Group LLC (Livin Low Carb) - August 2010



  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Ok, ladies, have to share my NSV from yesterday. Hubby and I bought some kayaks on Sunday. I've only been in a canoe twice in my life - and NEVER in a kayak. Something I've always wanted to do "when I got thin."

    Well, we took the kayaks to the lake last night - and after some initial unsteadiness, I was getting the hang of it! AND, I didn't dump it or fall in the water!

    The only problem was getting out when I was done - that was a little tough, and boy, are my shoulders achy today! It was a beautiful evening - watched the sun set over the lake - it was like glass, and there was no one out there but us. Probably a few people watching the comedy show when I first tried to get in and paddle, but hey - they're entitled to entertainment too, right? LOL.

    What an awesome NSV!! :smile: And hey, unless you get in and out of canoes/kayaks often, they take a lot of skill, so it would be a comedy show for a lot of people trying to do it, I'm sure! :laugh: Last time my hubs went kayaking he got dumped in; came home covered in mud...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    I just wanted to thank everyone for you answers on how to handle naysayers. I must tell you I spoke to one of them and tried to explain that this is what works for me and her answer was as long as its working keep up the good work.:happy:

    Awesome, Poot! I'm so glad!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    For those questioning Truvia or the likes - what about AGAVE Nectar?
    I tried Xylitol as well - I felt like I had to use a lot to get a "sweetness" factor.

    Nicole - I've come to the group late, but I see you've mentioned it a few times already: what's with the bi-weekly menses? I was all over the map too - bi- weekly, none at all, 10 days long... started Glumetza for IR and I'm back to "my" regular schedule - 27 day cycle.
    :grumble: speaking of cycles - TOM rang my doorbell at 6 this morning:indifferent:

    Lion - Is dreamfields okay? Again, it's not something we have up here in Canada, but I may pick it up when I'm in Vermont this weekend. I've been looking for Al Dente Carba-nada ( I love their artisan noodles and my husband loves them too - and 3 minutes in boiling water and it's ready!

    Just a quick question about preparing spaghetti squash: what's the most optimal cooking method? I always do it in the microwave and it's never just right - some uncooked parts, hard to shred... What am I doing wrong. If I can figure this out I'd take the time to prepare it more often because I do like the taste!

    I did a pot roast last night and it was fall-apart, melt in your mouth delish! I served it with a spinach/feta bake (added potato just to thicken it a little and for my husbands benefit!)

    Well, I need to get my girls to pre-school, then fit a workout in, clean my house, see if my hair stylist can see me... and I'd love to lounge in the pool and soak up this late summer sun/heat.... so better get my tushie moving!:glasses:
    Have a great day!

    Hey there.................

    Not all Agave Nectar is created equal either...............Some of it is processed and some of it they have been sneaky and added HFCS to it. Sneaky bastids..............Your best bet if you want to use Agave Nectar is buy it from a Health food store.

    Dreamsfield pasta is ok.................

    Spaghetti squash, I cut mine in half long ways, rub olive oil around the edges and place cut side down on cookie sheet and in the oven it goes until the outside is soft (usually 30-45 minutes in a 350 degree oven.............

    We had chuck roast last night too..............It was awesomely yummy.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    @ lioness - how exactly does the dreamfields pasta work? I mean, when you look at the box, the front says something like 5 net digestible carbs or something but there's actually 40g carbs or something close to that. How does the whole digestible carbs thing work?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    So the debate goes on.******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************This is all of I have to say. on thi subject To each his own.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    LOL @ Marie. If you're talking about the debate on sweeteners, I'm right there with ya! I'm all about learning...but to each her own! I think we should all use whatever we prefer. :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes I was talking about sweetener None of my doctors has restricted me on sweeteners untill they do I will enjoy my splenda .:yawn: I am sure this excess fat is far worst That i carried around with me. like you said to each his own.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    @ lioness - how exactly does the dreamfields pasta work? I mean, when you look at the box, the front says something like 5 net digestible carbs or something but there's actually 40g carbs or something close to that. How does the whole digestible carbs thing work?

    it is basically pasta that is coated in a non-digestible fiber called inulin. So, as long as the pasta is not over cooked to break down the inulin, then your body will not digest the pasta carbs..............

    I have been able to use it in small amounts with stir fry veggies mixed in with no blood sugar issues and no carb coma either afterwards..............
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    LOL @ Marie. If you're talking about the debate on sweeteners, I'm right there with ya! I'm all about learning...but to each her own! I think we should all use whatever we prefer. :smile:

    It's not a debate.............

    I am merely sharing what I have learned over the last 7 years of low carbing. Sheesh, if everything I comment on says I am debating, then I'll just keep my mouth shut and my fingers off the keyboard. Yes, I get defensive about people saying it is debating when its not..............

    I mean come on, this is supposed to be the place where we are sharing and learning from one another.

    I just re-read the whole thread and I don't see a debate. Just information sharing.

    Yes, it is a to each his / her own. For me, I am cutting out the chemicals as much as possible because I have adverse effects from them.

    Who knows Saverys_gal, that Splenda could be a major trigger for your migraines. I know it is for me.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    it is basically pasta that is coated in a non-digestible fiber called inulin. So, as long as the pasta is not over cooked to break down the inulin, then your body will not digest the pasta carbs..............

    I have been able to use it in small amounts with stir fry veggies mixed in with no blood sugar issues and no carb coma either afterwards..............

    Thank you Cora!! :flowerforyou: I have not been able to find an answer for this anywhere! I've been wanting to try it since I've gone LC especially since I can buy in in the grocery store unlike the Atkins pasta.

    Now my question to anyone that has tried it: does it taste like regular pasta?? My hubby is SOOOOO picky. I would love to be able to cook this for him one night and make a small bit for myself and not have him not know what he's eating! Right now he sits down and eats about 2 to 2.5 servings of regular pasta in one meal...:noway:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    LOL @ Marie. If you're talking about the debate on sweeteners, I'm right there with ya! I'm all about learning...but to each her own! I think we should all use whatever we prefer. :smile:

    It's not a debate.............

    I am merely sharing what I have learned over the last 7 years of low carbing. Sheesh, if everything I comment on says I am debating, then I'll just keep my mouth shut and my fingers off the keyboard. Yes, I get defensive about people saying it is debating when its not..............

    I mean come on, this is supposed to be the place where we are sharing and learning from one another.

    I just re-read the whole thread and I don't see a debate. Just information sharing.

    Yes, it is a to each his / her own. For me, I am cutting out the chemicals as much as possible because I have adverse effects from them.

    Who knows Saverys_gal, that Splenda could be a major trigger for your migraines. I know it is for me.

    LOL...lioness...I think Marie and I mean that everyone has got an opinion on this matter! Remember, words can be misconstrued on the net! :laugh:

    As far as the Splenda-this is why I am trying to slowly go over to the Truvia to see if it's one of my migraine triggers. On the other hand, I've been using Splenda since it hit the market and have only started to get migraines within the past 2 it's kind of a crap shoot if you know what I mean. I've also been told to try going gluten free to see if that triggers many darn things could cause these migraines!

    But there is only peace in here Cora!! No one is being offensive!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    LOL @ Marie. If you're talking about the debate on sweeteners, I'm right there with ya! I'm all about learning...but to each her own! I think we should all use whatever we prefer. :smile:

    It's not a debate.............

    I am merely sharing what I have learned over the last 7 years of low carbing. Sheesh, if everything I comment on says I am debating, then I'll just keep my mouth shut and my fingers off the keyboard. Yes, I get defensive about people saying it is debating when its not..............

    I mean come on, this is supposed to be the place where we are sharing and learning from one another.

    I just re-read the whole thread and I don't see a debate. Just information sharing.

    Yes, it is a to each his / her own. For me, I am cutting out the chemicals as much as possible because I have adverse effects from them.

    Who knows Saverys_gal, that Splenda could be a major trigger for your migraines. I know it is for me.

    LOL...lioness...I think Marie and I mean that everyone has got an opinion on this matter! Remember, words can be misconstrued on the net! :laugh:

    As far as the Splenda-this is why I am trying to slowly go over to the Truvia to see if it's one of my migraine triggers. On the other hand, I've been using Splenda since it hit the market and have only started to get migraines within the past 2 it's kind of a crap shoot if you know what I mean. I've also been told to try going gluten free to see if that triggers many darn things could cause these migraines!

    But there is only peace in here Cora!! No one is being offensive!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    For a lot of people I think the prolonged use causes symptoms to come on over time for some people...............

    That is why I suggested you using Sweet Leaf Stevia and not Purvia (Pepsi owned) or Truvia (coca- Cola owned).........Purvia and Truvia are chemicalized versions of Stevia, just like Splenda is a chemicalized version of real sugar...........

    Look at who owns Purvia and Truvia, 2 chemical kings that make soda. That is all I am saying.

    Why not just use the REAL thing, not the chemical version made from genetically modified plants.

    All I have been trying to do is to bring to the table my 7 years of life learning experience from eating the low carb lifestyle. That is all.

    Some of us prefer to eat naturally and chemical free, not artificial stuff...........
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    it is basically pasta that is coated in a non-digestible fiber called inulin. So, as long as the pasta is not over cooked to break down the inulin, then your body will not digest the pasta carbs..............

    I have been able to use it in small amounts with stir fry veggies mixed in with no blood sugar issues and no carb coma either afterwards..............

    Thank you Cora!! :flowerforyou: I have not been able to find an answer for this anywhere! I've been wanting to try it since I've gone LC especially since I can buy in in the grocery store unlike the Atkins pasta.

    Now my question to anyone that has tried it: does it taste like regular pasta?? My hubby is SOOOOO picky. I would love to be able to cook this for him one night and make a small bit for myself and not have him not know what he's eating! Right now he sits down and eats about 2 to 2.5 servings of regular pasta in one meal...:noway:

    yes, it tastes just like regular pasta. he will never know the difference.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I'd have to go back a couple of pages but I know I asked what the difference is between Stevia and Truvia.

    So then, is the Sweet Leaf Stevia the same as Stevia? I've never seen the Sweet Leaf in stores, but I'm sure I've seen plain old Stevia before.

    I do see where you're coming from-and I always enjoy your wealth of knowledge! Just remember that words get misconstrued! :smile:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Well, like someone said - to each their own. I respect Cora's opinion and will often ask her about stuff because she's been through it. Nothing like personal experience.... not discounting anyone else's opinion either.
    As for the splenda debate - I cannot STAND it - makes me sick, crampy, gives me diarrhea and I hate HATE the taste. My IL's only use it and I always keep some in the house for them when they visit. When I go to the US I will always choose Equal. In Canada I've tried stevia (drops from health store), xylitol (from health store) and haven't found something I like, so I use twin (aspartame). FWIW - Starbucks Canada (at least here in Quebec) has removed Splenda as they believe it causes illness.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I'd have to go back a couple of pages but I know I asked what the difference is between Stevia and Truvia.

    So then, is the Sweet Leaf Stevia the same as Stevia? I've never seen the Sweet Leaf in stores, but I'm sure I've seen plain old Stevia before.

    I do see where you're coming from-and I always enjoy your wealth of knowledge! Just remember that words get misconstrued! :smile:

    Stevia is just either the ground up plant or it is extracted from the plant leaves..............

    Truvia is made from processing genetically modified plants................That right there makes it something I don't want to put in my mouth.

    The more I am learning about what the government is allowing them to do to our food supply, the more I am sticking with Farmers Market, CSA and local farms for food for my family.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Well, like someone said - to each their own. I respect Cora's opinion and will often ask her about stuff because she's been through it. Nothing like personal experience.... not discounting anyone else's opinion either.
    As for the splenda debate - I cannot STAND it - makes me sick, crampy, gives me diarrhea and I hate HATE the taste. My IL's only use it and I always keep some in the house for them when they visit. When I go to the US I will always choose Equal. In Canada I've tried stevia (drops from health store), xylitol (from health store) and haven't found something I like, so I use twin (aspartame). FWIW - Starbucks Canada (at least here in Quebec) has removed Splenda as they believe it causes illness.

    See, I love my Splenda-hate Equal and Sweet 'n Low. My transition over to the natural sweetener has been slow because I'm still not as keen on the taste but I'm willing to go for it just because I want to get away from artificial and I would love to see if it is a cause of my migraines...although who knows how long it will take to get it all out of my system??
    They don't use Splenda in Canadian Starbucks? That's very interesting!!

    @mojogurl-I responded to you about my TOM a page or so back :smile:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    WTF? If Truvia is made from artificial Stevia...that makes no sense? Why not just use real Stevia?? Why go through and use a genetically modified plant? That seems like it would be more trouble than it's worth...:indifferent:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Why not used the real stuff SUGAR in moderation. I read an article once that sugar is less danger to our system as a baked potatoe
    What 16 calories per t.? I know a couple od ladies that used sugar and they lost weight. In fact one girl has kept her 50lbs off for 6 years B ut she eats in moderation.
    bakes cakes all the time for her grandkids. I don't knowif I could used real sugar for i have been brain washed all of my life. about sugar.
    So What is your take on this lowcarbers? no debate just your own personel opinon
  • ColetteDuchnowski
    I did not know that about Stevia and Truvia. I have bought ground up stevia leaves before. They are green, and leave a gritty feeling. I used it in coffee before and was not impressed. Right now I am using EZ-Sweetz that I got from Netrition. 0 cal and 0 carbs. I use 1 drop in my coffee and tea. I like Splenda, but will only use it in baking, like the MIM's. I am not sure about Agave nector. It is usually sold next to the honey. I think its supposed to be like a replacement for honey...not sure though. I have never tried it but would like to see how it is. Does anyone know the carb count on Agave Nector?


    I'd have to go back a couple of pages but I know I asked what the difference is between Stevia and Truvia.

    So then, is the Sweet Leaf Stevia the same as Stevia? I've never seen the Sweet Leaf in stores, but I'm sure I've seen plain old Stevia before.

    I do see where you're coming from-and I always enjoy your wealth of knowledge! Just remember that words get misconstrued! :smile:

    Stevia is just either the ground up plant or it is extracted from the plant leaves..............

    Truvia is made from processing genetically modified plants................That right there makes it something I don't want to put in my mouth.

    The more I am learning about what the government is allowing them to do to our food supply, the more I am sticking with Farmers Market, CSA and local farms for food for my family.