Wii EA Sports Active - August



  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    That is amazing!!! way to go :):):) 12 lbs is a great accomplishment
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    I am a total Gleek! I've been obsessed since day 1 of the show - I think I loved the first season more than anything - but I am looking foward to next weeks episode - Brittany music, and John Stamos's appearence! lol - so exciting!

    Ok - here's today's workout - will admit I didn't push myself real hard - TOM is here and, felt like I was going to fall apart! But to make up for the low impact, I'l be doing my Gold's Gym workout in a bit!

    Workout 20 Medium (low impact for me today)
    Cals - 140.3
    Time- 19:10

    I tried the reverse knee jumps your way today, and boy did I not hate them - the jumping does make my legs so weak after 5 or so jumps - but it was nice to try it a little different today - Thanks!

    4 workouts to go - 1 Friday, 1 Sunday, 1 monday, and the last on next tuesday!!
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    Friday's workout done! 3 to go!! I'll be back on Sunday to update on my missed workout, and the weekend!

    Workout 21 Medium
    Cals - 181.8
    Time - 28:29

    So glad I got my workout done before noon today! I'm putting my oldest on his preschool bus, and then I'm enjoying my lunch with my little man! We have lots planned for today, and then I get to clean house later while they're off with Gramps. Busy busy day, and weekend planned!
  • emalay
    emalay Posts: 159 Member
    So I just completed workout 4! For some reason I sweat my butt off today!
    Wii showed I burned 161 calories...HRM showed 189!
    Off to take the dog for a walk. I have to get lots of exercise in because hubby wants pizza and poutine for supper....eek...lots of calories.
    Enjoy your weekend girls!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Awesome job ladies! Keep up the great work!

    Emalay poutine is evil super yummy but it is the devil!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    OMG what was I thinking!!

    I started Slim in 6 on Thursday and had planned to make Sunday my rest day. Well I have a really bad ear infection so I took yesterday off instead because I just could not stand the pain.

    Today I did my SI6 in the morning ( I normally workout at night) and was like ya ok check it is done. I didn't really feel like I got a GOOD workout in though. I didn't want to start another EA 6 week challenge since I am already doing SI6 and that for me would be insane. So I popped in the original EA and thought what the heck. I set it up for 30 day challenge on HARD!!

    Argg..l am a sweaty mess and my ear is throbbing!


    Workout 1/20..lol

    Calories Burned : 195.8
    Time : 0:31:46
    Completed - 18/18

    HRM says 40 mins and 205 calories burned!!

    Now will I make it to the end...no idea but it is nice to have a structured exercise that changes it up daily. I am really focused on the SI6 but hope maybe I can do both.

    Let's go ladies!
  • emalay
    emalay Posts: 159 Member
    Well I didn't do the Wii Active today, instead I went for a jog with the dog. Will try and do the Wii Workouts during the week.

    Kickrz... Stick with the hard EA challenge. There are days I sweat my butt off, literally, and then there are wokouts that are more manageable. I am glad you'll be around here longer and on the challenge with me!
    Hope your ear gets better...there really is no worse pain than a horrible earache.
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    Sorry to hear about your Ear pains! Hope you feel better soon!

    Workout 22 Medium
    Cals - 150.4
    Time - 24:24
    15/16 (skipped 2nd set of pushups)

    I'm glad I got in my workout today, but I can't wait for tuesday. I think Thursday will start the EA Sports Active 30 day challenge - I have camp this weekend, and am hoping for great weather so I can do the hike, boating, high ropes course and climbing wall! We'll see - I really want to push myself and attempt to conquor (sp?) my fear of heights/falling while I'm away this weekend. Well.....time to get ready for bed - so tired!
  • emalay
    emalay Posts: 159 Member
    Yay Sbozek123...glad to hear you are staying on too! I was a little worried I'd be on here myself trying to finish my 6 week challenge! Enjoy your camp!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Yay Sbozek123...glad to hear you are staying on too! I was a little worried I'd be on here myself trying to finish my 6 week challenge! Enjoy your camp!

    Aww we would never leave you :happy:

    Even if I don't finish or get very far I will still check back and make sure you are stickin to it! I offer free butt kickings too!
  • emalay
    emalay Posts: 159 Member
    Lol!! Thanks for the motivation! :)
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    Workout 23 Medium
    Cals - 113.5
    Time - 20:27

    Tomorrow's my last day on the 6 week challenge (round 2)
    Off to watch hubby bowl in his men's tournament league and celebrate my 2.5 lb loss this week! 1 lb away from my 1/2 way mark!!!
  • emalay
    emalay Posts: 159 Member
    Oops..forgot to log my Wii workout yesterday!
    31 Mins and 128 calories burned.
    And damn those crossover lunges...egad those are tiring!!
  • WhiteRaven
    WhiteRaven Posts: 138 Member
    just started Wii active 6 week challenge...
    Kicked me in the butt it did, first day, medium.. felt good tho :)

  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    WOO HOO! 2nd round of my 6 week challege complete! 1st time on Easy, and this round on Medium!! Here are my results!

    End of Challenge Results

    5.2 miles ran 3,574.1 Calories burned
    41 days into challenge 9:12:28 Workout time

    Weight loss - August 1st (203.5) - Sept 28th (189.5) 14b. loss! I didn't realize it was that much!! Explains why I hit my October goal early!! that's .33 a lb a day! Crazy great for me!!!

    Workout 24 Medium
    Cals - 141.9
    Time - 20:23

    So glad I did this on Medium - I have noticed a huge difference in my strength, endurance, and of course weight loss. I'll be back on Thursday to do the 30 day challenge on EA Sports PT. Going to enjoy tomorrow off!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    WTG ladies!

    Sbozek - So happy you made it! You are going back to the original too? I started the other day and Monday was my rest day so hopefully I can get to it tonight. I did ramp it up yesterday (part of slim in 6) and it kicked my butt HARD! Tonight I have to attempt both which might just get ridiculous so I think I will do the 30 day on my own time and use it as a filler workout for those more energetic days. My sister is coming home next week from California so I will be visiting and eating most of the time...lol. She is only down for a week or so but when she leaves it is back to strict again!!

    WhiteRaven - Welcome...it does get easier and with the variety it doesn't get old.

    emalay - I will swap you pushups for crossover lunges:laugh:
  • emalay
    emalay Posts: 159 Member
    Workout 7 completed with 131 calories burned!
    Although I think I should get extra credit because I did it with a puppy intertwining around my feet the entire time!!!
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    lol - I always have my two boys underfoot when I'm working out! My youngest (2) will sit on my stomach/chest when I'm doing the floor exercises! makes it sooooo much harder!

    I started the 30 day challenge again *medium* and found it to be a good sweaty workout, but I forgot how much I hate the running on the track. I love that More Workouts broke up the running into sprints, and track layouts. I hate going in circles!!!

    Day 1 Medium
    Cals - 171
    Time - 22:04

    Not sure if I will be on till Sunday - going to be a Wild Woman tomorrow at my camp, and go hiking, boating, rock wall climbing, and hopefully a high ropes course! Have a great weekend everyone!
  • emalay
    emalay Posts: 159 Member
    Workout 8 completed and 156 calories burned!
    Puppy snored the entire time so no interference!!
    Have a great weekend girls!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Just checking in. I haven't been doing too well but I am making a promise now to start it back up and get to it. I did still manage to lose even though exercise hasn't been my top priority.

    I am going to start soon! No excuses so keep me motivated ladies!!