Like Minded Lushes - August 2010



  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I had a great day yesterday. good exercise, healthy food within calories and no alcohol. so today I will just do it again. Easy peasy.:tongue: I hope. I can do this. :noway:

    You and me both sister!

    Heavy workout, no need for alcohol. Mind you, at 2 a.m. while hubby was sawing wood in my ear, I could've used a shot of vodka!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I wouldn't even want to know the number:noway: :sad: :blushing:

    Guys (or should I say gals for the most part).... I am a total failure. I have not worked out in a week, have drank daily, the scale is creeping upward on me, and so I start yesterday with the plan to go to the gym and avoid the bar. And I did the exact opposite.

    Well, the opposite is more fun!!!!:bigsmile:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Home drinking is my big problem, I'll open a bottle of wine while making dinner and suddenly it's empty.

    I know exactly how you feel...when I go to pour another glass and it's gone...I'm like, "Where's the wine?"

    Some elf must be lurking around the house taking it when I am not looking.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    You and me both sister!

    Heavy workout, no need for alcohol. Mind you, at 2 a.m. while hubby was sawing wood in my ear, I could've used a shot of vodka!

    Or, a shotgun!!!:mad:
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Some elf must be lurking around the house taking it when I am not looking.

    Maybe I should get a cat to catch the elf.
  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member
    I wouldn't even want to know the number:noway: :sad: :blushing:

    Ditto on that.

    Guys (or should I say gals for the most part).... I am a total failure. I have not worked out in a week, have drank daily, the scale is creeping upward on me, and so I start yesterday with the plan to go to the gym and avoid the bar. And I did the exact opposite.

    Granted, mentally this week seems like a throw away, what with Alisonengland and her band of Brits (aka family) invading my town Saturday. Baseball + Brits = beer + brats. God save the Queen.

    Maybe I'll track one or two days, just out of curiosity:drinker:

    And no, you're not a total failure. You're just "success challenged"! It is definitely a weird week for me. Between trying to get all my work done before heading south, and wanting to be south already, I'm in a very strange place with everything right now! I will admit to imbibing last night, so now I have to be extra good until Thursday. :grumble:
  • elipticallover
    Hi Everyone. I am new to MFP and think I have found the group for me :drinker:
    I love nothing more than a cold beer with dinner and a rum and coke to de-stress at the end of the day... needless to say I don't enjoy the lighest of beers and my drink does not have 1oz of liquor in it... :laugh: soooo... it adds up.

    I want to limit the nights I drink to 3 per week - difficult in a summer full of beach gatherings, birthdays, and BBQ-ing... but I will try. I had a beer last night, and already have happy hour plans for thursday, and a party on sat. so I will to stick to those three days :drinker:

    August Goal... to get out of the 150's and no more than 3 nights of drinking per week... :bigsmile:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,712 Member
    OK, I think I've decided what my goals are. They're not lofty, but they're at least something.

    I am going to limit myself to one 6-ounce glass of wine with dinner each night. Friday and Saturday nights, I will allow myself an additional 3 ounces of hard stuff (tequila, rum, vodka, etc.).

    I sort of do this anyway, except the wine sometimes reaches 8 ounces, and the extra booze sometimes finds its way into Sunday nights. I've lost 30 pounds, so what I've been doing works, but I have 5 more to go, and it's getting tough, so it's time for me to buckle down and get tough too.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Some elf must be lurking around the house taking it when I am not looking.

    Maybe I should get a cat to catch the elf.

    I call that phenomenon the wine know the reach out for your wine glass and realise it's empty when you are sure it was half full when you put it down....:(
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Some elf must be lurking around the house taking it when I am not looking.

    Maybe I should get a cat to catch the elf.

    I call that phenomenon the wine know the reach out for your wine glass and realise it's empty when you are sure it was half full when you put it down....:(

    I think I am the wine fairy 'cause when I drink with hubby I always grab the fuller glass swearing up and down it's mine
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Some elf must be lurking around the house taking it when I am not looking.

    Maybe I should get a cat to catch the elf.

    I call that phenomenon the wine know the reach out for your wine glass and realise it's empty when you are sure it was half full when you put it down....:(

    I call that phenomenon my husband. He is always drinking the wine when I open it for me. but I guess I can share.
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Some elf must be lurking around the house taking it when I am not looking.

    Maybe I should get a cat to catch the elf.

    I call that phenomenon the wine know the reach out for your wine glass and realise it's empty when you are sure it was half full when you put it down....:(

    I call that phenomenon my husband. He is always drinking the wine when I open it for me. but I guess I can share.

    So no drinking near nisijam5 or rjadams. Check.
  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    Greeting fellow lushes. I'm on vacation right now so my goal of 2 dry nights a week will have to wait until I get home. I seem to have a wine elf inhabiting our travel trailer. Cheeky thing seems to be sucking back half my wine (at least). My 1 beer a week husband is having 1 a day, phew. Yesterday he had a beer in the afternoon an a glass of wine with dinner. After eating he announced that he felt woozy - like it was a bad thing. Can you guys settle an argument - he says there are 6 glasses of wine in a bottle, I only seem to find 4...strange.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Another drink free night - woo-hoo! I can do this!
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Greeting fellow lushes. I'm on vacation right now so my goal of 2 dry nights a week will have to wait until I get home. I seem to have a wine elf inhabiting our travel trailer. Cheeky thing seems to be sucking back half my wine (at least). My 1 beer a week husband is having 1 a day, phew. Yesterday he had a beer in the afternoon an a glass of wine with dinner. After eating he announced that he felt woozy - like it was a bad thing. Can you guys settle an argument - he says there are 6 glasses of wine in a bottle, I only seem to find 4...strange.
    I only get 2 or 3...
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Another drink free night - woo-hoo! I can do this!

    Me too!!! However, my hubs Sam Adams looked mighty good.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    My Dh was drinking vodka... after my 20 vodka drinks on the weekend - I couldn't!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Last night I was going to have one marg and two beers, but I ended up having three, not too bad...
  • elipticallover
    Greeting fellow lushes. I'm on vacation right now so my goal of 2 dry nights a week will have to wait until I get home. I seem to have a wine elf inhabiting our travel trailer. Cheeky thing seems to be sucking back half my wine (at least). My 1 beer a week husband is having 1 a day, phew. Yesterday he had a beer in the afternoon an a glass of wine with dinner. After eating he announced that he felt woozy - like it was a bad thing. Can you guys settle an argument - he says there are 6 glasses of wine in a bottle, I only seem to find 4...strange.

    4.... for sure! :)
  • elipticallover
    last night i was ready to give in... but i didn't... i got this blueberry-pom juice that I plan to mix with vodka and some sparkling lemon flavored water... OMG so freaken good.... but it will have to wait... unless the BF drinks all the juice before then :grumble: