what is the worst thing you have been called?



  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 303 Member
    So many heartbreaking stories. My heart goes out to all of you.

    Most of my painful and humiliating memories are from that phase of developing into my sexuality and my experiences with guys. The way they described some of my very personal anatomy was cruel and gave me a complex. I was so convinced I was unusual until I started ...(don't laugh)... watching porn and then I knew I was not unusual at all! In fact I am convinced these boys had not truly been with many real girls or they would have known the diversity and beauty in all bodies.

    Many years and tears later and I am a healthy and confident and have plenty of experiences to speak otherwise. But those years are always in the back of my mind and make me cringe.
  • BonecrusherBrews
    BonecrusherBrews Posts: 131 Member
    So many heartbreaking stories. My heart goes out to all of you....

    Agreed. My heart also goes out to all of you.

    I hope that through your successes in your life (and here on MFP) you will gain strength, courage, and confidence.
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    when I was on my way to the subway to go to work, this guy, going the opposite direction, walked by and said " good morning Fatso". in true NYC fashion, and without skipping a beat i said "good morning to you *kitten*"

    TRUE NY Perfection!!!!
  • rorymason
    rorymason Posts: 167 Member
    Years ago I was walking with my young son in the mall and a group of teens walking behind me "mooed" at me. Sad to say I weighed less then than I do now.
  • SerenaKitty
    When I lost weight the first time, some family members thought it was okay to tell me what I looked like when I was fat. My aunt said I looked like the Michelin Man and also said that I looked waxy like a fat porcelain doll.

    It is pretty hard for me to go to family events now that I'm fat again, because now I know what they think of me when I'm overweight. But, I'm trying to change that! :) However, I will never forget the pain that those comments caused me.
  • kiwigal41
    kiwigal41 Posts: 1,059
    f$%king c*nt....
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    not things i've been ''called'' but some things that have been said to me:

    "you've grown. not taller though."

    "you've lost weight. you're pretty now."
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i was once called a pooh pooh head. then i pushed her in the sandbox.
  • marinashakeel
    marinashakeel Posts: 263 Member
    i have been picked on by every freaking single person in my family my friend circle.... sometimes it hurts me alot.. there are people fatter than me in my family (the previous me) and they picked on me in front of everybody and i just have to smile i know i cant be rude to anybody because they will just pick on me some more.. people never realizes the person is shattered inside.. that self confidence is crashed in to million pieces when a public comment is made on weight and what the worst part is everybody laughs! :O i mean c'mon people that was not even funny that was how i went sometimes but i cant speak out loud..i cried so many times alone just because of my weight.. i can never forget what each and every person called me how they make fun of me and now that same people are asking me how have i lost so much? can i give them some tips? .. time really turn back.. i now really make suure i never comment on somebodys weight as how much they have gained.. i just give confidence to people who are fat.. i try to support them indirectly because i know exactly what they must be feeling.. i dont know what is wrong with the skinny or thin party.. why cant they just imagine that the person will be very heart broken if you called them fat.. i mean no girl ever ever ever wants to be fat she always wants that perfect body... WHY CANT THIS WORLD THINK???? if they have the 'skinnier genes' or whatever that is .. they are just not gaining because of their genes.. (i am soory but that what most of the thin people around me are like.. they can eat a large pizza drink a jumbo pepsi and still not gain... i am not talking about everybody though) ..
    p.s: sorry for being so long and ranting but to this very day tears comes in to my eyes when i remeber waht my own family called me once .. how they to tease me and what i had to go through everyday :'(
  • pinktara2013
    pinktara2013 Posts: 19 Member
    My EX husband used to call me anything and everything. And since we dated in high school, before I got fat, he'd take pictures from years ago and say "This is what I wanted" and he'd point at me and say "And this is what I got stuck with". That was more hurtful than any of the physical abuse. But it was when he stopped calling me names and started referring to me as "it" that it really bothered me. He'd threaten to kill me and then say I wasn't worth going to prison for so I should do the world a favor and kill myself. The ironic thing is that after I finally got the strength to leave him he begged me to take him back, and I did a couple of times, but I finally ended it for good. Oh yeah, and he ended up in prison!
  • YorriaRaine
    YorriaRaine Posts: 370 Member
    When I was growing up I was an openly bi person in a school with no other lgbt individuals, that was stuck in the last century. So I've been called every name under the sun. In high school it got to me really bad, but as soon as I got into college I grew a "I don't give a f*** what strangers think of me" bone.

    I'm lucky that I've always have had a supportive family, that being said they do make terrible comments concerning my weight. However, I know they have my best interest at heart so I don't get upset by them, just wish they would word if differently lol, as the comments tend to gear towards concern for looks than concern for health.
  • AllieBear88
    AllieBear88 Posts: 170 Member
    In 5th grade, a kid said "Allie, you're fat and poor. You're so poor you live under a bridge." It doesn't sting anymore, but I won't forget it. We had at least one class together every year after that, so it was a constant reminder. Of course, I'm all grown up now and have just learned to deal with things from school kids from that long ago.

    But, it's the family stuff that still hurts.

    I was about 8 or so when I started developing stretch marks. I was a big girl for my age (size wise), and I was a junk food eater from an early age. My cousin told me "don't show those to grandma, she won't let you have anything sweet ever again." I had them on the back of my calves and on my shoulders. I was also growing taller by this point in life, but no one told me you get stretch marks when you hit growth spurts until long after I hit my last one. I thought they were a sign of getting fat and something to always be ashamed of.

    I'll never forget my uncle yelling at me while I was in the bathroom after he told my cousin (the same one previously mentioned) saying "And Allie, you're too fat, too. You both need to lose weight." He always told my mom she was fat, even though she could hide behind him quite easily and not be visible.

    Then there was that one morning I woke up, walked into the kitchen for breakfast, and saw my grandmother sitting there. I didn't know she was visiting. I was excited for a moment, until she said "Well, good morning FATTY". I was 15 years old. And VERY sensitive.

    That one ruined my whole day. Mom wound up talking to Grandma and asking her to stop calling my brother and myself fat. I was well aware that I was overweight, but "fatty" is not a term of endearment to me. I don't care how she meant it, I was scarred for quite a while. It still stings.

    Dad used to refer to me as "chunky" when he'd describe me. Even to me.

    Of all of those, "good morning fatty" was the worst.
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    Was standing outside a bar one night with a friend and some random guys walked by and one said, damn you two could use weightwatchers.my friend was quick off the mark with her reply and said, and you, you ignorant wee ****e could use a smack in the mouth. He took off running lol think he was afraid she might do it. It struck a chord at the time I had just had my first child and subsequently I lost so much weight so quickly my parents thought I was sick, I look at the pictures and it was not at all attractive on me. Fat on me isn't a great look either so now I am trying to find that "happy" place :) In the right way.
  • shutyourpieholeandsquat
    within the last year or so it was from my punk 14 year old neighbor kid. He and his buddies would be outside playing basketball and when I'd come out or drive up from work and get out they would all say "THE MOOSE IS LOOOOOOOSE" because I was so big.

    I also had SEVERAL guys that I met online ask me if I would fix them up with my skinny friend that I had brought along to the meetup because "I was just to big for their taste".

    There's more but ya know....
  • matthew_b
    matthew_b Posts: 137 Member

    My dad's *kitten* friend used to call me "Cantaloupe" because my "stomach was so big it looked like I swallowed a cantaloupe."

    I can't picture any friend of mine doing that to one of my daughters. Not only am I not friends with guys like that, I'm pretty sure they know they'd have a pissed off guy pummeling them over it. Ditto going the other way too.
  • jacqueinhutto
    jacqueinhutto Posts: 34 Member
    My dad called me pleasantly plump. At the time I was in high school and weighed 95 lbs. So needless to say I thought that 95 lbs was fat...Ive always struggled with that.
  • Sarasjourney
    "Chick with a d*ck"

    My best friend's mother liked calling me that. I have PCOS and as a result I have a deep voice for a female so she always called me that because of my voice, and the fact I have had short hair since I was 11.

    I've also been told that no man would ever love me because I was fat. By my father, no less.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I was pegged as the fat daughter from day 1, when I was born 8 pounds and my older sisters were each around 6. My mother never said things directly to me, but to anyone who would listen I 'was born bigger and would never be skinny' 'wore the same size as my older sister' 'shouldn't gain weight cause new pants are pricey' She said a lot of hurtful things over the years, but the one that stung the most was about my daughter. She was 6 and her cousin 5, and my mother couldn't help but point out that my child was built like me, her thighs are thick and she has a butt, where as the cousin was slender and graceful like her mother. How dare she discuss weight at all in front of very young and very impressionable children. I tried not to let that comment bother me, but it did. My girly is 9 now, and very active, and I really don't think a woman who hasn't been under 250 pound in my lifetime,has room to make any sort of comment about a kids that pushes the scales at a whopping 66 pounds.

    Sorry, that became a bit of a rant. I might have some issues.
  • blunderball
    blunderball Posts: 21 Member
    A poor example.
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    the best is when people would ask if i was pregnant. :( broke down at work when some b**** asked. WTF lady? That's never okay. My mom and dad have always ridiculed my weight since I was little.