

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,972 Member
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    quick bump....had clinical today and we are going to the musical tonight so it will be a looooooong day by the time I hit the pillows! Take care Meg from Omaha
  • Kookyk9s
    Kookyk9s Posts: 259 Member
    I added a picture of me in my new skinny jeans to my profile, but darned if ti doesn't cut off my head and feet. Let me know how to shrink it to fit and I'll give it a try.
    I clicked on your name and was able to see the whole photo on your profile. You look great!

    Yes I can see all of you this way and those skinny jeans look great. Love the print top also. No Grandma clothes for you.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I added a picture of me in my new skinny jeans to my profile, but darned if ti doesn't cut off my head and feet. Let me know how to shrink it to fit and I'll give it a try.
    I clicked on your name and was able to see the whole photo on your profile. You look great!

    Yes I can see all of you this way and those skinny jeans look great. Love the print top also. No Grandma clothes for you.

    I am a grandma, but I guess I'm in my second childhood. I started this journey last fall when I gave myself bursitis in my knee taking horseback riding lessons. I went to a couple of doctors and read everything I could online and came to the conclusion that I was too heavy for my own knees. After years of hard work and stress, I wanted to have a little fun. I found the MFP app and threw myself into the system. It has been wonderful for me and for DH. We're doing this together and have no plans to quit. And now I'm having a second childhood that is more fun that the first one despite a regular helping of the sort of problems faced by so many of us who have lived a while.
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    Wow, Katla-you look amazing! Love your cute doggie too!

    Well, really bad news regarding my FIL. He has a tumor in humorous, (his arm broke very suddenly), and a spot showed up on lung x-ray. He is going for a scan tomorrow, and biopsy early next week. We are all shocked and worried, but hope maybe something can be done to help him. Feeling really helpless right now.

    I am doing well with my food. I've been so upset the past few days sometimes it is actually hard to eat. That doesn't happen to me often!

    Going to try & relax by watching my Red Sox hopefully win again tonight. A nice distraction...

    Wishing you all well,

    Critter Sue
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla, I love that. A second childhood. Sounds like you need to find a playground and go down a slide.

    Enlightnening day at the doctors. First of all while I was sitting in the reception area I overhear that the Medicare plan my husband had chosen has dropped my doctor as of Jan 1. I think it has to do that they refuse to join a conglomerate of doctors groups . I guess the big groups have more bartering power. So he will either have to get a new doctor or new insurance. As far as the low sodium and chloride, he asked me how much sodium I eat. When I told him I try real hard to keep it below 200 mg he said to increase it. So I bought cottage cheese tonight!!!! The cat is going to get a shock when she doesn't get her usual yogurt to finish for me. He also said that there is a lung disorder that interferes with sodium and chloride absorption so he ordered a chest xray. I don't anticipate anything to be found wrong on that xray. He wants me to take my water pill every other day for a couple of weeks and then recheck the lab work.

    The B/P issue he thinks the same way as I do. The sudden huge, huge bowel movement triggered a vasovagal response. So he then says we need to look into why my bowels would react like that. So first of all a cat scan of the colon, then maybe to a colonoscopy. I'm not sure if it is time for me to have one or not but I know that there are certain circumstances that a doctor can order and overide Medicares rules on having one as screening. If he sees there may be a cause then Medicare would pay for it. ??????

    He was very proud of my weight loss and that I haven't tried to lose to much real quick. I told him that I have frequent plateaus and that when I exercise a lot and don't eat back calories I seem to lose less than when I jsut stick with the diet and don't have excessive exercise. So he says I need to start eating back some calories.

    so we have a plan now!!!! Joyce
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Sue - I'm sorry the news wasn't better. I know you're under a lot of stress, but don't forget to take care of yourself. I know your furry friends can be a great comfort.

    Katla - you really do look great. Congrats on doing so well for yourself. I hope someday to get my own skinny jeans. I'm just now in a size 20, so it will be a while yet.

    Meg - it sounds like you are working way too hard!

    Joyce - glad the BP isn't a bad problem. Mine is too high. I can't imagine how it feels to be that low.

    Today was good. The pool was empty again this afternoon. Maybe people are less willing to get wet when the weather is cold. I made my favorite for dinner tonight - low sodium chili. It's really low in calories too, so I'm only at about 800 for the day even though I feel stuffed. I even had a pudding cup for dessert!

    Now I'm watching game 2! Last night I ended up rooting for the Red Sox, just because the Cardinals were playing SO badly. I don't have any real love for either team this year, but it's maybe more fun that way. I don't feel bad if "my" team loses.

    Good night ladies!
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    CritterSue- Love the photo of the kittens. They are adorable! Are they related? I am thinking of getting a little tuxedo (black & white) kitten...maybe not a kitten, but one that is a juvenile. Wonder what my 14 year old Meow-meow will do? She is affectionate and very friendly.
    Katla- great looking photo in your skinny-jeans...wish I could wear skinnies, but I would look like a two legged waffle cone.
    Weight loss for me is always last in my legs...ugh.

    Fashion-wise...I find something that is comfy and I like the look, I will go back for a second. I found some Ralph Lauren tan jeans that fit and I went back for a second pair...on sale to boot. I wear them ALL THE TIME! Then, when I have a favorite long sleeved shirt, if the elbows wear out, I cut the sleeves off and make it short-sleeved.

    Grandmallie- my husband always expects me to do stuff with him and when I say I can't, he gets rude. I have always done stuff with him even tho I I was not diggin' any of it...business parties, his goofy friends..I always went with him. Nowadays I will say no and it throws him. Since I have gotten older, I tell him I am a post menopausal grown woman, I can't do stuff like I used to. It sort of stops him in his tracks...haha. It's a bummer when your wife is younger but still an old lady, like me!
    He doesn't know what to say! He hates it when I say I'm post-menopausal...haha.
    Oh! I can hear him clearing his throat and schlumping up the stairs! He wants me to change the station on MY tv so he can watch in my room! No way! I'm watching my movie. Imagine me going in to his room and saying, change the station so I can watch Housewives of New Jersey...he would flip-
    Susan in the midwest
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Katla - you look amazing. I love the skinny jeans

    Sue - I'm sorry about the news about your FIL

    Joyce - I'm glad that it was good at the dr's and that you are taking care of yourself.

    Meg - wow you are busy busy. I hope you are getting plenty of rest too. My blood pressure was 142/94, I have to go back to get it rechecked. He did mention something about last time he checked it but I think I was in shock that it was up. I have questions ready for when I see him again on Tues.

    I had a great NSV today. Yesterday the boss's wife came into the office. I've only met her once just after I started working there last year. Apparently when he got home last night she was raving about how good I looked and how much weight I've lost. She didn't know if she should say something to me or not. It's so nice that it's finally noticeable

    Went to the Y, did my 50 min on the bike and 1/2 mile walk.

    Have a great night everyone

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Meg - unfortunately, most chinese food is high in sodium. I suspect it may have to do with the soy sauce. Whenever we get Chinese, I usually get shrimp or chicken steamed with broccoli. How hard it is to "talk" to someone who won't talk back. I have too much experience with that, so I know how you felt.

    Katla - you look fantabulous in those skinny jeans

    Did 45 minutes of Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones DVD. Have to volunteer at the Green Room today, then my DEXA scan, then I'll probably stop at Aldi since I'm up that way. Tomorrow I'll take the deep water class.

    Heather - congrats on the loss!

    Sue in TX - I don't think grandmalle EVER sleeps, and she's constantly on the go.

    Joyce - did you return that hoodie and is this the replacement?

    Heather - so glad your neighbor is going to pay up, regardless.

    CritterSue - so very sorry FIL. At lest you're looking at the bright side (even tho it is very small), in that you're not eating a whole lot. Sending you a virtual hug.

    Sylvia - I do think that people don't like to get out of a pool wet when it's cold outside. I don't really understand it, to me, the pool is so invigorating and honestly I'm not crazy about getting out when it's real warm outside. Just wish our Y wouldn't keep the girls/ladies locker room so cold. Then again, it probably has something to do with the way the a/c was installed years and years ago. Why they don't just build a new building is beyond me. They really could use it rather than the "bandaid" upgrades that they are spending money on.

    Sandy - wonder why your boss's wife wouldn't know if she should say something to you about your weight loss? As a woman, I would think she'd know that any and all compliments are welcomed. Well, it's still nice that she noticed and said so to her hubby.

    Michele in NC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Sue,sorry about your FIL,will pray for him.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Susan, I had a tuxedo cat several years ago. She looked so adorable when she was a kitten so we called her Adora. she was a lover.

    Michelle, I have all the paper work filled out to return the hoodie, my procrastinating brain prevents me from putting some duct tape on the package and taking it out. But yes, this is a replacement. Somehow I need to get a Micky Mouse on it. It would make it look better. I have done counted cross stitch on many, many sweatshirts but I don't know if I can do it through this lining. Plus the time it would take me to do it I wouldn't be able to wear it. I am hoping that this weather is just temporary. It's not time for it to be this cold yet.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,895 Member
    Hi to all:

    Well I have had a wonderful day. I spent part of the morning and the afternoon horseback riding with my best friend at Union Grove State park. It was a cool day but still beautiful. I had my fitbit in my pocket and it said I climbed 63 fights of stairs:laugh: Well I climbed at least three but Jule climbed the rest. What a good girl she is. We had lunch at the park and I did very well with that. This is probably the last ride my friend and I will have together on our own horses as she has sold her place and is moving to Colorado to be closer to her DD and DGKs.:sad: We plan to get together still and ride but it will not be quite the same.

    Rori - Is it you who is coming to SD? I live in Sioux Falls. You can give me a wave while you are here.

    Grandmallie - Hope you are feeling better.

    Well I am going to sleep well tonight after all that fresh air and exercise. Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to all with victories. Sue in SD
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: I wore my new shoes to walk the dogs this morning and this evening and they kept my feet dry in the wet grass. Line dance class was fun----lots of favorite dances and a run through of the dances for the holiday program. After lunch I met my favorite walking friend for a 90 minute walk on the Olympic Discovery Trail through the state park. Now I’m off to bed.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    :flowerforyou: Sue in TX…..I wear Skechers Shape-Ups for line dance because they make me feel so bouncy. I wear them to walk on dry ground or streets or paths….the new shoes are for when the grass is wet which it is every morning since I walk so early. When it gets colder, I’ll wear my extra warm boots rated to keep your feet warm down to about -25 degrees.

    :brokenheart: CritterSue, I’m so sorry to hear the news about your FIL….stay in the moment and that will help lower your stress

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 37,000 steps today
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I had a wonderful walk with my friend Vicky today. Her husband was with us, too. We used to belong to the same sailing club, but they sold their boat a few years ago and have fun in other ways now. Vicky and I have walked together off and on for several years and I always enjoy her company. Our walks often last a couple of hours. We wander all over town and talk about everything. Her DH is also good company. I also occasionally walk with a neighbor since she adopted a rescue dog. He is a real charmer and my dog likes him. It is fun seeing them play together. On another subject--I called in for possible jury duty this evening and was told our service is over. I’m a free woman again. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Heather: I’m glad the neighbor has come up with a better offer. Yay!:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: You are a patient woman. Your DH is lucky to have you & I hope he knows it. :flowerforyou:

    Critter Sue: Best wishes for your FIL. I hope things go well for him and his situation is treatable.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I love cottage cheese and always have. I’m glad you’re getting a treat. It sounds like you have a very good doctor who knows you and gives good advice. That is lucky.:flowerforyou:

    Susan in the Midwest: Give yourself time. I’ve been working hard at this for more than a year. Slow and steady really does win the race in my experience. I’m a newbie compared to some of the women here.:wink:

    Sandy from ON: Congratulations on the compliment you received from the Boss’s wife. Something like that is a wonderful NSV. DH takes his BP every day now and takes his medicine with more understanding. He had a stroke in February and it was a very blunt wake up call. He’d been taking BP medicine for years but didn’t understand that he had a serious issue. He takes it seriously now. Let us know how your recheck goes.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Well I read them all this morning but no time to reply. Need to shower and get myself ready for my foot treatment. At 9 am.

    Had a good day yesterday and wii showed it. So hope i'm back on the right track. Like I read someone told me I was the only one responsible for my actions. not in those words but It is so true.

    Got up with no pain the first time since Aug. 27th hope it's all good now. See what a day of activity does to it. Another appointment this afternoon. And that's with the dietician. I have about 1/2 gain since I last seen her or maybe i'm wrong could be a little loss. But haven't seen her since spring.

    Be back lighter

    Linda in the great white Northern Ontario.
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Good Morning Dear Neighbors;
    We are having a glorious day here in Halifax NS..the weather is cooler ( Yay!!!).....but the leaves have all turned and the view from our deck is beautiful...Yellows..reds and orange......Bless God for giving us this beautiful scenery :smile:

    Barbie ;--Thanks for the advice on my GS's horrible F :flowerforyou:

    Heather ;--Thank you for caring!!! :flowerforyou:

    Katla ;--I believe the F only does this to get back at my DD....:cry::flowerforyou:

    Renny ;--Thanks so much for your caring words :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia ;-- Your DGD sounds like a sweetie..I pray that the seizure was only a one time thing :flowerforyou:

    Meg ;--Thanks so much for the prayers :flowerforyou:

    Vicki57 ;-- Yes the F GF knew he had children..they were *seeing* each other way before MDD knew

    Michele ;-- My DD is beside herself in what to do

    Gail ;-- Yes going to the Teacher was a great start..at least now they know why my GS is crying so much

    Pat ;-- Yes the F knows what his GF is doing

    Dear friends..my DD's lawyer told her that she cannot keep the children's F from seeing my GS...my other DGS isn't forced to go because he is the age to refuse...they told my DD that she would be put in jail for not sending my GS...and MD had promised GS that he would not have to go back there...I do not know why the F doesn't pick them up and take them somewhere away from the GF..It hurts SO much that my GS is forced to do this :cry: So please any prayers for this is welcome :heart:
    I pray you ALL have a great Friday...the wknd is a blink away..enjoy your life!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Liz fr Halifax NS
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Liz: Your DD & GS are in my prayers. So is his dad. I"m praying the man wakes up and does something to make sure his time with the boy is pleasant rather than upsetting.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    There one appointment done. Now dietician. Yesterday went and had my A1C done. Now to make a doctors appointment.
    I'm doing great with the food breakfast and lunch a little over 600. So lots to eat for supper and my afternoon snack if needed.
    Going to make today a great day. I don't know how far I walked but further than I have seen I hurt my back. And not to sore.

    Back Lighter
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Friday!

    The weather is back to being sunny, but the temperatures have dropped to the 50’s. We are planning on making homemade pizza’s tonight and tomorrow I am going to make Chicken Taco Soup in the crockpot. I really enjoy using my crockpot and this time of year definitely lends itself to lot’s of stews and soups.

    I signed me and hubby up for Go Ape for tomorrow morning. They opened a spot right in Lums Pond which is just across the street from us. It’s a zip line and ropes obstacle course. Really looking forward to it and with the fall foliage should also make for some good pictures. Hopefully I’ll have 1 or 2 to post here later.

    :smile: Sandy – glad to hear you mom’s estate is going smoothly, fingers crossed that it stays that way.
    :smile: Sylvia – glad your 10/23 was so wonderful.
    :smile: Michelle – thanks for the information, I did find a similar group in Northern Delaware and have sent them an email.
    :smile: Meg – I sympathize with you around conversation with your daughter. I have a similar challenge, but it is with my mom. I love my mom very much but we don’t have much to say to each other.
    :smile: Grandmallie – glad your neck and shoulders are feeling better.

    Hope everyone enjoys their last weekend in October.
    Be well,