How's Life?



  • So how's your life? How do you feel about where you are at? where you are going? any stress?

    So HOW are you ?

    Life is going well. I started college this fall (mom of 3 ...31 years old) and its taken a bit to adjust. Im taking my prerequisites for dental hygiene. As far as fitness, I'm back on track and going to work harder than before. I dont like settling :) I try not to stress too much and at the moment I'm doing well! Lol
    School will always take adjustment. I'm about to graduate again! I spent the last two years of long weekends and wednesday nights sitting in a classroom all day. Not much longer here.....but it did past fast. I am running on fumes! haha We can do it!.

    congrats on being almost there, woohoo!!
  • crackur
    crackur Posts: 473 Member
    elaborate a little more....perfect is too concise for me.
  • Pretty exhausted. Today was my day off and I didn't know what to do with myself. It came down to either going to IKEA to pick up women with less than average furniture building skills or get wood for my nephews tree house. Needless to say I didn't realize that I don't own an axe until I was deep in the woods up north. I resorted to shoulder checking the trees and now my arm is pretty sore.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    It's marvelous. Sippin' fresh ground coffee while creepin' MFP. Couldn't be better.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    Thank you for asking!

    Let's see... I'm happy because I've been able to lose some weight. And, happy that I've found a man that understand me. You know us women, we're crazy. "Women understand women, and they hate each other." Haha.

    Also, I'm a bit scared about what the future may hold. I started going back to school to finish out my teaching certificate, and it's a lot harder than I remember. 7 years sure changed college. It's a good trepidation though. It's forcing me to step out of my comfort zone, which I LIVED in for many, many years.

    How are YOU doing? :)
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    All things considered, it is going well. I have a roof over my head, food on the table and am in employment. My life is pretty settled, the odd bump in the road but I am better equipped to deal with those bumps now.

    Fitness wise, I am fitter now than ever before in my life, and continue to try to improve that.
    Weight loss wise, pretty much at goal weight, looking to reduce the %BF now.

    I do have a raging toothache though.....
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    Oh, earth,you are too wonderful for anybody to realize you. Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it--every,every minute? ~ Thorton Wilder
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    some aspects are good some aspects are assy. Isn't that just life? Baby is 11 weeks old, weight is more than gone, husband is doing good after having a stint put in his chest. My older boys are both slacking on school work and working late evenings is robbing me of making meals for my family and being there at bedtime. Catching up after being off work for 4 months, gearing up for Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then's that time of year! Also, the walking dead is back in 18 days - so there's that.
  • youngcaseyr
    youngcaseyr Posts: 293 Member
    I'm liking this message board :D

    My life is busy but productive. I have work and classes Monday- Saturday, but it's all for a purpose. I'm also in better shape now than I have ever been- I find it funny that so many people want to get back to their "high school weight," when I was most unhappy with my weight in high school. But I'm happy now! I'm engaged to a wonderful man and we've just made a huge move out of our home state to advance his career- which happened to be a great step towards advancing MY career.

    I finally feel like everything is as it should be and I love that I can say that and not wonder if I'm forgetting something.

    P.S. Friend requests? Hit me up!
  • Life is great but Im still looking for a girl friend :/
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    Life is good in some aspects, great Husband, Son and home. Social life on the other hand is pretty much non existent but I am working on that. Live in a place that is hard to get around when you don't drive, really need lessons!
  • xvxCelticWandererxvx
    xvxCelticWandererxvx Posts: 2,890 Member
    Getting better all the time :happy:
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member

    "Is life always this hard, or is it just when you're a kid?"

    '...Always like this.'
  • crackur
    crackur Posts: 473 Member
    Pretty exhausted. Today was my day off and I didn't know what to do with myself. It came down to either going to IKEA to pick up women with less than average furniture building skills or get wood for my nephews tree house. Needless to say I didn't realize that I don't own an axe until I was deep in the woods up north. I resorted to shoulder checking the trees and now my arm is pretty sore.
    sounds exhausting
  • crackur
    crackur Posts: 473 Member
    It's marvelous. Sippin' fresh ground coffee while creepin' MFP. Couldn't be better.

    a lot of stuff to creep on here.
  • crackur
    crackur Posts: 473 Member
    Thank you for asking!

    Let's see... I'm happy because I've been able to lose some weight. And, happy that I've found a man that understand me. You know us women, we're crazy. "Women understand women, and they hate each other." Haha.

    Also, I'm a bit scared about what the future may hold. I started going back to school to finish out my teaching certificate, and it's a lot harder than I remember. 7 years sure changed college. It's a good trepidation though. It's forcing me to step out of my comfort zone, which I LIVED in for many, many years.

    How are YOU doing? :)
    you can make it....its just something to get use too again

    I'm doing ok.....just tired.....overwhelmed a tad bit.

    I did had a few clients I ran into today that I haven't seen for a bit tell me "when did you get skinny on us" ..I got to admit that was good to hear.
  • crackur
    crackur Posts: 473 Member
    All things considered, it is going well. I have a roof over my head, food on the table and am in employment. My life is pretty settled, the odd bump in the road but I am better equipped to deal with those bumps now.

    Fitness wise, I am fitter now than ever before in my life, and continue to try to improve that.
    Weight loss wise, pretty much at goal weight, looking to reduce the %BF now.

    I do have a raging toothache though.....
    sounds like you are doing good........I hope the toothache goes away

    and great work on your fitness.
  • donna710
    donna710 Posts: 91 Member
    I could complain but what good would it do!! I have a good job and great friends....but my parent's health is failing and I can't do anything about that, my older sister is a hot mess all of the time about everything, my fiance' is driving me crazy and my 17 yr old son is..well, being a 17 yr old!!
    All in all, the sun is shining.. :drinker:
  • crackur
    crackur Posts: 473 Member
    Oh, earth,you are too wonderful for anybody to realize you. Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it--every,every minute? ~ Thorton Wilder
    no we take everything for granted by taking it for granted.
  • crackur
    crackur Posts: 473 Member
    some aspects are good some aspects are assy. Isn't that just life? Baby is 11 weeks old, weight is more than gone, husband is doing good after having a stint put in his chest. My older boys are both slacking on school work and working late evenings is robbing me of making meals for my family and being there at bedtime. Catching up after being off work for 4 months, gearing up for Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then's that time of year! Also, the walking dead is back in 18 days - so there's that.
    yay for walking dead.

    and congratz on the lil one.......and I know the feeling of losing time with my family......I sit and watch my 3 year old on my nook watching youtube and I'm like hey.......your 3 not 13 .....spend some time with me!