August "Move It" Challenge



  • gchick64
    gchick64 Posts: 73 Member
    Going camping this weekend, hoping to get some hiking in, i know it might be a little late, but i'll update on monday!!!
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: 30 minute run/276 calories, cleaning 20 min/49 calories, 55 min walk/313 calories
    tuesday: 35 minute elliptical/306 calories, 10 minutes weights/29 calories, 70 min walk/316 calories
    wednesday: 30 minute elliptical/306 calories, 10 minutes weights/29 calories
    thursday: 80 minute run/692 calories
    friday: 30 minute run/272 calories
    so far: 370 minutes/2588 calories :)
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Monday: 95 minutes combined Xfit and walk/905 calories
    Tuesday: 0 minutes
    Wednesday: 88 minutes combined walk & XFit/842 calories
    Thursday: 80 minutes combined Training & Walk/901 calories
    Friday: 60 minutes XFit/619 calories

    still to go: 37 minutes
    NEW GOAL: 3500 Calories
    233 calories to go
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    Monday: 80 min/ 430
    Tuesday: 0/0
    Weds: 258/ 1093
    Thursday: 15/ 117
    Friday: 116/ 603

    Remaining: 0 minutes/ 257 calories

    Think I'll go for a run in the morning and blast threw my last bit of calories. YAY!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Monday 60min Kickboxing and 30min walk
    Tues 0
    Wed 60min Zumba 30min Abs&More 45min Boot Camp
    Thurs 60min Zumba
    Fri 30min Zumba and 30min strength

    345 min down and 15min to go!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    This week was pretty much a bust for me...still have this hacking cough even tho I started on an email at work about summer influenza going around and it should be considered when assessing patients...I swear that's probably what I had, it's been 2 weeks now with matching symptoms

    Here's to a new week tomorrow:drinker:
  • wendytobin
    wendytobin Posts: 208
    have just found this thread, i would like to join if possible.

    this last week even though i have been on holiday managed to get in a bit, so here's my weeks list

    mon- walk 90 mins = 298 cal
    tues - run 20 min = 261 cal
    tues - walk 90 min = 298 cal
    wed - walk 120min = 398 cal
    thurs - run 20 min = 265 cal
    fri - nothing flying back home
    sat - gym (cross trainer and weights) 55 min = 513 cal
    sunday - run 96 min = 1027 cal
    sunday - walk dog 45min = 164 cal
    sunday - gym - weights & powerplate - 45 min = 340 cal

    total for week

    581 mins and 3564 cals, just managed the 3500 target

    will post daily from tomorrow, have a good week everybody
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Monday 60min Kickboxing and 30min walk
    Tues 0
    Wed 60min Zumba 30min Abs&More 45min Boot Camp
    Thurs 60min Zumba
    Fri 30min Zumba and 30min strength
    Sat 45min walk
    Sun 45min walk

    435min total this week Yay!!
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: 30 minute run/276 calories, cleaning 20 min/49 calories, 55 min walk/313 calories
    tuesday: 35 minute elliptical/306 calories, 10 minutes weights/29 calories, 70 min walk/316 calories
    wednesday: 30 minute elliptical/306 calories, 10 minutes weights/29 calories
    thursday: 80 minute run/692 calories
    friday: 30 minute run/272 calories
    saturday: 35 minute run/319 calories, 100 minutes walking at the zoo/344 calories
    sunday: 55 minute walk/244 calories
    so far: 560 minutes/3495 calories :) good week!!! :)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Monday: 95 minutes combined Xfit and walk/905 calories
    Tuesday: 0 minutes
    Wednesday: 88 minutes combined walk & XFit/842 calories
    Thursday: 80 minutes combined Training & Walk/901 calories
    Friday: 60 minutes XFit/619 calories
    Saturday: 60 minute walk pulling wagon & walking dog / 696 calories

  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    Monday: 80 min/ 430
    Tuesday: 0/0
    Weds: 258/ 1093
    Thursday: 15/ 117
    Friday: 116/ 603
    Saturday: 24/ 202
    Sunday: 50/294

    Total: 543/2739

    Goal met!
  • gchick64
    gchick64 Posts: 73 Member
    Monday: 58/486
    Tuesday: 80/496
    Wednesday: 50/319
    Thursday: 50/417
    Friday: 20/60
    Saturday: 135/849
    Sunday: 50/165

    Total: 443/2792

    These are last weeks totals, just updating from friday :) i really burned it up camping, but i actively tried too, thanks for this, it really is encouraging!

    Monday: 82/460
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Last week was a wash.. horrible, no time for anything but surviving. This week should be better, HOPEFULLY! zumba tomorrow morning.

    Great job you guys, your doing awesome! It's tremendous too see how much yall are workin at it!!
  • hepkitty
    hepkitty Posts: 133
    Hey I'm keen to join in!
    Not too sure what I want to aim for in terms of minutes / calories but I might aim for 420 minutes and see how I go..then bump it up if I can :)

    For reference, last week (Mon 2nd - Sun 8th) was 409 minutes.

    So far this week (I'm in NZ so it's Tuesday already): 60 min yesterday + 173 today = 233. 187 to go!
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    Monday: 50 min./ 276 calories ( I did this workout with my boyfriend we just jogged a mile and did some circuit training and I nearly killed him, after I left his house he said his whole body went numb and he called the paramedics, I felt bad!)
  • wendytobin
    wendytobin Posts: 208

    Gym - cross trainer 30 min = 313 cal + weights 50 min = 319 cal
    walk dog 50 min = 203 cals
    Bodymax class 55 min = 465 cal

    total for monday 185 min + 1300 cals

    my goal for the week is to burn 6000 cals, so i have 4700 cals remaining
  • mekhala
    mekhala Posts: 123 Member
    i'm in ..... Hello everyone, hope you are all doing good... only just seen this challenge... so a week late.... going to try 360 mins this week.

    Monday - 15 mins swimming
    Tuesday - 60 mins - deep waterfitness - PLANNED
    Wednesday - 40 mins cardio 20 mins resistance in the gym - PLANNED
    Thursday - 60 mins zumba - PLANNED
    Friday - 45mins water fitness - PLANNED
    Saturday - 40mins cardio 20 mins resistance n the gym - PLANNED
    Sunday - 60 mins zumba PLANNED

    thanks for this - has made me more focussed and motivated!!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Did anyone lose weight after last weeks challenge?

    Monday: 60 minutes XFit /631 calories
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Pam, I avoided the scale this week like a vile, blood filled tick...I just feel swollen to the point where I have sausage toes; so, lots of hot lemon water for me today

    No drinking...will begin to exercise's been 2 weeks since I have done any real exercise. Going to at least hop on the ellipitcal's a nice stormy day and perferct for cleaning and exercising.