
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,184 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 50min 1sec, 25elev, 77ahr, 97mhr, 13812 steps, 6.01mi= 565c
    Strava app = 729c
    Housecleaning etc- 2hrs 29min 5sec, dust, vacuum, laundry fold/put away, make more hummingbird food (will fill up tomorrow), refill front water fountains, pack some stuff for camping, etc= 683c

    Total cal 1248

    Doing most of the housework today because we are doing the 10 mile run tomorrow and we won’t be in the mood to do housework tomorrow since we are leaving for camping on Saturday.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,495 Member
    Annie – I’m so sorry about your diagnosis. Vince had diverticulitis many years ago. But today he doesn’t have any dietary restrictions. What kind of diet are you on?

    Two of my neighbors came over here and we played Rummikub. I know at least one of the ladies is hoping this can become a once a month thing. I really don’t mind having a few people here. I haven’t played Rummikub in a long, long, long time.

    Oh, did I tell you that Newcomers has been basically kicked out of the use of the airport? We did tell them a while ago that we needed a plan “B” if the airport is unavailable. At that time the gal who was the president basically poo-poo’d the idea. Well, now it’s come to pass. I understand that they’re going to have their general meeting at this church. I did tell them about this one place where you can use the facility (and it’s very nice) for free during the day. Only thing is that it’s in Conover and not Hickory. But it’s free during the day. I have a feeling that they don’t want to go to Conover. Well, since we’re not members, it’s their problem, not mine.

    Vince is going to help the lady that he helped with her brother’s trains. Anyway, he’s going tomorrow. Seems that the brother was also into music. Vince helped her sell some musical things and he’s going there to help set up these speakers that she has. I made her some of the tofu brownies and texted her that they’re tofu but to only refer to them as brownies since if Vince knew there was tofu in them, he wouldn’t eat them. I am supposed to go to the soup kitchen tomorrow but first I need to go to the post office to send a picture to the lady in Poland who really helped my father. I didn’t realize the postage would be so high so I’m thinking that this might be the last time I send something other than a card to her.

    Off to take a shower. Work tomorrow.

    Michele NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,543 Member
    A little bit more about the brain ...

    Although brain damage, especially more significant brain damage, can never heal, neuroplasticity can come into play. The brain functions can create routes around the damaged areas.


    Neuroplasticity Is an Ongoing Process
    Plasticity is ongoing throughout life and involves brain cells other than neurons, including glial and vascular cells. It can occur as a result of learning, experience, and memory formation, or as a result of damage to the brain.

    While people used to believe that the brain became fixed after a certain age, newer research has revealed that the brain never stops changing in response to learning.

    In instances of damage to the brain, such as during a stroke, the areas of the brain associated with certain functions may be injured. Eventually, healthy parts of the brain may take over those functions and the abilities can be restored.

    Brain Plasticity Has Limitations
    It is important to note, however, that the brain is not infinitely malleable. Certain areas of the brain are largely responsible for certain actions. For example, there are areas of the brain that play critical roles in movement, language, speech, and cognition.

    Damage to key areas of the brain can result in deficits in those areas because, while some recovery may be possible, other areas of the brain simply cannot fully take over those functions that were affected by the damage.

    Also, from my research, when healthy parts of the brain take over certain functions, it requires extra effort because the healthy portion of the brain is doing multiple functions and the extra effort results in excessive fatigue which can make all the symptoms of the brain injury worse.

    Neuroplasticity applies to all of us, whether we've had a brain injury or not. If we have a goal, something we would like to do, start doing it and keep doing it to develop those neural pathways.



    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,543 Member
    edited October 25


  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 3,019 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,543 Member
    First a bicycle ride ...

    Then a walk ...

    Machka in Oz
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,622 Member
    Annie - Oh no! Happy you were able to see to the doctor and pick up the antibiotics. My DH had a severe case of diverticulitis years ago - put off going to the doctor, of course, until he developed a high fever and I finally managed to get him in the car and off to urgent care where he was close to peritonitis. I know of at least 2 other guys who did similar - let it go almost too long until the wives intervened. No wonder women outlive men. :/

    I think they told him to eat soft things like scrambled eggs, rice, etc. Sincerely hope you are on the mend. <3

    Mo - sorry to hear about the nausea. Hope you are doing better today. I had to laugh at your Rose claiming the new rug as hers. I have a runner in the kitchen that sometimes moves a little, seems every time I want to get it back where it belongs, my Rosie is standing on it. I have to throw her toys into the living room to keep her occupied for a minute. Also hope that clingy mom is getting therapy or has found someone else to latch onto and doesn't get in your way. You handle her well.

    Allie - glad you are doing OK and enjoying your cruise - no nasty weather. Nice photos - it's been chilly here and they warmed me up. Delia is a doll.

    Jeanne from Seattle - welcome. There are quite a few Washingtonians in this group. I'm south of Oly not far from Mt. Rainier and Mt. St. Helens. Mo had good suggestions. I was a sugar and junk food a-holic, and the only way I stopped it was to avoid bringing any of it in the house because I'd binge too. At work, I'd make an excuse like "my tummy has been kind of upset so I'm laying off today." But I'd couldn't use that excuse at home when my DH loved candy and cookies. :p Also, upping protein has helped me a lot. I now get over 100 gm/day, usually eat 2 eggs for breakfast then if I get hungry before lunch, a handful of nuts. Research has shown that nuts aren't as bad as they seem since some of the fat - often up to 40%- is trapped in fiber and gets excreted when we go to the bathroom - the body doesn't absorb it like it would if we ate deep fried foods, for example.

    Sue - glad to hear you found a way to get your mare to take her medication with the applesauce. Smart idea!

    Debbie - I'm hoping Walmart has some rotisserie chickens in their deli cooler. I saved the carcass and bones from the one I got a couple weeks ago and tossed it into the freezer. I'd like to put a couple into the crockpot and let them simmer for a while and get some good broth. I just checked the price online.... up to $5.97! I hope that's for the hot ones and not the ones in the cooler from yesterday. I paid $3.97 a few weeks ago. Guess I'll find out. How are the prices down your way?

    Working on the grocery list. Will do an early morning shopping run - temps in the 30's but it's a little overcast so shouldn't run into any icy roads.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,662 Member
    Did my writing o:) and phoned G , who has had some borderline results on her DEXA and blood tests. She is on steroids, so no surprise, but she has a phone appt with her doctor next week.
    My friend B is pretty desperate, over in their holiday home in Cyprus. Her husband's granddaughter has been with them for months now, and is driving them crazy. Now she is hiding in the bedroom for some peace. :s

    John hurt his back yesterday while we were planting the tulips. He didn't notice at the time, but I think it must have been while he was wrestling the birdbath out of the ivy. It's heavy stone. :o It had been feeling a bit better for the last week, so he's a bit fed up. Then the printer was flooding. Then he burnt the stewed pears. :# One of those days.

    Horrible, miserable weather today. I was going to the butcher, but ... no.

    Got the pizza dough out of the freezer, only to see it says 'not for home freezing'. Oops. It was a substitute, not my usual one. So we will see. If it's no good I can order from Pizzaface around the corner. Gorgeous wild fungi with truffle oil.

    Pouring with rain! :|

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    I slept much better, even turned off my alarm and slept another hour. Ate my usual eggs. The doctor wanted me on a liquid diet for a few days, but I need the eggs for protein. Other than that I have tea and water. And coffee which doesn't seem right. And hot chocolate, likewise. All that effort into not drinking my calories, and then there's nothing suitable for a liquid diet. But then, it's my emotional mind that's scared of a little fasting.

    I also have almond milk and yogurt. I guess
    that's enough.

    At least Dad has his class today. I have to drive him there and pick him up, but it's only five minutes away and that gets me four hours of peace.

    So have a great day! May you all be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,184 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,565 Member
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,879 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,171 Member
    :)<3 Yippee....dancing with my friend this morning.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,743 Member
    Terri - I noticed yesterday when I went for a little walk at lunch that the moon was visible. I thought it strange, but didn’t research anything about it.

    Heather - you are fortunate to get a plumber so fast. We are having trades issues here because there are too many projects and not enough people.
    I love that photo John took.
    I hope your brother gets out soon.

    Carol - I didn’t like Kathy Bates’ scarier roles, but I love her in Matlock.

    Barbie - Free firewood is a wonderful gift. My grandfather and now my brother sold firewood each year I know the work and the costs for that.
    My new benefits plan has an option where I can just have my prescriptions sent to me as needed. I am not going to sign up for it. I feel it’s important that my pharmacist knows us and checks in with us when we refill.

    Lisa - I have a really good exercise for my hip flexors that help with my lower back pain and an exercise for between my shoulder blades and neck that helps that. It helps more, when I remember to do it. 🙄
    The hip flexors is put one foot up on the opposite knee, then press down gently on the bent knee.
    The shoulders is placing one arm across your chest and then pulling it tighter to the chest while keeping it straight from the elbow.
    I need to do a lot of work to get myself back again to pain free days. I need to keep up the exercises even on the good days.

    Machka - I use my phone much more like a laptop too. I rarely use my laptop.

    Vicki - I think taking the month of November is necessary for your health.
    The stress I had been under with my job really took a toll on my health and until I started feeling better I didn’t even realize how bad it was. I hope you are able to take the time you need to heal.

    I had the afternoon off, I had my first appointment with my new doctor after the meet and greet in March. I sure miss my old doctor, but I’m fortunate to have a doctor when so many don’t so I won’t complain.

    I went to the see one of the ladies from ceramics tonight, she told me she had some scrapbooking supplies for me. It was a lot more than I was expecting.

    I left it in the car for tonight.

    I ordered a baby shower gift for the shower on Saturday. I ordered two Baby’s 1st year calendars. She is having twin girls. I think I’ll grab a pack of receiving blankets or onesies to go with them. The main gift I’ll make when the babies are safely here and named.

    Well I guess I should go to bed. Hard to believe it’s Thursday again already tomorrow.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    Oooh a haul there! Any flat stickers, or washi tape (not duct tape) you don't want, send my way!!!!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,743 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 50min 1sec, 25elev, 77ahr, 97mhr, 13812 steps, 6.01mi= 565c
    Strava app = 729c
    Housecleaning etc- 2hrs 29min 5sec, dust, vacuum, laundry fold/put away, make more hummingbird food (will fill up tomorrow), refill front water fountains, pack some stuff for camping, etc= 683c

    Total cal 1248

    Doing most of the housework today because we are doing the 10 mile run tomorrow and we won’t be in the mood to do housework tomorrow since we are leaving for camping on Saturday.


    Ooh busy busy! Enjoy the weekend!!!
    Ok wait.....I am never in the mood for housework!!! What is this mood , and where can I get it???😂
    How's Yogi doing these days?
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,743 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    I slept much better, even turned off my alarm and slept another hour. Ate my usual eggs. The doctor wanted me on a liquid diet for a few days, but I need the eggs for protein. Other than that I have tea and water. And coffee which doesn't seem right. And hot chocolate, likewise. All that effort into not drinking my calories, and then there's nothing suitable for a liquid diet. But then, it's my emotional mind that's scared of a little fasting.

    I also have almond milk and yogurt. I guess
    that's enough.

    At least Dad has his class today. I have to drive him there and pick him up, but it's only five minutes away and that gets me four hours of peace.

    So have a great day! May you all be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware

    Embrace that word fasting. It doesn't mean deny, it means healing!🤗💖. I haven't been doing long fasts, just not eating after 9 pm, and then waiting to eat until 12 or 1pm. I get two hearty meals in. Its more about the time fasting, I don't eat anything that will trigger an insulin response. So just black coffee or plain tea in the morning. Its about letting my body rest those 15-18 hours. Let it heal from the inside out.👍🏼💖
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,265 Member
    Made the appointment for the MRI after my next payday. Still no call from therapy to start that. I told the office I called that and they are supposed to contact them and see what’s up. I think I will call the PT place too to get them moving. Everyone must be really busy. Not much else going on.

    Construction at the park still moving along (right around my camper! New sewer pipes.) Morning walk using the WalkFit app (they gave me a free year after I told them I had to quit because I developed a torn ACL 2 days after starting the app!) I doubt I would have paid for it anyway but free is good!

    Took a drive through town to go to Walmart and saw a lot of the damage from the flood yesterday. I accidentally went down the road with the most damage. Weird to see cars half buried in mud or half way tipped trunk up in the middle of a field where there should not be any vehicles! Dust from dried mud everywhere (of course I had just gone through the car wash!). Glad I wasn’t in town when that flood happened!

    Quiet day planned today. Have to wash my support stockings, I do them by hand, and work on my knitting, otherwise, not much else. Oh, I almost forgot, another 20-30 minute walk putting the reservation labels out on the campsites. That will happen once I’m done here.

    Have a great day ladies!

    RVRita in Roswell.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,184 Member
    Morning ladies
    On our way back ,going through the carribean sea.. my only downfall in the mornings is that darn small chocolate croissant and fresh fruit.. I have noticed that even with the fancy dinners I only eat a portion and leave the rest..
    Im relaxing in the room,honestly I need to ask what kind of bed,pillows and bedding they use because I sleep so soundly.. and of course the rocking of the ship helps lol
    The sunset last night and a cocktail from last night,but only drank 1/2
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 50min 1sec, 25elev, 77ahr, 97mhr, 13812 steps, 6.01mi= 565c
    Strava app = 729c
    Housecleaning etc- 2hrs 29min 5sec, dust, vacuum, laundry fold/put away, make more hummingbird food (will fill up tomorrow), refill front water fountains, pack some stuff for camping, etc= 683c

    Total cal 1248

    Doing most of the housework today because we are doing the 10 mile run tomorrow and we won’t be in the mood to do housework tomorrow since we are leaving for camping on Saturday.


    Ooh busy busy! Enjoy the weekend!!!
    Ok wait.....I am never in the mood for housework!!! What is this mood , and where can I get it???😂
    How's Yogi doing these days?

    Lololol. I can’t even believe that I do housework voluntarily at all! If we do it regularly once a week it doesn’t get bad and won’t build up, yogi is a champ, he is not liking the ear stuff that we put in his ears twice a day but we give him peanut butter, kisses and hugs, poor guy, still having to wear the head gear though. Will have a vet appointment whe we get back.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,184 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Short walk w/family- 1hr 15min 52sec, 51elev, 89ahr, 106mhr, 3.25ap, 9310steps, 4.18mi= 375c
    Strava app = 507c
    Walk home to gym- 10.34min, 3.13ap, 1212steps, .53mi= 58c
    Strava app = 65c
    Treadmill jog- 1hr 44min 48sec, 146ahr, 179mhr, 171spm, 5mi @ 5.6sp, 4.5mi @ 5.8sp, .40mi @ 6.5sp, .10mi @ 8.0sp, 10.28 minute mi, 10 mi= 1003c
    Walk gym to home- 11.13min, 2.76ap, 1308steps, .55mi= 54c
    Strava app = 67c
    Walk to store and back- 18.34min, 1826steps, .78mi= 80c
    Strava app = 94c

    Total cal 1570

    10 mile run done!

    If I do the 1/2 marathon at this pace, I will do it in 2 hrs 17min 23sec. A lot slower than my past runs. I looked up my pace on an old run and I did a 9.47 minute mile in 2019, I was 60 then. Not about pace anymore, just the fact that I can still do it, that’s good enough.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,053 Member
    edited October 25
    Dinner with a view
    See honestly im trying to eat well,tonight is lobster 🦞 night and i didn't even indulge,just had a little bit of fish..
    Alot of this food is way to rich for my taste anyway.. im trying to start packing ..for the trip home
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,743 Member
    Good early morning, everyone,
    I could not exercise today as planned. My stomach has been acting up, and I have been nauseated. I hate that feeling. I barely got any laundry done. Last week, towels were folded and put away. I got the other set of sheets folded and put away and decided to wash Rose's bed stuff. It was so dusty. I cleaned the floors in the bedroom. There was a lot of dust and dog hair. It was so gross to see the amount of dog hair and dirt between the mattress and the sideboard of the bed. Then I felt sick. I picked up Rose later. I was going to leave her overnight, but I knew she was ready to go. When we got home, the stinker didn't want to get out. I felt sick and left her in the car. Finally, when I came back to get her, she was ready. I felt more energetic after my bathroom run. So I put down my new rug, but Rose laid in the way. I tricked her into DS's room and closed the door to lay my rug down properly. When I let her out, she laid on the carpet like I got it for her. She is sleeping on it currently. After straightening my desk, I lost my meds for the night. Finally, I found my meds.

    Lisa, I decided that we should not do the car thing too. It isn't fair to him. Julia's God mom and I discussed it and felt that DH should get her a clunker. If he does buy my MIL's car, he should pay DS. I don't know how DS will feel about it, but he and I have a close and honest relationship, and I don't want to ruin that. DH knows Julia is the last person she wants to drive her car. I hope he doesn't go against her by lying and giving it to Julia. Two relationships could get destroyed by a lie. DH and DS are on shaky
    ground as it is. By the way, you are right; summer is back in the south. My neighbor is sitting on the porch in her bra and shorts.
    Carol, you made me laugh.
    Allie, I hope you feel better enough to enjoy the rest of the cruise. I had strep on my first cruise. I was so sick that I threw up all over the boat. So, I hope you are relaxed at least.

    Margaret, the stained glass is so beautiful. I love Greek yogurt, pickles, and kimchi.

    Jeanne, welcome. You are doing great; one step at a time. You can eat, but think of the nutrition plate: protein, vegetables, and starch, and think about shrinking the portion size. As for the sweets, I look up the calories, and that deters me. It is okay to have a small portion; just don't binge. Walk after the event, burn calories, or do chair yoga at home. Just move your body. Find some good tunes and dance it off. This may be before your time, but sweating to the oldies with Richard Simmons is fun. It is on YouTube.

    Heather, I love tulips. Send pics.

    Rebecca, they did a segment on the Whidbey area on Lottery Dream Home. That area is beautiful.

    Have a great weekend, and I will chat with you next week. If I have a moment, I may come on. I love catching up with you all.
    Mo in Mississippi

    Oh nice! It is stunning! I am blessed to live here.💖
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,743 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Morning ladies
    On our way back ,going through the carribean sea.. my only downfall in the mornings is that darn small chocolate croissant and fresh fruit.. I have noticed that even with the fancy dinners I only eat a portion and leave the rest..
    Im relaxing in the room,honestly I need to ask what kind of bed,pillows and bedding they use because I sleep so soundly.. and of course the rocking of the ship helps lol
    The sunset last night and a cocktail from last night,but only drank 1/2
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 50min 1sec, 25elev, 77ahr, 97mhr, 13812 steps, 6.01mi= 565c
    Strava app = 729c
    Housecleaning etc- 2hrs 29min 5sec, dust, vacuum, laundry fold/put away, make more hummingbird food (will fill up tomorrow), refill front water fountains, pack some stuff for camping, etc= 683c

    Total cal 1248

    Doing most of the housework today because we are doing the 10 mile run tomorrow and we won’t be in the mood to do housework tomorrow since we are leaving for camping on Saturday.


    Ooh busy busy! Enjoy the weekend!!!
    Ok wait.....I am never in the mood for housework!!! What is this mood , and where can I get it???😂
    How's Yogi doing these days?

    Lololol. I can’t even believe that I do housework voluntarily at all! If we do it regularly once a week it doesn’t get bad and won’t build up, yogi is a champ, he is not liking the ear stuff that we put in his ears twice a day but we give him peanut butter, kisses and hugs, poor guy, still having to wear the head gear though. Will have a vet appointment whe we get back.

    Awe, I was giving peanut butter on a treat that had a paw print on it. That's where I put my cousins dogs pill into, then "frosted" it with peanut butter. He loved it!
    How long does Yogi need to wear the headgear?