survey:"junk" what foods do u consider to be junk food?



  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    anything covered in feces or fell on the floor also if it's rotten covered in mold

  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    My one is.....probably......

    asparagus. Can't stand it no matter how much butter is on it, so I usually junk it.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Most vegetables. Bleagh. Pure junk.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    To me, junk is anything that has calories and no nutritional value. Things like chips and candy bars.

    Please explain this "no nutritional value" statement.

    I look for protein and at least some vitamins or iron.

    I happen to have a Hershey's chocolate bar on my desk. It has 3g of protein, 8% of my DV of calcium and 2% of my DV of iron.

    Is it the most efficient ratio of calories to protein/calcium/iron? No. Does it taste good and fit in my calorie/macro goal? You'd better believe it.
  • mikeykhan2003
    Anything that stands between me and my macros/calorie goals for the day.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I don't consider any foods junk, because I'm not orthorexic or food phobic.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Delicious refined sugars and carbs, filled with fat and then more sugar. But we loves them, Precious. And we will eats them in moderation!
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    I tend to stay away from high sodium and man made chemicals. I just don't feel great after I eat a hot dog or boxed macaroni and cheese, etc. Will I eat organic hot dog or homemade mac & cheese? YUP!
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I tend to stay away from high sodium and man made chemicals. I just don't feel great after I eat a hot dog or boxed macaroni and cheese, etc. Will I eat organic hot dog or homemade mac & cheese? YUP!

    that must be very difficult when your doctor prescribes medicine for you.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I tend to stay away from high sodium and man made chemicals. I just don't feel great after I eat a hot dog or boxed macaroni and cheese, etc. Will I eat organic hot dog or homemade mac & cheese? YUP!

    that must be very difficult when your doctor prescribes medicine for you.

    If you make mac and cheese at home or cook in general....isn't that man made "chemicals" as heating/cooling things creates chemical reactions?
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    Anything highly processed, cookies, ice cream, chips, takeout foods are high in salt and sugar so they are big no no.
    the list goes on, but as long as you eat grains fruit veg mainly, bit of meat and fish, poultry and dairy, and only occasional sweet in a week, id say you shouldn't worry too much
    I have ice cream and chips and processed food every day. Why are they a big no no? What is wrong with salt and sugar? Until I hear properly sourced evidence that any of that is unhealthy for me, I will continue doing what I am doing, which is not worrying one bit about sugar/salt/processed food, losing weight on a sustainable calorie deficit and exercising, all while NOT depriving myself. I want a plan I can live with forever.

    No one said anyone was "wrong". This was a personal opinion poll and everyone is entitled to their personal opinion.

    I cut the highly processed, man made chemicals out of my diet because I feel SICK after I eat them. PERIOD. Now my joints don't hurt, I don't fart all over the office, the IBS is completely cured with NO MEDS, no headaches...I can keep going if you want! LOL I can eat salty processed "foods" - hot dogs, cheetos, etc and practically have to have my wedding rings cut off due to swelling - I don't think that is a "healty" you?? If you want "scientific proof" quit eating anything processed for 2 weeks then *kitten* how you feel when you start back up. No difference, then no big deal...big difference, then there's your scientific evidence.

    Some days, I want a pop tart so badly that I am willing to risk bloating up and having digestive issues for 24 hours...some days I am happier with apple.
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    I tend to stay away from high sodium and man made chemicals. I just don't feel great after I eat a hot dog or boxed macaroni and cheese, etc. Will I eat organic hot dog or homemade mac & cheese? YUP!

    that must be very difficult when your doctor prescribes medicine for you.

    You are possibly the most literal person I have ever come accross! I would expect any logical person to jump to the conclusion that I was referring to "food additives", since I didn't bring up the subject of medications and this is a WEIGHT LOSS FORUM where we disuss food, not a medical blog.

    And, BTW, it is a very rare instance that I have to take medications of any kind. I hardly ever get sick anymore...
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    My one is.....probably......

    asparagus. Can't stand it no matter how much butter is on it, so I usually junk it.

    Cook that asparagus in bacon grease. Or wrapped in bacon, same difference. Bacon makes gross veggies worth eating. I trying myself into my daily value of plant based vitamins/minerals two or three times a week with bacon grease.
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    I tend to stay away from high sodium and man made chemicals. I just don't feel great after I eat a hot dog or boxed macaroni and cheese, etc. Will I eat organic hot dog or homemade mac & cheese? YUP!

    that must be very difficult when your doctor prescribes medicine for you.

    If you make mac and cheese at home or cook in general....isn't that man made "chemicals" as heating/cooling things creates chemical reactions?

    Really? Is that whay you think I meant?

    OK, I will be more specific. Instead of eating thoes glowing orange elbow noodles out of a box (which tastes a bit like the box itself) - I would rather boil water, add a good quality pasta, melt some organic cheese with some organic milk, and perhaps a little butter from a local dairy, a touch of sea salt, mix that all together and enjoy every last bite of it without swelling up like a Macy's parade balloon.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I tend to stay away from high sodium and man made chemicals. I just don't feel great after I eat a hot dog or boxed macaroni and cheese, etc. Will I eat organic hot dog or homemade mac & cheese? YUP!

    that must be very difficult when your doctor prescribes medicine for you.

    You are possibly the most literal person I have ever come accross! I would expect any logical person to jump to the conclusion that I was referring to "food additives", since I didn't bring up the subject of medications and this is a WEIGHT LOSS FORUM where we disuss food, not a medical blog.

    And, BTW, it is a very rare instance that I have to take medications of any kind. I hardly ever get sick anymore...

    Not sure why you were expecting this, since your initial statement sounded irrational to begin with.
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    I tend to stay away from high sodium and man made chemicals. I just don't feel great after I eat a hot dog or boxed macaroni and cheese, etc. Will I eat organic hot dog or homemade mac & cheese? YUP!

    that must be very difficult when your doctor prescribes medicine for you.

    You are possibly the most literal person I have ever come accross! I would expect any logical person to jump to the conclusion that I was referring to "food additives", since I didn't bring up the subject of medications and this is a WEIGHT LOSS FORUM where we disuss food, not a medical blog.

    And, BTW, it is a very rare instance that I have to take medications of any kind. I hardly ever get sick anymore...

    Not sure why you were expecting this, since your initial statement sounded irrational to begin with.

    OK, I will be more specific. Instead of eating thoes glowing orange elbow noodles out of a box (which tastes a bit like the box itself) - I would rather boil water, add a good quality pasta, melt some organic cheese with some organic milk, and perhaps a little butter from a local dairy, a touch of sea salt, mix that all together and enjoy every last bite of it without swelling up like a Macy's parade balloon.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I tend to stay away from high sodium and man made chemicals. I just don't feel great after I eat a hot dog or boxed macaroni and cheese, etc. Will I eat organic hot dog or homemade mac & cheese? YUP!

    that must be very difficult when your doctor prescribes medicine for you.

    If you make mac and cheese at home or cook in general....isn't that man made "chemicals" as heating/cooling things creates chemical reactions?

    Really? Is that whay you think I meant?

    OK, I will be more specific. Instead of eating thoes glowing orange elbow noodles out of a box (which tastes a bit like the box itself) - I would rather boil water, add a good quality pasta, melt some organic cheese with some organic milk, and perhaps a little butter from a local dairy, a touch of sea salt, mix that all together and enjoy every last bite of it without swelling up like a Macy's parade balloon.

    How does one make even Mac and cheese sound pretentious?

    Anywho, since we're sharing!


    Boil noodles. Pour liquids together, beat in eggs. Put everything in bowl. Salt and Pepper. Bake at 350 until top is bubbly and a little golden. Serve alongside: Thanksgiving dinner. Christmas dinner. Achrya's birthday dinner. Ribs/Burgers/Hotdogs off the grill. Steak. Chicken, and so on and so on.
  • IndigoRey
    there are the typical offenders..chocolate, chips....usually when the nutritional information shows a ton of salt or sugar..enough to make up your daily requirement in one meal...I would usually refer to it as junk food

    but then again, anything a person eats excessively can be considered "junk" for the body..If I ate beets all day, which are normally nutritious, Id cause some serious damage to my organs....

    its hard to categorize cause even dieticians and all these health gurus cant agree..i.e some say popcorn is fine and some its utter junk! i just saw a show that said to eat rice cakes instead of popcorn...both seem like needless junk to me..even though i love popcorn
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I tend to stay away from high sodium and man made chemicals. I just don't feel great after I eat a hot dog or boxed macaroni and cheese, etc. Will I eat organic hot dog or homemade mac & cheese? YUP!

    that must be very difficult when your doctor prescribes medicine for you.

    You are possibly the most literal person I have ever come accross! I would expect any logical person to jump to the conclusion that I was referring to "food additives", since I didn't bring up the subject of medications and this is a WEIGHT LOSS FORUM where we disuss food, not a medical blog.

    And, BTW, it is a very rare instance that I have to take medications of any kind. I hardly ever get sick anymore...

    Not sure why you were expecting this, since your initial statement sounded irrational to begin with.

    OK, I will be more specific. Instead of eating thoes glowing orange elbow noodles out of a box (which tastes a bit like the box itself) - I would rather boil water, add a good quality pasta, melt some organic cheese with some organic milk, and perhaps a little butter from a local dairy, a touch of sea salt, mix that all together and enjoy every last bite of it without swelling up like a Macy's parade balloon.

    i have never seen glowing macaroni noodles before. i should get some. they'll be useful the next time power goes out here.

    i have never eaten a macaroni and cheese box, but i suspect that you are engaging in a wee bit of hyperbole here.

    how do you define good quality pasta? aren't all pastas made from the same ingredients. that would make them all good, or all bad, or how about, all just plain old pasta.

    all cheese is organic.

    all milk is organic.

    in fact, all food is organic because it all comes from previously living things.

    why is local dairy butter better than other butter? do you believe that foods produced within a certain distance of you are inherently superior because of that distance? if so, i think i should move to where you live. do you have any rooms to rent?

    if you swell up like a Macy's balloon, perhaps you have an allergy. when i was a kid, i swelled up badly from poison ivy once. i didn't blame the food i ate the previous day though.
  • lsmsrbls
    lsmsrbls Posts: 232 Member
    all cheese is organic.

    all milk is organic.

    in fact, all food is organic because it all comes from previously living things.

    Words can have more than one meaning, you know.