Growing old gracefully? ????⌛



  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    , I was hoping for something with more substance than just the superficial.

    Haha, what substance? That people are egotistical creatures wanting, perpetually, to be loved and admired? I dare you to find any group of humans in history who didn't adorn or modify themselves in the service of beauty (as a lead-in to love or not). Most of them didn't live as long as we do, that's the only difference.

    I get it, when I was young I was angry at makeup or whatever too. (But I could afford to be that way then, because I was pretty just by virtue of being young.) Relax, it just makes people look good. I personally enjoy being around people who make an effort to look good, same way I like a clean and attractive home or city.

    Helen Mirren and her shoes rock.

    Perhaps a documentary about how to keep your insides as healthy as possible for as long as possible....
    I'm not angry at make up, I sometimes wear it. People have different priorities, I get it, if we were all the same, life would be very dull indeed.
    I know I'm going to get old, there's bugger all I can do about it and I feel that I have better/more important (to me) things to spend my money on than "anti aging" products.

    Yeah, Helen rocks.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    maybe not in our lifetimes, although some say the first immortal humans are alive today, but there will come a day when we can stop the aging process. no more nasty wrinkles. perpetually 20 something sounds good to me.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    , I was hoping for something with more substance than just the superficial.

    Haha, what substance? That people are egotistical creatures wanting, perpetually, to be loved and admired? I dare you to find any group of humans in history who didn't adorn or modify themselves in the service of beauty (as a lead-in to love or not). Most of them didn't live as long as we do, that's the only difference.

    I get it, when I was young I was angry at makeup or whatever too. (But I could afford to be that way then, because I was pretty just by virtue of being young.) Relax, it just makes people look good. I personally enjoy being around people who make an effort to look good, same way I like a clean and attractive home or city.

    Helen Mirren and her shoes rock.

    Perhaps a documentary about how to keep your insides as healthy as possible for as long as possible....
    I'm not angry at make up, I sometimes wear it. People have different priorities, I get it, if we were all the same, life would be very dull indeed.
    I know I'm going to get old, there's bugger all I can do about it and I feel that I have better/more important (to me) things to spend my money on than "anti aging" products.

    Yeah, Helen rocks.

    Great! Enjoy all that deep stuff.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    maybe not in our lifetimes, although some say the first immortal humans are alive today, but there will come a day when we can stop the aging process. no more nasty wrinkles. perpetually 20 something sounds good to me.

    Fun little question who gets to live forever? Do we set quotas on birth rates?
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    , I was hoping for something with more substance than just the superficial.

    Haha, what substance? That people are egotistical creatures wanting, perpetually, to be loved and admired? I dare you to find any group of humans in history who didn't adorn or modify themselves in the service of beauty (as a lead-in to love or not). Most of them didn't live as long as we do, that's the only difference.

    I get it, when I was young I was angry at makeup or whatever too. (But I could afford to be that way then, because I was pretty just by virtue of being young.) Relax, it just makes people look good. I personally enjoy being around people who make an effort to look good, same way I like a clean and attractive home or city.

    Helen Mirren and her shoes rock.

    Perhaps a documentary about how to keep your insides as healthy as possible for as long as possible....
    I'm not angry at make up, I sometimes wear it. People have different priorities, I get it, if we were all the same, life would be very dull indeed.
    I know I'm going to get old, there's bugger all I can do about it and I feel that I have better/more important (to me) things to spend my money on than "anti aging" products.

    Yeah, Helen rocks.

    Great! Enjoy all that deep stuff.

    I will, thanks.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    maybe not in our lifetimes, although some say the first immortal humans are alive today, but there will come a day when we can stop the aging process. no more nasty wrinkles. perpetually 20 something sounds good to me.

    Fun little question who gets to live forever? Do we set quotas on birth rates?

    Would you want to live forever? I'm in 2 minds about that...
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    I am 40. I use a moisturiser (mainly for the spf) and colour my hair (back to it's natural colour), that is it. I only colour my hair because i started to go grey very early (21), of all the things i could have inherited from my dad, that is what i got :)

    Personally, i would never consider surgery, mainly because i am needle phobic :)

    I am starting to see a few 'crows feet' but it is what it is.....
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    I am 40. I use a moisturiser (mainly for the spf) and colour my hair (back to it's natural colour), that is it. I only colour my hair because i started to go grey very early (21), of all the things i could have inherited from my dad, that is what i got :)

    Personally, i would never consider surgery, mainly because i am needle phobic :)

    I am starting to see a few 'crows feet' but it is what it is.....

    I absolutely hate needles, I find it difficult when giving blood, even looking at them freaks me out. I can't imagine having one inserted in to my face :noway:
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
  • crazie4lulu
    crazie4lulu Posts: 762 Member
    im 44. i use N O T H I N G!!!!!!!! the only make up i use is eyeliner... and lip gloss. never leave the house without my lip gloss. people have asked me what i have for a skin regimine... i say H2o!!!! i drink plenty of it and thats all i use on my face. no magic potions here!!!! i have a few crows feet but arent people who smile supposed to have them?:happy:
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 569 Member
    I'm watching a programme called "How Not to Get Old" at the moment, the usual crap about wanting to look younger.
    I was wondering, am I the only one that doesn't care? I'm 33 next and all of my friends are obsessed with creams/potions/lotions and they spend a fortune!!
    Then we have the poor sods who feel so bad about themselves or feel some kind of pressure that they are having god knows what injected in to their makes me wince!

    What are your opinions on the inevitability of getting/looking old?

    Personally, I'm just going to stick to eating a plant based diet and only using natural ingrediants on my skin, I don't have wrinkles yet but when I do get them, I won't give a fudge!


    First, I think you have a great outlook. I DO worry about getting old looking, but I also think people should age more gracefully. And when I looked at a bunch of before and after pix of nasty celeb plastic surgery the other week, it totally reinforced the appeal of aging gracefully! lol
  • thesoup11
    thesoup11 Posts: 72 Member
    I can't wait to see what my lady parts look like when I'm 80.
    lol really you had to go there
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    im 44. i use N O T H I N G!!!!!!!! the only make up i use is eyeliner... and lip gloss. never leave the house without my lip gloss. people have asked me what i have for a skin regimine... i say H2o!!!! i drink plenty of it and thats all i use on my face. no magic potions here!!!! i have a few crows feet but arent people who smile supposed to have them? :happy:

    Yes! Yes they are :happy:
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    maybe not in our lifetimes, although some say the first immortal humans are alive today, but there will come a day when we can stop the aging process. no more nasty wrinkles. perpetually 20 something sounds good to me.

    Fun little question who gets to live forever? Do we set quotas on birth rates?

    the rich and more valuable members of society will be selected first. after a very long while everyone will have access. birth quotas will depend on so many other factors..resources and eventually solar system colonization.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Funny thread.

    People have got it all wrong by telling others they're younger than they really are.

    Think about it.

    Let's say you are 40.

    So you go around telling everyone you're 31. This has one of several reactions:
    1) You look younger than 40. People think, "Ok."
    2) You look 40. People think, "31? And the rest!"
    3) You look older than 40. People think, "Christ, who is she kidding?"

    Now if you go around telling everyone you're 40.
    1) You look younger than 40. People think, "Wow, what's her secret?" and probably ask. Everyone feels good.
    2) You look 40. People think, "Fair enough."
    3) You look older than 40. People think, "And the rest."

    But what if you go around telling everyone you're 50?
    1) You look younger than 40. People ask, "Holy Christ, how the hell do you have such lovely skin?" Everyone feels good.
    2) You look 40. People say, "No way, you're not 50!" Everyone feels good.
    3) You look maybe 45. People say, "You look great for a 50 year old!!" Everyone feels good.

    -Darren, aged 87
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    Funny thread.

    People have got it all wrong by telling others they're younger than they really are.

    Think about it.

    Let's say you are 40.

    So you go around telling everyone you're 31. This has one of several reactions:
    1) You look younger than 40. People think, "Ok."
    2) You look 40. People think, "31? And the rest!"
    3) You look older than 40. People think, "Christ, who is she kidding?"

    Now if you go around telling everyone you're 40.
    1) You look younger than 40. People think, "Wow, what's her secret?" and probably ask. Everyone feels good.
    2) You look 40. People think, "Fair enough."
    3) You look older than 40. People think, "And the rest."

    But what if you go around telling everyone you're 50?
    1) You look younger than 40. People ask, "Holy Christ, how the hell do you have such lovely skin?" Everyone feels good.
    2) You look 40. People say, "No way, you're not 50!" Everyone feels good.
    3) You look maybe 45. People say, "You look great for a 50 year old!!" Everyone feels good.

    -Darren, aged 87

    Excellent Mr Bond!

    You're not 87!! You don't look a day over 21....:wink:
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Funny thread.

    People have got it all wrong by telling others they're younger than they really are.

    Think about it.

    Let's say you are 40.

    So you go around telling everyone you're 31. This has one of several reactions:
    1) You look younger than 40. People think, "Ok."
    2) You look 40. People think, "31? And the rest!"
    3) You look older than 40. People think, "Christ, who is she kidding?"

    Now if you go around telling everyone you're 40.
    1) You look younger than 40. People think, "Wow, what's her secret?" and probably ask. Everyone feels good.
    2) You look 40. People think, "Fair enough."
    3) You look older than 40. People think, "And the rest."

    But what if you go around telling everyone you're 50?
    1) You look younger than 40. People ask, "Holy Christ, how the hell do you have such lovely skin?" Everyone feels good.
    2) You look 40. People say, "No way, you're not 50!" Everyone feels good.
    3) You look maybe 45. People say, "You look great for a 50 year old!!" Everyone feels good.

    -Darren, aged 87

    Excellent Mr Bond!

    You're not 87!! You don't look a day over 21....:wink:

  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    Funny thread.

    People have got it all wrong by telling others they're younger than they really are.

    Think about it.

    Let's say you are 40.

    So you go around telling everyone you're 31. This has one of several reactions:
    1) You look younger than 40. People think, "Ok."
    2) You look 40. People think, "31? And the rest!"
    3) You look older than 40. People think, "Christ, who is she kidding?"

    Now if you go around telling everyone you're 40.
    1) You look younger than 40. People think, "Wow, what's her secret?" and probably ask. Everyone feels good.
    2) You look 40. People think, "Fair enough."
    3) You look older than 40. People think, "And the rest."

    But what if you go around telling everyone you're 50?
    1) You look younger than 40. People ask, "Holy Christ, how the hell do you have such lovely skin?" Everyone feels good.
    2) You look 40. People say, "No way, you're not 50!" Everyone feels good.
    3) You look maybe 45. People say, "You look great for a 50 year old!!" Everyone feels good.

    -Darren, aged 87

    Excellent Mr Bond!

    You're not 87!! You don't look a day over 21....:wink:


  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    What does that really mean, growing old gracefully?
    I'm 40, and I have no desire to pretend that I'm still young. When I was in my 20's, I didn't know jack diddly squat about life (I sure thought I did! lol) and I wasn't nearly as happy as I am now. Age has been good to me. I just want to take good care of myself, so that I can fully enjoy whatever time I have on this earth.
    I look at my Grandmaster, who is around 65, and I think, "Man, I can't wait to look like that! Maybe with another 25 years of practice..."
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    as long as I get poon tang I don't care