Dear Men:



  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    This is really stupid.

    Just saying.

    THIS is WHY this is really stupid:
    You post a vague,broad brush attack on men with no background info and then have the gall to get pissy over the reaction it deserved?
  • Toblave
    Toblave Posts: 244 Member
    I agree, people have an obligation to behave in a polite and respectful manner when interacting with another person; especially one that he or she is unfamiliar with and is unsure how he or she will perceive him.

    FIFY. It isn't okay for anyone to physically intimidate anyone else.

    True but I was speaking within the context of the original post.

    ETA: I believe this is amplified when interacting with woman though.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member

  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    The op is obviously having a bad day so I will post something to brighten her spiritsuntitledorton2_zps3da25be9.png
  • maggie16sweetxoxo
    maggie16sweetxoxo Posts: 314 Member
    Women are so catty! My God, stick up for a sister. Girl power.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I thought this would be an interesting place to extend that parental teaching, in case there was a guy or two out there that may not know to keep his distance from a lady.

    hmm, yeah i don't know about this.

  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    Well OP thanks for putting me and the other men in that bubble. It really explains my personality really well. Thank you! /S
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    Dear Women,

    Please respect the personal space and humanness of men out in the world. If you are angry or frustrated about something search within yourself for the reason instead of taking it out on men. Figure out why you blame all men for the errors of a few and understand that this is unfair and sexist. I bet that you have experienced unpleasant encounters with some women but have refrained from generalizing that all women must be bad because you knew a few that were in your experience.

    We, as women, need to understand that we are capable of harming men. It is not a one way street.
    Just as we feel uncomfortable and threatened if an angry man were to invade our personal space, consider how uncomfortable a man may feel when we tar them all with the same brush or try to intimidate them aggressively.

    Let's all learn to respect each other regardless of sex and understand that although it is unpleasant to be confronted with aggression, it is rarely personal. Learn the difference. Most men are not in the habit of hitting a women when they are angry. Lets not make assumptions. Stay calm.
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    Dear Women,

    Please respect the personal space and humanness of men out in the world. If you are angry or frustrated about something search within yourself for the reason instead of taking it out on men. Figure out why you blame all men for the errors of a few and understand that this is unfair and sexist. I bet that you have experienced unpleasant encounters with some women but have refrained from generalizing that all women must be bad because you knew a few that were in your experience.

    We, as women, need to understand that we are capable of harming men. It is not a one way street.
    Just as we feel uncomfortable and threatened if an angry man were to invade our personal space, consider how uncomfortable a man may feel when we tar them all with the same brush or try to intimidate them aggressively.

    Let's all learn to respect each other regardless of sex and understand that although it is unpleasant to be confronted with aggression, it is rarely personal. Learn the difference. Most men are not in the habit of hitting a women when they are angry. Lets not make assumptions. Stay calm.
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    You're a Bitc....(no be nice)
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    Not all men are like this, I don't think it was very appropriate to post on here.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Now i understand how groupthink and mob mentality begins. Jeesh.

    Yes, most men I deal with are just lovely. Yes, many women out there are horrible creatures.

    I honestly thought my post was a little funny and I thought a few men may even respond with, "yeah, not cool to get up in a woman's space"...or something like that.

    I do enjoy the gifs and notoriety, so thank you for that.

    Just for background's sake: I don't work in customer service per se. I work in accounting and a younger man physically imitated an older female employee of mine yesterday and I found it upsetting. I wanted to tell him that I thought his mother did a poor job of raising him. I thought of my own sons and thought of how upsetting it would be if they grew up to behave that way.

    I thought this would be an interesting place to extend that parental teaching, in case there was a guy or two out there that may not know to keep his distance from a lady.

    I was right about it being interesting.

    Thank you all for your responses. I like how the popular opinions are shared over and over and over and over and over.....with gifs! Love you mean it.

    Extremely Sexist Me

    P.S. In case I wasn't clear. It is STILL REALLY UNCOOL for a man to get up in a woman's face. If you think that is wrong, maybe you actually needed to read my very unpopular/popular (however you want to look at it) post. You're welcome.

    edited for spelling

    So it is okay for a woman to get up in another woman's or man's face - because I've seen that more often than the reverse. Also, maybe these are things you should've said to his face or/and your employer instead of making a sweeping gender finger shaking I'm your mother and you should act right post.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Don't worry, OP. there are plenty of permanent victims on MFP. You will eventually find friends with whom you can share a good cry.

  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Dear Women,

    Please respect the personal space and humanness of men out in the world. If you are angry or frustrated about something search within yourself for the reason instead of taking it out on men. Figure out why you blame all men for the errors of a few and understand that this is unfair and sexist. I bet that you have experienced unpleasant encounters with some women but have refrained from generalizing that all women must be bad because you knew a few that were in your experience.

    We, as women, need to understand that we are capable of harming men. It is not a one way street.
    Just as we feel uncomfortable and threatened if an angry man were to invade our personal space, consider how uncomfortable a man may feel when we tar them all with the same brush or try to intimidate them aggressively.

    Let's all learn to respect each other regardless of sex and understand that although it is unpleasant to be confronted with aggression, it is rarely personal. Learn the difference. Most men are not in the habit of hitting a women when they are angry. Lets not make assumptions. Stay calm.

    oh right, because it's a level playing field everywhere. glass ceiling at work; reduced political participation at the highest levels; restricted mobility, voting and land rights; feticide of female fetuses; violence, spousal killings; sexual harassment and rape (including the institutionalized kind; in wars; even within military organizations, right here at home); massively disproportionate poverty, and access to education and health), it's sexist to suggest that might not just be down to a few bad apples here and there. please.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Dear Women,

    Please respect the personal space and humanness of men out in the world. If you are angry or frustrated about something search within yourself for the reason instead of taking it out on men. Figure out why you blame all men for the errors of a few and understand that this is unfair and sexist. I bet that you have experienced unpleasant encounters with some women but have refrained from generalizing that all women must be bad because you knew a few that were in your experience.

    We, as women, need to understand that we are capable of harming men. It is not a one way street.
    Just as we feel uncomfortable and threatened if an angry man were to invade our personal space, consider how uncomfortable a man may feel when we tar them all with the same brush or try to intimidate them aggressively.

    Let's all learn to respect each other regardless of sex and understand that although it is unpleasant to be confronted with aggression, it is rarely personal. Learn the difference. Most men are not in the habit of hitting a women when they are angry. Lets not make assumptions. Stay calm.

    oh right, because it's a level playing field everywhere. glass ceiling at work; reduced political participation at the highest levels; restricted mobility, voting and land rights; feticide of female fetuses; violence, spousal killings; sexual harassment and rape (including the institutionalized kind; in wars; even within military organizations, right here at home); massively disproportionate poverty, access to education and health), it's sexist to suggest that might not just be down to a few bad apples here and there. please.

    So...this post is wrong and you go all out on it...but your response to the OP was one of "tolerance" and trying to be understanding?

    Seems legit....I hypocrisy at all.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Dear Women,

    Please respect the personal space and humanness of men out in the world. If you are angry or frustrated about something search within yourself for the reason instead of taking it out on men. Figure out why you blame all men for the errors of a few and understand that this is unfair and sexist. I bet that you have experienced unpleasant encounters with some women but have refrained from generalizing that all women must be bad because you knew a few that were in your experience.

    We, as women, need to understand that we are capable of harming men. It is not a one way street.
    Just as we feel uncomfortable and threatened if an angry man were to invade our personal space, consider how uncomfortable a man may feel when we tar them all with the same brush or try to intimidate them aggressively.

    Let's all learn to respect each other regardless of sex and understand that although it is unpleasant to be confronted with aggression, it is rarely personal. Learn the difference. Most men are not in the habit of hitting a women when they are angry. Lets not make assumptions. Stay calm.

    oh right, because it's a level playing field everywhere. glass ceiling at work; reduced political participation at the highest levels; restricted mobility, voting and land rights; feticide of female fetuses; violence, spousal killings; sexual harassment and rape (including the institutionalized kind; in wars; even within military organizations, right here at home); massively disproportionate poverty, access to education and health), it's sexist to suggest that might not just be down to a few bad apples here and there. please.

    So...this post is wrong and you go all out on it...but your response to the OP was one of "tolerance" and trying to be understanding?

    Seems legit....I hypocrisy at all.

    i think you might be thinking about someone else's post re trying to be understanding (not that i'm against that). i say, treat individuals you meet as individuals - of course! - but recognize the larger frame. (ie it's kind of not even-steven as a rule, unfortunately)

    re the original post - was confusing and probably misguided but i get where she's coming from about male physicality and aggression being possibly scary in a way female aggression might not be.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Women are so catty! My God, stick up for a sister. Girl power.

    I don't see any cattiness. To what, specifically, are you referring?
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    Now i understand how groupthink and mob mentality begins. Jeesh.

    Yes, most men I deal with are just lovely. Yes, many women out there are horrible creatures.

    I honestly thought my post was a little funny and I thought a few men may even respond with, "yeah, not cool to get up in a woman's space"...or something like that.

    I do enjoy the gifs and notoriety, so thank you for that.

    Just for background's sake: I don't work in customer service per se. I work in accounting and a younger man physically imitated an older female employee of mine yesterday and I found it upsetting. I wanted to tell him that I thought his mother did a poor job of raising him. I thought of my own sons and thought of how upsetting it would be if they grew up to behave that way.

    While this may have been a kneejerk reaction for you, people who act badly in the first place don’t give a rat’s *kitten* about how others feel that their mothers raised them. You're asking him to care about something that is most likely not of the slightest importance to him. If his mother HAD raised him right, he wouldn't have been acting like this in the first place!
    Thank you all for your responses. I like how the popular opinions are shared over and over and over and over and over.....with gifs! Love you mean it.

    What you are clearly not getting from the overwhelming similar responses is that it is not about “what is popular”: it is about what is right and what is wrong. Tarring all men with the same brush on a website that the original perpetrator most likely doesn't even belong to is ludicrous and wrong.

    [insert shrug] This will probably go nowhere: I think your armor of sarcasm and flippancy is too thick to allow anything through.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Dear Women,

    Please respect the personal space and humanness of men out in the world. If you are angry or frustrated about something search within yourself for the reason instead of taking it out on men. Figure out why you blame all men for the errors of a few and understand that this is unfair and sexist. I bet that you have experienced unpleasant encounters with some women but have refrained from generalizing that all women must be bad because you knew a few that were in your experience.

    We, as women, need to understand that we are capable of harming men. It is not a one way street.
    Just as we feel uncomfortable and threatened if an angry man were to invade our personal space, consider how uncomfortable a man may feel when we tar them all with the same brush or try to intimidate them aggressively.

    Let's all learn to respect each other regardless of sex and understand that although it is unpleasant to be confronted with aggression, it is rarely personal. Learn the difference. Most men are not in the habit of hitting a women when they are angry. Lets not make assumptions. Stay calm.

    oh right, because it's a level playing field everywhere. glass ceiling at work; reduced political participation at the highest levels; restricted mobility, voting and land rights; feticide of female fetuses; violence, spousal killings; sexual harassment and rape (including the institutionalized kind; in wars; even within military organizations, right here at home); massively disproportionate poverty, and access to education and health), it's sexist to suggest that might not just be down to a few bad apples here and there. please.

    I love these responses. It's like sitting in a Philosophy 101 class all over again, and listening to the girl in combat boots during her daily rant while the rest of us are trying to discuss Plato's forms.
This discussion has been closed.