I have been on this journey since January 2013 I have joined Planet Fitness I go there about 6 days a week for anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes a day I make sure i eat smaller portions I eat alot of chicken, fish and salads daily I recently joined a fit club where they do exercise classes and i have been doing that 3-4 days a week because I didnt know if my body was tried of the routines I was doing at the gym and still absolutely no results. I dont notice I change in my clothes or a change in the number on the scale. I drink 64 ounces of water a day which is good for me because all my life i never drank water, In the beggining I lost 14 lbs and in the last 4 months everytime i weigh in Im gaining that back, I know people say "maybe your gaining muscle" but is it possible to be gaining muscle for all these months and NO RESULTS im fed up, you would think that in 9 months I would have lost more than just 14 lbs sorry for venting out but im disgusted and discouraged.


  • oreyna
    oreyna Posts: 88 Member
    You're giving up on a lifestyle change that you've invested so much into??? Doesn't make any sense!!! Stop focusing on the scale and enjoy the benefits you are gaining. Changes will happen...maybe slower than you would like. Good luck in whatever you decide.
  • Open your diary?
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Really can't help with out more information.... Your diary is closed and we have no idea your height, weight, how many calories you are currently consuming, do you use the MFP approach and eat back your exercise calories or are your numbers based of TDEE? Just to name a few things..... :smile:
  • sweetangel2013
    sweetangel2013 Posts: 24 Member
    Have you had your thyroid checked? An abnormal thyroid is troublesome with losing weight. That is what was wrong with me and now that it's been regulated with the right meds, I'm losing weight and feeling better all around.
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    You won't find any success if you quit. Why not be happy about the progress you've made. It took me 2 years to lose 50 lbs. Yes it was frustrating but I didn't quit and I met my goal. I hate hearing people say they're quitting a healthy lifestyle. What a messed up thing to do.
  • zumbalinda22
    zumbalinda22 Posts: 182 Member
    I joined in February 2013, and in 8 months I've lost a whopping 8 pounds!!! My "weight progress" shows a straight line for 90 days! Frustrating? Hell, yeah! My poor daughter who made me join has to listen to me complain, but I'm still chugging along. Just came back from lifting weights at the gym. I figure, if I give up and do nothing, I'll only stay where I am or gain. Plus, I like the idea of getting healthier and feeling stronger. I'm considering taking a sledgehammer to the damned scale!! Hang in there!
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    I have been on this journey since January 2013 I have joined Planet Fitness I go there about 6 days a week for anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes a day I make sure i eat smaller portions I eat alot of chicken, fish and salads daily I recently joined a fit club where they do exercise classes and i have been doing that 3-4 days a week because I didnt know if my body was tried of the routines I was doing at the gym and still absolutely no results. I dont notice I change in my clothes or a change in the number on the scale. I drink 64 ounces of water a day which is good for me because all my life i never drank water, In the beggining I lost 14 lbs and in the last 4 months everytime i weigh in Im gaining that back, I know people say "maybe your gaining muscle" but is it possible to be gaining muscle for all these months and NO RESULTS im fed up, you would think that in 9 months I would have lost more than just 14 lbs sorry for venting out but im disgusted and discouraged.

    You're upset because you're not seeing progress, so you're going to give up. What do you hope for that to accomplish? All you're going to do is guarantee you never get that progress you are craving right now.

    You said yourself that you aren't seeing a change in your clothing fit even though the scale is going up, so I'm willing to bet you ARE gaining muscle. Step away from the scale, break out the tape measure, and try a new eating plan or take a break from working out for a week then start a totally new and different fitness routine. Shake things up. But if you decide to quit, you will have no one to blame but yourself.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member

    What would have happened over the last 9 months if you hadn't been doing all you've been doing? Would you have gained 10lbs? Would your health have improved?
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    If you're not losing anymore you simply are no longer in a deficit. Are you eating the calories you burn during exercise back? If so are you absolutely sure those calories are correct? In other words if you eat back calories you didn't burn in the first place you're probably not in a deficit. Also you said you changed routines because it wasn't working. How long were you on this routine? Was it a weight training routine and if so were you making consistent progression in the weight you were lifting? If you lift the same weight every time you go to the gym or don't try to progress in some way consistently you are not giving your body any reason to change. As far as the whole "you're probably gaining muscle" thing that you said everyone is telling you, that is probably not the case. Sounds like you are eating exactly what your body needs to maintain or if you're gaining you are in a surplus. Giving up is not the answer because that ain't gonna fix anything. But stepping back and looking at what is going on and fixing it works every time. Look at it this way, you are not immune to losing weight. You just have to tweak something to make it happen.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    9 months doing the same thing with no progress, and instead of asking for help and changing something you're just giving up?

  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member
    Read the first post here before considering thyroid issues etc. You're most likely just eating too many calories.

    If you keep going at worst you'll have lost some weight and become healthier with regular exercise. Avoid that kind of all or nothing thinking.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    9 months doing the same thing with no progress, and instead of asking for help and changing something you're just giving up?


    Yeah, this makes no sense at all. Open your diary for starters.
    TINAHUNTER1969 Posts: 219 Member
    Surely eating healthier and being fitter is more important that what the scales say - you MUST feel better after all this time!!

    I don't care how long it takes me to lose weight I'm more interested in my health improving and being fitter.

    Are you eating enough? Are you eating all your exercise calories back? Have you taken your measurements?

    I haven't lost that much and I have quite a bit to lose but I've lost inches and my walking time for the same distance I have managed to knock off 20 minutes so that proves I am fitter and healthier.

    I do little tests such as how long into a workout before my face starts to go red, how long after a workout does my face go back to normal colour - all these sort of things show you are improving and I take them over the scales any day!

    Good luck whatever you decide to do x
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I am not suggesting this is the whole issue, but I noticed that you do not track sodium and it appears that your meal choices are high sodium. You may want to look at the possibility of water retention. I am also wondering how you arrived at your daily calorie goal? It's higher then I would have expected. Good luck!

    Sodium is not an issue, period. You can't have months of body fat loss offset by ever-increasing water retention.

    You must be her friend. I am not and can't see her diary. What is her calorie goal?
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    You lost 14 lbs and are living a much healthier lifestyle and you're disgusted? :huh: Weight loss is hard. Why don't you take some time to find out what isn't working rather than giving up? Where's that going to get you?
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    If you're not losing anymore you simply are no longer in a deficit. Are you eating the calories you burn during exercise back? If so are you absolutely sure those calories are correct? In other words if you eat back calories you didn't burn in the first place you're probably not in a deficit. Also you said you changed routines because it wasn't working. How long were you on this routine? Was it a weight training routine and if so were you making consistent progression in the weight you were lifting? If you lift the same weight every time you go to the gym or don't try to progress in some way consistently you are not giving your body any reason to change. As far as the whole "you're probably gaining muscle" thing that you said everyone is telling you, that is probably not the case. Sounds like you are eating exactly what your body needs to maintain or if you're gaining you are in a surplus. Giving up is not the answer because that ain't gonna fix anything. But stepping back and looking at what is going on and fixing it works every time. Look at it this way, you are not immune to losing weight. You just have to tweak something to make it happen.

    Yep. You are either eating more than you think you are or not burning as many calories as you think you are, or both. If you need help figuring it out, provide your stats and open your diary. There are some wonderful folks here who can help.

    Or you can just quit. :ohwell:
  • MrsSausage58
    MrsSausage58 Posts: 143 Member
    Erm.....give up then. That'll work!
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    What was your body fat % before? Has this changed?
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Open your diary?


    Gotta open that diary if you want honest advice.

    I've been dieting for 23 weeks and have lost 28 pounds for an average of 1.2 pounds per week.

    If you have been truly eating a calorie deficit for 9 months you should be losing weight.