

  • Kookyk9s
    Kookyk9s Posts: 259 Member
    Weekend has been so-so. Calories OK but the dog walking is not as it should be and I have not made it onto the treadmill. Got the Fitness DVDs but they do no good sitting in the box. Need a monitor. Got the basement cleaned up and have been making jammies for my Italian greyhound because it is getting COLD. Going to the SPCA reunion for all the IGs that were adopted as a result of a kennel seizure in Waterdown last year. They seized 129 dogs but the owner went to court and got 29 back. And about 50 puppies were born in the SPCA. Emancipated and sickly looking dogs from the pictures at the time of seizure. Anyways mine is one of the puppies born at the SPCA. Name is Rodney and he is the one in my profile pic with his new jammies. Kept them clean all day - through flyball practice and walks but went outside a few minutes ago and came in covered in mud from head to toe, It was too good to last. Thank God they wash up well. Have made 3 extra pair for the reunion. Will be 10 extra pair before Sunday I hope.

    Ate a lot of spaghetti squash this week and have bought some more. One makes enough for 2 meals and the second goes for my lunch the next day. Yummy. I suppose I will tire of it but right now it is good. thinking of changing the sauces up for variety but my favorite is just canned clams with veggies, garlic , Onion, parmesan and some fresh ground pepper. Cannot seem to get enough of that one so I will eat some more of it, Not many calories and very filling. Do switch out the type of veggies in it but have not tires of it yet and have eaten at least 8 meals this past week . Not complaining - it is cheap. Do not know why I did not make this more when I was getting fat.

    Wishing all a successful week

    Linda from Severn Bridge, ON
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Linda - I love Iggys! I have had three whippets over the years, but never an IG - yet! One of my whippets came from a similar situation with a puppy mill. It's too bad they got any dogs back at all.

  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Linda-- Rodney is so adorable in his blue sweater! My friend has always adopted greyhounds that were former racing dogs. It's wonderful there are people like you who care so much about helpless animals. I cringe when I think about the animals still in horrible cages and being mistreated by monsters. I always have gone to shelters for my dogs and cats.

    planked for 1 min and 15 secs.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,897 Member
    Hello to all:

    I had a good day today. Got to sleep in, didn't have to sing at church until 11:00 service. Came home, had lunch then went out to see my horse. It was a gorgeous fall day! Put gas in the truck, picked up prescriptions and then came home. DH cooked dinner and then went back to church for book club. We read the One Book South Dakota for this year. It was "Long-shining Water" by Danielle Sosin. It is probably not a book I would have picked out myself but very interesting. That is one of the things I like about book club. It stretches me and challenges me to read something I might not ordinarily read.

    Joyce - I have a Fitbit One and I do like it. I think the steps it does are pretty accurate unless you are horseback riding and then it counts the horse's steps.:laugh: The calorie burn is estimated on your height, weight, gender, etc. Mine shows that I burn about 60 calories an hour doing nothing. When I was line dancing it showed that I burned about 300 calories in an hour and one-half. That is a bit less that MFP estimates. If you do cycling you can put it on your ankle, clip it to your shoe or sock and it will count the revolutions as steps and give you a calorie burn. If you do upper extremity exercise put it on your wrist or clip it to your shirt sleeve if you have long sleeves and it will count. The sleep function I believe works from your pulse. I have only used it a few times. It tells you what time you went to bed, how long it took you to fall asleep, how many times you were restless and how many time you woke up. It will also count steps if you get up in the middle of the night.:drinker: It also gives you a sleep quality percentage. I am not really sure how that works.

    Sounds like everyone is enjoying the beautiful fall weather. Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of a pilates DVD today. Tomorrow is yoga, holding my plank, and then the extreme pump class. A friend invited me to her house to a viewing of the first 2 episodes of the new season of Downtown Abbey so I'll make a salad and take it with me. Basically, it's just elbow macaroni (since that's what I have), pesto, and chicken from a rotisserie chicken cut up. I need something that's fast to make since I'm not sure how long Steve will be here.

    Heather - that is so interesting about Guy Fawkes day

    Suzy in DE - thanks for posting the pic. Looks like so much fun

    Pat - I have a big and a small crockpot. The big one I use when I'm cooking for a group or something like that. I use the small one when I'm just cooking for Vince and myself.

    Sylvia - never heard of "ab vacuum". I'm going to have to look it up

    jane - I'm getting a bit frustrated, too. Don't know what the problem is. The Wii keeps telling me that I'm overweight. Like last night, I know that I didn't eat very much, yet this morning it says that I was up .4pounds. I'm going to try to be better with what foods I put into my mouth, which is going to be hard since the holidays are coming up which means cookies, etc. Well, I didn't have any of the cake or brownies last night. Now if they'd had a basket of apples I would have had one. I tried having apples in a basket the time we had the Halloween social, but they didn't get eaten. Honestly, I was too busy to sit down and leasurely munch on one.

    Gail - oh, I'm so happy if Kroeger sells whole wheat panko. Just hope it's the whole wheat and not the plain. As far as the buttermilk, what I do is divide it into 1 cup amount, put that in small containers and freeze them. During the year, it's just a lot for me to have 8 cups in the freezer, I don't use it THAT much. Now around the holiday time I can sometimes get by with a quart (8 cups). Guess I'll just have to wait and see about the baking mixes. Thanks for posting the pic of your gettogether. Everyone looks so great. Wish I could have been there, but I'm just too far away.

    drkatiebug - yea for you and Dave coming in first! You know, I took the training at the Humane Society for dog walking, but I found myself falling into the old habit of walking the dogs like I walked the service dog (that dog wasn't allowed to walk in front of you but had to be right next to you.). I had to get back into the mindset that this isn't a working dog but a pet. It's just too hard for me so I just do the cat cuddling. It's weird how I fell back into that habit. The dog couldn't pull me or anything. It was a working dog, not a pet. Yet at the Humane Society they're pets not working dogs. We have a friend who is traiing her dogs not to jump on people when they come to the door. My instinct when they first jumped up on me was to put my knee up. She was impressed, but to me it was just instinct. She likes the fact that I won't let her dogs jump on me but will reward them if they don't jump.

    grandmalle - I bet when the bride picked out the gowns, the weather was warm so she didn't think at all about the colder weather.

    Renny - I don't know if this applies to you or not, but many times (just about every day) my lower back hurts, especially when I've been standing a lot. I know what my problem is. I have VERY tight hamstrings. The hamstrings are connected to the lower back. I stretch those hamstrings every day, but I still can feel some pain. However, if for some reason I don't stretch them, the pain is much worse.

    susan - I blew it, too. Steve came over and I couldn't bring myself to throw out food so even tho I really didn't want it, I wound up finishing it. On the bright side, I cut up cukes and have them leftover along with the tomatoes. Well, I'm sure I'll get back to my regular routine tomorrow. Great plank!

    Linda from ON - Rodney is so adorable! He's lucky he to have you as his owner. I love spaghetti squash, too. Vince likes his spaghetti, but honestly I'd prefer the shirataki noodles or spaghetti squash. You're so right, it is so filling but not very many calories at all.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thanks for all the input on the fit bit. From what Sue describes, it's the fit bit one I would like the best. I want to know what I am doing with my strength exercises. Although with two 2 pound weights I don't think it will be that much. Oh, where do you put it when you are doing squats, on your waist band?

    CAT scan of my colon tomorrow morning. In a way I would like an answer but I'm not sure I want what the answer may be. Also a chest xray. He put as reason for it 'hyponatremia'. So I have mixed up my prep solution for the CAT scan. When I was a nurse everyone thought it was like the stuff you take for a collonoscopy. It is contrast media. Well that's what I told my patients. Some of them swore it acted like the colonoscopy prep. So i will see tomorrow! I take the first dose at 9:15. :grumble: I'm not up at that time at all. The only reason I get up that early is to see my grand kids. Oh well. You have to do what you have to do. At least I will get in 32 ounces of fluid real quick!!!

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Joyce, do you go to the YMCA? Ask if their weight machines are connected with Fitlinxx. That is the software at my Y that records my reps and total weights lifted each time. You can also use Fitlinxx on the web to log non-YMCA activity into their system.

    Michele, you can search for products on the kroger website. I also just googled 'kroger - whole wheat panko bread crumbs' and got a list of options. You can put in your zip code and select a store near you.

    Well, I worked some more on a jigsaw puzzle tonight. It is a more difficult one with some very odd piece shapes, but that makes it more fun.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    im up and had lemon water and have been to the gym..sorta back to normal. i was at the gym for 40 minutes.
    I didn't think I would be as emotional as I was, really really miss my girls... it is amazing though, you have heard me tell that time heals, well my DD and my husband had a blow out in her teen years and all sorts of hell broke loose.. you can tell she has grown up,because we were leaving and she went over and gave DH a hug and said thanks so much for everything, and he said they were welcome here anytime.. that was HUGE..
    although the DH was rippin when I got home before we left for the airport, didnt know why until I got home from the airport,
    there were 8 of us for breakfast yesterday, and what set him off the most is that my almost 29 yr old sone didnt even offer to help pay for anything, didnt take his wallet out or anything, DH didnt want to cause a scene so , he just took it out on me when I got home:noway: Oh well, he apologized and said he was just ticked at Dan..if I can figure out how to post the pick of the family I will, I was the one taking the picture ,so Im not in it
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We have a gorgeous Moonrise this morning. It is the kind the Man on the Moon sits on. :love: It is still dark at 6 am. I love long days of summer with so much daylight. Winter can be problematic. :frown: We have put daylight temperature light bulbs in nearly every room in our house and that helps. I used to really struggle with the wintertime blues but the daylight bulbs and vitamin D I take daily have helped tremendously. My cousin is getting ready to go to AZ for the winter. He and his wife started going there a few years ago and bought a place in a retirement community last year. At this point I don’t want to do that. I don’t really think we can afford two homes, for one thing. For another, I don’t want to have to take care of two homes. :noway: I do want to take a winter vacation this year and head south for a while. Maybe two or three weeks will be the right amount of time. Wherever we go, we’ll need to drive there. DH won’t go on airplanes any more.

    I have nothing in mind to do today, and need to fix that. The books I now have are not drawing me in so I’m thinking that a trip to the library is in order. I wonder if they have the Happiness Project books.:huh:

    Barbie: I’m glad you’re at your new goal weight. Congratulations! :flowerforyou: I’m hopeful the doctors will be pleased and that you have no problems finding your maintenance sweet spot there. I have never liked clothes shopping as long as I can remember. When I was a kid my parents were under financial stress and couldn’t afford the “in“ things. My mother had an unfortunate habit of making snarky remarks about my bottom, which didn’t help at all. As a young mother I was under financial stress and couldn’t afford the “in” things. After I started gaining weight… You get the picture.:laugh:

    Linda from Severn Bridge On: Your dog will soon have a bigger wardrobe that I do. He’s so lucky that the SPCA rescued his mom and he found you. :heart: My neighbor adopted a retired greyhound, but we live in a townhouse community and there is not a suitable fenced yard, so her BF took him home. Hopefully that is working out. The dog is a sweetie.:flowerforyou:

    Michele in NC: I would be as big as a house if I baked as often as you do. :frown: I can’t leave it alone and basically eat it until it is gone. We’ve been experimenting with baking pie in ramekins so we can have a measured portion and freeze the rest. I now have chicken pot pie ramekins in my freezer. The apple pie all went into our tummies and not one ramekin went to the freezer. One of the pluses of the ramekin pies is that I only use a top crust, which cuts out a significant amount of carbs and fat. I admire your ability to bake as often as you do without gaining. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I had a colonoscopy a few years ago and don’t look forward to the follow up a few years from now. That prep drink is very thorough at its job and we live miles from the place where the test is done.:tongue: The trip in was a very worrisome ordeal. When DH had his we stayed in a hotel near the surgery center so he wouldn’t have to go through that awful ride. :noway: The test itself was not unpleasant.:flowerforyou:

    Have a great day.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    October goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla, at this time I'm not having a colonoscopy. Who knows, the tests results of this CAT scan may show I need one. I'm glad I live where I do. We live around a lot of DRs offices and the mall and a lot of other strip malls. Some like to live out in the boondocks, away from everything. Not me. I want civilization.

    Woke up at 6:30, had the alarm set for 8:30 :sad: Lost out of 2 hours of sleep.

  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Good Morning All;
    It is a sunny chilly day here in Halifax..the chilly is great...the heat is gone...love it...till I start complaining about the *collllllllld temps* Oh well..I am hard to please I guess....

    Gardengail -- That is a beautiful picture of you all!! :flowerforyou:

    Barbie -- It is wonderful that your Dr is watching over you that way..a lot don't ...:flowerforyou:

    Linda -- You can play the DVD on your computer that is how I do mine :flowerforyou:

    Sue -- I love reading also..I go on sites and get names of books and authors..I go thru a lot of them..that is probably one reason why I am the Plus size...cannot stop reading will have to get ones to listen to while walking or such..:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie -- It seems to be us who our DH will rant on...mine is ranting about our oldest GS..he is having troubles and I tell him to go to our DD..like that will happen :ohwell:

    Sorry to see the beautiful leaves fall off the trees..they were extra lovely this year....I have come to the conclusion I cannot go into exercising as much as I would like..the last 20 min one... put me down for 2 days..I have been doing more and more each time then I crash..my dr told me to start small..it is the CP and CF that beats me up..the Fibo is just another dish added to the mix I live with :ohwell:
    Christmas is getting closer and I haven't even started :noway: ..hate going in those crazy malls lately..they are packed with people..gets scary.....I wish you ALL a wonderful monday :flowerforyou:

    LizP fr Halifax NS
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies –

    I hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend. It certainly has turned brisk here. We’ve had frost on the ground a couple of days now. I’m more partial to spring and summer, but do enjoy these cool days. I’ve been doing a better job of logging my food these past few days, just need to keep on top of it until I leave for vacation as I am not planning on logging while on my cruise.

    I’ve also been doing well with my exercises, except on Saturday I did not hit my step goal. After we did our little ziplining adventure I was pretty exhausted. It was a different kind of workout, my arms really got a good workout. I was thinking to myself as I was going through the ropes course, if I did this 2-3 times a week I would have killer arms!!! I really enjoyed the GoApe course, it was well put together and well run, you never had to wait, but never felt rushed. The hardest part (for me) was making myself step off the ledge (which at some points was 50-70ft in the air), although your all harnessed in, it’s a psychological thing to actually make yourself step off in to thin air, but it was quite a rush. I would definitely do it again. Thanks everyone for your nice comments about the picture.

    :smile: Heather – my MIL from my first marriage was from the UK and I use to love her Christmas cakes. She passed on many years ago, but I still remember what a great cook she was.
    :smile: Meg – I bet all your new carpet makes the house look brand new.
    :smile: Michelle – thanks for the cookbook info, I’ll definitely have to check it out.
    :smile: Sandy – congrats on the weight loss, happy dance for you!!!!
    :smile: Geri – saddened to hear about Charlie, it is so hard to lose a pet, they are dear members of our family.
    :smile: DeeDee – hope you have a quick recovery from the flu, I don’t know how many people I’ve heard of who had the shot, but still get the flu. I’ve always heard that the flu shot will help minimize the symptoms if you do get it, so hope that is the case for you.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning!

    Katla, thanks for the welcome back, and wow, you've hit your goal! :drinker: Last time I was here I think you'd lost 50 pounds. Congratulations!!

    I just haven't had time to read or post lately! Nor have I had time to get regular workouts by going to the track in the mornings with all that needs doing at the gardens. I woke up in the middle of the night making a big plan to start again today with morning workouts, but now that I'm up and checking my list of things to do, I realize there's no way I can swing it. Plus, it's still dark out and I can't see myself running the track holding a flashlight. :tongue:

    This morning's "workout" will include cleaning this messy house, doing laundry, pressure washing the back patio, grocery shopping, taking dogs to the park for their walk at 10:30, stopping by the gardens to pick broccoli and spinach. If I have a few extra minutes I'll continue working on garden clean-up, chopping up all of the plants that are done and piling them on the compost heap and shoveling dirt on top. Need to be home by noon, eat lunch, feed dogs, leave for work at 1:30. Home tonight 7:30, Mondays are my longest teaching days. :yawn:

    Oh, just remembered I have to process the cayenne peppers (making red pepper flakes) in the food processor that have been in the dehydrator over the weekend, and cut a batch of Italian parsley for drying.

    I'm making a pot of my favorite beans this morning, small red beans with ginger, garlic, thyme, chili powder. :love: They're sooo good. Beans and me get along just fine, they help keep me feeling full, and if I just have 1/2 cup a day, there are very few "reports". :laugh:

    I'd better get moving. Happy Monday!

    :smile: jb in crystal clear sky Portland
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon.
    Weighed myself on my son`s scale,which is 5 lbs different.But I think I might have lost 2 lbs as last week,I was up 2 on his scale.
    Trying to watch what I eat,kinda hard when you aren`t responsible for dinner meal.I`ll do the best I can.Brought fixing for salads and have my own cereal and green tea here.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,374 Member
    Hello all,
    Still feeling awful, though my throat is easier. Horrible cough.. aching eyes. I gymmed this morning and did minimum weights, but I enjoyed an hour's lovely nap after lunch. I went out like a light. I have to exercise or I can't eat my normal allowance and then I'm starving! My friend is coming for yoga tomorrow so I hope I can manage something.

    Suzy - your ziplining looks great. I have tried twice to do a ropes course and both times wimped out. I am terrified of heights. Even a step ladder is too high for me. Kudos to you!

    Gail - you all look so happy at your meeting. Lovely!

    Joyce - good luck with the tests.

    I have boiled the potatoes and carrots ready to mash and put in the Christmas Pudding when we make it tomorrow. It must be an old wartime recipe as I have heard of carrots going in but not potatoes!

    I will be feeding the cakes with brandy today!:laugh:

    Our very, very bad storm turned into a very bad one and we haven't had much damage locally. Sadly 2 people were killed by trees falling. Railways, flights and ferries were cancelled, some power cuts, but I think we were spared the worst. Our worst ever was 1987. I still remember it.

    Duck legs tonight with brussel sprouts. I am just going to put them in a low oven as I feel too feeble to do any more. Really just dragging myself about. I put the tax return in the post though. Yipee! They owe me £320. Hooray!:drinker:

    Love to all. Heather from Hampshire UK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning. I'm having some joint pain this morning, so not doing much. This time it's my wrists and hands. Even pulling up my pants is agony. I had to carry cereal bowls to the table with my forearms because it hurt too much using my hands. I'm typing right now with one finger. I often have pain in various joints for no particular reason. Knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, feet. This time my wrists won the lottery. I have been diagnosed with arthritis in my hips and knees, so when I complain about other joints they just call that arthritis too. I was tested once for carpal tunnel, and didn't have it. It was cold and foggy this morning, so maybe weather has something to do with it.

    My weight has been stuck at 219.2 for several days. Darn. At least it hasn't gone up, so I'm trying to be happy about that. It could always be worse. Usually I'll hold for a few days and then suddenly it will go down. I feel really bloated though, so I might take an extra water pill today.

    I hope everybody is having a good day.

  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    I've been feeling a little hum drum lately. :indifferent: The weather is changing and the yard is already filling up with leaves; I'm having various and sundry aches and pains; work has been hectic to say the least; our extended family is pushing us to host Thanksgiving; my daughter announced her plans for me to give her a wedding in April; I'm trying to stop smoking completely; and my SO is experiencing his own various and sundry aches and pains!

    I just want to climb in bed under some blankets and sleep. :yawn: Unfortunately, I don't see that happening anytime soon. So I've decided that I need to drop at least 15 pounds so I won't look like a barrel shaped mother-of-the-bride; do the best I can at work and apply for a promotion (more money will be some motivation); take some Aleeve for the aches and pains; plan to go elsewhere for Thanksgiving; and rake the yard for exercise. :tongue:

    I think Storm (the doberman) is ok, but he would like to go for a couple more walks!:smile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Tere it sounds like you need set some limits. If you host your family holidays, will others be helping you? Is your daughter going to help in her wedding any? How old is your daughter and does she have a job. Traditions have changed and parents don't always have to provide a wedding anymore. Both my daughters did most of the planning for their weddings, we all made the flowers together and had a wonderful time. I have MS so they knew ahead of time that they wanted Mom to enjoy herself and not be at home connected to an IV or in a wheel chair.

    Our extended family is very close and holidays are very important. I dont' think it would matter where Mom and Dad lived. Holidays were at their home or at least in their town. When the family got to big for their house it came to ours. My sister and I live in the same city and she is still in their small starter home even though they have been there since 1972!!!! So everyone comes here. She has fibro, I have MS but my house still holds the family. It's pot luck and the younger kids are now the ones in the kitchen doing the preparation and us older 'girls' play with the grand kids. Now I do have to make sure the house is clean. Everyone knows it won't be sparkling clean but will be clean. I don't decorate much but it's still a good time. Both Mom and Dad are gone now but as long as my house houses the Skittles game which is a Christmas tradition, everyone will come. We tried having Christmas one year at a large faciltiy. Yes it was nice that we didn't have to clean, decorate or anything. But when dinner was over and [resents were unwrapped, everyone went their own seperate ways. My house has a family and living rooms, two TVs so there is lots of room for everyone to find their own space and bedrooms for the kids to rst if needed. But we have set limits through the years and I wouldn't have it any other way. You want to enjoy yourself.

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member

    Ziplining yesterday at Go Ape, it was a fun day and the weather was perfect.

    Suzy Beautiful day for zipling! looks like you had a great time.

    Gail really good photo and how fun! a meetup with MFP friends.

    Michele, grandbaby #8 is due the first of March and a girl! she will be in Denver so I won't see her as much as I get to see #7.

    Time to do some household chores; I'm only grateful for the calories it burns.

    Have a fun Monday!

    Teral in Plano
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    evening ladies,
    ate ok, but way to much sugar today.. will tone it down tomorrow. not losing anything ,but not gaining either. wish it would just melt of like Butta:huh:
    I can keep wishing, Ive gotten this far just have to haul my butt in gear more...
    DD and DGD got home safetly,but DD is really sick, she probably has the flu... she is stick thin, run down and trying to take care of a 5 yr old,and work... she doesnt drive so she walks to work and boyfriend picks her up. she doesnt have health insurance right now and cant afford a dr, she scares me sometimes..
    she didnt get much rest while she was here ,sure wish we could get her down to florida and get her in the sun and fresh air down there... cant afford to do that either...