Group LLC (Livin Low Carb) - August 2010



  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I've never used any of the Agave either...I'm pretty much new to the whole sweetener deal. ccduch-if you go on to and pull up the Agave, you should be able to find the nutritional info. :smile:
  • pickledlilly
    pickledlilly Posts: 98 Member
    Sweeteners are as daft to me as soya made to look like bacon or sausage. Sugar is a drug and sweeteners came from an experiment in a laboritory. Personally, I don't want to put acids in my body and refined sugars are bleached and bleached.
  • ColetteDuchnowski

    Stevia is just either the ground up plant or it is extracted from the plant leaves..............

    Truvia is made from processing genetically modified plants................That right there makes it something I don't want to put in my mouth.

    The more I am learning about what the government is allowing them to do to our food supply, the more I am sticking with Farmers Market, CSA and local farms for food for my family.

    I don't like using genetically altered things either. The government allows all kinds of things in our food supplies. Fresh is best as long as its home grown and not grown for the markets, ie corporate stores. I just wish in Michigan I could grow all year round. The government has to have complete control over everything. I read that they are trying to make it illegal for us to grown our own food, that they can tax us on it. Don't ask me where I read it, because I don't think it was off one of my daily emails I get that report on our food supply or such. Please don't get me started on how corrupt our government really is...

  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    I think the only thing I'll say to this is that I think we all know that our government is corrupt no matter what topic you want to talk about. And that's all I have to say on that because politics can truly turn into a "debate" and I don't want to step on anyone's toes! :flowerforyou:

    But on another thought - Colette - where would be a good state to live to grow a garden year round??
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I don't know why I don't use regular sugar - I think it goes back to when I'd drink cola - regular would make me sick, headachy, sweats - so I tried diet and didn't have the effect - so... yeah. There you have it. It just stuck.

    Nicole - Interesting about your menses. I was pretty much the same as you - IN HS, the pill made me crazy, I was all over the map - it was supposed to regulate but I was having breakthrough bleeding and all kinds of issues. The Doc said I wasn't taking it at the same time each day, so okay, maybe not to the hour to the minute, but "at night" - should still be the same. Anyway, tried switching to bedtime because that is a regularly scheduled event. made no difference. After my second daughter was born, thought about Mirena, but opted for the ring and fell into PPD, hot flashes - thought I was peri-meno test confirmed normal range, but at the higher level. Stopped using the ring completely told my husband to get fixed (still pending :grumble: )
    and well, went through more tests and was diagnosed with IR. SInce then, changing diet and my Rx, everything is back on track.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Regular sugar is too sweet? Anytime I eat stuff with a fairly good amount of real sugar I just sends my taste buds into overdrive. It doesn't dissolve like the fake stuff or anything else either. Yea, just don't care for it really.

    mojogurl- yeah, my GYN tried to give me the same thing about not taking it at the same time and I corrected her quick on that-I'm a creature of habit and I take them at the same time!! I'm definitely nowhere near peri-meno!! Had my hubby fixed earlier this year :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: but then again we don't want kiddies so he was waiting to get it done! So I've been drug free for my TOM since March and it's been one heck of a ride but a lot of my emotional symptoms have cleared up. Excuse my ignorance though...but what is IR??
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    WTF? If Truvia is made from artificial Stevia...that makes no sense? Why not just use real Stevia?? Why go through and use a genetically modified plant? That seems like it would be more trouble than it's worth...:indifferent:

    Mass production girl, mass production...........
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    WTF? If Truvia is made from artificial Stevia...that makes no sense? Why not just use real Stevia?? Why go through and use a genetically modified plant? That seems like it would be more trouble than it's worth...:indifferent:

    Mass production girl, mass production...........

    Wow. Just wow. That's about one of the stupidest things I've ever heard! But then again, there's a lot of stupidity in our world. It would make more sense to me to use what you have growing naturally...but hey, what do any of us know, right?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Seems that we sll react fifference and just have to see what work best for us.
    I know no more than I did. I guess God is the only one to know whats best for us. Eat as naturally as you can. He gave us fruits and veggies, milk Lets enjoy them. If anyone has the perfect diet let us know. I know it is a fact low carbs do lower your blood sugar I can see that on my blood monitor. my scales has not told me anything yet? But intend to keep a good record on my 30 days of Sept, challenge and see what it tells me.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Why not used the real stuff SUGAR in moderation. I read an article once that sugar is less danger to our system as a baked potatoe
    What 16 calories per t.? I know a couple od ladies that used sugar and they lost weight. In fact one girl has kept her 50lbs off for 6 years B ut she eats in moderation.
    bakes cakes all the time for her grandkids. I don't knowif I could used real sugar for i have been brain washed all of my life. about sugar.
    So What is your take on this lowcarbers? no debate just your own personel opinon

    I believe using RAW sugar when trying to maintain your weight is the best way to go.................If it normal old white sugar, then NO, it doesn't belong in our eating plans whether we are trying to maintain, lose or even gain weight.............

    My husband gave up Splenda and started using Sugar in the Raw..............He said it gives a pleasant sweetness without being syrupy...............

    This is only my opinion for how my husband and I live.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning, (or what is left of it)--

    Here is my two cents on whether or not to start a new thread for September:

    Since the current thread has "August" in the title, I think it would make sense to start a new thread for September. If you don't want to start a new thread each month, the title shouldn't have a month in it. If you are going to let it roll automatically at 500 posts, it would be less confusing to not put a "part 2" or any other designation, because that will be added automatically into the title when the thread rolls.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Alright, so to get the ball rolling again on LLC...

    What's everyone's favorite LC snack? :smile:

    1. almonds!!
    2. cucumbers
    3. greek yogurt (when I'm wanting more carbs & sugar)
    4. pistachios
    5. macadamias
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Alright, so to get the ball rolling again on LLC...

    What's everyone's favorite LC snack? :smile:

    1. almonds!!
    2. cucumbers
    3. greek yogurt (when I'm wanting more carbs & sugar)
    4. pistachios
    5. macadamias
    8. nuts of any kind
    9. crystal lite lemomaid. or ant of their drinks.
    10 cheese and nuts
    11 Ham and cheese roll.
    12. 2 glasses of water
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Sounds good Marie! I'm glad snack time is right around the corner!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    13. Pepperoni and Sargento sharp cheddar slice - YUMMMM!
    14. SF Jello and whipped cream
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Good morning, (or what is left of it)--

    Here is my two cents on whether or not to start a new thread for September:

    Since the current thread has "August" in the title, I think it would make sense to start a new thread for September. If you don't want to start a new thread each month, the title shouldn't have a month in it. If you are going to let it roll automatically at 500 posts, it would be less confusing to not put a "part 2" or any other designation, because that will be added automatically into the title when the thread rolls.

    Hey, Weaklink - I agree with you on starting the new thread, only because I'm OCD about being organized, and seeing "August" in the title in September will give me a little funny twinge - but that's just ME! I can live with whatever the group decides to do, honestly.....
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Ooooooo...the pepperoni and cheese sounds SO tasty!

    And I totally admit to doing the SF jello with whipped cream! :wink:

    Well I say do whatever floats your boat resalyn! It doesn't both me one way or another if we start another thread. You started the group and no one here seems to have any strong feelings, so why not start a new one if you really want to? :smile:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Good Luck to everyone going forward. Everyone will complete their journey in their own time and I wish nothing but the best to each and every one of you.

    So there are no more talks of debates or any controversy, I will no longer be posting on any threads.

    I am sorry that I don't share the same thoughts as everyone else to be as healthy as I can be and in order to do that one must live as natural and chemical free as possible.

    It was never my intention to offend anyone and if I have, I apologize. I was only trying to do my part to help people with more healthy and natural alternatives.

    There is no disdain for what anyone else does. As someone that is considering going to school for Naturopathic medicine, I only have the best intentions at heart. My doctor uses Tough Love with me because to be at your best health it takes a lot more than just lowering your carb counts to be healthy. Also, losing weight does not equal good health filling your body with chemicals.............

    All I was trying to do was spread the word of good health through a natural and low carb lifestyle.

    I can't in good conscience give advice through my life experiences without being me.

    With that said, I suppose to keep controversary at bay I will no longer post on any of the threads.
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Some favorite snacks are:
    1. macadamia nuts
    2. cheese
    3. hard boiled eggs
    4. cantaloupe

    and i can use some new ideas! you have all been so helpful. thanks!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Good Luck to everyone going forward. Everyone will complete their journey in their own time and I wish nothing but the best to each and every one of you.

    So there are no more talks of debates or any controversy, I will no longer be posting on any threads.

    I am sorry that I don't share the same thoughts as everyone else to be as healthy as I can be and in order to do that one must live as natural and chemical free as possible.

    It was never my intention to offend anyone and if I have, I apologize. I was only trying to do my part to help people with more healthy and natural alternatives.

    There is no disdain for what anyone else does. As someone that is considering going to school for Naturopathic medicine, I only have the best intentions at heart. My doctor uses Tough Love with me because to be at your best health it takes a lot more than just lowering your carb counts to be healthy. Also, losing weight does not equal good health filling your body with chemicals.............

    All I was trying to do was spread the word of good health through a natural and low carb lifestyle.

    I can't in good conscience give advice through my life experiences without being me.

    With that said, I suppose to keep controversary at bay I will no longer post on any of the threads.

    @ Cora...

    I really hope you'll reconsider. I think everything from this morning was blown a little bit more out of proportion that it really was to begin with. Even if what was being discussed could be considered a true "debate" it was done in a healthy manner with everyone respecting everyone elses opinions.
    Please don't let this stop you from contributing to us and to others-I know you've been told multiple times what a wealth of knowledge you have and how much we all appreciate it!

    So I'll ask you again to kindly reconsider and stay with us here :flowerforyou: