what is the worst thing you have been called?



  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I went from being called "Hey Fatty" or "Fat @ss" to being called "too skinny and scrawny".

    I swear you can't please any-one
  • Missabled
    My first job...I was 12....it was a summer job at a local greenhouse..He was a greasy haired, Elvis wanna be, it was the 70's, shirt open to the navel, catholic cross gleaming on his pot bellied midriff.....probably in his 40's<<<you'd think he would have known better...

    I was probably 220 pounds...he said, and I know it probably sounds silly now, but it had such an impression on me that I am now 51 and I still wonder why he felt a need to say this...


    I was devastated....he said it with such a look of disgust in his eyes...I had never done anything but my job, shy, fat, kept to myself....then just outta the blue...he comes off with that piece of wit!

    And what made it worse was there were a lot of people around, we were setting up flats for seedlings to be planted...it was a long table, probably 25 people elbow to elbow....some of the women snickered...a couple of the teenagers wouldn't let me live it down....

    That whole summer I got things like "Hey DAWG"...or "need me to call the funeral parlor"? Of course the favorite among many of them was that "She will never fit in a regular casket".....

    It was the beginning of a long history of yo-yo dieting, and eating disorders,....that following summer I lost 100 pounds in 4 months....people just don't think...
  • Spewze72
    Spewze72 Posts: 82 Member
    Some of these are truly terrible...I consider myself very lucky that I have spent the bulk of my forty years around loving, kind people, and that in school I was chubby but popular - the bullies never picked on me.

    That's said, most of the things I remember which hurt my self-esteem were far, far more subtle than outright insults (other than "fat face" when I was about 10 - I can still picture the girls nasty screwed up face when she said it. :(

    My stepmother inadvertently revealed when I was about 13 - and I know she would never intentionally hurt me - that my brother had always been my father's favourite, because he never wanted a second child and I was an accident. I was devastated because I already had "abandonment issues", my father having had affairs while mum was pregnant with me and then walking out when I was born, and for some reason I doted on him and hung on his every word. Dad hurt me time and time again over the years, always favouring my brother and my step siblings and never seeming to notice me or care what I was doing. No matter what I did for attention, such as starting drinking very young and having a six inch pink Mohican. :)

    Luckily, at the age of 35 I suddenly made my peace with it all. My Dad is human, he's flawed, he's hurt a lot of people with his self indulgent, superficial ways. But I forgive him, and I still love him, and nothing he doesn't say or doesn't do will hurt me again.
  • Lizziebenz7
    Fat, Beast, Huge, Ugly, Stupid, Worthless, Fatty (by a resident), My sister to jump on my back repeated times whilst shouting at me, big girl, mc donalds, the list is endless.

    Its not so much the words but the spitefulness from family members, the mean jokes and the horrible things they mean but just acting as if it was "just a joke".
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    My EX husband used to call me anything and everything. And since we dated in high school, before I got fat, he'd take pictures from years ago and say "This is what I wanted" and he'd point at me and say "And this is what I got stuck with". That was more hurtful than any of the physical abuse. But it was when he stopped calling me names and started referring to me as "it" that it really bothered me. He'd threaten to kill me and then say I wasn't worth going to prison for so I should do the world a favor and kill myself. The ironic thing is that after I finally got the strength to leave him he begged me to take him back, and I did a couple of times, but I finally ended it for good. Oh yeah, and he ended up in prison!

    Why didn't I have the pleasure to date a guy like this? I'd kick his *kitten* so badly and when the cops come, I'd cry uncontrollably saying, "he hit me..."
  • Lizziebenz7
    This is amazing that you got the strength to leave. I left a man after being with him for four years after him bullying me of my weight, he would constantly tell me im fat overweight big, however he would force me to eat! If I said no to something he would put it in my mouth and make me eat it! I hated every bit of it!! When I left him he was "heartbroken" how can anybody bully their partner and say they LOVE them. Really annoys me. Oh & this other guy I got with hit me, make me bleed, lots of physical abuse but somehow manages to say mean things with my weight loss or negative things I really don't need to hear like yeah you say tha but you have not done anything about it! (Well I have and im trying my hardest but its almost impossible with the bullys around me!)
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    .He was a greasy haired, Elvis wanna be, it was the 70's, shirt open to the navel, catholic cross gleaming on his pot bellied midriff.....probably in his 40's<<<you'd think he would have known better...

    I love your description of this c0cksucker.... I can see him now. Actually, I can see him now.... he's all dead and decomposed and *kitten*, and you're still here and lovin' life. I think that karma wins this time. :wink:
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    After my first son was born, (literally, he wasn't even a week old yet) My ex husband walked into the room while I was on the phone, and he said, "You must want a hamburger, since you are what you eat" I was so mortified and the person on the phone (my cousin) heard it.. But no worries, karma has been extra cruel to that dirt bag :)