

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Is there no way audiobooks have a way to bookmark a spot. My Nook does and I wonder about the audio book.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I added a picture of me in my new skinny jeans to my profile, but darned if ti doesn't cut off my head and feet. Let me know how to shrink it to fit and I'll give it a try.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Katla, you look FAB-U-LOUS. You are rockin' those skinny jeans. :wink: Love the doggie, too.

    On clothes, I'm very conservative about style, and frugal about cost. I browse upscale consignment shops where I find great quality clothes for work. I'm curvey, so sometimes I take purchases next door to the dry cleaner for tailoring around the waist. Even with that, I pay a fraction of retail. I like variety, so as seasons change, I purge anything I haven't worn in two years.

    Tonight I had an oxygen facial. I had never heard of them, but it came in an auction package I bought at a charity event. Oh wow! I'm thrilled. My skin is glowing and many of the lines have softened. If you are considering botox or anything with chemicals, I recommend trying oxygen first.

    Stay well.
    Rori from the Colorado Foothills
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,707 Member
    I added a picture of me in my new skinny jeans to my profile, but darned if ti doesn't cut off my head and feet. Let me know how to shrink it to fit and I'll give it a try.
    I clicked on your name and was able to see the whole photo on your profile. You look great!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla you look fantastic. I looked at your other profile pics. Is the head shot of you at a higher weight. There is so much change. And the dog, oh my. I would love to take him home.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Katla, u look amazing.

    I am planning another early jazzercise class in the morning, so I better get my zzzzs.
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    Katla after that butterfly which represented u for so long it was thrilling to see what a beauty u are.... Right from your beautiful glowing face to your skinny jeans. Thanks for letting us see u :bigsmile:

    Joyce, u need to be more careful about your BP. My mom has been recommended popping something every couple of hours ( food or drink).

    Sylvia so glad that through these hours of crisis your son has come closer to you. My Mom's favourite line has always been - "when u become a parent u will understand":grumble:

    Barbie your posts have been inspiring.
    :flowerforyou: Congratulations to all those with pounds lost and NSVs gathered..... that has been singularly my greatest take away in a long long time.
    After my recent change in ex I see an increase in my weight.:huh:
    But now I am looking at the NSVs, hope to find some for myself .
    :flowerforyou: YannieJannie what a super friend you are, glad to have met u :heart:
    Meg what a busy lady you are and yet u keep motivating each one of us. :heart:
    Have a great day everyone
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,821 Member
    Katla- you look awesome!!!!!
    shoulders and neck feeling much better,already have pot roast going ,gonna go to the gym in a bit, then come home take a shower and im off and running..
    hope everyone is doing well and Kevrit have a safe trip up.. cant wait to meet you.. Kevrit will be working right across the river from where i live, and will be living about 15-20 minutes away.. so there will be 2 of us in central connecticut
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Katla - I also saw the full picture and WOW! What legs! I hope you are really letting your transformation sink in.

    I have my arm massage today. We always have a great chat, but I am wondering if I should be stopping. I'm going now more for the chat, than my arm!:laugh: I should be sorry to say goodbye, but it's an expensive chat! My arm is so much improved it's almost normal and I can go without the sleeve if I am going out for a social occasion.

    Katla - yes, the men are sorting it out, but DH was furious last night. It was a low key row. I heard the door bang. It isn't my car so I just have to stand on the sidelines. How wonderful it would be if the daughter would take responsibility, but she is a spoilt princess.
    Tonight daddy is coming round to see if DH is going to accept his offer. I know with DH's pride he is tempted to tell him where to stick it.:tongue: We could threaten them with insurance claims as I suspect he is "fronting" his daughter's car. She doesn't live with them and they never drive it. That is a criminal offence. However, in the end you have to live with your neighbours. I will practise being like the Dalai Lama (spelling?) and let it go, on the grounds that resentment hurts me more than it hurts them.:smile:

    I was looking up The Happiness Project and decided I liked the look of a book called The Happiness Hypothesis. It's by a scientist, so if I find any tips I will pass them on.:bigsmile: I did a lot of personal growth work in the 90s and used to lead some of the follow up sessions. I even thought of writing a book myself combining personal growth with what science has discovered about happiness, so I was attracted to this book. It has made a huge difference in my life and most of the time I am pretty happy and know how to stay that way, but just occasionally life pops up for a derail. Back on track now!:laugh:

    Most importantly of all I have lost half a lb!! ! ! ! ! !:flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :laugh: Delighted! It's only taken me 20 days! ! :noway:
    Actually it's great because I took an antihystamine last night, which always adds water. Looking forward to the next half!

    Going to have jacket potato for lunch. With crispy bacon crumbled and a tiny scraping of cheese. I love jacket potatoes, but don't often have them. Skinnytaste eggplant strips for supper with fish, red pepper and tomato bake. Yum!
    Must cut back on the evening drinks I have been having lately. It's crept up from one, to one and a half, and now it's two. Too much as a regular thing.

    Love to all. The sun is shining and the birch tree outside my bedroom window is rustling in the breeze and slowly turning golden.
    Heather, Hampshire UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Just to add that my new dumbbells arrived today. The poor postman staggered down the drive with them! He said, "They must think we are weight lifters!" Each one is 9 kg. I did bicep curls with them and could only manage 2! I felt it in my knee. Take it easy, I think!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: . “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else: you are the one who gets burned”---Buddha

    :bigsmile: Heather, you are so right to advocate letting go of anger. Life isn’t fair. This time is may be unfair in a bad way and next time it may be unfair in a good way.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Katla, you look amazing. All your hard work and focus has given you great rewards.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, with audio books it depends on what device you are using to listen. In the car, it stays in the same place when I shut off the engine. In my home CD player it goes back to the beginning of the CD when I shut it off and I have to write down what track I was on.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, have you thought about meeting your daughter for a walk? The sights as you walk would be topic of conversation and you wouldn’t have to eat high calorie restaurant food and you’d get some exercise.

    :bigsmile: I wore my new shoes to walk the dogs before breakfast. It is so nice to walk in the wet grass and not end up with wet feet. I just finished breakfast and now the dogs and I will go out for our long walk.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Good morning everyone! Cold, but lovely this morning. DH is on his way for his long weekend and I have the house to myself -- such a treat!

    Katla, you look wonderful! Great results from your great effort.

    Have to get out to work, but wanted to check in.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Haven't been here in awhile but life got in the way.

    Nice to see you took control of the food. And a nice 2 lb loss.
    No carpet in this house only vinyl and wood. I have to many allergies for carpet dust being one of them.

    You look great.

    That will be nice meeting a fitness pal.

    Life is to short to stay angry.

    Tops last night and I gained 2+ lbs. Hubby had a 65 birthday party for me. Rented the Legion and all but he did forget to invite a lot of my friends. And even forgot to invite my oldest son. Hope they understand the man is getting older and very forgetful. Called my daughter this morning grandsons birthday and I wanted to bake cupcakes or brownies for his class kindergarden darn near had my head bit off She said I baked cupcakes for his class and he's not going to school and hung up ok less work for me. Oh well hope she gets over it soon. Or we will both be losers I can't start inviting people to a surprise Birthday party mind you I found out about it. But still not my place. But she did let me have the kids for the afternoon and supper so that was ok. But now get over it.

    I gave all the leftover cake away but not fast enough the lbs caught me. Oh well this is a new week. Going to let by gones be by gones and start over.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I called in for jury duty last night and there is a trial today, but I’m not one of those who were called in. There is another call in tonight but I requested tomorrow off so I could take DH to a medical appointment. I don’t think I’ll be called even if there is a trial. I’ll call in anyway to be sure my request was granted. So, another turn in the jury duty pool will leave me with no trial experience. :grumble: That may be a good thing. I need to quit grousing about it. :wink: This morning I’m going walking with my friend, Vicky. We used to walk frequently, but my yoga classes conflict with her walk schedule. This time I’m skipping yoga to spend time with her. My little dog will like it. He loves her dog. I’ll like the walk and time with Vicky, but I’ll miss going to yoga.

    Meg: Mother/daughter relationships are difficult, in my experience. My daughter is in her thirties and we still have problems talking sometimes. I consider her defensive and she most likely thinks I’m judgmental. I’m probably guilty of that. My own mom and I never really understood each other. I thought she was beautiful and wonderful. She thought she was a fat loser. She was very shy and said her mother hated her. After her death, an older cousin confirmed it and said that my grandmother was very abusive toward her. My best times with Mom were when I was young and again near the end of her life when we went out looking at Christmas lights and shopping for clothes for her. My best times with my daughter have come from doing things together, from hiking to shopping, to going to a Renaissance Fair in CO.:bigsmile:

    Joyce: When I was heavier I was never cold. Losing weight is changing that somewhat, as I have less “insulation.” Regarding audio books: When listening to an audio book on my cell phone, I simply pause it when I need to stop and it is in the right place when I start it up again. This works the same way in the Audible app as it does through itunes. I like using the Audible app slightly better than itunes. I used books on tape in the past, and they stop when I stop the machine and start up from the same place. I don’t think I’ve used books on CD.:flowerforyou:

    Rori: We have no upscale consignment shops in my little town.:noway: I wish we did because it sounds like a great idea. I don’t know about Portland.:flowerforyou:

    Anamika: I used the butterfly to represent transformation. I’ve been trying to transform myself, and working hard on it for over a year now. I’m building a before and after file slowly. I found a chubby face Christmas picture that was taken a few years ago, before I reached my heaviest weight but I was probably within a few pounds of it at that time. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: You have so much wisdom! I think the idea of letting go of anger is an excellent goal, but can be hard to accomplish. I’m still letting go of old resentments stemming back decades and each time I let go of something, it feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.:flowerforyou:

    Thanks to everyone for your kind words about my picture in skinny jeans.:bigsmile: :blushing:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Beautiful crisp day in central Texas. Wish I was playing golf instead of dealing with the tv company (actually DH is dealing with them and I'm on the computer) This is the 4th visit and the same thing keeps happening. I'm beginning to think they don't know what they're doing!
    Katia - love your picture. Do you ever picture someone in your mind and when you see the picture they are different? I saw you as a brunette in my mind. I don't know why but I was surprised it see a blonde! You look great and I'm proud of your dedication and hard work.
    LinC - you have a great attitude. You can only control what you do.
    Barbie - glad those new shoes keep your feet dry and I bet warmer. You do walk a lot of miles. Do you use the same shoes for line dancing?
    Heather - congrats on losing the 1/2 lbs. What is a jacket potato? I have a MFP friend from Wales who eats jacket potatoes and I never ask her. Is it a potato in the skin? Be careful with that heavy weight as you don't want to pull or tear a muscle.
    Grandmallie - how fun that Rita will be close to you in CT. Hope you can get together soon. I noticed you had a roast on at 4:30 am. Do you ever sleep?
    Anamika - I agree that reading the posts and the great NSV's that these folks have means a lot. Whenever I get down I just try to find something positive. My weight has been see-sawing back and forth for a couple of months and Monday a friend said I looked like I'd lost weight. Made my day!
    Meg - you're going to Les Mis? Who was it, I want to see it. I was reading your post about DD#1 and you luncheon and the thought occurred to me that she is unhappy which makes you unhappy. My Mom always said you are only as happy as your unhappiest child. Take care of you!
    Susan - glad your Dad's birthday was a success. We go around the table at Thanksgiving and say what we're thankful for. The comments by the children are amazing.
    Teral - my TX friend it's chilly in the mornings but beautiful by lunch. Do you have pecan trees? We have 27 but only 4 0r 5 have nuts this year. Last year we picked up over 1,000 lbs. Too much work!
    The repair guys are gone again. Hope this is the last time as we're going to have them take out the Whole Home DVR stuff if this doesn't work.
    Have a wonderful day and drink your water!
    Sue in TX
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    grandmallie - glad you are feeling better today!

    heather - never thought about happiness as a science; as for me it's all about attitude. Congratulations on your loss! ♥ those loses. Your description of the view outside of you window is so visual - creates a beautiful image.

    barbie- new walking shoes are always a treat! hope you enjoy many more walks in them.

    gail - enjoy your home alone time.

    linda - happy belated birthday and good for you on the attitude of letting the past be the past!

    katla - my trial experience was a real eye-opener and I'm not ready to go back. BTW, nice pic of you :)

    sue - I don't have pecan trees. I have had the pleasure of them in homes past. I enjoyed watching the squirrels. I will be going to a women's conference with Priscilla Shirer tonight so I am really glad to have the beautiful weather.

    I was on a tax deductions webinar earlier and, as usual I did learn something. Only this time it was something I wasn't doing quite right. Go figure. At least I know before this year's tax return. Fun, fun.

    Off to find some lunch! eating at home so who knows - I will probably have some of the grilled chicken DH cooked for me last night. I love chicken and can eat it regularly which sure helps on the food diary :smile: Have a blessed day!

    Teral in Plano (Meg, thank you!)
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs.
    today is my rest day-boy did I rest 12 hours.
    Gonna make some cookies for hubby,things around the house.
    Kayla u look great:drinker: :drinker:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good afternoon dear ladies. Quite breezy out there today but with my new fuzzy lining with my hoodie I should be warm enough. I go see the doctor this afternoon. I hate it that you have to wait so long to see the doc. When I see his nurse practitioner I don't wait at all but I am glad Dr. C had a cancellation. I remember when he was at the hospital where I worked as a nurse. He was in the last 2 years of his family practice residency. One of our local universities is the satellite school. He was such a favorite with the whole staff from the head nurses all the way down to housekeeping. He was always so kind to everyone and his handwriting was impeccable. So when he opened up practice here in town on graduation many of the staff went with him! He is still the same kind of guy.

    Have a wonderful day, Joyce
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    News update! :laugh:

    The daddy rang my mobile and asked for DH to speak to him about the car. DH did it while I was with my arm therapist.
    The daddy made an offer to pay for the repairs as he had done a "deal" with the body shop. DH just has to pay for 2 days hirecar. Dh rang thebody shop and found out he had done some sort of deal, but he had told the guy that 'he didn't want to fall out with his neighbour' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    My guess is that the deal involves putting it down to VAT and tax deductible business expenses as he owns a transport company. Great! I think that is more than we hoped for and we are very happy. :bigsmile: :wink:

    He will get a Christmas card this year after all.:laugh:

    Love Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,821 Member
    how the hell can a man get you so ticked off in such a short time...
    gees louise.. the DH comes in and tells me,he might fly back from Florida in november, which is fine but that means that we will have to drive 2 cars up from florida in december, well I dont do well on long car trips and driving it is gonna be hell.
    then he knows my daughter and grandaughter are coming in tonight and asked what time, and Tracy might go out with her girlfriend,and he says you know I need my sleep, we have a different schedule then they do,but I will do everything I can to keep everything copasetic here..
    and of course im doing well until I start stressing, and what do I do, run for chocolate chip cookie..., well actually 3, ive been doing good for so ling and this just throws me all off:grumble: