Weight loss help



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Ok ... I am 100% logging in properly, in average my daily intake (these are just my most frequent meals)-... Are : breakfast : yogurt and granola (70-150) depending which type of yogurt) lunch : either corn (100cal) or a tuna bagel (250cal) and dinner : salad and grilled chicken or another type of meat (200-300cal) just as i said around 600-700 cal..

    tuna bagel - 250cal ... is this half a bagel, a whole bagel, a mini bagel? I am asking because when I check bagels in the database I get that for a plain whole bagel without any tuna. Also how much tuna and is there anything with it? not all entries in the database are accurate, just saying.

    Ultimately whatever we says means nothing, because your body is keeping an accurate diary and it is saying you are not in calorie deficit.

    Yeah, my bagels tend to run between 250-310 depending on the type.
  • natalia616
    natalia616 Posts: 34 Member
    Oh for mine its like 200 ? And the tuna is really low with like leaf of lettuc and celery which isnt really much calories...
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    OP, you may have said before and I missed it in the chaos, but how tall are you and how much do you currently weigh?

    Also, you said if you had the options to talk to a doctor or therapist you would. Can I ask why you don't have those options?
  • natalia616
    natalia616 Posts: 34 Member
    176cm and 64 kgs... And because a therapist costs alot of money.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    how much do you still want to lose?
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    176cm and 64 kgs... And because a therapist costs alot of money.
    So, that's about 5'7" and 140 pounds. You're not even overweight.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    176cm and 64 kgs... And because a therapist costs alot of money.

    I'm not sure where you are, but in the US I know there are a lot of clinics that operate on sliding scale payment plans based on your income. I know similar programs are in place in other countries. You might look into that possibility or even into a support group (which are often free) for whatever you're worried about, if you are serious about wanting to see someone and just not being able to afford it.

    You're at a healthy weight now, so I don't understand the flat out panic at the idea of gaining a kg or two of water weight temporarily while your body stabilizes. It isn't permanent and it isn't going to throw you into obeseness. I'm not saying you shouldn't lose more weight if you want to. I'm just saying you should do it in a healthy fashion.

    And again, all this is assuming you are accurately measuring and logging your food. I do think you need to incorporate exact logging with your calorie change to make sure you really are eating what you think you're eating. If you do that, then even of pps are right and you are somehow underestimating your calories by 1400 each day (which I doubt, but is possible), you'll solve your problem.
  • natalia616
    natalia616 Posts: 34 Member
    Only like 4-6 kgs!
  • natalia616
    natalia616 Posts: 34 Member
    Its 5'9.5 and 140 pounds..
  • natalia616
    natalia616 Posts: 34 Member
    I started of being at the egde of overweight. I had a bmi of 24.3 .
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Its 5'9.5 and 140 pounds..
    Right. Then you really don't need to lose any more weight. If you aren't happy with the way you look you should lift weights. And you should stop eating so little. You'll only end up burning muscle.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    1. 4-6kg is your loss goal? If so, I stand corrected on your loss goal, but still puts you in the category of not much to lose, which means it will be harder and slower and you may need to change your approach. Why do you feel like you need to lose anymore? And I am asking a serious question. What about your body are you hoping to change by dropping another 4-6kg?

    2. I apologize on the math error, I was switching back and forth between the Internet and the calculator and misentered the height number. But the fact that you are 5'9 instead of 5'7 actually just reinforces my point more, you are well within a healthy weight, so why the panic over possibly gaining a small amount of water weight temporarily in exchange for being healthy in the long run and avoiding possible medical issues?
  • natalia616
    natalia616 Posts: 34 Member
    Im hoping to get rid of the muffin top I have.... Just because Im within a healthy weight range does not mean I do not need to lose any weight... And before, no one said that I would only gain water weight but that I would completley rebound.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Im hoping to get rid of the muffin top I have.... Just because Im within a healthy weight range does not mean I do not need to lose any weight... And before, no one said that I would only gain water weight but that I would completley rebound.
    Focus more on exercise, especially weight lifting, rather than starving yourself. Eat plenty of protein, but also healthy fats and carbs. You can change your body composition while eating a healthy amount of food. If you continue to eat so little you will lose muscle mass, which is not something you want. It will not help you to achieve the look you're wanting.
  • natalia616
    natalia616 Posts: 34 Member
    Alright, thank you all so much :)
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Im hoping to get rid of the muffin top I have.... Just because Im within a healthy weight range does not mean I do not need to lose any weight... And before, no one said that I would only gain water weight but that I would completley rebound.
    Focus more on exercise, especially weight lifting, rather than starving yourself. Eat plenty of protein, but also healthy fats and carbs. You can change your body composition while eating a healthy amount of food. If you continue to eat so little you will lose muscle mass, which is not something you want. It will not help you to achieve the look you're wanting.

    Pretty much this. It sounds like you want to tighten up flabby areas more than decrease your overall size. That comes with progressive strength training, which requires a healthy diet and plenty of protein.

    For the record, I specifically said that I wasn't stating that you couldn't/shouldn't lose more weight. I was just pointing out that you were at a healthy weight. And at least 3 different posters told you about water weight. ONE poster used the term "rebound" and specifically said it was a possibility if you doubled your calories all at once. Then that same poster posted again, and again explained what she meant. You keep latching on to partial statements and panicking while disregarding solid advice and posts explaining why you shouldn't panic, which is why some have thought you were a troll. It seems like you are deliberately stirring the pot when you just pick out bits and pieces to react to.
  • natalia616
    natalia616 Posts: 34 Member
    Alright... I will try this and see how it goes... Thank you.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Best of luck, and let us know how it turns out.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    OP, firstly sorry about the behaviour of some of the users on here towards you. Early conclusions about you have been reached in the absence of data merely for the purposes of drama and confrontation. It's not just you it happens all the time. Embarrassing. Report any insulting posts to the mods and also the 'ignore' button sorts them out a treat. :wink:

    If you start logging your food, every little bit, you'll soon be on your way. Your goal is fine, it's in the healthy BMI range for your height. You don't have much to lose so it might be an idea to try TDEE-10% or set MFP to a 0.5lb loss.

    As others said - exercise is a great way to tone up. Good luck! :smile:
  • foolsforsarah
    Your plateau is because you eat so few calories, and in those calories you do consume alot of carbs and processed crap. When your body doesnt get enough calories to function for the day it goes to starvation mode, it begins storing everything you put inside thus causing a plateau. Do you use the bathroom often? Maybe not because you body is storing processed **** and carbs.

    Start eating more a day. Eat lots of fresh fruit and veggies, you can eat 1500 calories a day and lose weight still if you are eacting properly.

    Calories are pointless to count if all you consume is ****.