

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    I have a little leather organizer with alphabet dividers, like a mini-file sorter for my cards. When I get reward checks and coupons, I put them in there, too. It's all nice and organized in my purse, until it gets too full and gets turned over and they all fall out in my purse!
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Been a lazy rainy day but did do a 3 mile walking DVD. Felt good to actually do some exercise.

    Suzy – you are so brave to zip line! I wimped out the one time I had a chance. Josh Groban is my favorite. He’s in Dallas in a few weeks but doubt we’ll be going.

    Renny – hope your problem is not DDD but something that can be treated with therapy.

    LinC – 2000 steps is a good start. I try to increase mine everyday but don’t always succeed.

    Sylvia – hope you’re feeling better today. I wasn’t sure if it was the flu shot or the DPT shot but one of them threw me for a loop. Feeling better for the first time since Saturday.

    Jane – great loss. Keep on keeping on.

    Gail –love the pic of the GA Girls!

    Heather – you got an amaryllis already bloomed out? I just planted my bulb and hope it will bloom by Christmas.

    Joyce –That is good news that the ct and chest xray being normal. So far so good.

    Barbie – sorry about your fall. You were wise to ice it so soon and get help. When I slipped off my garden cart I injured my glut muscle and sciatic nerve. It took a couple of weeks before I could move normally. I’m sure you’ll be better much sooner.

    Welcome to Mousemom18. Come back a visit with us.

    Meg – I’ve been going to bed very early all week as I’m just not feeling good. Your body will thank you.

    Have a great evening everyone.
    Sue in TX
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    Sue - my amaryllis is an artificial one! It is incredibly realistic! Wonderful!:laugh: :bigsmile:

    Didn't get to the bakery - DH not up to it. Never mind. Another time.

    Love Heather
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    evening ladies,
    Vicki, I have only gotten up to i think 16-17 in the books, and I am slacking, but you have to listen to at least one audio, the woman who does the reading,I know her first name is Loralie,and oh my i was hysterical,Lula is the best, she is just a mess of trouble..
    did ok on calories today...
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today I had to feel better whether I did or not. My son called and asked me to take his youngest to preschool and pick him up afterwards because he was going to be at the hospital most of the day for a heart stress test. So I picked the little guy up from home and he went with me to walmart to get Halloween candy, then lunch at Wendy's, then to school. By that time, I hadn't died yet, so since my swim bag was already in the van, I went to the Y. The cardio machine didn't kill me, so I went in the pool. So far so good. By then it was time to pick GS up from school and take him home. I had planned to go pick up the two granddaughters from school, but my son was done with his appointment by then, so I came home. I tried to curl up in a ball and rest, but then hubby came home and off we went to walk the dogs. In the rain. Then cooked dinner, fed the dogs, and started a load of laundry. This isn't the way the flu is supposed to work, I'm pretty sure.

    Tomorrow I have to go in for my own heart stress test, which scares me to death. I had one once before and thought they killed me. Maybe they will decide I'm too sick. Where's a good fever when you need one.

    I hope everybody is having a good day.

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Wow am I tired tonight, it will be a very early night for me. Work is busy, which I really like. I did go to the Y tonight to do my strength training.
    My ex (or hopefully soon to be ex) is still stalling on the divorce so I'll let him sit with it for a few days while I try and find the marriage certificate.

    Have a great night everyone.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Bump for tomorrow; I'm snoozing during the ballgame; a bad sign for me! Meg
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Caught up to all but didn't take notes just to tired. What is it and I napped this afternoon can't go to bed at 9pm. I'll be up at 2am at the putter.
    Went to tops I was high loser with 2.6 lbs not only high loser the only loser of 16 they gained 32 lbs. Glad I lost i'm the leader. But I didn't preach do as I do. But I did ask for a better week next week. Well it certainly can't be worst. LOL.
    Leaving on a short trip tomorrow might be back on Sunday and if not Monday for sure. But I will bring my get healthy book to keep my journal.

    See you all lighter.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    :flowerforyou: I got up several times during the night to get the ice pack so it was a good thing that Jake slept in the guest room or I would have driven him crazy. I slept later than usual and he got up early and walked the dogs. After breakfast I took them each for a short walk and then went to line dance class where I sat down a lot and left early. I accepted Jake’s offer to walk the dogs and spent most of the afternoon lying on the ice pack and napping. I had to let go of my goal of logging many steps in favor of getting rest and ice and being able to dance tomorrow and Friday. My step counter doesn’t record steps if you walk too slowly so I’m sure I’ve taken more steps than got recorded. When I told my story of falling to my line dance friends, they responded with their own stories that were far worse including broken noses and crushed cell phones. I felt even more fortunate.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, I turned off the daily log-in counter because I know how faithful I am----just like you…..we don’t need a public report of our commitment to this healthy lifestyle.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, congrats on your anniversary….my hubby always wants to go out to eat to celebrate….Olive Garden is a great place and you did well bringing half of your meal home with you.

    :bigsmile: Suzy, one of my friends went to see Josh Groban when he was in Seattle and she couldn’t stop talking about how wonderful the show was.

    :flowerforyou: Sue in TX, the only reason I went to the chiropractor right away is that Jake insisted and made the call…..on my own, I just ignore things and assume that they will go away by themselves.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, the series I’m reading now is the Kay Scarpetta books by Sue Grafton----very scary and grisly……..Stephanie Plum will be a lot lighter and I look forward to the fun and laughter when I switch to them……I checked and the library has at least the next five books that I haven’t read yet.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, good luck on your heart tests.

    :bigsmile: LindaC. Congrats on your success at TOPS.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: 8,000 steps today
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Hi all!
    Well, tomorrow Ron comes to the house to tighten things up. He's the best repairman and comes at the drop of the hat. Retired. Has to repair some broken closet light fixtures, the garage furnace and dorrknob latches. Little annoyances. I will try to add to the list and I know he will get it all done. I removed the antique weathervane from our roof when we had the shingles replaced and now I want to ancho it in a block of wood, so early this week I had a beautiful old white oak removed (died from 2 years of terrible heat and draught...made me so sad) and I told the trimmer to save me a stump for the weathervane. I think Ron can finish it and make it into a beautiful base.
    Suzy- good to know 12000 steps = 6 miles. I can only get that measurement if I dedicate to the dreadmill. I play a lot of cards and sit a lot during the day. I have to make a concerted effort to move when I am not playing bridge.

    michelle and barbie- I planked 1 min 15 sec. go me! Have done sideplanks and like them a lot.

    Katla- I take my father to acupuncture for back pain. It started really helping after around 5 sessions. It has always helped me for back pain. Now when I think about animal abuse I get all worked up. One of my dear friends is an animal rights activist and has told me too many horror stories. I love my critters and I love all critters.

    Grandmallie- will try the Janet Evanovich audios for my Dad. He knocks out audio books practically every other day. We get the audios from the library, too. I know how you must miss your girls, I miss mine, too!

    Tere- Sounds like you are the party-central for your family. It's fun to have everyone at the house, but it is expensive. Little things you do to the house as well as the food and supplies all add up and people don't realize the amount of time and money we put in to a party. When my dad had his birthday party, I had out of town guest (relatives) come in. They were nieces and nephews who don't have a lot of money to spend on hotel rooms so I said stay with us. Well, I had to have a service come in and clean the carpets before they arrived because I had been using the rooms for storing my MIL stuff. That cost. Then I had to wash napkins for dinner, linens and towels for the guests, buy flowers, ice, food, booze, decorations, time to clean the rooms and make everything presentable. Lot of work, but it was a great time. Guess who cleaned up afterwards? I did! I can do it but as often as you do would be a good reason to say Thanksgiving is going to be at someone else's house! I agree.

    Good night all. Susan
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Barbie,so sorry about your accident,glad it wasn`t anything more serious.
    Have a good night all.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Wake up Meg! You're missing a good game!

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    So how do you turn off the day counter? I didn't know you could do that.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    barbie - so glad nothing is broken. Take care of yourself. So what if you don't reach your steps today? It's only one day and I know you'll get back in the swing as soon as you can. Walking and dancing is probably the best thing you can do.

    Linda - I take a LITTLE bit of what I make for a taste and give the rest away. I also many times make mini-muffins so that there's a preportion. Just a taste is enough for me. I just can't go without having ANY, but a taste is enough to satisfy me

    grandmalle - so sorry about your cousin's brother, my sympathies.

    Tere - good for your SO!!!! After getting a fair number of consecutive days, it stopped being a motivator for me, I just wanted to log so I no longer have MFP say on the homepage how many days I've logged in. I know that I have just about every day and to me, at this point, that's what matters. But I totally understand how it can be a real motivator for someone. Once the habit is ingrained, I don't know if someone needs that as much.

    anamika - have fun! Tell us more about this festival

    katla - someone PURPOSELY killed cats? That would enrage me to no end, but I don't even want to THINK about what Vince would do if something like that ever happened to me. When our first cat was killed, I just stood there and shook and cried like a baby. He was so loving. We don't have a Cosco, but we do have a Sam's. I had one of their cards and one day I got a Sam's Discover card in the mail. There was absolutely nothing in the letter with the card saying that I didn't have to accept the card, only that once it was activated my Sam's card would no longer be accepted. Well, come to find out that I didn't have to accept it. I really don't want another credit card, two is enough (actually, I think I have three). Now Vince can't use it until he gets his card. Wish I'd known that I didn't have to accept it.

    mousemom - welcome! What part of Canada are you in?

    Did yoga this morning then an hour of deep water. This instructor really keeps you moving, she's constantly asking if your heartrate is up. I like that. But she also does a lot of stretches. Tomorrow I'll do Jari Love's Ripped 1000 DVD tomorrow, then volunteer at the Green Room. I was going to go play Rummikub afterwards but the weather is supposed to be nice and we need to get started on closing the pool <boo> so no Rummikub for me. I'll come home right after Green Room volunteering.

    Suzy - Lowe's has had their Christmas decorations out for weeks. They were out when we had that Murder Mystery dinner (10/5) because I went there looking for the beads that are used on Christmas trees. Spaghetti squaash is goooooooooddddd. You won't be sorry you tried it.

    Sylvia - you've certainly been busy, I am tired just reading about everything you did. Good luck tomorrow on your test. Yea for you getting to the Y!

    Linda - big congrats on being the biggest loser

    Susan - it's so nice to have someone you can call that will do the work in a timely manner. Good for you on that plank!

    Gail - It's been a long time since I've done it, but I'm pretty sure if you go to your "home" and then click on "settings", then automatic news feed update and be sure that the box next to "I have logged in for several days in a row" is unchecked, I'm pretty sure it won't show on newsfeeds how many days you've logged in. Give that a try.

    Went to senior bowling then tonight to Newcomer bowling. Tomorrow we're going to START closing the pool. Since this is the first time we've done it, it'll probably take multiple days to do, next year it most likely won't take as long to do. I was going to go play Rummikub tomorrow after the Green room, but we really need to get this done especially since they're calling for not-nice weather Friday.

    Michele in NC
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Had a voice mail from the doctor that my lower back is being bothered by a bit of arthritis. Now at least I know what it is.

    It's a good thing that I am already working at building a healthy lifestyle, because that may just be a good idea.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    well now im getting downright ticked off,ive been working hard and havent lost a darn thing for almost a month. i filled up on veggies yesterday and it got me nowhere:grumble:
    I was lying in bed last night and went to sit up and searing pain went through my hips,HOLY COW. I didnt do anything crazy,yesterday, I walked, but I had to take a half of a pain pill to sleep, im up and going grocery shopping, but yowza they are still hurting:frown: very very odd.
    well I will check in later, today is my day off.
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi Ladies, this week has been crazy busy at work:tongue: . Had Elizabeth a couple of nights, then will have her for trick or treat tonight (is their a counter for chasing around a 4 year old? :laugh: . I have ate semi terrible this week, stress does that to me , going to try to get back to it correctly today.:smile: . Dr's appt on Monday went well she would like 5-10 lbs by next time :ohwell: .

    Barbie--Glad your okay.

    Hope everyone has a Blesses & Wonderful Day :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    DH still in the worst throes of this horrible chesty cold. He has to take the hire car back today and pick up our repaired one. For some reason the hire car place is miles from the garage in a completely different town and he has got to find it in the back streets and then they take him to the garage. All when he is feeling c**p. This is the third day he hasn't gymmed with me. Unheard of.!

    I did quite well on the rower, but was VERY slow on the elliptical and bike. Hard work. Very sweaty. I did manage 25 push ups, but made sure I did them before the gym this time! The strength training with the weights afterwards really broke me out into a sweat so I amnow lying on the bed, dripping. Guess I'm not entirely back to normal!:laugh:

    Renny - your continuing fitness will be so important in dealing with your back problems. Core strengthening is the key.:flowerforyou:

    Lots of very tired people with the lengthening days.:flowerforyou: Healing thoughts for a boost of energy.:love:
    We shouldn't get many trick or treaters, but we do have a few sweets if we do. In London I used to switch all the lights off!

    Love from drizzly Hampshire UK, Heather
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning to all wishing each of you a great weekend. Going out gambling for a couple days and to an auction with hubby on Saturday. Looking to buy a travel trailer. He sold the big one we had but now he wants another one. He can't resist a bargain then sells it and makes a few bucks. Oh well as long as he enjoys doing this guess it's ok. Have to do something in his retirement time.
    But he sure keeps busy. Hardly ever comes in but for meals and his afternoon nap. Busy is good. Keeps the mind occupied.

    See you all on Monday.
    Hopefully lighter.
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Halloween.The scale didn`t trick me,I got a treat a loss of 6 lbs.Finally.
    Linda,have fun
    Renny,glad u found out what`s going on.