pretty close to zero.
    Luckily, I'm 100% here! :p
    Enjoying myself.

    Had Tandoori Chicken for dinner. Monday night is quiz night on the TV, which John enjoys.

    Bea pick up tomorrow. It looks as though the weather is going to clear up and be quite nice. :)

    DSIL showed me that the top bathroom tap was leaking, so I've got our plumber coming on Wednesday. He wanted lots of photos. Max is coming over for lunch, so it's best if John takes him out on his own. That suits me better.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,171 Member
    :)Rosemarie A poodle puppy. How wonderful for you. One of the happiest chapters in my life was when we had poodles. Is yours a Standard Poodle or a smaller one?

    🌻🌞I have so much less time to work in my yard this year primarily because of the need to supervise Annie, the puppy. However, I am delighted at how much I have been able to accomplish with the 15-30 minutes a day I can leave Annie by herself inside the fenced yard.

    🖥😀Heather I, too, am watching Midsomer Murders. I am on Season 4. You are probably watching the current season.

    🌧🐶🐾Barbie in NW WA 💖
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,622 Member
    MFP Weekly Check-In for October 21, 2024

    Rita in Roswell NM - Stayed the same this week. Probably because of not walking and just laying around all week due to knee and back. But still down from original high of 210, and down from my start of 186 this time around. I’m 171.6 this morning. Started walking a bit yesterday. Today a little more. Soon, I’ll be back to 3 to 5 miles a day!

    Barbara on the Southern Oregon Coast - WT today down to 130.1 yay. Weekly average down to 131.6 from last week's average 132.2. Monthly average at 132.0 will be a challenge to get it down to September's 130.9. No more anniversary Chinese food for me!

    Sugar, CI<CO, steps, all below par. Back to line dancing and dog group, but not BB&B, PT or Zumba.

    Sue in WA State - I lost 1 pound this week and was able to cut back on sugar all but 1 day. Somehow Wednesday was a sugar day. Not sure why. Will endeavor to keep up the low sugar this week along with consistent exercise.

    Lanette SW WA State – 158.75 this weekend. Well within range and clothes fitting fine, which is the main thing for me. Slowly upping time walking with weights after meals.

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Amazon told me I could shop faster with voice. I don't want to shop faster! I want to browse slowly like a good bookstore. And my wallet can barely keep up as it is. And I need a new bookcase!

    And I made the mistake of looking at my Facebook friend requests. Is it normal for total strangers (men) to show up there? And do I sound totally desperate if I wonder if that's a good way to meet someone? My profile pic is a closeup of Teddyboo. I think most of the rest of it is private. Hmm. They wouldn't even know my age. Probably trolling for twenty somethings or else bots flooding the community.

    Anyway, I got my Dad's hair cut and finished my
    book and ordered six more.

    Annie in Delaware
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,175 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    Machka good work on your yard! And you are right about Dad. Thank you. He cries fairly often. He has a picture of Mom that always makes him weepy, and he keeps it on the kitchen table. He cries just sitting on the couch. But he never says anything about why, and I let him be. It's tough for a man of his generation to identify feelings but I think he is sliding from grief into depression. He feels useless, and hates to see his abilities declining. Not much more I can do, as long as he tells the doctor that all is well.

    Annie in Delaware

    Annie- my mom still gets weepy at little things, missing my dad. They were married 65 yrs(just a few months shy-his celebration of life was on what would have been their 65th). 12/30 will be 4 yrs since he passed away. No time limit on a grief that big. She struggles to keep up with everything on the property pretty much by herself. Her memory is getting worse and that frustrates her at times. She is supposed to talk to her doctor about it, hopefully this week. I will need to be up with her more. Another concern is what you already dealt with- driving. She does limit her driving but there will be a time when she won't be able to drive and she lives 10 miles from town.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,602 Member
    Today’s gratitude: Dogs competing for “cutest” during morning time with Joe. Three way tie ;)
    Belated welcome @PennyinTX and @eagles226. Start by logging every bite, lick or sip, it’s a real eye-opener. You can do this!
    Heather I started watching the Cas “forgot to deep clean” YouTube but stopped when she said “… this is why I don’t deep clean my house.” Will go back to it later ;) Brava for all that writing!!!
    Attagal Carol for persisting and getting your printer to work with new drivers!
    Annie hooray for waling in the forest, for hip soreness getting better and SIX bags to go!!!. The Clutterbug’s 30 day challenge really helped shift my default position from “Maybe I could/should do something with this.” To “Can I release this back to the universe either by donating, recycling or tossing into the trash.” Doesn’t happen every time but it NEVER used to happen before the 5 minutes/5 things a day for 30 days.:naughty: Cas puts the stuff that she doesn’t know where they belong, where she would look for them if the needed to use ‘em. Good luck!
    Margaret hope the vaguely remembered gal is a pleasant addition to your circle.
    Rita hope the knee issue is NOT serious. ((hugs)) Very appealing trails, hope you can soon explore them.
    Allie :love: your and dgd’s smiles.
    Michele that poor tree! Those kittens really made it a “Nightmare before Christmas” Halloween tree.
    Rori hip flexors not arthritis, hooray! Know you’ll persist with the needed exercises.
    Tracey thankful indeed for your paid time off. Hope you continue to enjoy the new job and coworkers.
    Rebecca ((hugs)) The waiting is the hardest part.
    Lisa gorgeous clutch but did I miss the gold lined pocket? Don’t remember Phil the Prince of Insufficient Light and Ruler of Heck, but I loved Dilbert. Will have to see if I can find any of those books.
    Heather Johnny’s second acrylic, truly beautiful! Your palette knife splosh is exuberant! Your carbonara mouth-watering and giving me ideas.
    Barbie loved your “be kind to yourself” counsel to Annie.
    Pip poor Yogi! Could his allergies contribute to his ear infection? Our Wheaten Terrier had horrible allergies and ear infections. :’(
    Machka had to laugh that the part of gardening you’re really looking forward to is digging and moving rocks. ;) Know your passphrase security advice is sound but I just can’t do it. I have a few passwords, with variations to meet length and character type variations that I use for most of my accounts. Keep them in a little notebook in my desk. If someone gets into our house and study they’ll get more important things than my passwords. We do what we can do.
    Mo belated happiest birthday wishes to you! Hooray for smaller sized jeans fitting.
    Lanette Tumble would not allow us to forget Tummy Time. She becomes quite insistent if its delayed, even if we’re napping. She’ll poke and prod and failing that launch into heart-rending “Yipes! I’m STARVING.”
    Rita truth about data being forever available, especially to authorities and bad actors. The cloud is just a hard drive in someone’s data center.
    Sue ((hugs)) and prayers for your sister.
    Decluttering challenge Day 34/30 Fire district binders and Thrivent folder
    34-Loaded the binders into the car to take to the fire hall tonight. Spent close to an hour purging from the monster Thrivent folder to make room for the new annuity contract paperwork. Now only the fire district GRANTS binder and WTH pile remain.
    Only through pg 18 but time to get those binders to the fire hall.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,543 Member
    edited October 22
    Amazon told me I could shop faster with voice. I don't want to shop faster! I want to browse slowly like a good bookstore. And my wallet can barely keep up as it is. And I need a new bookcase!

    And I made the mistake of looking at my Facebook friend requests. Is it normal for total strangers (men) to show up there? And do I sound totally desperate if I wonder if that's a good way to meet someone? My profile pic is a closeup of Teddyboo. I think most of the rest of it is private. Hmm. They wouldn't even know my age. Probably trolling for twenty somethings or else bots flooding the community.

    Anyway, I got my Dad's hair cut and finished my
    book and ordered six more.

    Annie in Delaware

    The "men" are bots, not real men. Yes, they turn up in droves.

    Always delete them. Also delete friend requests from people who are already your friends. Basically I delete most friend requests unless I have met someone in person and they are making the request then and there.

    You can view your page on FB as the public would see it.

    Go to your FB page on your laptop. Click the various ... buttons to see what options they give you. I don't have it in front of me but I think it's a ... button on the right. Just under your banner photo. And the button may consist of ... (3 dots).

    Under one of the buttons there is a choice that says 'View As'. Click that and you'll see your page as the general public sees it.

    M in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,184 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Today’s gratitude: Dogs competing for “cutest” during morning time with Joe. Three way tie ;)
    Belated welcome @PennyinTX and @eagles226. Start by logging every bite, lick or sip, it’s a real eye-opener. You can do this!
    Heather I started watching the Cas “forgot to deep clean” YouTube but stopped when she said “… this is why I don’t deep clean my house.” Will go back to it later ;) Brava for all that writing!!!
    Attagal Carol for persisting and getting your printer to work with new drivers!
    Annie hooray for waling in the forest, for hip soreness getting better and SIX bags to go!!!. The Clutterbug’s 30 day challenge really helped shift my default position from “Maybe I could/should do something with this.” To “Can I release this back to the universe either by donating, recycling or tossing into the trash.” Doesn’t happen every time but it NEVER used to happen before the 5 minutes/5 things a day for 30 days.:naughty: Cas puts the stuff that she doesn’t know where they belong, where she would look for them if the needed to use ‘em. Good luck!
    Margaret hope the vaguely remembered gal is a pleasant addition to your circle.
    Rita hope the knee issue is NOT serious. ((hugs)) Very appealing trails, hope you can soon explore them.
    Allie :love: your and dgd’s smiles.
    Michele that poor tree! Those kittens really made it a “Nightmare before Christmas” Halloween tree.
    Rori hip flexors not arthritis, hooray! Know you’ll persist with the needed exercises.
    Tracey thankful indeed for your paid time off. Hope you continue to enjoy the new job and coworkers.
    Rebecca ((hugs)) The waiting is the hardest part.
    Lisa gorgeous clutch but did I miss the gold lined pocket? Don’t remember Phil the Prince of Insufficient Light and Ruler of Heck, but I loved Dilbert. Will have to see if I can find any of those books.
    Heather Johnny’s second acrylic, truly beautiful! Your palette knife splosh is exuberant! Your carbonara mouth-watering and giving me ideas.
    Barbie loved your “be kind to yourself” counsel to Annie.
    Pip poor Yogi! Could his allergies contribute to his ear infection? Our Wheaten Terrier had horrible allergies and ear infections. :’(
    Machka had to laugh that the part of gardening you’re really looking forward to is digging and moving rocks. ;) Know your passphrase security advice is sound but I just can’t do it. I have a few passwords, with variations to meet length and character type variations that I use for most of my accounts. Keep them in a little notebook in my desk. If someone gets into our house and study they’ll get more important things than my passwords. We do what we can do.
    Mo belated happiest birthday wishes to you! Hooray for smaller sized jeans fitting.
    Lanette Tumble would not allow us to forget Tummy Time. She becomes quite insistent if its delayed, even if we’re napping. She’ll poke and prod and failing that launch into heart-rending “Yipes! I’m STARVING.”
    Rita truth about data being forever available, especially to authorities and bad actors. The cloud is just a hard drive in someone’s data center.
    Sue ((hugs)) and prayers for your sister.
    Decluttering challenge Day 34/30 Fire district binders and Thrivent folder
    34-Loaded the binders into the car to take to the fire hall tonight. Spent close to an hour purging from the monster Thrivent folder to make room for the new annuity contract paperwork. Now only the fire district GRANTS binder and WTH pile remain.
    Only through pg 18 but time to get those binders to the fire hall.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections

    I guess that’s possible.

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,175 Member
    Amazon told me I could shop faster with voice. I don't want to shop faster! I want to browse slowly like a good bookstore. And my wallet can barely keep up as it is. And I need a new bookcase!

    And I made the mistake of looking at my Facebook friend requests. Is it normal for total strangers (men) to show up there? And do I sound totally desperate if I wonder if that's a good way to meet someone? My profile pic is a closeup of Teddyboo. I think most of the rest of it is private. Hmm. They wouldn't even know my age. Probably trolling for twenty somethings or else bots flooding the community.

    Anyway, I got my Dad's hair cut and finished my
    book and ordered six more.

    Annie in Delaware

    do you notice that the men sending the friend requests are almost always men in military uniform? If you click on their page- they have only a few pictures but no real posts and their friends are usually middle age or older women.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 3,019 Member