
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,931 Member

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,175 Member

    Who'd a thunk it? I get a kick out of some safety warnings on meds. On a childs cough meds "don't operate heavy machinery"? What, farmer John's son needed to operate the backhoe? Or Mary's 5 yr old needed to finish using the forklift to carry the used pallets somewhere's? Someone must've somewhere done this!😂😂😂

    Or the ones that warn you not to take the medication if you are allergic to it.
    They actually have to warn people to not take it. No common sense in some people I guess.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,184 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,934 Member
    Barbie - I hope they figure out what’s causing the issues with Jake’s heart.

    Margaret - I admire the way you eat and am so interested in how you feel now.

    Allie - Nice to see you enjoying the pool. I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. I hope that you soon get to enjoy it. How many days do you have left?

    Lanette - I try to use my phone for steps but like you I leave it laying around. I used to have a Fitbit but developed an allergy to the band. My daughter used one called The Leaf at one time and I thought of getting one but in the end decided not to worry about counting my steps, I know if I’m moving regularly or not by the pain that I’m in.

    Rebecca - happy to read that you’ve heard from your sons. Hopefully they can treat the Crohn’s disease and he can stay in until he achieves a full retirement package. I think they can do a lot now compared to days gone by.

    Lisa - I love those scrunchies. Hard to believe they are back in style again.
    One of my coworkers makes some. She did Marvel and Star Wars material ones for Michaela.

    Kim - I am so happy for you that you were able to have a vacation!

    I went for my massage tonight, I’m in pain this evening from it, but I’m hoping it’s much better in the coming days.
    I really need to start doing some stretching.

    off to bed.
    Tracey in Edmonton
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 3,019 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,543 Member
    Machka: I admire so much the effort you put in to understand Brain function and to love and have compassion for your husband on a day to day basis. I know this must be a lonely endeavor at times...and that those around you might not understand what your day to day life is all about.

    Rosemarie from GA
    Machka - thank you so much for that in-depth look at how our brains function. One of the best I've read, plus your personal experience with your DH sheds a lot of light on brain injury.

    Thank you! Fortunately most days over the past year or so have been pretty good. But I never know what to expect one day to the next or even between morning and evening. Things can change rapidly.

    I've done a lot of reading about the brain, have attended webinars and seminars, and have taken a course on TBI.

    One of the things researchers have discovered is that everyone's brain is different depending on a whole lot of things ... and every brain injury of whatever cause is different and can have different results.

    M Your brain can also be damaged by too much alcohol (my DS) and a diet of processed food.

    To protect my Brain my new mantra is protect my liver(major organ for detoxing) and feed my gut (having a healthy gut helps all of the organs in your body)

    Yes, brain injury can be caused by a lot of things, alcohol and drugs included.

    It's one of the reasons why we don't drink at all anymore. We didn't drink a lot before my husband's accident (maybe half a dozen times a year on special occasions). After the accident, we stopped all together because alcohol causes brain atrophy in the hippocampus, which is the area of the brain that’s associated with memory and reasoning and that's the last thing my husband's brain needed.


    (My husband's was Traumatic Impact - his head hit something, Traumatic Inertial - whiplash-ish, and resulted in both Focal and Diffuse Brain Injury)



    Machka in Oz
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,565 Member
    Kim ~ Love the photos of you and your scenery on your vacation. That big lobster looks delicious. Sounds like you are making great progress getting the house ready for a house guests.

    MO ~ Congrats on your exercising and getting your housework done.

    Allie ~ I'm so sorry your health is ruining your trip. I hope you feel better and can resume the fun you had planned.

    A thought for you ladies doing craft shows. In cold weather we use long heavy men's socks filled with rice as neck warmers, etc. You just put them in the microwave for a couple of minutes and they are great to have. I may make a couple for family at Christmas time. Tie the ends with pretty grosgrain ribbon.

    Had never heard of the New Matlock so found it to tape on Thursday. I always liked Kathy Bates but know that some of her roles were scary.

    I am going for another ortho visit today. The shot I got in my neck helped a lot for 3 days but then it all started over again. The only thing I really worry about is the fact that steroids for the pain might lead to even worse health problems which I don't need or want.

    Carol in GA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,184 Member
    Mo good job on your walk!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,543 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    On phones ... mine is in my hand, in my handbag, or within arm's reach most of the time.

    I use it for work, to keep in touch with my husband during the day, to track my exercise, to use 2-step authentication and to read. And more!

    On headphones ... I have noise cancelling headphones at work and earbuds at home. Both are plugged into my laptops.

    I rarely use headphones with my phone.

    M in Oz

    I'll add ...

    I regard my phone as a mini computer rather than a phone.

    I don't like talking on the phone and will let 98% of calls go to voice mail ... and I will usually email or text a response rather than calling back.

    I go so far as to ignore accommodations and restaurants if the only way to contact them is by phone. If I can't email, they don't get my business.

    And if I am required to put my phone number into a message, I will add that I prefer to be contacted by email and won't likely answer a call. Why? First, I am extremely uncomfortable taking on the phone although I have become marginally more comfortable with it since my husband's accident. Secondly, in my work, my office is very quiet and fairly open plan. It is filled with people doing coding and similar work where we're all concentrating. The last thing we want is someone ringing up!

    So I operate my phone much like I do my laptop. 😀

    I use it for maps, calendar, email, news, social media, music, exercise, plant identification, library books, a few games, Bible reading, my tinnitus reducing noise, photos, medical files, info for cycling events, shopping, etc.

    M in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,662 Member
    Kim - I can't believe that lobster! :p Wow! I'm so glad you had a good break. Americans are notorious for not taking time off work, but I think it is essential. Funny, I still think of you with blonde hair! You are very much loved, that's evident.

    Max had a good time. He and John spent nearly two and a half hours together, chatting, walking and talking, and eating at the café around the corner. His club sandwich order was like the passage from '5 Easy Pieces', 'hold the ....etc. He ended up with a two tier chicken and bacon sandwich. John had the full works. It's long enough for a geeky 13 year old. Hard to keep them entertained. John and he spent some time looking at John's dad's volume of James Thurber stories and drawings. I could hear them laughing from upstairs. Max has always had a great sense of humour.
    On Friday they are all driving to Scotland to see my ex. They are staying in a hotel nearby. They were going on to the Isle of Arran, but DDIL has decided to not do that because they couldn't get ferry tickets! All booked up for the English half term. So they are having an extra night in the hotel and coming back earlier. Probably a good idea this time of year. My ex lives near Loch Lomond, which is a famous beauty spot. (Google it) My poor son will be doing the driving, and he will only just have flown back from Barcelona on business. :# I worry, of course. It's a long way.

    Lisa - I did that piece with blobs of acrylic and a palette knife. My nickname as an artist is 'The Blobber'. :p I loved your bag painting, but something more 'Abstract Expressionist ' might work better. Do you know Albert Irvin? He was my ex's favourite artist. And there's Howard Hodgkin, one of mine. I think it's my favourite style of art, but I love every kind and style, to be honest.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,237 Member
    Kim what a great trip! You look so happy!

    Tracey I feel great! Whenever I am tempted by foods I know are not good for me cakes, cookies, chocolates /ice cream that have emulsifiers, fried foods, high salt foods... I just STOP and think it is not worth giving up how good I feel for my age! That is my will power!

    I also watch my exposure to plastics...only store food in glass now. Try to use least toxic cleaning products when possible, turn off my router at night to reduce exposure to EMF's. I do not use sunscreen. I try to get out and expose myself to morning rays without sunglasses, limit time outside during most intense rays in the summer, and eat tons of veggies which have natural sun protecting compounds. Deodorant use baking soda with essential oils, toothpaste is baking soda. Filtered water...These habits have greatly reduced my exposure to toxic chemicals. I know it only goes so far because of our air, water, and land pollution. That type of pollution will take a joint effort by all and our national leaders.

    Mo Have you thought of adding fermented foods to improve the gut? Allergies often have their roots in the gut. Keto diets are often low in sugar which is great for diabetes. They can be very high in protein which can be hard on kidneys (lots of water to drink). I also wonder if the keto diet has enough fiber to it unless thought out carefully.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,237 Member
    Some Halloween fun from the house tour DS and I went on our recent trip!

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,265 Member
    Today is

    RVRita in Roswell
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,662 Member
    My brother is still in a lot of pain in his throat and had an emergency admission to replace the NG tube. They have upped the morphine.
    Otherwise all is as expected.
    So sad for him.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,622 Member
    Mo - good job on the walking, running and speed walking. Nice to hear your foot is OK. :p Our previous dog was a schnoodle - the "Sophie" in my handle - and she always slept in bed with us. You could tell where her spot was on the sheets too. Little Rosie the schnauzer prefers to be independent and sleeps in several different places in the living room as the mood strikes her during the week. One of her beds or various chairs. I believe she's guarding the front door. ;) And me. Good girl.

    Kim - so glad you got in that trip to Boston. Loved the pictures. And nice of nephew to look in on your mom while you were gone, like you said. I really like that kid! <3

    Rita - Very sorry to hear of the stressful stuff going on in your life. Is the sun shining where you are? If so can you spend a little time in it? Maybe you already do. ((HUGS))

    I just ran across an interesting article about the benefits of "micro walks". https://rollingout.com/2024/10/18/8-incredible-benefits-of-micro-walks/

    Tracey - I used to wear a Fitbit and loved it. Then Fitbit decided they were no longer going to support it on their website, everything was moved to a smartphone which I didn't have at the time. So back to the old simple pedometer. I realize I use my little Fire tablet for a lot of things some of you gals use your phones for. When we lost power for a few days several years ago, and I didn't have a smartphone, I took the tablet into town with me and hooked onto Starbuck's WiFi and caught up on emails. And downloaded some library books. :p

    Rebecca - are you still primarily using your Fire tablet to zoom/face time with your sons? I'm so impressed with how you can communicate with them and grab photos to show us. Glad you were able to catch up with with middle and youngest, by the way. <3

    Vicki - thank you for popping in. Sounds like you and your DH are making some wise decisions to deal with reduced income in your household. I've been in a similar situation where I had to train my replacement. A part of me felt good that someone would be trained to pick up the slack, but another part of me just wanted to get out of there and get on with life and make new plans, which takes time and energy. You have a lot on your plate. ((HUGS))

    Margaret - I'm with you on getting rid of the plastics as much as possible. I freeze a lot of foods in wide mouth glass jars and have tossed a lot of the plastic containers I used to use.

    Lisa - for some reason, my back doesn't bother me carrying weights. I used to see people carrying heavy weights for a ways at the gym and dropping them (CLANG!) and always wondered what they were up to. When I carry heavier (8 to 10 lbs) it's just walking for short distances, then resting, and making sure shoulders are back - good posture. I don't lift them from the floor, but from the coffee table. Taking it slow and smooth. I guess I have a strong core?

    Kelly/KJ - miss you!! Hope all is well at your house and your kids are getting ready for Halloween.

    I moved a LOT of leaves yesterday afternoon. They were wet but raked easily. I guess I got a type of "farmer's carry" picking up the garbage can full of leaves and carrying it into the back yard and distributing on top of the thin soil back there. Worked up quite a sweat. A little muscle soreness today, but back and legs are not complaining after doing this "landscaper's carry." :p

    Made an appointment for blood draw/labs next Tuesday morning. I'm so interested to see how things are looking (A1C) since I've been on this diabetes prevention protocol. I'm also curious to see my Vitamin D level. I have a hunch it's fairly high since I pretty much zipped through Covid a month ago.

    Ordered some parts for my lawn mower yesterday. Even though it just needs a bearing, I had to buy a whole new pulley set. Which is probably OK since everything is likely wearing out, not just that bearing.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,743 Member
    Barbie - I hope they figure out what’s causing the issues with Jake’s heart.

    Margaret - I admire the way you eat and am so interested in how you feel now.

    Allie - Nice to see you enjoying the pool. I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. I hope that you soon get to enjoy it. How many days do you have left?

    Lanette - I try to use my phone for steps but like you I leave it laying around. I used to have a Fitbit but developed an allergy to the band. My daughter used one called The Leaf at one time and I thought of getting one but in the end decided not to worry about counting my steps, I know if I’m moving regularly or not by the pain that I’m in.

    Rebecca - happy to read that you’ve heard from your sons. Hopefully they can treat the Crohn’s disease and he can stay in until he achieves a full retirement package. I think they can do a lot now compared to days gone by.

    Lisa - I love those scrunchies. Hard to believe they are back in style again.
    One of my coworkers makes some. She did Marvel and Star Wars material ones for Michaela.

    Kim - I am so happy for you that you were able to have a vacation!

    I went for my massage tonight, I’m in pain this evening from it, but I’m hoping it’s much better in the coming days.
    I really need to start doing some stretching.

    off to bed.
    Tracey in Edmonton

    Unfortunately his rate is 90% on a ship, which technically he can't do anymore. But hopefully he can do aspects of his job safely. He has been in only 8 years so retirement is hard to think about now, as its 12 years away.