

  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    I recommend seeing a nutritionist. It has greatly helped me in my goals!!!
  • teelulu
    OP, I see your diary is open now. Your logging is sporadic at best. And when things are logged, it's things like oatmeal cookies, pasta, pizza, wings, quick added calories......

    I see no chicken, no salads. Nothing of nutritional value, at all.

    Is there seriously a question of why this isn't working for you?!?

  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    You don't log your food every day, you probably consume more than you think...try logging everything!

    You eat an awful lot of crap food (processed, sugar filled, carb laden crap)...try not eating so much junk...what you put in reflects on the outside :wink:

    Or you could just give up eh...
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Your not eating enough and what you do eat is mostly fast food, which is nothing wrong with that, BUT twice a day and every day, maybe once a month as treat. Start eating more lean meats, fish, veggies and fruits, etc.

    You need ti figure out your TDEE and BMR:

    Good luck.
  • wdeidra19
    Thanks everyone 1. YES my diary is open 2. I have actually been trying and nothing is happening i dont eat the way I used to I dont eat fast food at all anymore. And I try to grill rather than frying everything I know its a slow process but when you log on everyday and see people that say they lost 30 lbs in 3 months it gets discouraging. I intially set a goal of 20 lbs I cant even get to that, Plus I exercise every single day I feel like im doing all that sweating and work for nothing. Somethings wrong with this picture I know I cant be at a plateu for these many months geesh It would be nice to see 1lb loss but I got NOTHING!!!!
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    I am planning to leave MFP. All the MFP numbers, and calculations are wrong.
  • melham
    melham Posts: 233 Member
    So what exactly do you want from the MFP community? Pity? Advice? Support? Magic solution, probably in the form of rainbow unicorn glitter poop? Lessons on how to use punctuation?
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    you need to log in everything, from what you eat to what you cook with
    you may think you are eating enough but you might either be eating too little or too much.

    what is your eating plan? Paleo, clean, eating at a -500 deficit using your TDEE and BMR to calculate how many calories you should be eating? low carb, high protein?

    there is alot of reasons why you may be stuck.

    don't give up, getting healthy is hard work, but you got to WORK hard to get healthy.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Thanks everyone 1. YES my diary is open 2. I have actually been trying and nothing is happening i dont eat the way I used to I dont eat fast food at all anymore. And I try to grill rather than frying everything I know its a slow process but when you log on everyday and see people that say they lost 30 lbs in 3 months it gets discouraging. I intially set a goal of 20 lbs I cant even get to that, Plus I exercise every single day I feel like im doing all that sweating and work for nothing. Somethings wrong with this picture I know I cant be at a plateu for these many months geesh It would be nice to see 1lb loss but I got NOTHING!!!!

    Based on the fact that you opened your diary, I'm guessing you are open to suggestions and you ARENT ready or willing to give up, so YAY.

    Your solution (and I would be willing to be the farm here) is to weigh your food and log as accurately as you can. No quick adds, no guessing... a solid effort on your part. If you gave that 3 weeks I'm sure you'd see a loss. And 1200 calories is inhumane, do yourself a favour and calculate your TDEE based on your activity level and apply a modest cut, MFP overestimates activity calories notoriously. I'd love to hear a positive update from you in a few weeks :)
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Thanks everyone 1. YES my diary is open 2. I have actually been trying and nothing is happening i dont eat the way I used to I dont eat fast food at all anymore. And I try to grill rather than frying everything I know its a slow process but when you log on everyday and see people that say they lost 30 lbs in 3 months it gets discouraging. I intially set a goal of 20 lbs I cant even get to that, Plus I exercise every single day I feel like im doing all that sweating and work for nothing. Somethings wrong with this picture I know I cant be at a plateu for these many months geesh It would be nice to see 1lb loss but I got NOTHING!!!!

    You are ridiculously overestimating calorie burns from circuit training and cardio, and your logging appears inconsistent. You appear not to be weighing foods, and you are using a lot of generic equivalents for homemade items like sloppy joes and chicken. Your diary is filled with "quick add calories" for things that are obviously ballpark estimations. You are either skipping a great many meals or simply not logging the things you ate at those meals.

    In other words, it's no wonder you're not seeing any progress since you're doing everything wrong. You honestly have no idea how many calories you're eating.
  • DVaughan1975
    DVaughan1975 Posts: 158 Member
    I have been doing this January and have lost a total of 14 lbs. as well. My goal is 15 lbs. With that small of an amount it's going to take a long time. Some people lose 10 lbs. a month because they might have a higher goal so you shouldn't compare yourself to others. I am a firm believer that if you do the right thing, the right thing will happen. I would tell you to take a look at my diary but I have been incredibly inconstant and sloppy with my diet lately (but my goal this week is to change that). Whatever you do......please don't give up. It won't be worth it if you do. :flowerforyou:
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Plus I exercise every single day I feel like im doing all that sweating and work for nothing. Somethings wrong with this picture

    Let me put it a different way:

    You can't outrun a poor diet, and your diet is extremely poor.

    Your logging is terrible and you have no idea how many calories you eat. You obviously eat way more than you think you do.

    If you want it to work, you need to actually start logging accurately. Or you can just give up.
  • xoeva
    xoeva Posts: 209 Member
    Get your thyroid checked out..simple blood test.
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    I am planning to leave MFP. All the MFP numbers, and calculations are wrong.

    Which is why you need to figure out your TDEE and what Macros will help you hit your goals and adjust MFP accordingly.
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    Maybe you're not eating enough.

    *pounding head against the wall*

    No you're not! I'm standing behind you pounding both of our heads into the wall!!! :huh:

    Why on earth would someone that is clearly not in a deficit want to eat more food? How does that work exactly?

    Actually, she isnt really, I looked through her diary, and it seems only half filled out, and lots of high calorie processed foods.

    OP, you exercise routine may be good, but seems your eating habits need a bit tweaking. Start fresh today, Monday, and give it a month, and see what happens. Weigh your food, and log EVERYTHING you eat.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    Have you had your thyroid checked? An abnormal thyroid is troublesome with losing weight. That is what was wrong with me and now that it's been regulated with the right meds, I'm losing weight and feeling better all around.

    My experience is the same. I'm making other changes, too, obviously - but especially the initial success that I saw was not at all what I experienced before getting that in balance. Also, skin, hair, menstruation, energy level.....In any case, it's a simple blood test.

    But regardless of whether this is an issue for you or not, my advice would certainly be not to give up on doing things that are beneficial to your health when the answer surely lies in making some (probably relatively minor) adjustments. Hang in there....let people help you to help yourself. It's not official until the fat lady sings and I haven't made a peep.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    I am planning to leave MFP. All the MFP numbers, and calculations are wrong.

    Remarkable that it's completely wrong and yet works for so many people....that's an accomplishment. I feel like I should send them a ribbon or something.
  • homnicky
    Well, since I haven't seen her responses, I'm assuming I'm only talking to others that might be going through the same thing. (I only read through a sampling of the posts, so sorry if I'm going over well-trod ground!)
    1) Over 25% of dieters lie to themselves. They don't count a nibble here, a cookie at the office. They measure a cup by "sight", and a teaspoon is very heaping. They miss a few workouts a week, but say they exercise every day. They walk 2 miles an hour, then take off calories based on "vigorous walking". If there's a small chance that's you, have someone else measure out your meal. No snacking allowed, and your whole meal must be on the plate when you start eating. Exercise only on equipment that times you exactly, use the calories the machine tells you minus about 50. (Between optimistic estimates & basal metabolism, it's at least that much over.)
    2) Don't assess your progress yourself. You may be comparing your water-retaining self now to your post-exercise weight of 2 months ago. Ask people who know you to honestly tell you if they noticed any change. Also, are there a couple of people who haven't seen you in a few months who say you look thinner, better or healthier?
    3) Women are more likely to plateau, then break through, plateau, then break through. So bide your time. Change things up, but don't freak!
    4) Tweak your diet. Especially if you're eating fast food as one or two respondents claimed, your body is more likely to grab the extra fat & try to hold on to it to prevent "starvation". Maybe go "Atkins" for 2 weeks, or SlimFast for 2 weeks - long enough to stimulate fat loss but not long enough to cause possible kidney issues. Maybe go down 100 calories a day, which will make a 10-pound difference over a year. If she didn't have people to whom her diary is open say they were surprised at how high her calorie goal was, I might've recommended raising her eating by 100 calories in case she's in "starvation mode" as far as her body is concerned.
    5) Lower the fat. If you're from one of those groups or families (like some Eskimos, for example) whose bodies adapted to conditions where there wasn't enough food for months out of the year, your body will metabolize fat very, very efficiently. You will simply have to work harder than the next girl to lose weight, and then to keep it off.
    6) Move more. Just because you exercise for an hour, doesn't mean you can sit like a lump in front of the TV or computer for hours. You may tell MFP that you're "moderately active" because of your exercise hour, but you're actually effectively "sedentary".
    7) If you're just giving up because you miss your favorite foods, build a cheat meal in each week, or a cheat day every other week, & save up your calories for it.
  • triniechu
    Don't give up! I've been on my weight loss journey since April of 2011 and I weighed 200 lbs, lost 30 pounds instantly but i lost it the unhealthy way. Which was tons of cardio, slimfast, and just pretty much starvation mode. I knew if i stopped i'd gain it all back. I did get back to my old habits, gained 10 pounds back and I have been stuck on 168-175 for about a year. It's now september 2013, I've finally broke my plateau and I am down to 159. I never gave up even though, I've been stuck on the same weight for a year. I kept trying and even tried different things. You just have to find the right thing that will work for you. For me, it's a low carb diet and i do strength training and a lot of powerlifting. It's different for everyone but don't give up. Also because of powerlifting I've gained muscle so the scale didnt move or i gained. There are times I got very discouraged! until i saw a before and after photo! You can do it! :)