

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Quick post so you guys know I'm still alive and kicking. Will come back tomorrow and chat.
    Sue in TX
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Went to the dr's this morning to get my clearance to work with the personal trainer. Didn't get it. Turns out now I have high blood pressure or at least I did this morning. I have to go back in a week to get it taken again and if it's still up then I have go on meds. It's frustrating when I've been working so hard for almost 10 months, eating right, working out. Aren't I supposed to be getting healthier? I guess I have to work just a bit harder.

    Meg - I remember your frustration with your diagnosis, I feel your pain :noway: Congrats on the loss, that's fantastic.

    Sylvia - What a scary morning, I hope your DGD doesn't have any more seizures

    Jane - glad you had a good time at dinner, awesome choosing your fresh fruit

    texasgal - your DGS is such a cutie. hmmm a slide sounds like fun

    Early night for me. Have a great night everyone

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Thanks Meg, it was a great way to handle adding another year :bigsmile: and a huge congrats to you on your weight loss! :flowerforyou: don't get in too big of a hurry to find your routine cause if you are like me when the clocks fall back so will I...:laugh: I can't help you much with the blood sugar as that is so individual that it's hard to say what will work for you...or me.

    Sue will be looking for you tomorrow; isn't it grand to finally have some beautiful autumn days in Texas? :smile:

    Thank you Sandy; he is the only little one of 7 right now and I am so enjoying him. I sure hope your blood pressure goes down for you. DH had high blood pressure and he cut out sodas and upped his exercise which has helped him. Here's to you finding that right food/tool to help you with yours without medication.

    My real name is Teral (sounds like Carol with a T; I have had several ask lately so I thought I would share with all and I will try to remember to sign off with it...been using texasgal so long I kind of like it :bigsmile:

    Catch up with others later,

    Teral in Plano Texas enjoying the beautiful autumn days...finally!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Ok I am caught up with reading, I have been in a funk and can't seem to shake it. I have so much to be Thankful for and I am. Not sure what is going on. We are still waiting for them to come finish the siding on the house. I find it hard to understand how they could end of so short. Then the guy putting in the furnance has the old one all torn apart and says the new one should be here Wednesday and he will start putting it in. These cool mornings sure are fun to get shower and dressed. NOT!! I did have a .6 loss this week. I was hoping for more but its down not up. I went to the eye doctor last Thursday, my insurance company sent my doctor a letter saying I had not had it done for 3 years, so they called me and I did it. My left eye is worse and now I have to wear tri-focals. I have an appointment this Thursday with the skin doctor as the two spots they burnt off in Sept have never healed and are getting really sore. On a happy note my dad called me this evening. He is still at the nursing home and doing therapy. He sounded good really short of breath. They had to put him back on O2 last week. After we were done talking I just wanted to sit and cry. OK enough.

    Sylvia-- So sorry to read about your ER visit. I hope you called and talked to the manager. There no reason for that kind of treatment and I know where I work when that happens they are glad to have the call and take action. I enjoy hearing about your puppy. He sounds like a smart dog. We got a rescure pug puppy. He was kept in a cage the first year. He is such a loving puppy. Our other dog Toby is not sure what to think as Jake has alot of energy and tries to get him to play. How scaring for you and DGD. Said a prayer all is well. Great NSV at the workshop. People noticing is nice.

    Heather- Thanks for sharing your trips. You go to such interesting places and do so much. Love the pictures and you are looking great. I went to a bra fitting they were having at the hospital for breast cancer month. I was surprised that I wear alot smaller then I thought I did, I thought I was 52 and I am onlly a 44. Guess that explains why the girls were falling out all the time. Dillards was doing the fittings so I brought one of their bras. Boy did that perk things up. With your husbands past he is so lucky to have you and your love. Bless you for all you do for him and others.

    Katla-Happy 2nd year and being at goal. Sounds like your deck looks nice and done the way you wanted. Glad DH is ok, that had to be scary. My DH sister has been deibtic since she was 9 and she has times her surgars bottom out. The unit spends alot of time at her house.

    Cheryl- Beautiful horse. I have not riden since I was a teenager. Sometimes I miss it, but figure I would not put a horse thru having to carry me. Maybe someday.

    Meg-- glad the pupppy is feeling better. I got a good laugh over the pup in his bed. Sounds like DD2 is quite the cook. I hope we do not get any snow are anything until my furnance is in and working.

    Michele--They made getting the flu shot at the hopsital where I work a condition of working. If you do not have it by Oct 31 or note from doctor you can not work. I got mine last week. For the last 3 years everytime I get the shot within two weeks I lose my voice. They tell me it can't do that, but it has for the last 3 times. Last year they had to give me steriods to get it back.

    Critter Sue-- Your house colors sound pretty. I will be glad when ours is done. We are going from yellow to pale green. Sure looks different. What they have done I like.

    yanniejane- Sure hope Gwen is doing better. Prayers to both of you. She is so lucky you knew what to do and did it. Bless you for being such a good friend.

    grandmallie--glad you made it home safe. Congrates on the NSV at the pool.

    Joyce-- Great buys at CJ banks. We have one in the Mall here and everytime my sister comes to town we make a trip out there.

    Liz-- prayers to your DGS. I get so upset about things like that. Did she not know he had children when they dicided to get together and it is a package deal. They did not ask for the parents to divorce. When I met DH he had 6 children with several moms. I have done my best to make them feel welcome and I have always told them the only steps in our house are to the front door. We raised his oldest from when he was 5, him and my son were 10 months apart and acted like brothers from day one. Sorry to go on so, but that is one thing that drives me nuts.

    Well hope you all have a good night and great tomorrow. I am so Thankful for all of you.

    Blessed! Vicki57 Gi NE
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: The fog went away while I was eating breakfast this morning so I could see the moon when I walked the dogs and we’ve had beautiful sunshine all day.

    :flowerforyou: Everyone in our county votes by mail so today we spent awhile reading about the propositions and the candidates and filled out our ballots. Tomorrow I’ll take them to the courthouse and drop them in the box.

    Barbie from NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 22,000 steps today

    October Resolutions (with week three comments)
    *strength training three days a week (twice a week )
    *change some of my strength training routine (made several significant changes this week)
    *don’t take things personally (really have to work at this)
    *practice dance for 20-30 minutes three days a week (once a week)
    * say “No” to candy (no candy, so far this month)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour on the rebounder today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a step DVD then we have the Newcomer general meeting. Totally forgot until I looked at the calendar today that I'm supposed to volunteer at the Green Room this morning. It's early ticket purchase for the benefectors. When they have that, it's usually very slow so I'm going to take a book with me to read. Afterwards, I may stop at Food Lion to get some more grapes, they have them on sale. Fortunately, the FL is right on the way home.

    Liz - that is so horrible about your gs. What does his father say? I would think there'd be something your daughter can do. It probably would cost her. I would think if she retained a lawyer and explained the situation, something could be done.

    katla - I like your attitude of "no one can make me fashionable -- so there!" I'm getting to be the same way, something has to fit quite well for me to buy it. OK, sometimes I might get a shirt or something that I'm not sure of and I'll only buy it if it's from a place like the Salvation Army where the prices are decent. There is no way I'd pay full price for something unless I was sure that I loved it.

    yanniejannie - thanks for the hot cocoa tip. I'm going to have to give this a try. Doesn't look like much sugar at all. Thanks. Do you use the milk in the recipe?

    Rita - I'm so excited for you. Safe moving, don't work too hard. Are you having professional movers?

    Sylvia - how scary!!! Glad your son was there in no time at all. How nice of you to take the other child to preschool. I'm sure that took a load off his parent's minds

    texasgal - that must have been so neat to go down that slide. I bet the cake gs makes for you has a special flavor -- the flavor of love.

    Jane - you can keep that "s" stuff, thank you very much :)

    Meg - congrats on the loss, is that a weekly weigh-in? So glad Benny Beagle is better. As far as the milk is concerned, I just wish Vince would think ahead sometimes. Like buying it when we were there would save me a trip of having to go back to get it another day. Your image of katla and the salesladies put a big grin in my face

    Sandy - can you get a bp machine and take your bp at home for a few days? Could be possible you have "white coat syndrome" and wouldn't need meds.

    Vicki - try to look on the bright side -- all that shivering of your body is most likely burning more calories :) I like your saying that the only steps to your house are to your front door. Technically, my mother and one sister were step sisters to all her other sisters, but they never referred to them as "steps" only as sisters.

    Michele in NC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,

    Have caught up with reading all the posts, but only have time for a short note tonight. Good to be home for a week. Leaving on Friday for Rapid City. DH tagging along on this trip so we can have fun running around seeing sights over the weekend before I settle in to work. Between now and end of the year I will also be in Sioux Falls, Charlotte, Boston, Upstate NY, Wilmington, NYC and San Diego. The last location is a vacation with DH to visit my sister and brother in law who was recently diagnosed with cancer in the pancreas. I don't know what to do to provide comfort and a modicum of joy to my sister.

    About audiobooks, thanks to Barbie for recommending The Happiness Project. I play it while I ride the recumbent bike. It is read by the author, and I really am enjoying it.

    :yawn: Time to bed down so I can hit the gym at 5:00AM tomorrow.

    Stay well,
    Rori in the Colorado Foothills where Fall is glorious
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    It has been a good day. It started with yoga.:heart: I took the pants back to Macy’s and found a different pair I liked well enough to buy. There is a little wrinkling along the legs, but the new pants don’t bulge at the top of my boots. :noway: I think I look pretty good in them. I haven’t thought I looked good in much of anything for years, so this is a very new experience. :bigsmile: I’ll have DH take my picture and you can tell me what you think. Don’t hold your breath, though. It will take some time for me to work up the courage. I’m still camera shy.:blushing:

    Yanniejannie: Your hot chocolate sounds wonderful. I wonder how soymilk or ricemilk would affect it. Real milk is not in my best interest.:tongue:

    Rita: Touch bases when you have the chance, and let us know when you reach your new home in CT.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I’m sorry that your granddaughter had an emergency trip to the hospital and hope she is doing well now. What a lovely thing, to be hugged by your son. I’m happy for you and hope this is the first of many good moments.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Jeans and t-shirts rule! But it is also nice to be able to dress up now and then. I hope you enjoy the new clothes.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: DH has been diabetic since before I met him, and he’s had a lifetime of ups and downs. He's mostly been in very good control and is doing really well for someone who's had diabetes for 48 years. Starting a new term is always challenging. Your changed schedule and reduced exercise can make a big difference. Watch your sugars. Monitor and adjust is the phrase that pops into my head. You have so many skills to bring to this that I know you’ll be great at managing things.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy from ON: Good luck with your health issues. I’m sending good thoughts your way.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Our state has vote by mail for all elections. Thanks for the reminder to vote. I have a ballot waiting for my attention right now.:smile:

    Michele: I love hearing about your busy life. You are involved in so many things and you always impress me. :flowerforyou:

    Rori: I am hoping to hear about your exercise regime when you get the chance.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Morning Ladies. I have been so busy with work lately haven't had too much time to catch up. I will try to start from here.

    Only 5 more days til Dr's appt, hope she will be happy with results. Big October Festival at church this weekend, food, games, hay rides, fun, did I mention food (that I will be helping cook) :bigsmile: and candy, cakes, etc...:sad: that I will not be eating, I will not be eating, :devil: Elizabeth"s little red riding hood costume is almost done, it turned out so well, we will take her to the Trunk or Treat downtown on Saturday, she is still too young to go door to door, maybe next year.

    Meg--My Daughter#1 is in clinical's in PA, I'm not sure how she does it with 4 kids, Hubby in Air Force (gone a lot) and part time job, but she manages, I am one Proud Mom.

    Hope everyone has a Blessed and Wonderful Day. :flowerforyou:

    Tina in Florida
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,821 Member
    Morning ladies,
    Oh I am in sooo much pain- my neck and shoulders are so sore, I can barely move. no gym for me today, and I am going to lay low until I have to go to work. im up a few ounces,but it could be that I havent been able to exercise as much with my neck and shoulder..
    I do have laundry in the washer, and I have to stop at the dump to drop of bags of grass and leaves, im sure that will be wonderful for my neck and shoulders,
    thank goodness I have some left over muscle relaxer's I took one when I got up with my warm lemon water..
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: Rori, I am so excited to hear that you are enjoying “The Happiness Project”. That book changed my life. I wrote my own happiness commandments (some taken from the book and some original) and have them hanging on my refrigerator door to remind me about what to do when I get into a funk…….I am enjoying the changes to my strength training routine thanks to your great ideas.

    :flowerforyou: On the subject of clothing
    I am what I am and I have a style that I like…..now it’s in size 6 pants and small tops instead of size 16 pants and XL tops…….I am colder than most people so I wear long pants year round and long sleeves, turtlenecks, sweatshirts and don’t worry about how fashionable I am, just how comfortable. I like to wear shirts with pictures on them and when I find a shirt I like, I don’t worry about the price. I believe in having fewer clothes and loving everything you have.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: The most amazing NSV of my weight loss journey was the day I tried clothes on and didn’t cry at how horrible I looked…….then I cried for joy.

    :heart: Barbie from clear and cold NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Popped in to try and stay up with the thread...glad to see some gals back!

    Liz fr Halifax NS – thank goodness your little GB piped up at school! Since they are typically duty-bound to respond I think it is much
    faster response than if your DD tried to go back through the legal system. Sorry everyone is going through it all.

    Hope everyone is having a good week!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • annabarratt1
    Ive never been called upon to do Jury Service in my life and I have lived to a grand old age. Good luck anyway in all you do.:smile:
  • annabarratt1
    On the subject of clothing I agree .... buy what you Llke and what suits you the most. TO HELL WITH FASHIONABLE CLOTHING! I SAY:laugh:
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Hump Day from Dreary Delaware,

    Well, we’ve been exceptionally lucky in the weather department, so it is a little bit of a “wake up call” to finally get fall weather. Today is dreary and overcast with temps in the 50’s. We are expected to get our first frost tonight, but on the bright side it is forecasted to be nice but cool this weekend, so am already anticipating another long hike in my future.

    I’ve been very diligent in my exercise and steps. I’ve done my back exercises for 3 days straight and can tell that it does make a difference. I’ve been doing those before bed time and it seems to also help me sleep deeper, last night I only got up once for the bathroom. I give myself a B for food logging, when I log I am good, but there are some days I just don’t do it, so need to get better.

    I am doing my countdown for vacation. We leave for our cruise in November and am really looking forward to enjoying the ship and the ports of call. It will be me and hubby and my best friend and her sister. I’m really hoping to get at least one dive in when we are in Grenada. My diving skills always get rusty as it seems like I only get to go once or twice a year.

    :smile: Sandy – I am so sorry about your migraines. I use to have a co-worker who would have to work from home on those days in a darkened room, she also would take oxygen to help.
    :smile: Sylvia – I was saddened to hear you AF Career was cut short by your ex. I know I saw a lot of changes in the AF from 81-12, but imagine in 1974 it wasn’t the most female friendly place (just a hunch). I was lucky in that I had some really great bosses, we didn’t use the term mentor back then, but they really pushed me and I excelled. I got my bachelor’s during my first enlistment. All in all it was a great experience that has carried me throughout my life.
    :smile: Joyce – it is always so disappointing to finally go out to enjoy a meal and then the choice wasn’t a good one. Oh well, sometimes nothing ventured nothing gained.
    :smile: Meg – I enjoyed your Benny and a small “pup” update. Like you, I laughed when I read it. Congrats on the weight loss!!
    :smile: Critter Sue – sending positive thoughts to your FIL.
    :smile: Michelle – how did you find a mahjongg group? I am somewhat familiar w/the game, but think it would be great social experience to belong to something like that.
    :smile: Grandmallie – hope your neck and shoulders get on the mend soon.
    :smile: Barbie – thank you for sharing your clothing insights.

    Hope everyone enjoys these Fall days.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Good afternoon from a much sunnier Hampshire, UK. Last night we had amazing lightening across the South and the local football match had to be called off as the pitch was under water!

    Next door still hasn't been round about the car prang. I am working hard on letting go of expectations of other people, especially as it is DH's concern, not mine, and I did sleep better last night. I must admit though that I have had some very vengeful thoughts, but then realised that if I get agitated I am only letting THEM win. But I will say it here - They are not nice people and we don't like them.:wink::tongue: :laugh:
    That feels better.

    I am still incubating my cold, which is probably why I have had no energy recently. I am loads better today as it is getting ready to come out. Hope it is not an absolute streamer!:grumble: My head is all coldy and itchy inside.
    I phoned the doctor about a flu jab, but they are all behind and I have to ring again on Friday. I don't get one automatically as I am not 65, but have always wangled one anyway.

    Still waiting to hear about my rental window. The poor tenant has to shower in a draught. As it's a leasehold property the whole matter of replacing it is more complicated. At least I have managing agents.

    Did some of my tax return yesterday. Just got to work out interest now and I can complete it. That will be one nagging job out of the way. Those are the things that sap my energy - jobs I procrastinate about.

    Have got some vouchers for an on line clothes store so I think I will buy some furry slippers to wear indoors with my new skirts and dress. When people come round I have no "smart" slippers to wear with nice clothes. These are ballerinas with a faux fur lining, in grey.
    As to fashion, I do like to dress fashionably, though obviously I have to think about my age. Comfort comes first though, especially with footwear. I used to hate clothes shopping when I was fat and took ages to find anything that didn't make me depressed. It was all exhausting. Now I enjoy it as I look nice in a lot of things, though I'm not very girly or frilly. When I lost the weight I had to do quite a bit of research into what was fashionable right now. I bought some magazines and looked online. I soon got my eye in and feel very happy and comfortable in the choices I have made recently. I prefer to have one or two nice things than lots of not so nice. I have the smallest wardrobe of anyone I know, including DH!
    Today I took a couple more things to the charity shop. They are clothes I bought in Feb for our French holiday and I thought they were tiny! Hooray!:bigsmile:

    Love to all. I might close my eyes for a second this pm.
    Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,821 Member
    well ,dont think I will take a muscle relaxer anymore:frown: wow do i feel loopy:huh: not that im not that without the meds :laugh:
    took the leaves to the dump and vacumed the car out, got my DH dinner and lunch together,had a little bit of breakfast and lunch.
    the birdies are enjoying the feeder ,will have to take a picture to show you all.
    I have found when buying new clothes, I go for the athletic ,yoga pants,light hoodies and long sleeved t-shirts, because im always on the move( well most of the time anyway). I have scrubs for work, and a few pair of jeans and sweatshirts. I love comfy clothes, and I dont care what anyone says either...
    dont know how much exercise I will get in today,but I have to say my neck feels a bit better..still gonna baby it until it is healed..
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I woke up to fog this morning but expect it to clear away and the forecast is for another beautiful day. Yesterday I was in capris for a while. I plan to go to yoga this morning with another instructor. I’ve had two classes from her and enjoyed the experiences both times. I like to go to yoga at least twice a week and have added her classes to increase my chances of getting in at least two sessions. I have a yoga DVD but don’t enjoy it. For one thing, our TV is mounted above the fireplace and is quite high. There is a great view from the couch, but not from the floor. My other problem with the DVD is pace. She goes too fast for me.

    Meg: This morning I talked to DH about your situation. He has been an insulin dependent diabetic since age 18. He says to talk to your doctor & investigate any changes brought about by your return to teaching. He listed what he considers order of importance: 1. Dietary changes, 2. Stress, 3. Activity changes. Time of day you take your medication can make a difference according to him. He’s my go-to expert in these matters. I hope you’ll figure it out sooner rather than later. :flowerforyou: I love the mental image of me as a fashion fighter. Thanks for the laugh. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Grandmallie: I am so sorry you’re in pain. I’d add rest and heat to your muscle relaxer if it was me, but it doesn’t sound like rest is much of an option. Good luck. :flowerforyou: Sending a virtual massage to help you relax those cramping muscles. :wink:

    Barbie: I love your comments on clothing. I would love to love everything I have, but it has been a long time since I “loved” anything that I had. I’ve spent decades getting things that “will do.” :indifferent: This is new and fun for me at the moment. It has become one of my best rewards and is very motivating. :love: My current clothing inventory that fits is very small. I’ve been putting things in bags to take to the senior center thrift shop and will be making a donation soon. :flowerforyou:

    Suzy in DE: I am a diligent logger and DH is not. I log each meal before I eat it, but I don’t log the whole day in advance. DH often criticizes me for sitting there entering food rather than eating it while it is hot, but later on he has to ask me what he ate. :huh:

    Michelle: Suzy’s comments made me think. I have never played mahjong but my Chinese roomie in college played it and lost her money. :grumble: I love Mexican Train. :heart: We play when the family is together. I haven’t enticed any neighbors to play thus far. You have so many activities that keep you busy AND my admiration. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Barbie, you mentioned that you are cold. Is that something that is common to those of an older age who are loosing weight??? I feel a lot more cold now now I used to.


    Woops. I entered something wrong on my weight today. Better go check it. OK that's better. Instead of 189.8 I put 198.8.
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies- I have been out wandering around Green Valley, and I have not been visiting the site for a day or two, so I had three whole pages to read! My, we are a busy lot!

    I had fun, actually, trying on clothes yesterday.......that alone is an NSV! I went to the second-hand store that supports the women's shelter, and I bought two skirts in a size 16! Such a difference from buying 3X! One skirt was suede, the other is a beautiful print and together they cost $9.00! I was a happy girl. Then I went to the locals Bell's store (or Beale's, according to some people) and tried on jeans. The 18W jeans were too big; the 18 regulars were too tight in the legs, so I got one pair of size 16W!!!! I was 'over the moon' happy! Of course, I still did a few minutes of beating myself up because of the fat on my legs that will probably never go away, but I was very happy to be able to buy a size I haven't seen in years and years and years!

    Grandmallie- I empathize and sympathize with your soreness. My shoulders, arms and back still hurt from wrestling the refrigerator out of its cubbyhole the other day! Oh, well, the fridge is cleaned! I hope you feel better soon. I also understand about the muscle relaxers. If I take them, I go down for a long, long sleep. I'd rather be awake and a little sore, I think.

    Liz- I am certainly sending prayers for your grandbabies. Does the Father know whatall the GF is doing? I am glad the F is redflagged. I think supervised visits on neutral territory might be the way to go, if the court will not deny visitation completely. What a nasty, evil woman the gf is!

    Katla- Isn't it amazing when friends can help diagnose what doctors can't! It was a friend of mine w/ Celiac's disease that finally got me to see a tummy dr and get the gluten intolerance diagnosis. Doctors just don't always pay attention when we talk to them, do they.

    Sylvia- I am glad that your G'daughter asked for you & that you were able to get there. Prayers that they will figure this out quickly and there will be no repeats. The little guy sounds like a charmer, and don't you just love the chatter! Have fun with your 4 jobs, what's that saying, "when it rains; it pours"!

    TexasGal- I am glad you had fun! Next time have someone take a picture of you on the slide!

    Meg- Congrats! 2.2 lbs! Awesome! The blood sugar thing is puzzling, I would think w/ exercising and watching intake so carefully it would be down, but... that's why they don't let me play doctor!

    Sandy- You are getting healthier! You have made positive changes in your health, your lifestyle, your attitude and your abilities for movement/interaction/and joy of life. The high blood pressure could easily have been just an occurrence, not an issue. Do not let yourself slide into a pit because you really are doing well. Take care, my friend.

    Today's mission is to get some birthday cards out in the mail. I really need to get a system going so I am not always late with them! I, also, need to call the ortho guy and set up a cortizone shot for my ankle. Since I am going to be trotting through airports on Thanksgiving Day, I want to try everything to help the ankle not hurt quite so much (w/o taking anything stronger than an Advil).

    Have a great day, my friends!

    Pat (Phoo in Az)