How did you gain the weight?



  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Got comfortable in my marriage and gained some weight, then was in a bad car accident and couldn't do much of anything for 2 years and just ate to make the pain go away and such.
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    since about 16 I left the house at 7:30 and was either at school, work, choir practices, theater practices, or driving between them until 10 o clock at night. I made a habit of eating on the road by grabbing a burrito at taco bell and munching on whatever garbage was in the vending machines at school and practice. I did this until I was 22 and graduated college. Between that time I had gained 20 lbs. I was active but I never really worked out or ran ever. Then I joined the Coast Guard. bootcamp was hard as hell for me since I was so out of shape but by perseverance I somehow made it through. Now I am the about the same weight as before I joined 3 years ago but I ran 8 miles today, love the gym, and eat healthy. Fast food is a once every several months event that makes me sick, not my go to. I care less about the number on the scale now because I know i am making my body healthier and I am happier.
  • Artaxia
    Artaxia Posts: 185
    I was down to 190 lb, at a decently healthy weight....gained 90 lb thanks to my pregnancy (gained the majority of it in the last 2 months). Now...I'm trying to work these 90 extra pounds OFF!!!
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Over the course of a lifetime.

    A childhood where food was pleasure, comfort, 'the carrot' and celebration.
    Adulthood where I didn't care, was emotionally out of control, lazy, etc.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Depression triggered after birth of my now 16 yr old daughter. Depression lingered and got worse, i just wanted to lay in bed all day.
  • haymancm
    haymancm Posts: 280 Member
    With each of my 4 pregnancies that were back to back over 5 years. I felt I was pregnant all the time!! Even though I was waiting tables for 10 years during 2 of the pregnancies I just did not have the desire to lose the weight. My mom was/is obese, & I thought that was just the way it was going to be for me too!! Once I quit working @ the restaurant & started my food blog, the weight came on like crazy over 1-2 years, as I was not as active as I was as a SAHM.
  • brensan1
    I am a CPA, and own my own business. So I sit and work about 18 hours a day from January until October 15th every year. So in a nutshell, I eat snacks and drink sweet coffee to stay awake, and don't get hardly any exercise! This is my first post BTW, and I am very happy to have found MFP. Been logging my food for 1 week now, and already learning a lot!
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    There are a few reasons that I initially gained the weight that got me to 334 lbs. I was in a car accident, I was also on heavy medications that caused weight gain (including Depo Provera). I was very sedentary after the car accident and recovery. I gained a LOT.

    In late 2010 on into late 2011, I regained 60+ lbs of weight that I'd lost. I give some of the credit to medications (including Lyrica, which I'm no longer taking), but the rest I take all the blame with laziness and bad eating habits. I joined MFP in March 2012 to lose that weight and I've been maintaining for around a year now.
  • jiji29
    jiji29 Posts: 3
    i gained it after giving birth to my son then i lost much of it but i m starting to gain it again i m not sure but may be cause h love foods and making yummy ones
  • carlydawn101
    lost someone and just didn't care and didn't see it but its too late now don't know how everyone can lose the weight but I cant!
  • jiji29
    jiji29 Posts: 3
    u can lose any thing u don t want or need how abut giving it a try together?
  • Cinloykko
    Cinloykko Posts: 117 Member
    I was always a fat kid... but things got WAYYYY out of hand when i went to college and got free reign on everything. Freshman 15 turned into college 60. I discovered I tend to stress eat like crazy or i dont eat at all, which screwed up my metabolism. and of course all the late nights didnt help.

    I was also never properly educated about nutrition either. I didnt know the first thing to being healthy and fit. This whole MFP process was one giant learning process and trial and error. I wish kids are taught health better in our school system - or even by our parents. sigh.
  • Rosieannaxo
    I was always the big one in the family and my parents never understood why. But the reason was because I ate the same amount as my family members with extremely fast metabolism. When they'd have three slices of cheesecakes, I'd have three slices of cheesecakes. But the problem was, they were maintaining while I was gaining like crazy. Also, at the same time, I didn't care. Food is absolutely delicious and I just couldn't help myself. Late night munchies were my thing. I literally had a schedule to wake up in the middle of the night to eat. Oh I also lived right next to a chocolate shop & a strip mall with a pizza shop, Chinese
    restaurant/takeaway, mcdonalds, and a krispy kreme. And whenever I was sad, I would just comfort myself with food. Whenever I was bored, I'd eat a jumbo bag of reeses peanut butter cups. When I was happy, I'd celebrate with my favorite thai restaurant. I just had the worst relationship with food. I used it in excess and not for it's actual purpose.
  • DestinyD1291
    I was bigger as a kid and most of my teenage life. I typically weighed around 190 until I hit about 16 then it was 180 then at 17 I dropped to 170 and by the time I hit 19 I weighed 150 which I was okay with, it was the first time I had ever been that small I still had some serious body image issues. Well last year in March I got pregnant with my son and went up to 215 by the end of the pregnancy. When my son turned a month old i weighed 180 at my 6 week check up which I was happy about but I got this birth control in my arm and it went downhill from there. After I got the birth control I started gaining the weight back like crazy. I'm at 200 and can't seem to lose it at all. I haven't been able to lose weight at all in the last almost 11 months. I plan on getting this rod taken out in January and hopefully once my hormones straighten out I can start getting back to the skinnier me and get down to maybe 130 this time.
  • Briitany_Louiise
    I started a new relationship and became really comfortable. In the beginning, I was being wined and dined all the time and consumed a lot of calories on a daily basis. Within the first few months, I had gained 10lbs. Now, 2 1/2 years later, I am 40lbs heavier than when I met my current boyfriend. But, since my late teens, I have been gaining and losing weight. Usually only about 20 lbs but, these past couple of years I have just been gaining weight.
  • Wankerstein
    Honestly? Facebook!!!! I used to laugh at people that would say they were addicted to Facebook, but about a year after I created an account, I realized that I was spending numerous hours every day just sitting on the computer talking to complete strangers about nothing!!!! Then I moved up north last year, and I'm all alone with my kids and the winters suck, so I just slept all winter last year and put on tons of weight. I have already joined the gym and started working out, so this year I will be more active during the winter, I am definitely eating healthier, and as far as Facebook... Well... Baby steps... I'm getting there!!! 8)
  • swhiteism
    swhiteism Posts: 71 Member
    I was never a skinny person (averaged about 160 at 5"6) due to unhealthy eating habits and and general laziness. I didn't really start gaining more weight until I met my husband. We both gained about 15 lbs in a year. Gained 5 more after I had my daughter, which left me at 180. Being a new tired mom and not wanting to cook dinner left me with a diet that consisted of McDonald's for breakfast, Wendy's for lunch, and Pizza Hut for dinner, added to cookies and chocolate and random, bored, and social eating in between, which is why I stayed fat for almost a year.
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member
    When I had my first child at age 21 I gained 60 lbs he was 11.5 lbs..but I managed to lose everything that I had gained. When he was 8 months old I got pregnant with my daughter..I gained about 40 lbs in that pregnancy and did not lose the 'baby weight". I weighed about 180 at that time and when she was 6 months old I decided to try the Depo Vera contraceptive..BIG MISTAKE.. I gained about 50 lbs in one year. I kept telling my doc what was happening and she would always dismiss it stating that it was not the contraceptive, so after a yr I decided to go back on the pill which I had to wait until that time of the month which never arrived. Finally I changed doctors and my new doc ran some tests..Turns out Depo Vera messed my hormones up in a very bad way. I had to take a few different meds until that time of the month finally came after one whole yr which also made me gain about another 50 lbs. Needless to say my bad eating habits did not help and here I am. Half of my life I was pretty healthy other half pretty unhealthy.
  • lovejoydiva
    lovejoydiva Posts: 5 Member
    I have always been fat. All my life! I was always taught (as many black kids are) to eat everything on your plate. So I have no problem with snacking, thats not my issue. My issue is just plain good ole food! I have come to realize that everything I do revolve around food. I'm not having a BLAST unless I am eating and drinking! Normal people go hiking, swimming, biking or dancing for fun. I ate for fun. I'm slowly beginning to turn my life around because I can now admit that I have never been addicted to anything...but FOOD! Yes it is an addiction!
  • lovejoydiva
    lovejoydiva Posts: 5 Member
    Me and my bestfriend laugh about how we can tell if she was happy or sad by looking at pictures. When she is depressed she gets really skinny, but when she is in a new relationship and very happy, she gets plump. So I guess it's the same for everyone when we are in love!
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