

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    I really like having time to post earlier in the day. Off to play golf in a few minutes. Great dinner party and game night last night. Played hand and foot for the first time. Interesting....
    Barbie - if it was -25 down here they would cancel school and everything else. I don't think I've ever seen temps that low even when we lived in Colorado.
    Critter Sue - so sorry about your FIL's medical issues. Prayer for him and his medical team.
    Teral - How was the conference. Was it well attended.
    Heather - good news about the neighbor taking responsibility for the car repairs.
    Off to play golf. I'll check in later.
    Sue in TX
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Hi there,
    My cold is still trying to come out. I feel better in the mornings, but a bit achey and sore throat in the pm.

    Today DH and I decided to buy everything we needed to make two Christmas cakes and one Christmas Pudding. So we went off to our local big supermarket.
    We make two because DH loves the cake so much he eats one before Christmas! :laugh: They are very rich, large fruit cakes, with the fruit soaked in brandy. You have to make them ahead so they can 'mature' and you can drip more brandy on to them. Then you marzipan and royal ice them. The one for actual Christmas I always do a snow scene and use decorations that I remember from when I was a child. My children also remember them, so now to start DGS on his memories.:happy:
    The Christmas Pudding I haven't made for many, many years. It is extremely rich, containing suet and you steam/boil it for five hours.!:bigsmile: I guess you wouldn't want to be eating that in Florida! We have obtained the recipe from DH's aunt as hers is very delicious and full of fruit. My ex MIL's was always very good too. At the Christmas table you set fire to it with brandy and serve it with brandy butter and cream. Guess who will be having a VERY small portion!
    I'm telling you all about them as I'm not sure if you have the same tradition. Or not exactly the same. In Europe our Pudding is regarded with horror! To tell the truth it doesn't always go down so well after a filling turkey lunch, so we might save it for a bit later.
    The fruit for the 2 cakes is sitting overnight in the brandy as I type this.

    Hair tomorrow. She visits me at home. I don't want her to take too much off this time - it always takes a while to grow back to how I like it. But my grey roots need covering up so I look a 'natural blonde'.:laugh:

    Love to you all. Heather UK
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hi all!

    it seems forever since all your daily wisdom was part of my life, and I have missed it! This year took me by surprise, my part time teaching seems to have ballooned into full time, and I am often whipped each day. Great to see so many new people,
    thanks to all the stalwarts who connect every week......

    We are expecting a new grandchild this weekend, that will be awesome....and life is still good.

    Best to all, BJ
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~BJ-how exciting a new baby in your life.
    Tomorrow is my dr appt.Pain isn`t getting better.Been trying to rest as best as I can.
    Also baby Leah,turns 1.I get to see my grand kids from IN.Can`t wait.
    Have a good day!
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Heather - have never made Christmas pudding, though I do know what it is :wink: I used to make fruitcakes (much like your Christmas cakes) in advance and let them mature. One winter many years ago, we sent one to a friend who was in Europe at the time, but he kept moving around. The fruitcake followed him from Ireland the Germany and someplace else. It was finally returned to us in April (a small corner of the package and cake was gone (mice, methinks). Since he was also back in the US, we hand-delivered it to him. It was still good, expect for that one corner. I had frosted it and decorated it with candied cherries, nuts, etc.

    I think some holiday traditions here in New England are often similar to England and/or Ireland, since so much of the population has roots there. Mine are mostly Irish, English, and Scottish

    Jill in western MA
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    This morning I went to the hospital to sit with my grandson while my son went in to his appointment. They are testing him for congestive heart failure, so he's had a halter monitor the past two days and today they did a sonogram. No results yet. He has lots of family history on both sides of his family. Afterward, we went to lunch at Subway. My 6" oven roasted chicken had 880 mg of sodium! I thought that place was supposed to be healthy! Then we went to a garage sale. I was hoping to find some more jeans for myself, but no luck. I did find a funny toy for Bruno and a wooden silverware box that I like to make into jewelry boxes. Just what I need. Another project.

    Then we dropped the little guy off at preschool. So I had a nice morning.

    When I went to the gym, I added a little weight to my routine. Then started swimming, and realized that the clock was missing from the wall. So I couldn't tell when 30 minutes was up. I decided to do 15 laps, and that should be about right, but I lost track of my count. When I left I realized I had been swimming for over an hour. No wonder I was so tired. I can hardly lift my arms. I came home and showered. Now I'm home resting, with Bruno on my lap. Ahhhhh!

    Have a great evening!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I need great ideas of a low caloie/low fat,low carb snack that is high in sodium.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Good afternoon ladies. Well we have heat!!! They finished the furnance last evening and it is working great. What a treat to get up this morning at 04:30 and not freeze taking my showder. It's the little things that make us happy. Talked to my mom last night and she had met with the therapy people and they think is getting stronger, but he sleeps alot. The plan right now is to maybe take him home around Thanksgiving. Mom said her and dad have dicided no more heart doctor, just see the family doctor and keep him as pain free as possible. Went and picked up my new glasses after work and WOW what a difference. Just now with tri-focals I have to ajust and not feel like I am falling. We are going to DSILs in Kansas this evening. DH's youngest sister was born on Halloween and they have a big party, I say more then most people do for Christmas. They live in a small town, Narka, kansas, and everyone comes and brings food. We have not gone for several years so thought we will since we both are off the weekend. Then in the morning we will go to our DGS's birthday party in Beatrice then home tomorrow evening. Our DGS will be 1 on Sunday. So going to be long couple days.

    On the fashion talk, There is so much anymore that I am not comfortable wearing, Short and tight. I enjoy my pants or jeans and nice shirt. I do own alot of CMA shirts and wear them most the time when not working.

    Sandy--Sorry to hear about your BP problems. I was on meds for years and summer 2012 I ending up swelling up alot and they took me off. And until just this last week it has stayed down. I was at the doctor yesterday and she said it was not to bad and with all the stress they will keep and eye on it for now. Great NSV with the boss's wife. I admit I feel good when people notice.

    Michele--You do so much. I wish I had half your energy. I made cup cakes yesterday for the GKs and I felt I had done good. I tried the pumkin with a spice cake. DH had to sample and said they are good. I don't like pumkin so I have no problem leaving them alone.

    grandmallie--Hope you feel better soon. Sounds like your doctor is on top of things. Hope DH is in better mood. Sometimes I think men just have to have a MOOD to see what we will do.

    Joyce--I've noticed since I have lost weight I am cold alot. I was the one all the time that was hot. I did not own anything with long sleeves. Now I have the blanket and sweaters on. I have been looking for shirts with longer sleeves.

    Pat-- Great NSV clothes shopping. I get all my cards for the month done and put the date to be mailed up in the space the stamp goes. Then I just have to remember to check them every couple days to see what needs mailed. I do all the cards for our CMA group so I figure we do our part to support the post office.

    Meg--my BS has never made sense. When I think I am doing good on carbs it will be up and when I think I have had WAY to many it will be down.

    Susan--Glad DD's party went well. Sounds like you did a great job making everyone feel welcome.

    Sylvia-- Congrates on the great day!! Said a prayer that all goes well with DS's tests.

    Katla--LOOKING GOOD! thanks for sharing the picture.

    Linda-- Sounds like DH tried to give a good party. Sorry your DD was so upset. Does she not realize her dad tried? Kids can be so temperamental. My son will be that way and I just tell him I am so glad that I don't have to live with him when he is that way.

    Heather--Glad things worked out with the neighbors to get your car fixed. It is not a happy family when fighting with the neighbors. Years ago DH and I were renting a house that shared a driveway with the neighbors next door. Same guy owned both houses and we would fight over who would park in the driveway. I would get so upset I would dream at night of ways to get them. Now it seems so childish, but at the time I was not happy. Your Christmas cake and pudding sounds interesting. My real dad liked fruit cake and his wife would make faces, but we knew what to get him every year. Christmas is coming fast, will be here before we know it.

    Critter Sue--Sorry about the news of FIL. Saying prayers for him and all of you and sending hugs.

    Liz--I feel so bad for DGS. Hopefully the school will stay on top it and report it when needed. Prayers to all of you.

    BJ--Congrates on the new GB. They are one of God's best Blessings!! I love spending time with mine and they grow up so fast. When the young ones are here they give me a reason to be silly.

    Well ladies enjoy the rest of the day and weekend. DH is giving me the look that I had better start getting ready to leave for Kansas.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE:flowerforyou: :
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    :flowerforyou: Heather - what about popcorn?? Some brands are saltier than others (check the food database or just compare labels). I look for low salt counts and find popcorn to be a good go-to snack. Hope that helps.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki in Grand Island - so glad you have heat again! I really hate being cold and find it happens a lot more now that I have lost some weight (plus being diabetic). I often wear a pair of light fleece gloves at the computer. :laugh:

    Today has been a cooking day - making pasta sauce from scratch (well with canned tomatoes). The whole house smells wonderful! And it's all good veggies with a small amount of olive oil. I bet we could down cups of it!! I try to get tomatoes with no salt added, so it helps control the sodium intake too. We have a cousin and spouse coming to visit for the weekend tomorrow, so am planning some chicken parmesan with steamed veggies and salad. Also have some fresh linguini to have with the chicken and sauce. Fort me it will be closer to having some sauce with a little chicken and pasta :laugh:

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

    Drink lots of water and Go Red Sox!!

    Jill in western MA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    evening all,
    I am bushed, only got 8,000 steps in today and no gym, forgot what a job it is to run around after a 5 yr old,
    DD feeling much better, Taliah and her went with the bride and had nails done ,lunch and to the mall, Tomorrow afternoon is the wedding, and I am ticked off, granted I took my vacation when I did but someone opened up this weekend to work and no one else will work weekends so it is me,I cant even spend any time with them tomorrow, I have to be at work at 7:30,till noon, the wedding is at 2:30 and I will be picking Tally up at the venue where the pictures are taken.meanwhile somewhere in there we have to check on my FIL.. so dont know when I will be able to check in,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member

    We had a Halloween party at line dance class this morning. Lots of people wore costumes and we danced familiar dances to Halloween music instead of the regular music.

    After class, one of the students had a small party at her house with food and dancing. I danced for almost two hours and stayed away from the food except for the corn muffins.

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi my friends! TGIF!!!!! Two 10 hour clinical days wear me out. Les Mis was brilliant last night. I was very sleepy for the first half, which is not as good as the second half. But I got my second wind and really enjoyed the second act.

    Well the carpet is done downstairs, and tomorrow the carpet guy is coming out to re-carpet DD#1’s old room. She ruined it with makeup that she spilled all over the room then ground into the carpet.

    CritterSue: I was so worried about this very news about FIL…I’m so sorry about it. Hopefully there will be good treatments for him. Prayers and good wishes for all of you! Continue to take care of yourself! I guess we will have to wait til Saturday to see if the Red Sox win another game!

    Joyce: did you mean 2000 mg of sodium? I’m not sure how you could manage only 200 mg! I’m glad your doc has a plan for you and maybe you can find out what’s up with the bowels!!!

    Mollywhippet: I’d be very interested in knowing your secret to low sodium chili. I buy lower sodium beans and rinse them, but I think it still has a lot.

    Susan: husbands!!! I have two tuxedo cats…the kitties. The old one is grey and white.

    Sandy: what a great nsv!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for your next blood pressure reading.

    Michelle: that sodium count for the crab Rangoon was before the soy sauce!!!! I have tried low sodium soy sauce but I hate it…it doesn’t taste anything like soy sauce!

    Sue such a nice day of riding!

    Katla: that is great to have such good walking companions. I forgot to mention how great you look in those jeans!

    Lin: good news about a pain-free day

    Liz: has your DD tried mediation? Oftentimes that works when the courts don’t or when people disagree over these issues. Seeing the kids without the GF would be a good idea. It seems she isn’t trying to keep the father from seeing the kids, but just the GF who should not have any rights for visitation.

    Suzy: the Go Ape activity sounds like a blast

    Sue: golfing in October! What could be better? I guess golfing in November!

    Heather: YUM-ilicious!

    BJ: so nice to see you here again. Congrats on the upcoming baby!

    Vicki: enjoy your trip and family get together! Safe travels

    Jill: enjoy visiting with your company. I think I smell your sauce!

    Well it’s not even dinner time and I’m over 9000 steps. I need to add more food to clinical days. I was really shaky and extra hungry yesterday even eating what I was supposed to. Tonight we are putting the basement back together and doing some deep cleaning. Tomorrow is football during the day, baseball at night. We were going shopping for new furniture for the bedroom downstairs (we moved that furniture up to Tanya’s old room) and a new dishwasher. But with everything else going on and having to get DD#2 to work, I don’t think we will have time. Wednesday is her last shift….thank goodness! No more jobs until 1) her grades are better and 2) she can drive.

    Ok take care, Meg from Omaha
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Meg - I use Williams Chili Seasoning that has no salt added (0 mg), wal-mart light red kidney beans with no salt added (so they have 40mg per 1/2 cup), wal-mart tomato sauce with no salt added (has 20mg per 1/4 cup), and ground round with no salt solution added. So it's pretty darned low. MFP database says its 90 calories per cup. I hope that is true, but skeptical.

    It's an acquired taste, but I have gotten used to it. Hubby has to add his own salt.

  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Sylvia- I use Williams Chili mix also. It's really had a great flavor.

    Meg- sounds like you are giving the house a make-over. I find that when I clean out a closet, I have less to worry about...menial as that sounds. Tell us about the deep cleaning in the basement since the new carpet has been installed. My basement is unfinished. Poured concrete. Now for the good part...it's empty! I have 2 hot water heaters, furnace, abd 4 big bottles of emergency water. I have it painted white with gunboat gray on the floor. It used to be a storage dump.

    Michele-I would be interested how many steps you take during the day as it sounds you are always on the go. I took Dad to his Parkinson's exercise class at the community center then went upstairs and worked out while I waited for him. I was going to do weights but was just too tired.

    I'm watching the Andy Griffith's show and Andy told Gomer to comb his hair so it has a "rabbit ridge".
    Aint Bee pressed Andy's britches, and they're all goin' to a dance.

    I wish schools would teach seniors about medical insurance, automobile insurance, medicare, medicaid, the aging process, student loans as well as why we have vaccines. Oh, also about paying utilities and rental rights. I wish someone had explained all that stuff to me. I learned the hard way.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Off to the deep water class. First, tho, I'll stop at the Humane Society and drop off my aluminum to them. I had this one pair of pants that for some reason I bought in an 8, I got another pair just like it in a 6. So I'm having a lady make the 8's into 6's. I gave them to her a few months ago when I knew I wouldn't be wearing pants any more. I'll pick them up from her today. I'll give her some of the chocolate chip pumpkin cookies. On the way home I may stop at one food store that's on the way because Aldi didn't have any chickens yesterday and I need one for this weekend. Also, Newcomers is having a social where you are supposed to bring what you'd like to grill and they provide the sides, salads and desserts. Don't know what kind of sides they'll be serving. I'm going to take veggie burgers with me because Vince always says that he doesn't know if the veggie burger is cooked. Every grill is different so if the burgers on this grill are a bit underdone, that's OK. I also have to buy burgers for Vince to make. Update: Looks like she did it backwards, not entirely sure what it is she did. Seems she did something with the 6's but didn't make the 8's smaller. Well, I'll see if I can get away with them.

    Tomorrow is yoga

    Suzy - there's a cookbook called "Fit It and Forget It Lightly" that has all sorts of crockpot recipes (with the nutritionals). Glad you found a Newcomer group. I'm sure they'll get back to you.

    Sue in TX - when we moved to NC from PA, the first winter I couldn't get over how everything closed and there wasn't much snow at all!

    Does anyone know what's going on with mimi?

    bj - congrats on the new arrival. Hope it isn't delayed!

    sylvia - how true this is or not, that I don't know. While I was at deep water today the lifeguard was saying how you continue to burn calories for 45 minutes after an hour's water class. However, you only burn calories for something like 15 miutes after a land aerobics class. Like I said, I don't know how true that is or not. My thinking is that for a water or land class, you are probably continuing to burn calories for 1/2 hour. But that's just a guess. Can you send me thae recipe for the chili? Sounds interesting, and I'm always on the lookout for something low in calories

    Joyce - cottage cheese is the first thing that comes to mind that is fairly low cal/low fat/high sodium. What about some of the canned low fat soups?

    Vicki - happy birthday to your gs. Have fun at the party. Honestly, you can't taste the pumpkin in the pumpkin/spice cucakes/cake.

    susan - to be honest, I have no idea how many steps/day I take. Mainly because when I wore a pedometer, it was sometimes inconsistent. Like it didn't register when I wore jeans. So I just don't bother. But I am considering using one every once in a while, especially on days when I work the Green Room and we are selling only to Benefactors or Season Ticket holders. The phones aren't very busy those days, so I'm sure I can get in more steps (I know I did it last time I worked those days, between calls I just walked up and down the hallway)

    Gotta get ready for tomorrow.

    Michele in NC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, all,

    My friend Gwen is home as of late Wednesday.......took her for her first follow-up with her family dr. (a woman who just adores her!!!) this am; she was called a "miracle patient". Stayed over Wed and Thurs. nights; she's own her own tonight for the first time, fingers crossed. Think I may actually be back here for a bit...............and I get to sleep in my own bed tonight!!!! Offshoot of all this: I was offered a job with an agency (a friend of Gwen owns it).........as the man said, "Well, you're already doing this for free---I do pay better than that." Ha, ha. Hmmmmm, nice to be noticed but not sure I want to actually "work"; it's one thing to help out friends........swore I'd never do hospital or nsg. home nursing again, usually I have no trouble saying no when friends try to talk me into taking on a vacancy where they work........but, maybe, I'm really on the fence; and with dd starting grad school next yr. and all the debt she'll be incurring there.........I just don't know. Thought I was happily retired.

    Exhausted, just a few words.
    Katla..........Gotta tell you...........great, fabulous, look in those skinny jeans...........my impression is that you are tall. The dog is sweet and looks like fun.

    Rori.......So very sorry to hear of the pancreatic ca.........it is one of the rougher ones for sure. Best of luck to your sister and dh.

    Liz........Awful about your gs; seems like they could maybe get a court order that if she's involved, the visit must have a third party present to prevent (or witness) the verbal abuse he's been suffering.

    Learned today that one of the ladies I exercise with is aunt to a Cardinal player; I don't know any of them......only ever followed the Yankees and that was years ago. Outfielder Carlos Beltrom (?); is he good? well, I guess he is if he's there. So, I guess I'm rooting for the Cardinals.

    mid-Atlantic.......cold here
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Thanks for all your kind words about my picture in skinny jeans. I added a picture of me from March of 2012 so you can see a before shot. I really had no idea I’d let myself get so unhealthy until it prevented me from fully enjoying something I really wanted to do, take horseback riding lessons DH gave me as a surprise. I took the lessons, but gave myself bursitis in my knee while posting and was in pain for several weeks. It was a real shot of motivation to improve my health. Then I found MFP and this group. I am so grateful for MFP and all of you.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Michele: We have a favorite local Chinese place and DH was so sad that he couldn’t eat there very often due to sodium and his blood pressure. When we went in for a special treat he asked the waitress if there was any chance the chef could leave out salt. She said yes, and they cooked him a meal with no added salt. He loved it and we go back for treats more often now. It never hurts to ask. The worst thing that can happen is the answer is no, and you aren’t any worse off than you were before.
    Regarding pools. I’m with Sylvia. I don’t like to be wet and cold at the same time. I believe your instructor is right about water exercise continuing to burn calories after you’re out of the pool. I burn lots of them shivering.:grumble:

    Sue in SD: I’m sorry your friend will be moving so far away you can’t ride together. I’ve had several friends move and we manage to stay connected through the internet, which is far better than nothing.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: We buy low sodium soy sauce and enjoy the taste. It is Yamasa Less Salt Soy Sauce and has 520 mg of sodium per tablespoon. We get it at Fred Meyer, which is part of the Kroger chain these days. Regarding beans, if you start with dried beans they cost a lot less and have a lot less sodium, but the cooking process takes quite a bit more time since the beans have to be soaked.:flowerforyou:

    Susan: Thanks for letting us share your Andy Griffith show experience. I liked that show.

    Yanniejannie: I’m somewhere between 5’7” and 5’7 and a half. My dog is a Keeshond. He is the sweetest guy. :heart: He’s great with DGD, too.:heart::heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Yes Meg, I meant 2000 mg of sodium!!! Sorry. Yeah the other would be rather impossible. My daughter and her family absolutely love Les Miz. When I first read about it and they said EVERYHING was in music I was leary about it. But we had one of the free weekends that Direct TV offers all the time and the movie version was on so I recorded it. I couldn't watch it all at the same time. It was just to hard to comprehend. But we went to my daughters house and she had read the book, all 2000 pages of it, so she was able to give me some insight as to the characters and I made her stop at the moment I had paused the movie. That helped a lot. So I eventually finished it. You are right, the last half went a lot faster. I still cab't pronounce their names but when he was ready to jump of the bridge I was yelling and screaming and 'face timing' my daughter. Surely he can't be doing this. He has just been forgiven. Then when when the other guy went back to the monastery I was the same. I'm sure she was laughing her head off on her end since it had taken her so long to convince me to watch it. Her employer had box office seats at the University of Ky opera and lets their employees use it so her and her husband was able to enjoy it on live stage last weekend. I just wish in the movie version they had all been trained musicians and their voices a little easier to understand.

    Yes, I am going to have to discover canned soup again. But with soup also goes crackers. So that's a double whammy with sodium. We did go to Dennys tonight and instead of the usual salad with the senior meal I had a cup of chicken noodle soup. It was nice and warm and tasted good. But it's something that I will have to preprogram into my diary.I do a full day at a time and if a soup will fit in then I will eat it. I have found out that cottage cheese, pineapple and granola just don't taste the same as the yogurt does though. I can't believe that i am saying I prefer the yogurt.

    I have to completely reprogram my brain :noway: I did eat Healthy life english muffin today with my egg and cheese. I toasted it and it tasted completely different than on bread. Yummy!!!!
  • eileenjez
    eileenjez Posts: 38 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Eileen and I've just started using this site to help me stay motivated. To tell you a little about myself I'm retired, married,and have 6 GC. I have been going to the gym with my DD for the past month. She drops the kids off at school and picks me up. I'm also a type 2 diabetic.

    Eileen in ND
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Took a late night stroll with DH and you can imagine my delight to come back only to find that I am still caught up with this thread - at least from the point I last posted :bigsmile: It's been a beautiful fall day in Plano and wonderful to be outside in it.

    hi jane, cookies & a rest - it's a great life! HaPpY 1st Birthday to Leah :flowerforyou:

    heather, good news! dad to take care of the car!

    grandmallie, hope the cookies helped with the stress :wink:

    katla, enjoy your new grandma look; clothes and all. You worked hard for it.

    critter sue, sorry to hear tha about your FIL. It's always a difficult time when our loved ones are so ill.

    joyce, that's really low on the sodium - how do you do it?! I enjoy cottage cheese too; gonna have to look closer at the sodium. I sure hope all the mentioned health issues are resolved and restores you to good health.

    sylvia, to go an hour over on those laps just shows how much you enjoy them. My gym was pretty empty today too. I thought it was nice. Looks like we have several Red Sox fans online - sure hope they bring the win home for you. And praying for good news with your son's tests.

    susan, I like that! "post menopausal grown woman" :wink: I agree; schools do not teach the realities of life - best to hope that the parents do.

    sandy, great NSV! wonderful to have your efforts noticed!

    michele, believe it or not it's taken me some years to like a hot tub in the cold - I really don't like getting out of it in the cold.

    sue, hard to let friends go when you are so close; here's to keeping that friendship strong.

    barbie, 37K - awesome day!

    linda, no pain since August - that's a praise!

    liz, God's canvas is beautiful in the Autumn. Sorry to hear that about your GS. It is hard to see them suffer when all we want to do is protect them.

    suzy, nothing like a warm cup of soup on a cold day. Crock pot cooking is the best. You are a brave woman - zip-lining & photography.

    sue, I am with you - negative any temp isn't happening well here. The conference was wonderful. God sent Beth Moore to fill in for Priscilla . It was a powerful message. I was blessed.

    heather, hope your cold is on its way out soon. You cake & pudding sound delicious but are not a tradition in my household. There's a famous fruit cake company nearby in Corsicana that sells lots of them for the holidays.

    bj, congrats on the new GB - I have one myself; he's 6 months old and a real joy to this grandma.

    vicki, that's kind of how we feel in Texas about air conditioning...hehe. But I don't like a cold shower either.

    jill, never made pasta sauce from scratch although I do know it is a lot of work. I sure hope you enjoy yours.

    And that's the end of the line for this 50 something grandmother of 7 and expecting #8; life is good cause God is good.

    Goodnight all!

    Teral in Plano

    okay I just thought I was caught up but in the words of Dennis Miller I am out of here :bigsmile: