

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I went to the Y last night and did my mile walk and 50 min on the bike. I'm almost over being ticked off about the blood pressure thing. I've decided I'm taking the bull by the horns and have investigated ways to lower blood pressure naturally. I am going next Tues morning to have him recheck it and if it's high then I guess I'll be on meds for it.

    So far things seem to be moving along with my brother, he's been in touch with the estates attorney. He's told my sister that he's heard from me and she's not happy that he won't tell her more or even where I am. As long as things continue this way then hopefully it won't be as much of a mess as my mother wanted to leave. Fingers crossed and a few prayers. :happy:

    Vicki – I’m so sorry you have so much on your plate right now and everything that happened with your Dad it’s no wonder you are feeling in a funk. Sometimes it’s ok just to feel down and move through it. You are doing great!

    Rori – that’s a lot of traveling. I’ve heard so many talk about audiobooks I think I’m going to have to check into that. I find it hard to read on the recumbent bike so I usually just listen to music and watch the little ones in the pool taking lessons.

    Katla – congrats on finding the pants. I can’t wait to see the picture…come on you can do it :laugh:

    Tina- good luck at the dr’s. When I went yesterday he was pleasantly surprised with my progress.

    Grandmallie – I feel your pain with your neck & shoulders, mine has been bad on and off for about a week now. Take it easy and let your body heal.

    Barbie – thanks for sharing your amazing NSV. I can’t wait for that time. My DD and I were talking about that exact thing last weekend.

    Have a great day

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day.
    Doing lot of cleaning at son`s to get ready for my daughter and grandkids coming in sat to celebrate Leah`s 1st b/day.Haven`t seen them since May.
    Taking Violet to a magic show at school tonite.
    jane(fr IL)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Waaaaargh! Next door came round at last. They are disputing that it was their daughter's fault, even tho she admitted it at the time and she clearly backed in to us! He is altogether horrible and DH told him so.:explode:
    He has offered to pay half.
    He is a business man who runs a transport company. He does this sort of thing for a living. We could go thro the insurance route, but it would affect us as well. Money is not his problem. He has us over a barrel. Horrible feeling, but we always thought they were awful people. Hard for DH to swallow it. At least he told him what he thought of him.

    I want to move, but DH won't. I'm sure we will get over it.

    At least it's resolved, as long as they pay up!! ! ! !

    Heather UK
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I have lab works every 6 months to monitor my MS medicine. So the office called this morning saying my sodium and chloride were both low. Since I am on a mild diuretic she wanted me to call my family doctor. In the meantime I had another one of my episode where I had bowel urgency. So i am in the bathroom I get really, really dizzy. I mean real dizzy to the point I am going to faint. So I have DH bring me my B/P cuff and it is 63/47:noway: After sitting there on the throne it went up to 80/ 52 then 100/60. So I got myself laid do myself in bed for a few minutes then got up and called my family doctor. It seems as if I had a physical scheduled for yesterday and din't remember it:noway: So I will see him as an office visit tomorrow. To me, missing the pelvic and breast exam, pushing around on my tummy and everything won't make me lose any sleep. I had already programmed in my diary for the day my yoplait as my afternoon snack. I still had some mini pretzels in the pantry so I went and got a serving of that.

    Phoo, how wonderful about the new clothes. It feels so good to find some good buys at a consignment shop. And the new size!!!! I bet you feel so wonderful

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Joyce,how scary.Good luck at the drs.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,972 Member
    BUMP!!! no time!!! Just marking my place. Well I got through page 5! Guess I'll have to skip to current one! Too much going on everywhere!!!! :grumble: :pulling hair:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Ooohh Joyce, sounds scarily low bp. Hope you are feeling better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy - I STILL am on bp meds even tho I have lost so much weight and am fitter than I've ever been. With the meds my bp is normal, but the Dr doesn't want to change them. I feel annoyed that after all my work I am still on the things, but they don't seem to be doing me any harm and high bp is a very bad thing, so I guess it is only my pride that is hurt. Best wishes.:flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,821 Member
    evening ladies,
    feeling a bit better but real foggy until about 5 o' clock, gonna try sleeping sitting upright with a bedrest behind me, tomorrow is busy, have hair appt in the morning and errands to run,gonna put a pot roast in the crock pot tomorrow to have tomorrow night.
    My DD and DGD will be here tomorrow night, but will be busy most of the time they are here, I just hope Tracy doesnt get to stressed out with the rehersal friday night ,wedding saterday and flying home sunday.. will try and keep her as calm as possible.
    ate up to my limit today and not all of it was healthy, I go through spurts where I am bad, really have to knuckle down...
    slept almost 10 hrs last night,hopefully my neck and shoulder will behave tonight so that I will be in relatively decent shape for the weekend...
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    I'm baa-ack!
    Dad's birthday party was a great success. The mac and cheese was dy-no-mite, the beef tenderloin was so tender you didn't need a knife. My brother said the salmon was really flavorful and the cakes came out better than I ever expected. I am still eating left-over Caesar salad....had soo much lettuce. Everything was so relaxing. 23 people all related except for 3 people. After everyone had a drink, we went around the room, explaining how we are related to Dad, what we do, where we are living and anything special to mention. Some explanations were really humorous and funny so we broke the ice that way. My uncle (Dad's brother, who has passed) was in the Devil's Brigade during WW2 and his outfit received the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor for their bravery and changing the course of history because of their actions in WW2. The outfit just received the medal this year and we were all excited about the honor, albeit post-humus. My uncle was a true gentleman, wore a bow tie and was an editor for a newspaper. Never spoke about WW2 so we didn't know too much about his involvement in WW2.
    I was really pooped after the weekend with all the activity and preparing the house for the party. My brother and his family stayed until Monday and my daughter left on Tuesday. Was so good to have her here...she was my wing-man!
    Tonight the Cards are playing at Fenway....Go Redbirds....FLY! The men in the house (DH, Dad and my brother) will all be watching with tv blaring. I on the other hand plan to watch my annual October viewing of Arsenic and Old Lace with Cary Grant and Pricilla Lane....love that movie!
    Did not gain weight from eating at the party. Did not eat the Mac & cheese although I did taste it...ate carrot cake...yum...ate chocolate cake...heaven....no tenderloin, no bread, no booze. Yes to fish and salad. Yes to cake the next day too! Then I said no more.
    Hope everyone had a happy hump day!
    Susan in mighty Midwest USA:wink:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I have lab works every 6 months to monitor my MS medicine. So the office called this morning saying my sodium and chloride were both low. Since I am on a mild diuretic she wanted me to call my family doctor. In the meantime I had another one of my episode where I had bowel urgency. So i am in the bathroom I get really, really dizzy. I mean real dizzy to the point I am going to faint. So I have DH bring me my B/P cuff and it is 63/47:noway: After sitting there on the throne it went up to 80/ 52 then 100/60. So I got myself laid do myself in bed for a few minutes then got up and called my family doctor. It seems as if I had a physical scheduled for yesterday and din't remember it:noway: So I will see him as an office visit tomorrow. To me, missing the pelvic and breast exam, pushing around on my tummy and everything won't make me lose any sleep. I had already programmed in my diary for the day my yoplait as my afternoon snack. I still had some mini pretzels in the pantry so I went and got a serving of that.

    Phoo, how wonderful about the new clothes. It feels so good to find some good buys at a consignment shop. And the new size!!!! I bet you feel so wonderful


    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the low BP is nothing serious. I'm happy to know you're getting a recheck from the doctor. Let us know how it turns out. I'll have you in my prayers.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather, I wish the girl would work off the other half of the cost of repairing your car by cleaning your house or doing yard work. It sounds like the men agreed on a deal and that is that, though.:ohwell:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today was a fantastic day! Had the pool all to myself, dinner out with my son and grandkids, son told me he loves me (!!!!!), and now watching the World Series with my puppy asleep on my lap. Ahhhhhhh!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thank you all for your concerns. I know from my nursing knowledge that it was more than likely a vasavagal response. I wish I could explain that but with my MS I just can't. Maybe others can. But not long after it happened my B/P was back to normal so that's my unofficial diagnosis.:laugh: I have been fine since then.

    I went out tonight to look for a new coat. My old one is a 2X so I was looking forward to something real nice. The light coat I am wearing now is a mens size L. It's a jacket I bought from the SMaky National Park gift shop. I was wanting a hoodie from Gatlinburgh but this is all I could get. It didn't fit then but does now so I was looking forward to looking at size L and if needed an XL. Most of the coats I found were these short things. Now how is that going to keep my legs and hips warm??? Plus the big bubble style coat is still in. UGHHH. An obese woman does not need to look like she is wearing a bubble. So fist I looked at the L. Nope. So I then looked at the XL. Still a big fat no! :noway: I might as well stick with my old one which is comfort. I love comfort. I love things that stay consistent. Plus I have nice gloves to match!!! So I looked at heavier hoodies. I finally found one in the mens department, an XL. it will do until I do find me a nice winter coat. I also bought me a pair of 3 pound weight. I have this one whcih the guy said from what it sounds like it is from the 80's!!!:laugh: :laugh: .

    OK, now to get back to watching Survivor Joyce
  • gnatss1959
    gnatss1959 Posts: 4 Member
    Everyone has one of those days. Keep trying I am new to this. Day 1 on fitness Pals. A lifetime of dieting and still struggling. Hope I can achieve a healthy weight .
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Another step in the right direction. Did well with food and got a 45 minute walk after dinner.
    Teral - Yes, it is glorious in TX right now. Hope it lasts for awhile as it's great golf weather.
    I'm sorry to say I still didn't take notes although I read all the posts. Spent quite a lot of time today cooking a meal for a friends whose DH had colon cancer surgery.
    Meg - hope you get a handle on your blood sugar.
    I'm feeling a little weird as I had a flu shot yesterday. Think I'll go to bed early tonight.
    Sue in TX
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Michele, it was exhilarating to go down the slide simply because I haven't done that in years. I still do swings. Pat (Phoo in AZ) I was quite grateful there wasn't anyone but the good Lord watching me much less a picture :laugh:

    Seems like today's subject is around clothes and personal style. Like most of you comfort is number one. I've never been one for being fashionable although I do like to dress age appropriate. I spend most of my days in jeans and casual wear unless I am meeting a new client or something really important. Rarely wear a dress but maybe I will after I get back down to a 12. Glad that you enjoyed your shopping and trying on clothes Pat (Phoo).

    And Heather sometimes a good rant is all we need and we do understand. Sorry to hear your cold is hanging in there. Not looking forward to that part of the winter season. Spring colds seem to be the worst as they linger and linger.

    Grandmallie I sure hope your neck and shoulder are feeling better this evening. Do you ever use something like aspercreme?

    Sue, hope you rest well and wake-up refreshed; golf-weather coming up in Texas :bigsmile:

    I think my dinner is about ready so I am out of here...

    Teral in Plano
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    It's not a Newcomer general meeting but a board meeting. Ever since they changed from having the board meetings on Tuesday to Wednesday (the day of the general meeting) I get so screwed up. We got our new recycling container today. Starting next week we'll be recycling much more. Bad part is that they only pick up the recyclables every other week. I hope we don't fill the recycling container. We won't have much in our garbage, and that is good.

    katla - can't wait to see that pic. I'm thinking that the almond milk would probably work in that hot chocolate recipe. The thing I like is that it doesn't have all those preservatives and junk in it. It's cheaper (that's not so much the big factor), but I especially like the fact that it doesn't have all those preservatives in it. Say...I have this vanilla almond milk. The calories are the same as the original (both are unsweetened), I wonder how that'll work? I just hope there's enough sugar. We play American mahjongg. I know in the Chinese version you do win money (or lose it), but not in the American. It's more of a mind-stimulating game. There are "hands" on a card that you must match up with the tiles you have.

    Did an hour of a step DVD (actually, I think it was a bit longer than an hour). I'm planning to do Jillian Michael's No more Trouble Zones DVD tomorrow. Then I volunteer at the Green Room then go for my DEXA scan. Then, since I'm up that way, I'll probably go to Aldi's

    Tina - you SHOULD be a proud mom with all that your daughter does AND going to clinicals.

    Suzy in DE - We're members of the Newcomers of Catawba Valley group, and they have a mahjongg group. I know there are Newcomers groups almost everywhere. Look on the Internet, there might be one in your city or at least very close to you.

    Tried the cocoa/sugar/almond milk combination. For me, I'm thinking that 2T of the cocoa might be a bit too much to only 1t of the sugar. Next time I think I'll try only 1T of the cocoa. It's not bad at all, but I'm wondering what 1T of the cocoa will be like. I did find that those packets of sugar have just 1t in them, so I'll probably use that instead of getting out the whole bag of sugar just for 1t

    grandmalle - glad to hear your neck is better. Take care of yourself

    Pat - Bell's and Beale's outlets are owned by the same company. When we go to FL, I go to the Bells down there. Up here in NC it's Beals. One time I bought something down in FL then after we got home I had to return it. They took it back at the Beals up here since it's the same chain. Interestingly enough, this reminded me of something. I'd bought a pair of jeans at the Dillards in FL but after getting home realized that I really needed a different size. I took them to the Dillards up here, and the girl wasn't going to exchange them. Something about different regions. Anyway, I called and talked to a manager who agreed that they should be exchanged so they finally did exchange them. You're right, doctors many times don't listen to us. A while ago I had a sprined ankle. It healed but then a while later I was getting up and my ankle just gave out on me. It was so weird, it wasn't that I tripped over anything or anything. You should have heard me trying to get a bone density test! To be honest, I think the MD ordered it mainly to shut me up! Was she ever surprised when the results came back that I have osteoporosis. Another time I remember taking Bryan to the pediatrician. He said to me "everything looks fine, but I've learned that when the mother says that something isn't right, something isn't right". It turned out that there was problem (now I don't even remember what it was) but I just knew something wasn't right. As for the birthday cards, I actually put a note in my calendar to mail cards.

    Sandy - the only problem I find with audiobooks is that you really can't rewind them just a bit to review something. But I take care of that by listening to the book multiple times

    Heather - that is so horrible about your neighbor disputing. What kind of message are they sending to the daughter? In England, do they have a "small claims court"

    Joyce - what a low bp! Good luck at the doctor's

    Susan - so happy that your party was such a success. Sounds like everyone really enjoyed themselves. You did well with your food choices at the party. Gotta have a little cake, even if it IS after the party. My father was the same way about WWII -- he rarely spoke about it

    gnatss - welcome! You can do this

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Everyone has one of those days. Keep trying I am new to this. Day 1 on fitness Pals. A lifetime of dieting and still struggling. Hope I can achieve a healthy weight .

    Stick with us and you'll get lots of support. You can achieve a healthy weight. It will take time, effort, and a new way of looking at and dealing with food. Welcome.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: Joyce, I have always been a bit colder than other people and after losing 60+ pounds, I got even colder. I own several sets of long underwear, lots of wool socks, turtlenecks, and sweatshirts. I wear wool gloves, hats, and scarves with either wool or down coats in the winter.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I highly recommend audio books…..I listen in the car….right now I’m listening to the autobiography of a man I admire.

    :bigsmile: Susan, your dad’s birthday party sounds like it was fun for all..I especially like the part where everyone told how they were connected to dad....what a great way to make everyone feel comfortable

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I bought a new pair of shoes for walking the dogs in the wet grass in the morning……I had been feeling terrible that the pair I bought in June weren’t keeping my feet dry and then I read that walking shoes should be replaced every 500 miles……so if I walk in those shoes five miles or more every day, it would take 100 days or less to go 500 miles.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 25,000 steps today

    October Resolutions (with week three comments)
    *strength training three days a week (twice a week)
    *change some of my strength training routine (made several significant changes this week)
    *don’t take things personally (really have to work at this but it’s worth the effort)
    *practice dance for 20-30 minutes three days a week (once a week)
    * say “No” to candy (no candy, so far this month)
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi mfp gems! Cool and windy here today. Today was an office day; I got tons of grading done and am all caught up. Had lunch with DD#1 who got lost of course LOL even tho the restaurant is about 5 blocks from our church. It was painful….she is impossible to chat with. She has no interests, no plans for even the next hour, no idea about anything….it was sweet she wanted to have lunch (having lunch with DH next week too), but omg it is so hard to stay engaged with her when she won’t talk and has nothing to say.

    Then she and the BF came over and the two guys worked on DH’s Saturn. It has a leaky heater core. We sprang for Chinese food….did you know 2 small crab Rangoon have 4800 mg of sodium? I’m not even sure how that is possible.

    We got the carpet installed in the basement, so it is pretty much close to being done. It’s a beautiful dark taupe-y brown. Very different from what is in the rest of the house, but it is so pretty and very lush. The guy who came works on the side, so Saturday he’s coming back and re –carpeting DD#1’s room. That carpet is completely ruined with makeup ground into the carpet, among other things that won’t clean out. We have exact dye-lot match in the garage from the first flood. We’ll use the carpet torn out today to redo the den, which does not sit up against any other carpet so if the dye lot is slightly off it won’t be noticeable. This carpet was installed 3 years ago before flood #1.

    Joyce: good question! That’s exactly what my doctor’s nurse/diabetic educator asked me. She wants to see how they are for the next week before changing anything. It has been very stressful at work the last 2 weeks. So glad you are feeling better!

    Sandy: ;how high was your BP? The national guidelines are for lifestyle changes for 6 months before any drugs and it takes 3 different blood pressure readings to diagnose hypertension (high blood pressure). I sure hope your next reading(s) are down! You probably have made lifestyle changes for that amount of time with mfp and your weight loss.

    Texasgal/Teral: I love your name! It is so pretty! I forgot all about the time change next weekend.

    Vicki: your funk is probably because of all the stress you have been under! Your dad was the worst of it, but all the house repairing is stressful too. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for no snow for you for a while. That is wonderful that your dad called you. What a miracle!

    Michele: yes I do a weekly weigh in with my old fitness buddy from last summer when we did the biggest loser at work. She has been such a good sport changing our weigh in day every time my schedule changes! She’s struggling right now and gaining. So it’s nice to have some support on my side and she gets some motivation from seeing when I lose (she tells me so that ‘s good)

    Rori: hope you stay safe on all your travels and check in when you can. I’m so sorry to hear about your brother in law. That’s a tough one and they will be so glad to have you cheering them on.

    Katla: thank you so much for your words of encouragement! They meant a lot. Tell hubby thank you too. That was some great advice. I think stress probably has a ton to do with it. I have been going crazy with all these faculty issues. Food is pretty much the same; activity is down in the area of formal exercise but up in daily steps and just plain old activity. I appreciate your concern and his advice!

    Tina; your daughter is one committed lady to be in nursing school with all that going on. I wish her the best of luck!

    Grandmallie: hope those sore muscles are feeling better soon!

    Suzy: I bet you are excited about your cruise. I can’t wait to hear all about it!

    Heather: I have been enjoying the fashion discussion. I like to be fashionable too but not at the cost of comfort or too much money. I like to buy classic items I can keep for years and update with accessories or something similar. I always go shopping and just drool and the beautiful clothes in the regular sizes. Seems a lot of the plus size things are too matronly for me. And I don’t own a pair of jeans. I did buy a pair of jean capris this summer, but that’s the first in I think decades!

    Pat: what fun to go shopping and find smaller items and such a good bargain! Sorry I can’t find your recipe right now,

    Susan: what a wonderful celebration you had! You will treasure that memory! I’m a bit torn on the Series. I like both teams, but prefer the national league, so I’ll be rooting for the Cards too.

    Suebedew: what a great walk you had. It’s a bit chilly here for that for me…I’ll get used to it soon, but when the cooler weather first hits, I’m a weenie for a while

    Well I’m going to watch the game a bit longer but need to go to bed a bit early as I have clinical tomorrow plus Les Mis. I think by Friday night I will pass out! My students have some very complicated patients tomorrow, so I’m sure I’ll be busy. I’m doing better with planning my food, so now I need to focus the rest of this week on getting the fruit in. I sure miss it; I haven’t been eating as much lately. Need to up the water too. I tend to forget to drink at clinical and after 2 days am totally dry and extra tired from that.

    OK ladies! Have a great night and good start to tomorrow. Take care, Meg from Omaha when fall has fallen