Fake boobs?



  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    I might need to have my boobs done after I have a baby and breast feed. My body less fat mostly from te top parts down so I'm afraid my boobs would get saggy with time. But now everything is good so far, lol.

    I hate the look of fake boobs though... I want them to look as natural as possible. There are girls on the beach I go to who look ugly when topless because their boobs are so fake. But they look good when dressed. I want to look natural naked too, so that's the look I'd go for.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    Personally a fan of the real version but maybe I've only experienced non-quality fakes...dunno. I tend to me be more attracted to women with smaller to medium size chest anyway though.

    Almost tend to think shape and nip type really make the boob regardless of size though.

    Yeah, pert and natural FTW!
  • TheBackStory
    I might need to have my boobs done after I have a baby and breast feed. My body less fat mostly from te top parts down so I'm afraid my boobs would get saggy with time. But now everything is good so far, lol.

    I hate the look of fake boobs though... I want them to look as natural as possible. There are girls on the beach I go to who look ugly when topless because their boobs are so fake. But they look good when dressed. I want to look natural naked too, so that's the look I'd go for.

    I think it really depends on how big your boobs get while pregnant. I went from nothing to these massive DD's. Oh they were glorious. After I had 3 babies, they are back to normal. You never know, you might be one of those lucky ones that come out with a banging rack and keep it.
  • danofthedead1979
    danofthedead1979 Posts: 362 Member
    i don't like massive fake boobs, or fake boobs really. i think they look stupid. for me, nothing looks and feels better than real fun bags! big or small. i had a friend who got a boob job (for free) on the NHS over here in England, not for any medical reasons, but for vanity. i don't agree with that. that time and money should be spent on people with real medical conditions, not giving someone a pair of melons that look completely out of place.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member

    I just love this!
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Fake boobs are beautiful...as they are added on to men and women that have had to get amstectomies....

    enhanced boobs are still boobs...If I expand the walls in my house those are real rooms, albeit enhanced.
  • edock82
    edock82 Posts: 3
    Fake Boobs are awesome!! Im starting to get boobie greed want to go bigger.. but i cant small frame DR said NOOO..
  • ms_lindsay
    ms_lindsay Posts: 22 Member
    I've always been super small and after 2 babies that were both breastfeed back to back and for awhile at the same time, and I started running, things have gone waaaaaaaaay south and even smaller, now I am an A cup, at 34 years old :/

    I am VERY self conscious about how they look now so I am definitely considering a nice new pair of boobs, not huge, but nicely proportioned to having a bigger bum and hips. My husband would really like it to. Honestly, what holds me back is judgement from friends and family. It really shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks but I do worry about it. Who knows, I am giving myself until the end of this year to really work hard on my body, see if I can perk them up a little first, then decide, lol.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Haha, this converstation always reminds me of what a friend said at a party a few years ago while discussing this same subject.

    He says:

    Fake boobs? All I know is if they are in my hands, they are real to me...:laugh:

    As far as my opinion, I really do not give a crap what someone else does. But I will say this, if they are not tastefully done and are side show freak big, I kinda feel sorry for the gal that gets them. I mean, I get wanting the hour glass figure, I really do because I have been small chested my whole life, was even made fun of in school because I did not need to wear a bra until my junior year of hs, but for them to be so big that they demand all the attention in the room, it is sad to me. How low her self worth must be and how she got that way is painful to watch. So I say a prayer and go about my day. I have seen women get so upset at other women for their big boobs they make a scene in public. That is just as bad.....
  • Woodspoon
    Woodspoon Posts: 223 Member
    Personally I don't like em
    I also don't think it's a good idea to have plastic bags filled with whatever unnecessarily shoved inside your body, that goes for men and women.
    Botox is another bloody silly idea.
    Live with what you've got and be grateful for it.
  • jelie3110
    jelie3110 Posts: 433
    As someone who was flat chested (small A) for most of my life , I can honestly say that it was the best investment I have ever made for myself. I didn't do it for a boyfriend or husband, I did it for me. I used to hate to buy tops or bathing suits of any kind, now I can't wait. I am so pleased and have no regrets.
  • erockem
    erockem Posts: 278 Member
    Who cares, boobs are boobs.

  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    I've had my fair share of both real and fake, and I gotta say, I prefer real. But to each their own
  • squeakybuttcheeks
    squeakybuttcheeks Posts: 54 Member
    I am so torn over implants. As someone who has always been flat-chested, I've asked myself what I would do if presented with the opportunity to upgrade the girls. I think breasts are one of the biggest (lol) representations of femininity, so I feel like I'm missing out on something--they are just so damn womanly and sexy! It would probably be a confidence booster if I ever did get it done, but on the other hand, you're basically mutilating your body to conform with society's beauty standard. What if little boobs were suddenly "IN" and we all wanted to look like Keira Knightley (but I mean, who already doesn't?); would I regret my new, bigger boobs? Is it worth taking the risk going under the knife just to improve what I already have? Probably not. So until then, I'll just continue to dream that I'm a late bloomer and one day I'll wake up with bountiful C cups. 27 isn't too old for a growth spurt, right?!

    I too am cursed? with the small boobs. I've always dreamed of getting implants. Maybe the day I have the money to do it will be the day I make an actual decision.
  • jelie3110
    jelie3110 Posts: 433
    Personally a fan of the real version but maybe I've only experienced non-quality fakes...dunno. I tend to me be more attracted to women with smaller to medium size chest anyway though.

    Almost tend to think shape and nip type really make the boob regardless of size though.

    at some point, they can get too big....
    And then they look disproportional to the person they are on.....
    Yes, I do believe you must have only seen some bad ones.......if they are done right (gummy bear style) they feel awesome!
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    After you have kids trust me you'll want them

    I have a child, I don't want them.

    But I support any woman who wants them.
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    I'm rather thin and have 32G cups. I wouldn't want them smaller, but I wish they were a bit perkier. I'll definitely have some plastic surgery to hike them back up after I have kids.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Dead thread has been revived........lmao
  • sophiam777
    Does the girl on the video opening the bottle not feel that? Reminds me of the mom on Mean Girls getting chewed on by the dog, lol.

    Don't know if anyone has mentioned it, but if you're getting implants make sure you have money set aside for a second surgery/emergency.

    I know of 3 separate women- 1 needed surgery one year after getting implants cause of capsular contracture, the other 2 women I know with implants just woke up deflated on one side one morning (not at the same time, lol). They didn't even do anything strenuous, but obviously it can happen! Yikes!