Growing old gracefully? ????⌛



  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    as long as I get poon tang I don't care

  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    I strongly believe in staying slim and a good healthy diet as a 41 yo!! I never leave the house with sunblock, moisturizer and feeling confident. My style is to look great at any age and as youthful as possible. :blushing:
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I'll be 70 in January and all I use on my face is coconut oil. I don't know if I'm growing old gracefully but I'm not my grandma's seventy. I've never had a nip or a tuck and never will. I do think it's smart to take care of yourself all your life. I always have. I spent a lot of time caring for my skin and hair. I should have spent more time eating well and exercising.

    Aging is a tough business. It's smart to prepare yourself for it. Once there, you can't put her in reverse.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    Dude, I am totally not about growing old gracefully. One of the awesome things about being older is that you can be a stone cold badass and people are generally going to respect you for it. So I will tell people my thoughts honestly and truthfully when asked, I will speak out against injustice or abuse without being one damn bit afraid that I might offend someone, and basically enjoy the fact that I earned some damn common sense with all the stupid stuff I pulled in my misspent youth. Oh, wait, you were talking about makeup and crap? Nope, I can't be arsed.
  • KageyKat
    Aww youth... lol... Can't help noticing that you look fairly young, wonder how you will feel when you are older. Do you color or highlight your hair? To me trying to keep my skin healthy with creams is about the same thing as coloring or highlighting.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    Aww youth... lol... Can't help noticing that you look fairly young, wonder how you will feel when you are older. Do you color or highlight your hair? To me trying to keep my skin healthy with creams is about the same thing as coloring or highlighting.

    I'm 33 soon so yes, I'm "fairly young"...however, I know for a fact that I will not have any unnecessary surgery (I mentioned earlier that I had life saving surgery last year), I'm pretty sure that ill feel the same way in 10/20/30 years time.
    My mother is 70 soon, she doesn't have any wrinkles other than a couple of faint laughter lines..both of my grandmas lived in to their 90's and they had amazing skin...I'm sure ill be fine.

    And no, I don't dye my hair.
  • lintino
    lintino Posts: 526 Member
    I'm 63. I don't color my hair or wear makeup. I use soap and water and once in awhile in the winter a moisturizer. I am happy with my life and it has done nothing but get better as the years have rolled on. I work to be healthy and honestly the only thing I am concerned about is losing my mind.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    I didn't care when I was 33 either.


    This is my point, my friends are all pretty much my age and they are obsessed with it...

    Life is too short for this crap.

    My point is, when I was 33 I simply couldn't imagine being 50. It's easy to not care when you're young, your skin is firm and taut, you have no wrinkes, gravity hasn't found your boobs yet, your body hasn't started drying out yet, the menopause is something that happens to other people.

    Then suddenly you wake up one day, you're 50.

    I'm lucky, my hair is still full of colour, and having lost so much weight I've lost years off my appearance, and feel great. But it still comes as a shock, and the changes that are happening to my body are alarming! I used to have a jaw like a knife! Sharp and firm. Now I've started to grow jowels like my dad had. The skin on my neck has started to look loose and crumpled. My hands are no longer smooth. And everything is getting dry.

    I've never had any cosmetic procedures and I wouldn't. But I will admit that things that never used to matter are starting to matter now, and I look back at my younger self and wish she'd drunk more water, not gained all the weight, took better care of her skin, kept herself better toned, and valued what she had much more than she did.

    What I'm saying is, you don't know what you've got till it's gone. So take care of it while you have it. You don't need to be violent, surgery and injections and all that rubbish - but you do need to love yourself and look after yourself as an investment for the future, that's how to grow old gracefully.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member

    Aging is a tough business. It's smart to prepare yourself for it. Once there, you can't put her in reverse.

    LOL This always happens, I post something then find someone's already said what I'm trying to say, and said it much better!
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    I was smart enough (scared enough?) to stay off of drugs when I was younger. I do believe that has a lot to do with my health now at 43 years old.
    However, I was stupid enough to spend a LOT of time in the sun and my skin cancer has the proof.
    The only time I am reminded of my age is when I have the shoulder and knee pain as a result of the Army and being invincable.

    In my opinion, as a man, aging gracefully means acting your age.
    For example, as a 43 year old married man, I am not going to go out and buy a used Honda Civic with a fart can and lowered suspension.
    I might however go out and buy a 1967 Camaro....

    I am not going to go surfing just to hang around the teenage girls but, I will admit that I cannot help but smile when I hear my daughter very proudly tell the young people on the beach "Thats MY Daddy" as I am coming back out of the waves...
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    The hell with growing old gracefully. I will fight it by whatever means necessary (that I can afford), as long as I stay natural looking.

    And frankly, I think it's working. No one ever guesses how old I am. I get away with a lot younger.
  • JaneAero
    JaneAero Posts: 94 Member
    Well, its an interesting topic which has really made me think about all the angles involved. Im 54 next month and I want to get slim and healthy again as my first priority. That aside, being hygenic and being well groomed are100% non negotiable essentials. Nice clothes help too..My hair is washed and styled everyday. But for some reason when it comes to make up Ive never liked it, my kids are always urging me to buy the stuff but it doesnt hold much appeal. My routine is wash my face with soap and water, slap on the cheapest face cream , then a dust of loose translucent powder only too prevent a shiny nose and a slick of rose coloured lipstick. Even that wears off after the first hot cup of tea. My skin is in fabulous condition for my age, hardly any signs of ageing but that will come sooner or later to all of us. I look my age, again that means nothing to me as I expect to look my age. Im much more addicted to perfume than makeup as I love to smell good. I just assume if I feel good on the inside ie happy, content, cheerful then I assume that comes across to people. Other people dont care what you look like anyway theyre more interested in what they look like. Im the same with clothes, if its clean and got no holes in then I wear it, whether its this weeks purchase or ten years old Im afraid I wear it till it falls apart, I know I said nice clothes are enjoyable, thats if you can afford them as theyre so expensive, to me a new outfit is from a thrift shop, I hate wasting my money on new clothes, theyre so expensive, well maybe I make exceptiosn for shoes and handbags, everything else I like vintage.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    I didn't care when I was 33 either.


    This is my point, my friends are all pretty much my age and they are obsessed with it...

    Life is too short for this crap.

    My point is, when I was 33 I simply couldn't imagine being 50. It's easy to not care when you're young, your skin is firm and taut, you have no wrinkes, gravity hasn't found your boobs yet, your body hasn't started drying out yet, the menopause is something that happens to other people.

    Then suddenly you wake up one day, you're 50.

    I'm lucky, my hair is still full of colour, and having lost so much weight I've lost years off my appearance, and feel great. But it still comes as a shock, and the changes that are happening to my body are alarming! I used to have a jaw like a knife! Sharp and firm. Now I've started to grow jowels like my dad had. The skin on my neck has started to look loose and crumpled. My hands are no longer smooth. And everything is getting dry.

    I've never had any cosmetic procedures and I wouldn't. But I will admit that things that never used to matter are starting to matter now, and I look back at my younger self and wish she'd drunk more water, not gained all the weight, took better care of her skin, kept herself better toned, and valued what she had much more than she did.

    What I'm saying is, you don't know what you've got till it's gone. So take care of it while you have it. You don't need to be violent, surgery and injections and all that rubbish - but you do need to love yourself and look after yourself as an investment for the future, that's how to grow old gracefully.

    I get you and thank you for this perspective :smile: the last sentence rings particularly true for me, I look after myself, I don't smoke, rarely drink and don't eat processed foods. The reason for my thread wasn't to judge (as per someone's ridiculous misunderstanding) it was to gain insight in to people and their perspectives and priorities. Thank you :flowerforyou:
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    The hell with growing old gracefully. I will fight it by whatever means necessary (that I can afford), as long as I stay natural looking.

    And frankly, I think it's working. No one ever guesses how old I am. I get away with a lot younger.

    How old are you? If you don't mind me asking.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    I was smart enough (scared enough?) to stay off of drugs when I was younger. I do believe that has a lot to do with my health now at 43 years old.
    However, I was stupid enough to spend a LOT of time in the sun and my skin cancer has the proof.
    The only time I am reminded of my age is when I have the shoulder and knee pain as a result of the Army and being invincable.

    In my opinion, as a man, aging gracefully means acting your age.
    For example, as a 43 year old married man, I am not going to go out and buy a used Honda Civic with a fart can and lowered suspension.
    I might however go out and buy a 1967 Camaro....

    I am not going to go surfing just to hang around the teenage girls but, I will admit that I cannot help but smile when I hear my daughter very proudly tell the young people on the beach "Thats MY Daddy" as I am coming back out of the waves...

    What's a fart can? :laugh:
    It must be a lovely feeling to have a daughter who is so proud of you!
  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    At age 42, I have a plan to keep people from looking at my face by keeping my body in extreme shape. Love me for my body I don't mind :P maybe it will work for awhile at least.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    /shrug... Doesn't bother me, agelessness runs in my family. :)
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    /shrug... Doesn't bother me, agelessness runs in my family. :)

    Likewise :smile:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm watching a programme called "How Not to Get Old" at the moment, the usual crap about wanting to look younger.
    I was wondering, am I the only one that doesn't care? I'm 33 next and all of my friends are obsessed with creams/potions/lotions and they spend a fortune!!
    Then we have the poor sods who feel so bad about themselves or feel some kind of pressure that they are having god knows what injected in to their makes me wince!

    What are your opinions on the inevitability of getting/looking old?

    Personally, I'm just going to stick to eating a plant based diet and only using natural ingrediants on my skin, I don't have wrinkles yet but when I do get them, I won't give a fudge!

    I JUST commented on a friend's FB status about this.

    I honestly think the obsession with youth is more about a fear of death than it is actually about appearance.

    Personally, I don't like the idea of looking old. But at the same time, I'm not going to take extreme measures to stop the aging process. I have a friend who at 40 looks about 25 -- great! But she also will NOT go in the sun for even short periods of time. At the beach, she's covered in sunscreen, clothing and sitting under an umbrella. She won't go in the water because she doesn't want to expose her skin to the sun. It isn't worth it to me.

    I put on lotion every day. I don't smoke or drink much and I exercise and eat healthy. That's the best anyone's getting out of me.
  • X3MM
    X3MM Posts: 92
    Just staying on the gym wagon and EAT healthy most of the time..