Why is this even remotely controversial?



  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Publicity stunt, indeed!!!

    Someone knows how to push the right buttons to get people talking.

    1. Mixing sexy and babies just creeps some people out (me for one). I'm not saying that she looks skanky, but she ain't exactly dressed like someone loading up the minivan to schlep her kids to the grocery store. The photo makes the kids look like props.

    2. Someone else mentioned the text. I agree - Yeah, "if I can do it, so can you!" sounds much less b¡tchy than her hands on her hips, saying "What's your excuse?" It's confrontational - on purpose.

    Slick marketing product there. I imagine she paid a pretty penny for it.


    CALL CPS!!!
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    I really don't like some of the faux-feminists take on this: 'she's letting the side down projecting this image'.

    Women can wear whatever the hell they want. If they want to project their their sexuality they can. If they want to wrap their body in a burkha and hide it from the world they can. Clothes are morally neutral. This feminism-lite approach to appearance is just internalised hate dressed up as gender politics.

    Feminism is about freedom and equality and the movement has more pressing issues in the world than someone's outfit - for example child marriage, and the unacceptably high rates of sexual assault and domestic violence.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Publicity stunt, indeed!!!

    Someone knows how to push the right buttons to get people talking.

    1. Mixing sexy and babies just creeps some people out (me for one). I'm not saying that she looks skanky, but she ain't exactly dressed like someone loading up the minivan to schlep her kids to the grocery store. The photo makes the kids look like props.

    2. Someone else mentioned the text. I agree - Yeah, "if I can do it, so can you!" sounds much less b¡tchy than her hands on her hips, saying "What's your excuse?" It's confrontational - on purpose.

    Slick marketing product there. I imagine she paid a pretty penny for it.

    Well, let's look at it for a moment.

    The picture is about fitness and having no excuses, like having children and a busy home life, to avoid getting in shape.

    Being that it is about fitness, she is wearing workout gear. Nothing that I'd be shocked to see on a woman in the gym or boxing ring.

    Being that some people use having children (because of pregnancy and also because of the time they spend rearing them), she included her children in the picture.

    It is all pretty relevant.

    I was more disturbed about the Time Magazine photo of the woman being suckled by a 5 year old on a stool.

    BINGO! You hit the nail on the head!!
    It gives some people some of the same feelings that the "milk mom" did.
    Not exactly the same, but I'm willing to bet that most of her detractors are female and mothers. Not all of them fat, even.

    I'm putting in my 2 cents as to the original poster's question... Basically, "what's icky about this picture?"
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Publicity stunt, indeed!!!

    Someone knows how to push the right buttons to get people talking.

    1. Mixing sexy and babies just creeps some people out (me for one). I'm not saying that she looks skanky, but she ain't exactly dressed like someone loading up the minivan to schlep her kids to the grocery store. The photo makes the kids look like props.

    2. Someone else mentioned the text. I agree - Yeah, "if I can do it, so can you!" sounds much less b¡tchy than her hands on her hips, saying "What's your excuse?" It's confrontational - on purpose.

    Slick marketing product there. I imagine she paid a pretty penny for it.


    CALL CPS!!!
    Did you actually TRY to understand the point I was trying to make, or were you just looking for something to comment on?
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member

    I was more disturbed about the Time Magazine photo of the woman being suckled by a 5 year old on a stool.

    BINGO! You hit the nail on the head!!
    It gives some people some of the same feelings that the "milk mom" did.
    Not exactly the same, but I'm willing to bet that most of her detractors are female and mothers. Not all of them fat, even.

    I'm putting in my 2 cents as to the original poster's question... Basically, "what's icky about this picture?"

    Uh. Er....some women in impoverished countries breast feed their children at that age. Do you think that's icky? Breast milk is free for mothers and high in nutrients and protective immunity. Breast feeding is natural and boys aren't able to even have an erection until they go through puberty and aren't sexual at the age of six. It's looked down on in our society but we also cut off parts of our male children's genitalia for funsies (it really has little health benefit).

    Judgmental much, lady? Maybe you should inform that judgement.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member

    If your argument is about fitness then why is the picture focused on her outward appearance? Why is she not lifting heavy things? Why is she essentially in a bra and underwear? Why no deadlift, squat, bench press stats? Sure does seem like the emphasis is on her strength *giant eye roll*!

    But yes. Barring medical issues, I believe that people can become as strong as they want to, given that they have access to the gym, knowledge of how to workout with proper form and not injuring themselves, and access to ample protein sources. You forget how many of these things are privileges.

    Also, being self-satisfied never looked good on anyone. Y'know how pride is considered a sin and all, not that I'm even vaguely religious. No one likes a person who's being condescending and smug. Just an FYI for your future knowledge.

    Because looking great is a wonderful side effect of fitness? Because it pulls in the viewers eye? Because her stats would be meaningless to most people but a picture of a fit woman resonates with everyone?

    You don't need access to a gym to get strong, btw. Body weight workouts are very effective, can be found on line for free, nad can take you pretty far. I workout at home the vast majority of the time and I seem to be doing just fine. If you have the desire to be fit and strong than the rest will happen. Only people interested in excuses will complain about not having gym access or lacking in equipment because those without excuses have already put in the time and research to get around those barriers.

    I'm pretty self satisfied, condescending, and smug. I'm so pleased with myself on a daily basis it's pretty absurd. People seem to like me well enough. I'd even go so far as to say that some people like me because of those reasons.

    Hmm. The fact I'm fairly self-satisfied is probably why I found no issue with the picture, actually. /mindblown

    A picture of a ridiculously fit woman obviously doesn't resonate with everyone. Hence all the angry comments. And I'm pretty damn positive there are women who can lift what she lifts and do what she does and not look that way. Outward appearance, contrary to popular belief, isn't the best way to judge someone's fitness level. Having that ab definition has a whole lot more to do with diet than it does strength.

    Ah. The YAYOG argument. Ok. Sure. But even that information requires knowing where to look and really doesn't have the same effect as dumbbell/barbell exercises. It really doesn't, especially if you don't know what you're doing. I see a billion half-a$$ed push-ups and crunches happening when I think of that as a solution.

    But...but...how do you really know if people like you if you think ridiculously highly of yourself? Wouldn't you just think people liked you anyway? And thus is the problem with narcissism.

    I thought it was the wording, not the imagery, that had people so upset? Now everyone is upset because an attractive woman is attractive? So she was doomed to have people upset no matter what?

    Not everyone wants to be as strong as heavy lifting would make you. Some people are perfectly content with the strength that body weight workouts give. Isn't that another thing people are all mad about, the perception that if you aren't just like her you aren't doing it right/well enough? It seems to me that your dismissal of body weights as 'not enough' is assuming a lot. I'm sure it's just enough for lots of people (myself not being one of them, but whatever) And if people are interested in strength and fitness they'll put in the work to learn what options are open to them, just like lots of people on this site did. I didn't wake up one day knowing that lifting heavy was for me or knowing about form. I read up, I watched videos, I practiced my form, and here I am. If someone isn't ready to do the above then it wasn't what they really wanted.

    I assume they like me because they're around/seek me out/speak to me. People who don't like me don't do that. I don't assume everyone likes me, nor do I need everyone too. That doesn't stop me from being very very self-satisfied.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    A picture of a ridiculously fit woman obviously doesn't resonate with everyone. Hence all the angry comments. And I'm pretty damn positive there are women who can lift what she lifts and do what she does and not look that way. Outward appearance, contrary to popular belief, isn't the best way to judge someone's fitness level. Having that ab definition has a whole lot more to do with diet than it does strength.

    Many people exercise to look good.

    Ah. The YAYOG argument. Ok. Sure. But even that information requires knowing where to look and really doesn't have the same effect as dumbbell/barbell exercises. It really doesn't, especially if you don't know what you're doing. I see a billion half-a$$ed push-ups and crunches happening when I think of that as a solution.

    Because no one lifts iron or uses machines improperly.


  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member
    I really don't like some of the faux-feminists take on this: 'she's letting the side down projecting this image'.

    Women can wear whatever the hell they want. If they want to project their their sexuality they can. If they want to wrap their body in a burkha and hide it from the world they can. Clothes are morally neutral. This feminism-lite approach to appearance is just internalised hate dressed up as gender politics.

    Feminism is about freedom and equality and the movement has more pressing issues in the world than someone's outfit - for example child marriage, and the unacceptably high rates of sexual assault and domestic violence.

    I think you missed the "feminist point" on this. Have you been reading too many Miley Cyrus articles?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    It's sad that I've seen similar stories in the success threads and her story is being ripped apart and her success torn down because she chose to try to do a fitspo type photo.

    Why do people on MFP choose to belittle this story but will scold anyone who does what they do to those who post fitspo pictures on the MFP Fitspiration thread or/and post their success stories in the Success area?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    I was more disturbed about the Time Magazine photo of the woman being suckled by a 5 year old on a stool.

    BINGO! You hit the nail on the head!!
    It gives some people some of the same feelings that the "milk mom" did.
    Not exactly the same, but I'm willing to bet that most of her detractors are female and mothers. Not all of them fat, even.

    I'm putting in my 2 cents as to the original poster's question... Basically, "what's icky about this picture?"

    Uh. Er....some women in impoverished countries breast feed their children at that age. Do you think that's icky? Breast milk is free for mothers and high in nutrients and protective immunity. Breast feeding is natural and boys aren't able to even have an erection until they go through puberty and aren't sexual at the age of six. It's looked down on in our society but we also cut off parts of our male children's genitalia for funsies (it really has little health benefit).

    Judgmental much, lady? Maybe you should inform that judgement.

    So there is such a thing as a free lunch....hmm....
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member

    It's sad that I've seen similar stories in the success threads and her story is being ripped apart and her success torn down because she chose to try to do a fitspo type photo.

    Why do people on MFP choose to belittle this story but will scold anyone who does what they do to those who post fitspo pictures on the MFP Fitspiration thread or/and post their success stories in the Success area?

    Because she didn't make it a before and after. There's no story, just an image. The woman was in the fitness industry and pageantry I believe before she even was pregnant. There's no "I learned how to eat better and get healthy" message in this. Just "I'm super fit and look hot. What's your excuse?". Success stories are just that...stories. Not judgement. They are easy to relate to for many people. That's why they're so popular. And it also helps if they're your friends.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member

    I was more disturbed about the Time Magazine photo of the woman being suckled by a 5 year old on a stool.

    BINGO! You hit the nail on the head!!
    It gives some people some of the same feelings that the "milk mom" did.
    Not exactly the same, but I'm willing to bet that most of her detractors are female and mothers. Not all of them fat, even.

    I'm putting in my 2 cents as to the original poster's question... Basically, "what's icky about this picture?"

    Uh. Er....some women in impoverished countries breast feed their children at that age. Do you think that's icky? Breast milk is free for mothers and high in nutrients and protective immunity. Breast feeding is natural and boys aren't able to even have an erection until they go through puberty and aren't sexual at the age of six. It's looked down on in our society but we also cut off parts of our male children's genitalia for funsies (it really has little health benefit).

    Judgmental much, lady? Maybe you should inform that judgement.

    I made no comment on breast feeding or even my personal opinion of the breast feeding issue.
    I made no comment on my personal opinion of the photo in question, besides the fact that trying to look sexy with children around your feet creeps me out.

    I simply tried to explain why some people may find the image along with the text, "creepy".
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member

    I was more disturbed about the Time Magazine photo of the woman being suckled by a 5 year old on a stool.

    BINGO! You hit the nail on the head!!
    It gives some people some of the same feelings that the "milk mom" did.
    Not exactly the same, but I'm willing to bet that most of her detractors are female and mothers. Not all of them fat, even.

    I'm putting in my 2 cents as to the original poster's question... Basically, "what's icky about this picture?"

    Uh. Er....some women in impoverished countries breast feed their children at that age. Do you think that's icky? Breast milk is free for mothers and high in nutrients and protective immunity. Breast feeding is natural and boys aren't able to even have an erection until they go through puberty and aren't sexual at the age of six. It's looked down on in our society but we also cut off parts of our male children's genitalia for funsies (it really has little health benefit).

    Judgmental much, lady? Maybe you should inform that judgement.

    So there is such a thing as a free lunch....hmm....

  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    I was more disturbed about the Time Magazine photo of the woman being suckled by a 5 year old on a stool.

    BINGO! You hit the nail on the head!!
    It gives some people some of the same feelings that the "milk mom" did.
    Not exactly the same, but I'm willing to bet that most of her detractors are female and mothers. Not all of them fat, even.

    I'm putting in my 2 cents as to the original poster's question... Basically, "what's icky about this picture?"

    Uh. Er....some women in impoverished countries breast feed their children at that age. Do you think that's icky? Breast milk is free for mothers and high in nutrients and protective immunity. Breast feeding is natural and boys aren't able to even have an erection until they go through puberty and aren't sexual at the age of six. It's looked down on in our society but we also cut off parts of our male children's genitalia for funsies (it really has little health benefit).

    Judgmental much, lady? Maybe you should inform that judgement.

    I made no comment on breast feeding or even my personal opinion of the breast feeding issue.
    I made no comment on my personal opinion of the photo in question, besides the fact that trying to look sexy with children around your feet creeps me out.

    I simply tried to explain why some people may find the image along with the text, "creepy".

    She doesn't even look provocative. She's just kneeling because her children are tiny. :huh:
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Publicity stunt, indeed!!!

    Someone knows how to push the right buttons to get people talking.

    1. Mixing sexy and babies just creeps some people out (me for one). I'm not saying that she looks skanky, but she ain't exactly dressed like someone loading up the minivan to schlep her kids to the grocery store. The photo makes the kids look like props.

    2. Someone else mentioned the text. I agree - Yeah, "if I can do it, so can you!" sounds much less b¡tchy than her hands on her hips, saying "What's your excuse?" It's confrontational - on purpose.

    Slick marketing product there. I imagine she paid a pretty penny for it.


    CALL CPS!!!
    Did you actually TRY to understand the point I was trying to make, or were you just looking for something to comment on?

    I did understand the point you were trying to make, it's just that it was a silly argument. Of course her kids were being used as part of the picture...that was kind of the point of the whole thing. She had a goal, and met it...with kids. People take pictures of kids all the time...and even *gasp* use them in advertisements! Are you complaining about those?

    As for the tone of the argument...I don't even...seriously? She's being too confrontational? Do you want participation medals or something for trying your best and not hitting your goals?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    It's sad that I've seen similar stories in the success threads and her story is being ripped apart and her success torn down because she chose to try to do a fitspo type photo.

    Why do people on MFP choose to belittle this story but will scold anyone who does what they do to those who post fitspo pictures on the MFP Fitspiration thread or/and post their success stories in the Success area?

    Because she didn't make it a before and after. There's no story, just an image. The woman was in the fitness industry and pageantry I believe before she even was pregnant. There's no "I learned how to eat better and get healthy" message in this. Just "I'm super fit and look hot. What's your excuse?". Success stories are just that...stories. Not judgement. They are easy to relate to for many people. That's why they're so popular. And it also helps if they're your friends.

    Did you actually look at the link? I'm guessing not.

    And not all the Fitspo posts in the MFP Fitspiration thread have before and afters either.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member

    I was more disturbed about the Time Magazine photo of the woman being suckled by a 5 year old on a stool.

    BINGO! You hit the nail on the head!!
    It gives some people some of the same feelings that the "milk mom" did.
    Not exactly the same, but I'm willing to bet that most of her detractors are female and mothers. Not all of them fat, even.

    I'm putting in my 2 cents as to the original poster's question... Basically, "what's icky about this picture?"

    Uh. Er....some women in impoverished countries breast feed their children at that age. Do you think that's icky? Breast milk is free for mothers and high in nutrients and protective immunity. Breast feeding is natural and boys aren't able to even have an erection until they go through puberty and aren't sexual at the age of six. It's looked down on in our society but we also cut off parts of our male children's genitalia for funsies (it really has little health benefit).

    Judgmental much, lady? Maybe you should inform that judgement.

    I made no comment on breast feeding or even my personal opinion of the breast feeding issue.
    I made no comment on my personal opinion of the photo in question, besides the fact that trying to look sexy with children around your feet creeps me out.

    I simply tried to explain why some people may find the image along with the text, "creepy".

    She doesn't even look provocative. She's just kneeling because her children are tiny. :huh:

    I didn't say 'provocative', I said 'sexy'.
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member

    I was more disturbed about the Time Magazine photo of the woman being suckled by a 5 year old on a stool.

    BINGO! You hit the nail on the head!!
    It gives some people some of the same feelings that the "milk mom" did.
    Not exactly the same, but I'm willing to bet that most of her detractors are female and mothers. Not all of them fat, even.

    I'm putting in my 2 cents as to the original poster's question... Basically, "what's icky about this picture?"

    Uh. Er....some women in impoverished countries breast feed their children at that age. Do you think that's icky? Breast milk is free for mothers and high in nutrients and protective immunity. Breast feeding is natural and boys aren't able to even have an erection until they go through puberty and aren't sexual at the age of six. It's looked down on in our society but we also cut off parts of our male children's genitalia for funsies (it really has little health benefit).

    Judgmental much, lady? Maybe you should inform that judgement.

    I made no comment on breast feeding or even my personal opinion of the breast feeding issue.
    I made no comment on my personal opinion of the photo in question, besides the fact that trying to look sexy with children around your feet creeps me out.

    I simply tried to explain why some people may find the image along with the text, "creepy".

    She doesn't even look provocative. She's just kneeling because her children are tiny. :huh:

    Ooops. Sorry lady. I kind of thought you were saying "yeah, it's so creepy just like breastfeeding older children!" but then I reread and realized you prefaced it with "some people think".

    But I'm weirdly enough with Wheird on this one. It's not sexual. She may be making an emphasis on appearance with her teeny tiny outfit but it doesn't appear to be that sexual to me. Hence why I don't see the whole critique of the picture as being about how allowed she is to show her sexuality. It's wholesome and adorable without the text.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member

    I was more disturbed about the Time Magazine photo of the woman being suckled by a 5 year old on a stool.

    BINGO! You hit the nail on the head!!
    It gives some people some of the same feelings that the "milk mom" did.
    Not exactly the same, but I'm willing to bet that most of her detractors are female and mothers. Not all of them fat, even.

    I'm putting in my 2 cents as to the original poster's question... Basically, "what's icky about this picture?"

    Uh. Er....some women in impoverished countries breast feed their children at that age. Do you think that's icky? Breast milk is free for mothers and high in nutrients and protective immunity. Breast feeding is natural and boys aren't able to even have an erection until they go through puberty and aren't sexual at the age of six. It's looked down on in our society but we also cut off parts of our male children's genitalia for funsies (it really has little health benefit).

    Judgmental much, lady? Maybe you should inform that judgement.

    I made no comment on breast feeding or even my personal opinion of the breast feeding issue.
    I made no comment on my personal opinion of the photo in question, besides the fact that trying to look sexy with children around your feet creeps me out.

    I simply tried to explain why some people may find the image along with the text, "creepy".

    She doesn't even look provocative. She's just kneeling because her children are tiny. :huh:

    I didn't say 'provocative', I said 'sexy'.

    Well she can't exactly help looking sexy if she is sexy, now can she? If she wasn't in an intentionally provocative pose or outfit, then it is just her natural sexiness that you're basing that on.

    Why do you hate women?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    I guess someone needs to tell everyone in there that they are being too braggy, are wrong for having pictures of themselves with their kids and they are putting "unrealistic expectations" out to the public. :indifferent: