What do women really want in a guy?



  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    What a woman wants is different at different times in thier lives. As a woman changes so does her wants and needs. Same thing with a guy, your wants and needs change as you get older and more experienced in the world. What you want now may not be what you need in the future. Just be yourself, don't depend on others to tell you who or what you should be. Have fun, go on dates, and when it is right you will know.

    Absolutely agree 100%!
  • StephanieJ82
    StephanieJ82 Posts: 233
    This article is pretty common senes. "listen to her when she is talking" well obviously...

    What women want is different for every woman. My best friends husband is one of those 'bad boys' who only cares about his immage. He gets into fights at bars, he has never changed a diaper... Personally, I don't get it, he is a jerk and I don't find him interesting in any way. Another of my friends makes more money than her hubby and he stays home to watch the baby and is an emotional guy, again, not for me...
    Then there is my husband. Married over five years and one of the things I love so much about him (besides he is hilarious and sweet) is that he is a MAN. He can fix or build anything and is great at every sport he plays. When he hits a home run or his drive is longer than everyone elses I am so proud of him (and makes me a little randy. lol)

    Anyways, my point is that everyones WANTS are not the same. In the end I think it has to do with chemistry. You either feel it, or you don't. The article said, 'Recent research reveals women are more influenced by how a man smells than how he looks' I can see this, but again it is chemical.
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    I didn't read your link but I want someone that's honest, trustworthy, funny, hardworking and someone attractive to me (obviously). All of that is probably so hard to find in 1 man. Impossible. I'm a bit jaded though..
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    Aiight..... Cat and yarn theory.
    The short and sweet version. If you place a piece of yarn on a table high enough where a cat can only reach it by jumping, the cat will play with that piece of yarn for God knows how long.

    If you take that same piece of yarn down and give it to the cat the fun is gone....the cat will no longer play with it and will be bored with the yarn.

    Same thing applies to women (theoretically). If you make yourself readily available and always, ALWAYS available everytime she wants to play, she will eventually get bored and you will be considered the piece of yarn that is lying on the floor. If you limit your availability and demonstrate that you have a life outside of her, you are considered the piece of yarn just out of reach and her interest will stay high and you can continue to move forward.

    I know folks are going to try and shoot holes in this and women will say that this is not them....... Whatever. I've researched it and did a wonderful college project on it for a social psychology class. It is a subconcious thing that is internal in humans (men or women).

    So fire away and keep it clean so this thread doesn't get locked.....

    True, however I believe it goes both ways for men and women.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Money....plain and simple, all women want the guy to have money. Ladies, don't argue or disagree, because you all know it's true. If you liked two guys, both were identical twin brothers, and both were trash collectors, and being identical twins, they had the same personalities, the same likes and dislikes, and were basically the same person, and they both wanted to marry you. You love them both and can't decide which one to marry....then, one of them hits the lottery for $200 million. Which one would you marry? If any woman who says she'd marry the brother who didn't hit the lottery, she is lying. We all know that women go after the money.

    jaded much?

    No, truthful.

    I have never had the slightest interest in a man with money. When I met my husband we were 13. Money has never come into it. Nor has it for any member of my family. We have all had the option of choosing a rich guy, and instead went for personality.
  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    Fly on the wall waiting to see how many women actually are honest.....
    Then I'll explain my cat and yarn theory.

    *pulls up a chair and waits for the Tao of Cee*

    Aiight..... Cat and yarn theory.

    The short and sweet version. If you place a piece of yarn on a table high enough where a cat can only reach it by jumping, the cat will play with that piece of yarn for God knows how long.
    If you take that same piece of yarn down and give it to the cat the fun is gone....the cat will no longer play with it and will be bored with the yarn.

    Same thing applies to women (theoretically). If you make yourself readily available and always, ALWAYS available everytime she wants to play, she will eventually get bored and you will be considered the piece of yarn that is lying on the floor. If you limit your availability and demonstrate that you have a life outside of her, you are considered the piece of yarn just out of reach and her interest will stay high and you can continue to move forward.

    I know folks are going to try and shoot holes in this and women will say that this is not them....... Whatever. I've researched it and did a wonderful college project on it for a social psychology class. It is a subconcious thing that is internal in humans (men or women).

    So fire away and keep it clean so this thread doesn't get locked.....

    I've actually known women that do this...& they keep going back to them ...but if the guy gives them extra attention...they move on...of course I also know guys that exercise this "theory" with that purpose of keeping the women interested ...but of course it doesn't apply to everyone
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    Dont really have the patience to read that article, but the bottom line is, why concern yourself with what you think 'women' as a species want? each woman is unique in her own way and looking for something different.

    The best thing you can do is be true to yourself and be the best YOU that you can. That will attract the woman that is right for you.
    You're not looking to attract all women at once, are you?!?!

    'cat and yarn theory', yeah. thats true of both men and women who are just playing the field, but bottom line is when either a man or a woman finds one that he wants to spend the rest of his life with, he needs to swoop in and make that his own before someone else does!!!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    About the cat and yarn theory ... I'm not going to "shoot holes" in it and say that it's total crap. On some level, of course we want to be excited, and we want to be left wanting a little more. But if I believed a man was "limiting his availability" because he thought that would keep me interested in him, the relationship would be over. I don't have time for games.

    If you're the kind of man who has a lot going on (demanding job, active lifestyle, etc.), that's fine. I don't expect you to be at my beck and call, and I realize you had other important people and important things in your life before you met me. But if you start that "I can't call her for three days or go out with her twice in the same week because then she'll know I like her" crap, we are done.
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    My cat would become bored and move on to Catnip................:wink:
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    Fly on the wall waiting to see how many women actually are honest.....
    Then I'll explain my cat and yarn theory.

    *pulls up a chair and waits for the Tao of Cee*

    Aiight..... Cat and yarn theory.
    The short and sweet version. If you place a piece of yarn on a table high enough where a cat can only reach it by jumping, the cat will play with that piece of yarn for God knows how long.

    If you take that same piece of yarn down and give it to the cat the fun is gone....the cat will no longer play with it and will be bored with the yarn.

    Same thing applies to women (theoretically). If you make yourself readily available and always, ALWAYS available everytime she wants to play, she will eventually get bored and you will be considered the piece of yarn that is lying on the floor. If you limit your availability and demonstrate that you have a life outside of her, you are considered the piece of yarn just out of reach and her interest will stay high and you can continue to move forward.

    I know folks are going to try and shoot holes in this and women will say that this is not them....... Whatever. I've researched it and did a wonderful college project on it for a social psychology class. It is a subconcious thing that is internal in humans (men or women).

    So fire away and keep it clean so this thread doesn't get locked.....

    Total agreement. And it definitely works both ways.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Yours truly..........thats right what you ladies want is right here in this big brown package of a man that is me..................not to mention my awesome tan!

    feel free to Message me ladies!
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    Yours truly..........thats right what you ladies want is right here in this big brown package of a man that is me..................not to mention my awesome tan!

    feel free to Message me ladies!

    here u go again.

    men, take note. Guys who sell themselves: NOT a turn-on.
    Sorry beer.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Different women want different things...at different times lol

    When i was younger i liked "bad boys"

    Now i would not dream of dating anyone like this.

    We change so our "type" changes.

    For me it is about respect friendship and being attracted to that person.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Difference between confidence and cockyness
    Jay-Z and Kayne West.

    No thank you Mr West lol
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Most girls I've dated act like they want a girlfriend that is male.
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    Most girls I've dated act like they want a girlfriend that is male.

    Uhhhh, ewwwww. Just saying...
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Yours truly..........thats right what you ladies want is right here in this big brown package of a man that is me..................not to mention my awesome tan!

    feel free to Message me ladies!

    here u go again.

    men, take note. Guys who sell themselves: NOT a turn-on.
    Sorry beer.

    Its ok....Im just looking out for these ladies. Alittle latino heat never did anyone anyharm ;)
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    Most girls I've dated act like they want a girlfriend that is male.

    Lmao! In a perfect world.....:drinker:
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Most girls I've dated act like they want a girlfriend that is male.

    Lmao! In a perfect world.....:drinker:

    Same goes for guys too. Want a best bud where the right pieces interlock. Still think guys chase tail way too much!
  • annastacia10
    annastacia10 Posts: 106
    I see that money is important to many of you. When I met my wife, I was teaching TKD and doing massage. I loved doing it but it wasn't because of the money. Barely making a living.

    Money was never brought up by Jan. I remember spending my last dollar just to be able to cook her dinner when she came over.

    When we decided to get married, I knew I had to get a "real job". I was38, HS Grad, no skills. Not a lot of work for me. Had to take a job through a Temp agency. Worked a lot of very temporary and very medial jobs at $5 and hour.

    I finally got hired on at one of the companies. That immediately bumped me up to.....$5.50 an hour. I was barely able to cover my living expenses in a cheap apartment and my gas to and from work, let alone woo Jan with fine dining and trips.

    Money was never brought up by Jan. She married me. Trusted me with two daughters...still making $5.50 an hour. Man, I would never let my daughter marry a man in my postion if I had any say in it.

    Jan never brought up the fact that she was making more money than I was or that it was ever a factor in my measuring up as a man.

    I stayed at that company for almost 20 years and managed to progress to a point where I was making a decent wage and progressing through the ranks. Got an offer from the company I am working at now. I am making very good money We live well. Have three great daughters. But more importantly, I have a wife that stood beside me through thick and thin. One that never knew the concept of "Yours and Mine". It was always "Ours".
    She didn't need ME to be financially stable. We struggled together. We made our life together. If I would have had to be rich to bring Jan into my life, things would be very different now.

    Be careful what you wish for.

    Love this and totally agree. Reminds me of a John Wayne movie, I think it was McLintock, where Wayne played the title character and had a lot of land and money. He told his daughter she would never inherit it because the best thing about a marriage is building something together and the struggle that goes with it makes two people much stronger. I, unfortunately, married a man who had money but that's not what I loved about him. After we married money consumed his thoughts and every behavior and I thought we were building a life together. He wanted everything separate and could not see that I wanted to add something to his life and make it richer, but not in the monitary sense. I divorced him because I realized it would never be US building a life together, and the toys he wanted were more important than me and our marriage. I have no desire to be with a man who has a lot of money, didn't then, but I fell in love with the man I thought he was at the time he courted me. I want a shared life with someone, even if that means we struggle in poverty.