
  • mcmillonmail
    mcmillonmail Posts: 98 Member
    Good morning ladies!
    My body has not flipped back to days. I stayed up until 3:30 a.m. yesterday, and it looks like the same today. It is now 1:32 a.m. I slept all day, and then boom, my energy kicked in, and I did 45 minutes of step aerobics, push-ups, sit-ups, and tricep push-ups. I was so happy that I exercised on a Monday. I am trying to increase the number of days that I exercise. I researched trails to walk with Rose, and I think I will stick to the one I know. The one by my house is only .6 miles, but I can do that with strengthening. So today, either I will walk or swim. I am going to jump in the shower now. Lisa, the allergens are driving me crazy. I had to do a sinus wash and shower with my eucalyptus steamer to clear it somewhat. Allegra can only do so much, I guess. I have been giving my dog Benadryl for her allergies, too. My doctor wants me off of Benadryl because studies show that it can cause dementia, but I need it. I started writing yesterday. I don't know if I am thrilled with it, but I will continue to edit it later. It is taking form. I changed the title as well. Who knows, I may change it again. This one seems to stick thus far.
    I guess I will postpone my shots for another week, too. Pip, it sounds like you are doing excellent with your runs. You may start to love it after all. As for my house, I need to get some work done. I did move DH stuff out of a drawer and consolidated it into one for shirts today. Now, I need to work on his other drawer. It is getting thrown out or donated if it is too big or ragged. I will seek his input as well. He is sentimental about his stuff. I have trouble getting rid of two jackets that belonged to my dad. I want to keep it for my son, but it is too big for him. Like Machka's article says, they don't want our old stuff. Okay, I am going now. Once again, have a great morning. BTW, I like the painting Lisa.
    Mo in Mississippi
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    Debbie yes driving is a tough issue. Dad still tells me he is going to drive to New Jersey to the town of his childhood and visit all the people. It's been eighty years, so I doubt there's anyone he knew still there. Anyway, I have hidden his keys. He gave them to me right after a doctor appointment that said he couldn't drive anymore. But he forgets and tells me he lost them.

    I didn't click through to the manbot profiles. But they were ruggedly handsome as you say. So I daydreamed a bit about meeting them, then deleted the requests. No room for that in my life right now anyway.

    Machka thanks for the "view as" tip. I will check that out.

    Mo you are doing a great job with the exercise!

    I get pictures of home libraries on my Facebook feed. I could get some shelves for my living room and make it a home library. Dad would object, and I would have to find money. But right now it's sort of a museum room. I only go in there to read if the television is too loud. I'm excited about planning this out even though I probably won't do it for years, if ever. There's a big window, and a leather loveseat and two upright chairs in there now. Hmm. Another daydream.

    Have a great day! May you be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,184 Member
    Good morning ladies!
    My body has not flipped back to days. I stayed up until 3:30 a.m. yesterday, and it looks like the same today. It is now 1:32 a.m. I slept all day, and then boom, my energy kicked in, and I did 45 minutes of step aerobics, push-ups, sit-ups, and tricep push-ups. I was so happy that I exercised on a Monday. I am trying to increase the number of days that I exercise. I researched trails to walk with Rose, and I think I will stick to the one I know. The one by my house is only .6 miles, but I can do that with strengthening. So today, either I will walk or swim. I am going to jump in the shower now. Lisa, the allergens are driving me crazy. I had to do a sinus wash and shower with my eucalyptus steamer to clear it somewhat. Allegra can only do so much, I guess. I have been giving my dog Benadryl for her allergies, too. My doctor wants me off of Benadryl because studies show that it can cause dementia, but I need it. I started writing yesterday. I don't know if I am thrilled with it, but I will continue to edit it later. It is taking form. I changed the title as well. Who knows, I may change it again. This one seems to stick thus far.
    I guess I will postpone my shots for another week, too. Pip, it sounds like you are doing excellent with your runs. You may start to love it after all. As for my house, I need to get some work done. I did move DH stuff out of a drawer and consolidated it into one for shirts today. Now, I need to work on his other drawer. It is getting thrown out or donated if it is too big or ragged. I will seek his input as well. He is sentimental about his stuff. I have trouble getting rid of two jackets that belonged to my dad. I want to keep it for my son, but it is too big for him. Like Machka's article says, they don't want our old stuff. Okay, I am going now. Once again, have a great morning. BTW, I like the painting Lisa.
    Mo in Mississippi

    I don’t know, I’ve been running for about 20years or sol let’s just say I’m glad we only do one 1/2 marathon a year

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,656 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    Jake had another "event" with his defibrillator early this morning so we called 911 and they hauled him off to the hospital to do more testing than what the EMTs could do. He's feeling OK and the the EKG that they did came out normal but it's good to get further information.

    I'm sorry, Barbie. This must be so upsetting to both of you.

    Willamette Valley OR
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,237 Member
    edited October 22

    Tracey I believe everyone needs a dragon in their life. If one is not available than it is good to become your own dragon!

    Mo Graveyard shift is hard on ones body. It could be part of your need for Benadryl.

    Have you tried an anti -inflammatory diet..I am on one where I eat minimum three fruits, veggies, spices, and herbs at each meal and a fermented food. (Mostly organic)I no longer have gluten, most grains, no processed oils, deli meats, bacon, fried foods, ice cream as much as possible. Low sugar and salt too! No I do not feel deprived. Quite the opposite because I no longer have a chronic sinus infection, when I rarely get sick I recover much faster, mood is more stable, recover faster when I do get upset, Blood pressure under 120 for top number in the 70's for bottom number. Pulse is under 70. Waist is now under 35. Weight today was 154 which is normal for my height of 5 foot 7 inches. It will be interesting to see how my blood work has improved with my next physical. I have been eating this way for almost a year. I count fruits and veggies, spices and herbs in my diet not calories. Nuts that are 150 calories are not the same as a 150 calorie soda for the effect it has on your body. One could argue the cost of my diet but look at the mark up cost of potato chips. A plain organic potato is much cheaper. Look at the cost of a fast food meal and weigh that against the cost of your increased medical bill and that is not even including how the increased inflammation impacts how you feel. Eating this way I know is actually cheaper in the long haul.

    When a friend who I know is defensive about my eating waves a cookie under my nose I am not in the least tempted and know it is her problem no longer mine.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,622 Member
    Good morning all,

    Barbara - what you said about the "cloud" is just someone's hard drive somewhere is why I store everything on a thumb drive. I don't care if I can't access my spreadsheets from another device. They'll probably do away with thumb drives one of these days just like they did away with floppy disks and CD's in laptops and computers. I'll protest until the bitter end, lol.

    Margaret - I love all the Grant Wood art. He was such a treasure.

    Barbie - good news for Jake. He is probably counting the days until he can drive again. Hope this episode didn't mess that up.

    Carol - I agree, when my life gets boring I love reading what you gals are up to. You all are like members of my extended family. <3

    Barbara - have you had a chance to take a look at the Part D Medicare plans? I haven't taken the time to go through them yet, but it looks like there are some less expensive options than the one we had that went from $3 plus change to $30 something. I'm lucky I'm not on any drug that I need to get from the pharmacy and hope it stays that way for a long time.

    Allie - Enjoy catching those rays. B)

    Rita - so glad you weren't impacted by that flood. Rushing water like that is so powerful. It's going to take a while to get things fixed.

    Flea - Been there. That's one reason we stopped donating to political candidates other than maybe a small check locally for a close Commissioner race. Anything to avoid getting on a mailing list. Same with the Salvation Army and other charities. I support their cause but I get at least one solicitation per week for more$$. That small donation sent years ago to the Salvation Army must have been spent many times over in postage and printing. :( Now I toss a little cash in their bucket during the holidays.

    Tired of the campaigning:
    I refuse to watch TV until the election is over. I'm ready to turn off the radio too. I talked with my mail lady last week and she said she delivers the same campaign notices day after day and is putting in really long hours and is sick of it. I don't think there's anyone left who hasn't made up their mind who they are voting for. If there are, getting handfuls of flyers or TV ads with repetitive campaign "propaganda" isn't going to make any difference at this stage unless they just woke up from a coma. :p I keep thinking that money would be better spent feeding the homeless or something beneficial instead of annoying us. :p I'm about ready to write in Rosie the dog and Thelma, Gladys and Fairy the hens and be done with it. Good grief.

    Phones and Health Monitoring -
    Yesterday afternoon, in the diabetes prevention Zoom class, the topic was making sure we get exercise in little chunks, if need be, and don't sit for too long. Stay active. Several classmates said they set alarms on their phones (or apple watches) with reminders to get up and move after 20 minutes if they've been sitting. And they get other info like steps, sleep, and so forth.

    I know some of you use your phones a lot too. I'm curious - do you carry your phones on your person most or all of the time? If so, are you always wearing clothing that has big enough pockets? Are you using bluetooth earbuds?

    My phone is either sitting on the dining room table where I can hear pings for Messenger, in the glove compartment in my car, plugged into the charger where I often forget about it, or sometimes in my purse if I need to access info in a store. I detest talking on the blasted thing or any phone, for that matter, unless the call is expected and fits into my schedule where I can yak in a comfortable and private setting.

    The only thing in my pocket all of the time is a handkerchief. Sometimes, in the other pocket, there's an egg or pruners or scissors or bungee cords or duct tape (just thinking of this past week, lol.) A grocery list if I'm heading to town.

    Guess I'm stuck in last century. :p

    Freeze warning coming up the next couple days. It's 38F outside right now and I see frost on the deck. Glad I got the little mats stapled down last week.

    OK ladies, have a wonderful day!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,265 Member
    Today is hug a wombat!!
    RVRita in Roswell
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,743 Member
    edited October 22
    Allie, looks like youre soaking up that sun girlie! Gawd, I need to travel to some place with HEAT! I am vicariously living in your back pocket.....😁
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,184 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,602 Member
    Rita, it pi$$es me off and breaks my heart that our for-profit healthcare system makes you choose groceries vs MRIs and PT. https://gofund.me/6160c12b

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,846 Member
    Barbara - Thank you for making that possible. I was similarly disturbed at the thought of anyone having to choose between paying for copays and food. One reason why I'm so grateful to the VA.

    Barbie - So glad Jake's home, glad he got seen.

    Lanette - My phone is with me everywhere - as evidenced by the fact that my daughter called me while I was in the voting booth this morning... her ringtone says "Mama...mama......mamamamamamamama... " and it had people laughing in the booths on both sides of me while I scrambled to turn it off! 😛

    Tracey - No, I haven't painted the wood cookies yet, but they're on my list. Today, I've been making giant scrunchies, with lace and eyelit trim. Pic in the spoiler.

    Allie - you look totally blissful. So glad you're having a good time, and hope you're feeling better.

    Machka - Glad you got your bees!

    As others have said, and I've said, I will be glad to get to the second week of November so my text will stop pinging and my phone voicemail will stop filling up, as my filter pushes most of them right there. Add that to the fact that I'm on a bunch of lists because I'll be eligible for Medicare next year, and it's quite spamalicious around these parts.

    Started to price things this afternoon and realized I'd much rather have a nap. It feels like Sunday. I'm just all bumfoozled in terms of time and days, as Corey's chilling in the living room reading. This is his last staycation day. He was going to paint, but it's too windy to use a paint sprayer outside. He was up and down a ladder for hours yesterday, so I'm glad to see him taking the time for himself.

    Think I'll go snooze,
    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,184 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 8min 15sec, 41elev, 2.88ap, 75ahr, 92mhr, 14898steps, 6.15mi= 577c
    Strava app= 745c
    Zwift home spin bike- strava stats- 18.02min, 226elev, 132aw, 17.4amph, 104ahr, 125mhr, gear56, 5.24mi= 112c
    Strava app= 135c
    Zwift stats- 18.02min, 228elev, 131aw, 41arpm, 17.43amph, 5.24mi= 136c

    Total cal 689

    Took it easy today

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,543 Member
    edited October 22
    On phones ... mine is in my hand, in my handbag, or within arm's reach most of the time.

    I use it for work, to keep in touch with my husband during the day, to track my exercise, to use 2-step authentication and to read. And more!

    On headphones ... I have noise cancelling headphones at work and earbuds at home. Both are plugged into my laptops.

    I rarely use headphones with my phone.

    M in Oz
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,743 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Today’s gratitude: Dogs competing for “cutest” during morning time with Joe. Three way tie ;)
    Belated welcome @PennyinTX and @eagles226. Start by logging every bite, lick or sip, it’s a real eye-opener. You can do this!
    Heather I started watching the Cas “forgot to deep clean” YouTube but stopped when she said “… this is why I don’t deep clean my house.” Will go back to it later ;) Brava for all that writing!!!
    Attagal Carol for persisting and getting your printer to work with new drivers!
    Annie hooray for waling in the forest, for hip soreness getting better and SIX bags to go!!!. The Clutterbug’s 30 day challenge really helped shift my default position from “Maybe I could/should do something with this.” To “Can I release this back to the universe either by donating, recycling or tossing into the trash.” Doesn’t happen every time but it NEVER used to happen before the 5 minutes/5 things a day for 30 days.:naughty: Cas puts the stuff that she doesn’t know where they belong, where she would look for them if the needed to use ‘em. Good luck!
    Margaret hope the vaguely remembered gal is a pleasant addition to your circle.
    Rita hope the knee issue is NOT serious. ((hugs)) Very appealing trails, hope you can soon explore them.
    Allie :love: your and dgd’s smiles.
    Michele that poor tree! Those kittens really made it a “Nightmare before Christmas” Halloween tree.
    Rori hip flexors not arthritis, hooray! Know you’ll persist with the needed exercises.
    Tracey thankful indeed for your paid time off. Hope you continue to enjoy the new job and coworkers.
    Rebecca ((hugs)) The waiting is the hardest part.
    Lisa gorgeous clutch but did I miss the gold lined pocket? Don’t remember Phil the Prince of Insufficient Light and Ruler of Heck, but I loved Dilbert. Will have to see if I can find any of those books.
    Heather Johnny’s second acrylic, truly beautiful! Your palette knife splosh is exuberant! Your carbonara mouth-watering and giving me ideas.
    Barbie loved your “be kind to yourself” counsel to Annie.
    Pip poor Yogi! Could his allergies contribute to his ear infection? Our Wheaten Terrier had horrible allergies and ear infections. :’(
    Machka had to laugh that the part of gardening you’re really looking forward to is digging and moving rocks. ;) Know your passphrase security advice is sound but I just can’t do it. I have a few passwords, with variations to meet length and character type variations that I use for most of my accounts. Keep them in a little notebook in my desk. If someone gets into our house and study they’ll get more important things than my passwords. We do what we can do.
    Mo belated happiest birthday wishes to you! Hooray for smaller sized jeans fitting.
    Lanette Tumble would not allow us to forget Tummy Time. She becomes quite insistent if its delayed, even if we’re napping. She’ll poke and prod and failing that launch into heart-rending “Yipes! I’m STARVING.”
    Rita truth about data being forever available, especially to authorities and bad actors. The cloud is just a hard drive in someone’s data center.
    Sue ((hugs)) and prayers for your sister.
    Decluttering challenge Day 34/30 Fire district binders and Thrivent folder
    34-Loaded the binders into the car to take to the fire hall tonight. Spent close to an hour purging from the monster Thrivent folder to make room for the new annuity contract paperwork. Now only the fire district GRANTS binder and WTH pile remain.
    Only through pg 18 but time to get those binders to the fire hall.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections

    Thanks! It is, but I do have to be more patient.💖
    Thanks for much for the puppies calendar! I will use it!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,743 Member
    edited October 22
    Just a heads up ladies, any of you that use calendars, instead of throwing your old ones out, please send to me! I use them in my envelopes making for my 15 pen pals. Just send me a private message on here, and I will sent you contact info. Thanks again!
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,088 Member