Things I get unreasonably angry about.



  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    The kid a few houses down who insists on practicing his trumpet outside.

    When my mom tells me I'm too strict with my kids

    Spam e-mails from the Prince of whatever country he says he's from offering me money but only if I send him mine first.
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    People who use the word " quintessential" it just irks the hell out of me.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Stupid conspiracy theories
    People who misuse the term 'irony'

    What do you get unreasonably angry about?

    People who tailgate me on 2-lane roads where I can't pull over. If I had a gun in the car I would be sitting on death row right now. Nothing, but nothing, makes me more furious. In fact, just writing about it now makes me want to smash something!! GRRRRRRR.
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    Religious people trying to persuade me that their religion is the exact religion that I need in my life.

    Religious people assuming that atheist is exactly the same as 'devil worshiper' , ' Sex offender', 'baby eater' and almost any other 'scum of the earth' descriptor that you could think of....

    Religious people assuming that I have no morals as I have no god in my life.

    I'll add to that anyone who won't accept "I'm not interested in discussing my belief (or rather lack thereof) with you, could we change the subject please?" as a respectful alternative to rehashing the perpetual theist/atheist debate.

    My best friend is Atheist I am Christian. A Deacon and studying to be a pastor. He has more of a moral code than most Christians I know. My belief/his disbelief have NEVER got in the way of our friendship. When it does come up it is a dis ussion and we make each other smarter. Last year he almost died from cancer he said "So if your right, can I just tell them I know you and they'll let me in?" We both had a good laugh.

    Respect, that's all it is
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
    When teachers/leaders b*tch at or punish the entire group because of the behavior of one individual.
    My clinical teacher at my internship does that. She calls it "live by one, die by one," and it creates an environment for her in which negative things tend not to happen. It's one thing for a high-schooler to do something the teacher doesn't like and face consequences specific to them, it's another entirely to have to answer to all of your disgruntled peers. Bet he won't do it again.

    It still pisses me off. :laugh:

    I remember it pissing me off too.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member

    People who tailgate me on 2-lane roads where I can't pull over. If I had a gun in the car I would be sitting on death row right now. Nothing, but nothing, makes me more furious. In fact, just writing about it now makes me want to smash something!! GRRRRRRR.

    don't you wish your super power would be to levitate their car? I mean it would hover 20 feet off the road at the place they tailgated you for a half an hour then settle back down and they could drive one. and it would happen again and again until they caught on.
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
    Oh I just remembered one. TV commercials that are 598727895479827582930 times LOUDER than the show.
  • the_dude00
    the_dude00 Posts: 1,056 Member
    Oh I just remembered one. TV commercials that are 598727895479827582930 times LOUDER than the show.

    I don't like that either, or show that have the effect way louder than the barely bearable dialogue
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member

    It suddenly occurred to me what really ( irrationally ) grinds my gears.

    When, I don't get the Travolta spot in the hot tub at the local pool. I go and swim my laps, and from the pool, I can see other people in MY spot. There's only one spot, with a good jet, that has the big post at just the right distance to put my feet up against. I am in heaven when I am in this spot. If it is taken, and I have to sit elsewhere, waiting for the interloper to leave, I consider it dead time.

    I often think ( irrationally ) that many of the people who are in MY spot, have done nothing to earn it.... that they come and do nothing but sit in the hot tub. I sometimes consider ( irrationally ) making a suggestion that they'd be just as comfortable in another spot, since they don't seem to be using MY spot to its fullest potential. That is, they might be sitting on the edge of the hot tub, which they could do anywhere, or they might not be using the footrest feature, which again, they could do anywhere.

    It also grinds my gears when I have to share a swim lane. I don't like showing up, and having to pick which lane to 'share...' I always feel that the person I am joining, will be like me, and be p*ssed that someone is 'inconveniencing' them. I don't like it when someone shows up, and picks MY lane to join in on.

    All that said... I met a guy with cancer who joined me in MY lane the other day, and he taught me something about swimming, and maybe, just a little bit about life.

  • comrade_questions
    comrade_questions Posts: 103 Member
    People who don't train their crappy little dogs so they jump on people, bite, attack other dogs and pee everywhere. If a big dog did that, you can bet they'd probably be ordered to be euthanized.

    On that same note, people who support pit bull bans. Or any dog breed bans, actually.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Guys who work at the grocery store who try to chat me up when I'm dressed up, and then forget to say hi when I'm not. PIck one or the other, be friendly or ignore me, and do it consistently. I don't care which. On the other hand, I get unreasonable pleasure out of going to the store in a dress and heels, and not noticing those guys.
  • RN514
    RN514 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Yeldon dropping the ball.

    Roll tide forever & always, but they're looking rough!!!
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I'm not fond of those magnetic "ribbons" people have on their cars (like the awareness for cancer, troops, etc).

    Here in Columbus, OH, there's a bike race (for 90+ miles I think) that is for the awareness of cancer (seriously, if you don't know what cancer is in 2013 you've been living in a whole in the ground). To do it, you need to raise $1,200 each, and when you complete it you get this ridiculous green arrow sticker to put on your car. I'd say I see about 10 of those darn stickers every time I go out. Yeah, Ok, you biked 90+ miles. Who's more sane, me, who prefers not to and just drive to the city you end in, drink beer and be happy, or you? And what I think is insane, no one who's done it can actually tell me where the money actually goes. "Awareness of Cancer" is really broad right?

    So, yeah. I'm not fond of bumper stickers in general for some reason.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Horrible sex tips and relationship advice from Cosmo magazine. I always read them in line at the grocery store expecting to find something good and am always disappointed. I believe this is the definition of insanity. Lol.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    When teachers/leaders b*tch at or punish the entire group because of the behavior of one individual.
    My clinical teacher at my internship does that. She calls it "live by one, die by one," and it creates an environment for her in which negative things tend not to happen. It's one thing for a high-schooler to do something the teacher doesn't like and face consequences specific to them, it's another entirely to have to answer to all of your disgruntled peers. Bet he won't do it again.

    It still pisses me off. :laugh:

    I remember it pissing me off too.

    I actually appreciate it that my mom punished both my sister and I every time one of us got in trouble. It made us into a team, two people looking out for each other, instead of trying to blame each other.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Conspiracy theories
    Slow walkers taking up the whole sidewalk
    Ppl who stand on the left side of the escalator
  • Clameater
    Clameater Posts: 317
    Guys who work at the grocery store who try to chat me up when I'm dressed up, and then forget to say hi when I'm not. PIck one or the other, be friendly or ignore me, and do it consistently. I don't care which. On the other hand, I get unreasonable pleasure out of going to the store in a dress and heels, and not noticing those guys.

    Girl, I'd try to pick you up either way. You sexy
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Back to add my MIl to my list. She makes me wanna move to Mexico. I know she won't visit us there :glasses:

    I agree with peeps living above their means; people with luxury cars living in shacks. Makes no sense.

    I can't stand how extended families live in one single family suburban subdivision home. It'll be like 3-4 generations living in one home with like 10 cars clogging up the street. Must really bring down that mortgage, I suppose :sick:

    I like these threads for unreasonably angry peeps like myself. Can't stand goodie two shoes that like to **** on that parade :grumble:
  • Sarahs2576
    Sarahs2576 Posts: 418 Member
    The Prius.....any and all.
  • drgmac
    drgmac Posts: 716 Member
    The suggestive sell. If I wanted the damn fries, I would have ordered them.