what is the worst thing you have been called?



  • Coyotebrother
    When I got back from Vietnam, I was called 'Baby Killer' a few times. Now I know it's not true because I spent my whole Tour of Duty, as far North and West as you can get in that country, and there were no civilians anywhere near my Area of Operations. Never the less, it was not a pleasant experience. And I am still paying the tab for my Karma, as Agent Orange takes it's toll on my body.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    When I got back from Vietnam, I was called 'Baby Killer' a few times. Now I know it's not true because I spent my whole Tour of Duty, as far North and West as you can get in that country, and there were no civilians anywhere near my Area of Operations. Never the less, it was not a pleasant experience. And I am still paying the tab for my Karma, as Agent Orange takes it's toll on my body.
    You need a big hug, that is so cruel. Some people just should not open their mouths, that's all. That person was probably having a bad day and decided to unload their insecurities onto you. *hug*
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I have been called so many names!
    I developed very early and had breasts in 5th grade. This earned me lots and lots of teasing.
    I was a troublesome teenager to my dad. To my teachers and everyone else in my life I was fine but I want through a long phase where I defied everything my dad said. He told me that I was "no longer worth my time. I don't care anymore. I truly don't. You are awful, you are mean and you are heartless." I left home (age 16) and he never even came looking for me. He didn't just say it to be mean, he meant it.
    When my husband asked my father to marry me, my father told him he would feel sorry for him if he did. "She is trouble, and by marrying her you are asking for it."
    When I was pregnant with my first, my father said "I am completely antiabortion, but in your case I would make an exception. You should not be a parent. Please at least consider adoption."

    Since then my dad has eaten all of his words, and even come to me apologizing for them.
    I regret being mean to my father in my teen years but I am certain he did more damage to me than I to him.
    Trying to forgive him was hard.

    I have heard mean comments many times in my life. My father's are the only ones that still haunt me.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    When I got back from Vietnam, I was called 'Baby Killer' a few times. Now I know it's not true because I spent my whole Tour of Duty, as far North and West as you can get in that country, and there were no civilians anywhere near my Area of Operations. Never the less, it was not a pleasant experience. And I am still paying the tab for my Karma, as Agent Orange takes it's toll on my body.

    Awful! Just awful! I am so sorry!
    Thank you for your service to our country and I am sorry people feel the need to be so cruel.
  • SirAndrewH
    Called me sherk. Lol
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    Called me sherk. Lol

    Not sure if a typo or not? If so, Shrek? If not, what is a sherk, I looked it up, not much came up? o.o
  • jsanders1965
    *kitten*, Nig..r lips, (I'm blessed with full lips). mother fuc..... gay. Pervert. God hater.... you name it. The usual for gays.
  • mel4bee
    mel4bee Posts: 225 Member
    I've been called a bear since I have hair arms showing a bit. I cried about it a lot. I've been called ugly by a guy who just liked bullying me in middle school. (he used to tease me calling me beautiful and stuff while laughing cause I was really shy and he did that to make the class laugh at my reactions so when i started crying he started calling me ugly because he 'thought' since I was crying when he was calling me beautiful, he would call me ugly now.) Those were the worst days of my life because he would not stop teasing me and bothering me during school.
    My dad once called me crazy and a psycho because I was in a big anxiety crisis (I have anxiety and depression)

    I was also called attention seeker numerous times (because of anxiety)

    I'm not even trying to get attention, I hate it.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    Late for dinner :(


    For some reason, I'm not in a mood to purge today. So I went for the flippant approach, but yes, families are the cruelest. So many sympathies for the verbal and emotional abuse others have endured, but you can rest assured, if it wasn't your weight, they'd find something else to call you names about it. Maybe that doesn't help, but it's true.
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    My parents called me Thunder Thighs (at 5ft6in and 114lbs), but they made a lot of weight related comments. Other than that, I've been called Scary Spice (I have curly hair) and monkey (because apparently I look like a monkey???). Whatever.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    I've been called a bear since I have hair arms showing a bit. I cried about it a lot. I've been called ugly by a guy who just liked bullying me in middle school. (he used to tease me calling me beautiful and stuff while laughing cause I was really shy and he did that to make the class laugh at my reactions so when i started crying he started calling me ugly because he 'thought' since I was crying when he was calling me beautiful, he would call me ugly now.) Those were the worst days of my life because he would not stop teasing me and bothering me during school.
    My dad once called me crazy and a psycho because I was in a big anxiety crisis (I have anxiety and depression)

    I was also called attention seeker numerous times (because of anxiety)

    I'm not even trying to get attention, I hate it.

    It's okay, hun. I know what the anxiety is like, mine was caused by growing up with my mother. I still wake up in cold sweats when I dream about the crap she put me through.
    I also have sort of a big mouth and don't hold back when I have something to say, I would say that's the one thing that I'm thankful to her. If I have something to say, I will say it. Sadly, people think I'm trying to get attention. Honestly, attention can go right down the toilet, I just have to say what I have to say, and it will be said.
    A lot of people don't know how common anxiety really is, but just try to find ways to keep yourself calm and your mind busy, you will be fine :)
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    The other day someone said that I dress like a ho bag lol. I wear jeans and either button down tops or t-shirts lol. Or workout clothes, mostly.
  • happy_angi09
    happy_angi09 Posts: 46 Member
    Once when I was younger my family invited me to go out to eat with them. I felt sick that night and said no. I guess a family member thought I was being rude and said " That's fine, not like you need it anyway" Hurt so much because I was super close to this person. After this, our relationship has never been even close to the same.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Cootie Queen Lint Licker! That was by far the worst. :)
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    Worst thing ever hmm I had a lot of unflattering names growing up , due to my hieght , glasses, teeth, hair, wieght, so on, not sure may be

    short $h#t or the day they sang deck the halls with boughs of Holly, tis the season to kill Holly I was in 2nd grade mind you .Cruel doesn't even begin to describe what I went through as a kid & adolescent .SMH
    Name is Holly btw

    I can not change people I can only change my reaction to them I try and keep that in mind when someone is less than nice , I don't have time to waste holding grudges or worry about some unkind person.

    There's is so much more important things like my family and friends who love me for me :)
  • ICANDOIT1957
    When I was 18, I just got out of the Army Boot Camp because I was sick so much. I was in my bedroom and overheard my father say to my mother..."He's a quitter". It hurt me more to me that he said it not knowing I heard it, than saying it to my face.
  • mel4bee
    mel4bee Posts: 225 Member
    I've been called a bear since I have hair arms showing a bit. I cried about it a lot. I've been called ugly by a guy who just liked bullying me in middle school. (he used to tease me calling me beautiful and stuff while laughing cause I was really shy and he did that to make the class laugh at my reactions so when i started crying he started calling me ugly because he 'thought' since I was crying when he was calling me beautiful, he would call me ugly now.) Those were the worst days of my life because he would not stop teasing me and bothering me during school.
    My dad once called me crazy and a psycho because I was in a big anxiety crisis (I have anxiety and depression)

    I was also called attention seeker numerous times (because of anxiety)

    I'm not even trying to get attention, I hate it.

    It's okay, hun. I know what the anxiety is like, mine was caused by growing up with my mother. I still wake up in cold sweats when I dream about the crap she put me through.
    I also have sort of a big mouth and don't hold back when I have something to say, I would say that's the one thing that I'm thankful to her. If I have something to say, I will say it. Sadly, people think I'm trying to get attention. Honestly, attention can go right down the toilet, I just have to say what I have to say, and it will be said.
    A lot of people don't know how common anxiety really is, but just try to find ways to keep yourself calm and your mind busy, you will be fine :)

    Thanks! Your answers means a lot to me! It was really hard since it was my very own family who were treating me like that because of my anxiety. Now I try to ignore the comments. xox
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    When I was 18, I just got out of the Army Boot Camp because I was sick so much. I was in my bedroom and overheard my father say to my mother..."He's a quitter". It hurt me more to me that he said it not knowing I heard it, than saying it to my face.

    So sorry that happened to you! Had that been me, I would have jumped out of bed, called my dad out on it and gone off on him for talking s**t behind my back. I understand that not everyone has that type of relationship with their parents though. Still, I would have been doing it purely from being so hurt.
  • reddaddie
    reddaddie Posts: 121 Member
    When I got back from Vietnam, I was called 'Baby Killer' a few times. Now I know it's not true because I spent my whole Tour of Duty, as far North and West as you can get in that country, and there were no civilians anywhere near my Area of Operations. Never the less, it was not a pleasant experience. And I am still paying the tab for my Karma, as Agent Orange takes it's toll on my body.
    Thank you or your service
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    When I was young my dad would call me "little idiot" or "little fool." He's say things like, "Little idiot, can't you do anything right?" Once, when I was about seven, we all went fishing. When we were done, we were walking back up the bank. I was in front, my dad was behind me, and my mom was last. Anyway, I slipped on some mud and fell. I started to stand back up when my dad suddenly shoved me back in the mud with his foot and said, "Little idiot, why couldn't you have been a boy?" That really bothered me for years.