

  • llangstraat
    llangstraat Posts: 130 Member
    Seriously don't listen to anything about over eating... If you are eating only 1200 calories a day and excercising 6 days a week, More than likely you are under-eating. It may be a hard concept to grasp but you can only cut calories for so long before you start affecting your metabolism...

    This ^^^^^^^
  • kekeleeks
    kekeleeks Posts: 74 Member
    First, I looked at your diary and have concluded that either you are (1) starving yourself or (2) not logging everything you eat. If you are not eating enough calories your body WILL hold on to your fat. Well known fact. Eat some kind of breakfast, this gets your metabolism going and you are less likely to indulge in foods that are going to set you back in reaching your goals.

    Second, the foods I did see in diary are not very healthy. Switch that up!!! I had this same issue, I was coming in under calories but still eating processed fatty foods and was not losing weight. I cut out alot of those foods (somewhat gradually) and voila I started losing weight! I also have stopped eating back my exercise calories unless I am truly hungry. This has made a difference in my weight loss.

    Third, I been on this journey for a very long time. A VERY LONG TIME. 9 months ain't **** in this game. If you are talking about making lifestyle changes vs. just losing weight, the journey will last a lifetime. You should not compare your weight-loss to others. The only person you should be competing with is yourself.

    So yes, you should quit. Quit what you are currently doing because it is not working for you. If you have an untreated medical issue you should get that treated ASAP! I would recommend that you log EVERYTHING you put in your mouth and make those calories count for something.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    This thread is a catatatatrophy.
  • maasriot
    maasriot Posts: 1 Member
    I'm really disappointed in this forum. The OP didn't ask for advice, it seems like she wants emotional support. Most of the responders put her down for wanting to give up. That's the kind of support that will encourage her to give up. In any case, I'll think twice before posting on this site if I'm having a bad day.

    Some food for thought:
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    ...I have actually been trying and nothing is happening i don't eat the way I used to I don't eat fast food at all anymore. And I try to grill rather than frying everything...
    ... I initially set a goal of 20 lbs. I can't even get to that, Plus I exercise every single day I feel like I'm doing all that sweating and work for nothing. Somethings wrong with this picture...I got NOTHING!!!!
    I checked your diary & I'm suffering from Cognitive Dissonance. You say the goal is to be a "healthier mom", then your pic is Beyonce. Is your goal to be "healthy" or "fabulous"?
    Then you say you don't eat fast food any more. Then half the entries are what I would consider "fast food". Is it "don't eat fast food AT ALL" or "cut down on the greasiest crap in favor of fast food"?

    You're also missing breakfast half the time, which is a good way to guarantee you won't lose weight. Probably you should aim for 400-500 calories at breakfast. Something like oatmeal (whole grain that digests slowly) & a can of tuna in water (the protein gives you a feeling of fullness). Even raisin bran plus milk would be way better than what you're doing now.
    If you MUST eat out, the Subway meal you had & some stuff at Red Lobster like the shrimp are the Best Of The Worst.

    Give it another try, don't look at those people that are losing 30 pounds in 3 months - they're not you!

    Stop supporting the "you have to eat breakfast to lose weight" myth. It's a lie.

    ^this...meal timing is irrelevant to weight loss.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    ...I have actually been trying and nothing is happening i don't eat the way I used to I don't eat fast food at all anymore. And I try to grill rather than frying everything...
    ... I initially set a goal of 20 lbs. I can't even get to that, Plus I exercise every single day I feel like I'm doing all that sweating and work for nothing. Somethings wrong with this picture...I got NOTHING!!!!
    I checked your diary & I'm suffering from Cognitive Dissonance. You say the goal is to be a "healthier mom", then your pic is Beyonce. Is your goal to be "healthy" or "fabulous"?
    Then you say you don't eat fast food any more. Then half the entries are what I would consider "fast food". Is it "don't eat fast food AT ALL" or "cut down on the greasiest crap in favor of fast food"?

    You're also missing breakfast half the time, which is a good way to guarantee you won't lose weight. Probably you should aim for 400-500 calories at breakfast. Something like oatmeal (whole grain that digests slowly) & a can of tuna in water (the protein gives you a feeling of fullness). Even raisin bran plus milk would be way better than what you're doing now.
    If you MUST eat out, the Subway meal you had & some stuff at Red Lobster like the shrimp are the Best Of The Worst.

    Give it another try, don't look at those people that are losing 30 pounds in 3 months - they're not you!

    I never eat breakfast and snack before bed. I'm doing just fine as you can see by my ticker. Don't make it more complicated than it has to be.

    Your dinner gets the Official Jonnythan Seal Of Approval ™
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    Thanks everyone 1. YES my diary is open 2. I have actually been trying and nothing is happening i dont eat the way I used to I dont eat fast food at all anymore. And I try to grill rather than frying everything I know its a slow process but when you log on everyday and see people that say they lost 30 lbs in 3 months it gets discouraging. I intially set a goal of 20 lbs I cant even get to that, Plus I exercise every single day I feel like im doing all that sweating and work for nothing. Somethings wrong with this picture I know I cant be at a plateu for these many months geesh It would be nice to see 1lb loss but I got NOTHING!!!!

    You are ridiculously overestimating calorie burns from circuit training and cardio, and your logging appears inconsistent. You appear not to be weighing foods, and you are using a lot of generic equivalents for homemade items like sloppy joes and chicken. Your diary is filled with "quick add calories" for things that are obviously ballpark estimations. You are either skipping a great many meals or simply not logging the things you ate at those meals.

    In other words, it's no wonder you're not seeing any progress since you're doing everything wrong. You honestly have no idea how many calories you're eating.

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I'm really disappointed in this forum. The OP didn't ask for advice, it seems like she wants emotional support. Most of the responders put her down for wanting to give up. That's the kind of support that will encourage her to give up. In any case, I'll think twice before posting on this site if I'm having a bad day.

    OP didn't ask for anything. She is apparently an adult, and if she wants some emotional support she should ask for it instead of throwing a tantrum and hoping for sympathy like a child.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    eating before bed is a wives tail..not true..eating clean and weight loss..more bro science
    to lose weight you mustbe in a calorie deficit..PERIOD..thats it ( unless she has some kind of medical issue)
    read about the twinkie diet for example..not saying eating "clean" isnt great and everything but its also bs 4 ppl to think if they just eat "clean" they will lose weight..

    strong 12th post. :drinker:

  • jclark0523
    jclark0523 Posts: 47 Member
    If working out and eating right meant I would never lose another pound, but also meant I wouldn't gain a bunch of weight, I would say it's still worth it. What happens when you quit and put that 14lbs back on plus some?
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    I'm really disappointed in this forum. The OP didn't ask for advice, it seems like she wants emotional support. Most of the responders put her down for wanting to give up. That's the kind of support that will encourage her to give up. In any case, I'll think twice before posting on this site if I'm having a bad day.

    Pbbt, please. You must be new to forums. Ever been part of a political forum? This is tame by comparison.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
  • CardiacKev28
    CardiacKev28 Posts: 172 Member
    I don't think deep down inside you want to give up! This is your way of asking for help. If you wanted to quit you would have just walked away from this site. It is ok to ask for help! We all do it. We all struggle with our diets everyday. Learn from what people tell you. Try different things/ideas that you learn here. We are all here for you in some capacity. Don't be afraid to try different things. Maybe your current lifestyle isn't right for you, change it up but GOOD LUCK.
  • helpme1948
    helpme1948 Posts: 5 Member
    don't give up-I just started here-been with curves for 6 months only lost 5 lbs, I am going to stay there and also add this part-I need to loss 60lbs at least maybe 80 , if I can keep going at 65 you can to.- I know it is hard I have been trying on my own for 14 years but now I want to give this a try, I liked being able to put my cal and food right here instead of on paper.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    It is really difficult to give you advise. Looking into your food diary I can't figure out if you are just reporting poorly, if you are under eating or what is going on. One thing I was able to figure out ( and I say this with all respect ) you are not eating what you say you do in your initial post. I see no daily salads ( not even weekly ) no chicken and other healthy stuff, almost not fruit and veggies. What I do see is pizza, chips, cookies, sweets, 7-11 hot dogs and similar things. While those by itself do not hinder weight loss if you stay at a calorie deficit, I do wonder what else you do or eat that does not help you. And with self deception I think very few people have ever actually lost weight
    I think in order to be successful you need to log everything you eat, even if it is mostly junk and take it from there. Be brutally honest with yourself, make small changes to eat better, add exercise and then eat accordingly and you will be successful.
    Good Luck !
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I'm really disappointed in this forum. The OP didn't ask for advice, it seems like she wants emotional support. Most of the responders put her down for wanting to give up. That's the kind of support that will encourage her to give up. In any case, I'll think twice before posting on this site if I'm having a bad day.

    OP didn't ask for anything. She is apparently an adult, and if she wants some emotional support she should ask for it instead of throwing a tantrum and hoping for sympathy like a child.


    For me, giving up is not an option.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    It is sad that you are willing to give up without trying different approaches to correct it. But hey, the world needs out of shape people too.

    However, if you decide that you aren't a weakling quitter, please come back and ask for advice on how to change things up to start seeing the results you want.
  • trackme
    trackme Posts: 239 Member
    You said it yourself, your doing this to be healthier...for yourself, your kids, your man. I'm sure in all that time you have made gains that you don't see!! I only wish I could work out the way I used to, like you do, but I can't because of a disability . Life is glad in it!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I've lost 25 pounds in 13 months. I see people on here who have lost twice that in half the time. I've been fighting the same five pounds ALL YEAR and I have five more I want to lose after I conquer those. You don't see me quitting. Hell no. I adjust calories, change up my food. I joined a gym and have started doing a boot camp. There is no possible way I'm going to quit. Besides I'm much healthier and much, much happier now than I was 25 pounds ago. I'd rather eat right and exercise and stay at this weight forever than quit and gain it all back.