

  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    According to your diary you are eating 1200 or less, and skipping logging days.

    If you don't want to exercise every day, don't.

    Set your goal to a pound or half pound a week. Exercise 3 days a week. Log EVERYTHING. MEASURE everything. No guesses. No skipping days.

    Try this for 4 weeks. Report back on your progress.
  • Bec529
    Bec529 Posts: 2 Member
    I totally get it except I am not nearly as dedicated as you have been. I enjoy going out with friends, my wine and all the salt. I swear, if I could have a salt lick I would get one:) Anyway, what I'm trying to say is,....I still keep trying because I'm worth it--and so are you.

    Go to your doctor---ask for your thyroid to be checked. The other thing which doesn't really have to do with weight necessarily but a whole host of other things, is your Vitamin D. Get it checked. It's a bump in the road...and I have many of them. Don't give up.
  • triniechu
    Based on the fact that you opened your diary, I'm guessing you are open to suggestions and you ARENT ready or willing to give up, so YAY.

    Your solution (and I would be willing to be the farm here) is to weigh your food and log as accurately as you can. No quick adds, no guessing... a solid effort on your part. If you gave that 3 weeks I'm sure you'd see a loss. And 1200 calories is inhumane, do yourself a favour and calculate your TDEE based on your activity level and apply a modest cut, MFP overestimates activity calories notoriously. I'd love to hear a positive update from you in a few weeks :)

    Amen sista!! Once I got into powerlifting and eating only 1200 calories...i knew this wasnt enough food to help me lose, or even help me gain my muscle!! I did find a site with a TDEE calculator and this is way much better than 1200. Sometimes I feel like I can go up to more!

    Yesss be more positive! We are all trying to help! Remember I was on a plateau for a whole year! My weight didnt start moving until a few months ago!
  • Cruz2Fit
    Cruz2Fit Posts: 159 Member
    I think you may be underreporting your calories. Your food choices need to include less bread, pizza and past. Last but not least, 1 suggestion: TRY RUNNING!
  • homnicky
    ...MFP overestimates activity calories notoriously... :)
    It overestimates my cardio calories, but gives me 0 for my weights workout. I always figure my workout with weights as 200-300 calories, so I just leave MFP's cardio estimates as is.
    Why can't MFP count a set of resistance training as 10 calories? At least they'd be in the ballpark!
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
  • kaykaylyn
    kaykaylyn Posts: 84 Member
    I joined in February 2013, and in 8 months I've lost a whopping 8 pounds!!! My "weight progress" shows a straight line for 90 days! Frustrating? Hell, yeah! My poor daughter who made me join has to listen to me complain, but I'm still chugging along. Just came back from lifting weights at the gym. I figure, if I give up and do nothing, I'll only stay where I am or gain. Plus, I like the idea of getting healthier and feeling stronger. I'm considering taking a sledgehammer to the damned scale!! Hang in there!
    I've started replying to posts I really like so I can refer back to them and I really like this one.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    What's your problem? I lose about one pound a month and have done great. Yes, it took me a hell of a long time. But that doesn't matter. You did not put it on in a few months or a couple years. You added fat over the course of a very long time. And that's the way it will come off. Seems to me you're doing fine. There is no quick fix. What's more, you've only been at it a short time.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    Why havent you deactivated yet?
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    I have a friend about your size who took two years to lose 20lbs. It's harder for people who aren't obese to lose weight. I wouldn't worry about 14 measly pounds. Enjoy living a good lifestyle that will keep you healthy into old age.
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    2 things I notice.
    1. Your profile picture does not appear to be that of an overweight person, your body will resist losing weight if it doesn't need to.
    2. On many days you eat fewer than 1000 calories... that isn't healthy, and will hurt your progress in the long term.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Thanks everyone 1. YES my diary is open 2. I have actually been trying and nothing is happening i dont eat the way I used to I dont eat fast food at all anymore. And I try to grill rather than frying everything I know its a slow process but when you log on everyday and see people that say they lost 30 lbs in 3 months it gets discouraging. I intially set a goal of 20 lbs I cant even get to that, Plus I exercise every single day I feel like im doing all that sweating and work for nothing. Somethings wrong with this picture I know I cant be at a plateu for these many months geesh It would be nice to see 1lb loss but I got NOTHING!!!!

    You are ridiculously overestimating calorie burns from circuit training and cardio, and your logging appears inconsistent. You appear not to be weighing foods, and you are using a lot of generic equivalents for homemade items like sloppy joes and chicken. Your diary is filled with "quick add calories" for things that are obviously ballpark estimations. You are either skipping a great many meals or simply not logging the things you ate at those meals.

    In other words, it's no wonder you're not seeing any progress since you're doing everything wrong. You honestly have no idea how many calories you're eating.

  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Watch this:

    I can guarantee you aren't properly weighing and measuring your food.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    1. Your profile picture does not appear to be that of an overweight person, your body will resist losing weight if it doesn't need to.

    I doubt the OP is actually Beyonce.
  • Juiced_Justin
    Juiced_Justin Posts: 5 Member
    Seriously don't listen to anything about over eating... If you are eating only 1200 calories a day and excercising 6 days a week, More than likely you are under-eating. It may be a hard concept to grasp but you can only cut calories for so long before you start affecting your metabolism... But I don't have enough info to be able to help you completely. You can email me if you'd like
  • EmptyGlueGun
    There are so many things wrong here.

    For one you aren't logging consistently, and when you do its a lot of restaurant chain or fast food, then you log "generic" this and "generic" that, not considering the vast differences in how things are prepared and made. A "generic" chicken lettuce wrap? How do you know it was 4 oz? Did you weigh it? How about all the other components in the wrap? Did you log those? "Generic" toast with butter and jelly? How can you log something as specific as that "generically"? Bread calories vary so much, and unless you weighed the butter and jelly, how do you know how much was on it?

    Log accurately. Log consistently. Weigh everything. You're eating way more than you think.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    I was working my butt off, doing P90X on Tuesday and Thursdays and crossfitt on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, this was back in May and I wasn't losing at all, actually I was gaining and I know it wasn't muscles at the time. However, I was eating fairly healthy M - Th, then come Friday evening I was ordering either pizza, or Chinese for dinner, thengo on the road on Saturdays and have lunch on the mall, and drink wine throughout the weekend, because I felt I was good and what was a dinner here and lunch there and couple glasses of wine going to do. I was frustrated because I wasn't losing

    Then my gym had a Paleo challenge (not saying to do this), however once I cleaned up my eating, man the pounds started melting off. I eat approximately 1700 calories a day and I have been losing since July 1st. My point is, how honest are you with your eating. are you weighing and measuring everything. What are your weekend eating looking like, because that is the hardest part for some people

    A lot of people on here can eat however they like in moderation and drink alcohol and still lose, then there are those like me, that cant do that on a weekly basis. You need to figure out which one you are and make changes if needs be. Sodium makes your body retain water, and a weekend of high sodium food can take days to flush out, also based on how much you are working out, you may need to increase your water

    Quitting helps nothing. I lost weight in 2010 and was near my goal weight, then got comfortable and felt I could eat whatever and still workout, slowly but surely the weight came back on. I actually weigh more now than I did when I joined MFP. Have been fighting to lose it since. I never gave up and neither should you.

    Good luck :)
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    1. Your profile picture does not appear to be that of an overweight person, your body will resist losing weight if it doesn't need to.

    I doubt the OP is actually Beyonce.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: