Growing old gracefully? ????⌛



  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    I am fifty six, and to a lot of people on this site I am probably "old"...But I don't feel any different than I did when I was twenty five! Granted, there's some minor aches and pains, but nothing I can't put up with...About growing old gracefully...Most middle age to senior folks want to look as attractive as possible FOR THEIR AGE...I think that this is, probably, normal...Some folks are trying to look like a teenager, but this is not me...Yes, I dye my hair...Yes, I'm on a lifestyle change at this age because I put on a TON of weight going thru menopause, and I've always been fairly thin, so I feel unattractive...Aging gracefully is great, but you can also do your best to look as good as possible for ANY age...Just my two cents...


  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I am what I am and don't understand trying to be something I am not. I am 41. I am not 25
    I probably should use moisturizer a bit more often. We should take of ourselves and be the best we can reasonably be. Within reason. Spending $100+ a month of skin care lotions is not within reason for me and my budget.
  • xRiverX
    xRiverX Posts: 149 Member
    Grow old gracefully is my plan no cosmetic this or that just keep fit and healthy! Women should do the same the whole botox plus looks scary imo also ask 5 yr olds they will also tell the truth
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    I didn't care when I was 33 either.


    This is my point, my friends are all pretty much my age and they are obsessed with it...

    Life is too short for this crap.

    If you want to have your body in shape why not want to have your skin reflect it?

    I am not advocating botox and fillers..but why not use moisturisers and such?

    Do you use nail polish?

    I don't use nail polish, the last time I used it was about 15 years ago.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I didn't care when I was 33 either.


    This is my point, my friends are all pretty much my age and they are obsessed with it...

    Life is too short for this crap.

    If you want to have your body in shape why not want to have your skin reflect it?

    I am not advocating botox and fillers..but why not use moisturisers and such?

    Do you use nail polish?

    I don't use nail polish, the last time I used it was about 15 years ago.

    Do you read a newspaper to broaden your mind and or enlighten you as to the days events?
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    I'm watching a programme called "How Not to Get Old" at the moment, the usual crap about wanting to look younger.
    I was wondering, am I the only one that doesn't care? I'm 33 next and all of my friends are obsessed with creams/potions/lotions and they spend a fortune!!
    Then we have the poor sods who feel so bad about themselves or feel some kind of pressure that they are having god knows what injected in to their makes me wince!

    What are your opinions on the inevitability of getting/looking old?

    Personally, I'm just going to stick to eating a plant based diet and only using natural ingrediants on my skin, I don't have wrinkles yet but when I do get them, I won't give a fudge!


    Oh boy, when I was your age, I was that naive too. Did you think the same when you were 16, as you do now, at what was important or not, or what you were going to do or not?

    You don't know what are you going to do when you are 60 and beyond, because you are not there yet. Time will tell girl, so don't judge older people until you are one of them.

    You're incredibly rude and patronising aren't you...

    I am not judging anybody, I am nearly asking for opinions, to each their own
    I most certainly wouldn't have unnecessary surgery at any age, that's for sure...I had life saving surgery in 2012, I most certainly wouldn't want to go through surgery again unless it was absolutely necessary.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    I didn't care when I was 33 either.


    This is my point, my friends are all pretty much my age and they are obsessed with it...

    Life is too short for this crap.

    If you want to have your body in shape why not want to have your skin reflect it?

    I am not advocating botox and fillers..but why not use moisturisers and such?

    Do you use nail polish?

    I don't use nail polish, the last time I used it was about 15 years ago.

    Do you read a newspaper to broaden your mind and or enlighten you as to the days events?

    I do read the newspaper, could you get to the point that you're trying to make?
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    I an 70. Never had a face lift. Take good care of my skin. If make up on remove than further wash than tone than a daytime moisturizer. At bight wash tone than a nighttime moisture. I dont lay out in the sun. I the sun often. I also exfokiate to take off dead skin cells once a week. I work for a Japanese skincare company. I love skincare.

    You look fabulous!
  • The only alternative to getting old is being six feet under, so I'll take old any day!! :laugh:

    ^^ Bingo - not that i'm old by any means (28 this year). I FEEL old, as I have rheumatory arthritis, but I don't care if I LOOK old. I look for I look, rent and bills are more important than creams and looking like i'm 20.

    That's my opinion
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Yeah I don't care so much. I have nice skin and what not, and am told I look younger than my age (36) but I am really not bothered nor do I think I ever will be. I'm just not the type. I do wear makeup, religiously moisturize, color my little spots of grey hair, etc. But mainly I just live. I'd definitely never get Botox or anything along those lines.

    I personally think much of it's determined by genes and whether you sleep enough, smoke, drink, take drugs, care for your teeth, etc. And diet of course. In all of those areas I think I am doing fantastic so I'm ok with "growing old gracefully".
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I went bald gracefully.

    I will grow old kicking and screaming.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    I'm watching a programme called "How Not to Get Old" at the moment, the usual crap about wanting to look younger.
    I was wondering, am I the only one that doesn't care? I'm 33 next and all of my friends are obsessed with creams/potions/lotions and they spend a fortune!!
    Then we have the poor sods who feel so bad about themselves or feel some kind of pressure that they are having god knows what injected in to their makes me wince!

    What are your opinions on the inevitability of getting/looking old?

    Personally, I'm just going to stick to eating a plant based diet and only using natural ingrediants on my skin, I don't have wrinkles yet but when I do get them, I won't give a fudge!


    Oh boy, when I was your age, I was that naive too. Did you think the same when you were 16, as you do now, at what was important or not, or what you were going to do or not?

    You don't know what are you going to do when you are 60 and beyond, because you are not there yet. Time will tell girl, so don't judge older people until you are one of them.

    You're incredibly rude and patronising aren't you...

    I am not judging anybody, I am nearly asking for opinions, to each their own
    I most certainly wouldn't have unnecessary surgery at any age, that's for sure...I had life saving surgery in 2012, I most certainly wouldn't want to go through surgery again unless it was absolutely necessary.

    But in your topic post you are being rude and judgmental and certainly it is not each to their own when people make you `wince.

    Just to remind you

    "I'm watching a programme called "How Not to Get Old" at the moment, the usual crap about wanting to look younger.
    I was wondering, am I the only one that doesn't care? I'm 33 next and all of my friends are obsessed with creams/potions/lotions and they spend a fortune!!
    Then we have the poor sods who feel so bad about themselves or feel some kind of pressure that they are having god knows what injected in to their makes me wince!

    What are your opinions on the inevitability of getting/looking old?

    Personally, I'm just going to stick to eating a plant based diet and only using natural ingrediants on my skin, I don't have wrinkles yet but when I do get them, I won't give a fudge!"

    I suggest you reread it....

    I said it makes me wince not they make me wince I am petrified of needles...therefore, the thought of a needle (especially one going in to my face) makes me wince.

    ETA - having and opinion and asking others about theirs =/= being "rude and judgmental".

    There's always one isn't there...
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Don't care. I know too many women who are in their 40's or 50's and try so hard to look younger, it makes me feel bad for them.. They wear clothes from stores that target young adults, go out to bars full of college age kids. My mom is pre-occupied with covering her gray hair, being skinny, putting creams on age spots and wrinkles.

    I find it incredibly sad.

    LOL. I'm 42. I shop mostly at Old Navy and whatever other stores are in the mall. I live in a college town with lots of bars that always have a mixed-age crowd, so I don't have too much of a choice there if I want to go out at night. I've been dyeing the gray out of my hair for years. And I keep myself in shape. Is there an age at which I should let myself go? I don't think so.

    Being in the middle here myself at 36...I think I see both sides of this. There are a lot of women that are trying to fight the clock sooooo hard they really end up dating themselves more, and looking very pathetic and desperate.

    Other women in their 40's all the way up to 70's plus simply stay abreast of fashion, beauty, etc, and are freakin' rocking their look/lifestyles!

    My aunt is 80 this month and she is so stylish. She wears batwing tops and perfect makeup and petite tailored trousers and sandals with a nice pedi. She looks awesome.

    As for those in 40's-50's, I see some women who I hope to be like in 5+ years who simply look comfortable in their own skin and very lovely. They fit in nicely anywhere with crowds of younger or older individuals. College bars, even.

    OTOH, there are women my own age and younger (30-36) who I think look so dumb because they wear skintight clothes from Hollister and try to be "cool moms" with their preteen kids. Just. Stop.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    What a silly title "how not to get old." Getting old or dying is about the only thing (besides taxes) that is going to happen to us all.

    My whole reason for wanting to get healthy started when I realized I have no choice I will get old and die, so how do I want to spend my years getting older debilitated or healthy?

    If we dont die first then we will all age. Wrinkles will happen, the body with fall apart, well lose our attractiveness, and eventually be unable to change our own diaper.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    When I was young and my skin was firm I always swore that I would never ever contemplate a face lift and would grow old naturally, but at 57 it's the jowls hanging down like deputy dawg that are getting to me. Like a previous poster, if I had the money I would certainly have a face lift to get rid of those jowls. Don't mind the crinkles around my eyes so much.

    You don't realise until you get there how you are going to feel about ageing. Some people are not concerned about it but others (like myself) feel that the outside just doesn't match how they feel on the inside.

    Like Ringo Star said once. "I'm not miserable it's just me face"

    That's how I feel, I am a happy person but when my face relaxes I look a bit miserable. :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    What a silly title "how not to get old." Getting old or dying is about the only thing (besides taxes) that is going to happen to us all.

    My whole reason for wanting to get healthy started when I realized I have no choice I will get old and die, so how do I want to spend my years getting older debilitated or healthy?

    If we dont die first then we will all age. Wrinkles will happen, the body with fall apart, well lose our attractiveness, and eventually be unable to change our own diaper.

    Exactly! The title of the programme is misleading, I was hoping for something with more substance than just the superficial. I guess it's Wednesday night and they need something....
    Being healthy on the inside, for me, far outweighs what I look like on the outside...I have grey hairs, so what.
  • Personally, I'm just going to stick to eating a plant based diet and only using natural ingrediants on my skin....

    I'd rather rub lab created and tested on my face then do this. To each their own.

    I call it better living through chemistry, and as a research chemist I also call it job security :wink:

    Your only 25! Get out of this thread you sexy bish ill be 24 tomorrow lets pick lotions out together ????
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    Personally, I'm just going to stick to eating a plant based diet and only using natural ingrediants on my skin....

    I'd rather rub lab created and tested on my face then do this. To each their own.

    I call it better living through chemistry, and as a research chemist I also call it job security :wink:

    Your only 25! Get out of this thread you sexy bish ill be 24 tomorrow lets pick lotions out together ????

    Young whipper snappers! :laugh:
  • athene_circe
    athene_circe Posts: 34 Member
    I'm 45 and try and do what I can to be healthy and hygienic. Beyond that, I tend to think that we live in a society in which everyone is so self-obsessed that people are generally too busy worrying about how they look to think about how anyone else looks for very long. Why would I spend a lot of money altering or trying to 'preserve' my appearance?

    Also, I'm a lot more interested in what people say and do than how they look. I find that the more experiences people have had and the more they have sorted themselves out, the more interesting they are. The older I get, the more I like myself and all the people around me. When I like somebody, I generally find them beautiful - no matter how many wrinkles they may have. :smile:
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    , I was hoping for something with more substance than just the superficial.

    Haha, what substance? That people are egotistical creatures wanting, perpetually, to be loved and admired? I dare you to find any group of humans in history who didn't adorn or modify themselves in the service of beauty (as a lead-in to love or not). Most of them didn't live as long as we do, that's the only difference.

    I get it, when I was young I was angry at makeup or whatever too. (But I could afford to be that way then, because I was pretty just by virtue of being young.) Relax, it just makes people look good. I personally enjoy being around people who make an effort to look good, same way I like a clean and attractive home or city.

    Helen Mirren and her shoes rock.