Tatoos on females



  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    I like them on women and why or how many they have is none of my business.
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    I have 1 and plan on 4 more once I get money. I want 1 before I get married along with my aunt, sister in law, and mom as a family tatt for fighting cancer and have a picture with all those showing the day of the wedding. My only problem is I have to have every tatt covered at work. Kind of a downer there...
  • IPAkiller
    IPAkiller Posts: 711 Member
    The only time I have issues with ink on women is when I see them swiping thier EBT Card in the Wal~Mart checkout. Stay Classy Bi*ches, stay classy.
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    Indeed. I hate looking around me and seeing what looks like the cast of a “Genghis Kahn” movie. I hate seeing people who are emotionally scarred and deeply disturbed being taken advantage of by yet another money making trend. But mostly, I hate seeing people thinking that their outward appearance can somehow make up for their lack of personality. I believe that most people who get tattooed today simply want acceptance and attention and, in their desperation, have had to resort to mutilating themselves. Tattoos are a cry for help. A Band-Aid on a deep seeded emotion and/or mental breakdown. I would suggest looking for a way to appreciate yourself as you are rather than trying to hide behind lame artwork and inane symbolism.

    My personality is super freaking awesome, and I don't have any deep seeded emotional trauma and have never had a mental breakdown. I think I'm the coolest person in the entire universe.
    This coming from a person that loves themselves SO much that they have a fat cat as their picture... Right.

    Oh, you poor dear; you poor delusional girl. I must admit you do bring up a good point, though. You actually do belong to a completely different category of tattoo-heads that I failed to mention: the completely oblivious. In many ways, this is the saddest group. They haven’t bothered to put any thought into what they’re doing beyond which tattoo they want to get. They believe they are doing something completely on their own and not encouraged by outside influence. However, if left to yourself and having never been exposed to this lame trend, I would wager large sums of money that the idea of scaring your flesh would have never crossed your mind. To believe that the present “cool factor” of tattooing had nothing to do with your decision is absurd. Oh, you poor sweet girl.

    This IS about self-centered self-importance, but, even worse, it’s supported by naivety and utter cluelessness.

    :huh: Yeah, I'm really really worried about being cool. Because I have to impress EVERYONE, and I want them all to love me and worship me. Every decision I make in life is to appear cooler. Seriously?!? You might have a better way with words than I do, but that's fine. I'm a SAHM, my life is devoted to my kids at the moment, because they are the most important things in my world. I don't give a crap about how other people perceive me, it's kind of funny when they all eventually realize that I'm definitely not some punk rock chick that goes out and gets wasted at concerts all the time(have to love how judgemental people can be basing you off what they think you look like). Also, my life is ruled by what tattoo I'm going to get next. Yes, I love tattoos, have quite a bit of work, and will probably eventually get more. No, my every waking moment(or even ten percent of it) isn't used up by thinking about tattoos. I just think @sshats like you need to get a life and stop trying to fit everyone into a box. Not every person that has tattoos is trying to be trendy.
    As for self centered self importance, I am self centered to a certain degree, I'm worried about me and my family, I don't generally give a **** about other people or their families. Self importance, I don't think in the grand scheme of things that I'm any more or less important than any other person. I'll be clueless and naïve, it's gotten me pretty far in this life so far. I have a great husband, two awesome and healthy kids, three kick @ss dogs, a house and two vehicles. All at only 27 years old, I'll let you know when my life goes to **** and I need your advice.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I don't mind some classy ones here and there, but the ones with full arms, neck back, chest is just disgusting and not to mention it looks retarded.

    Perfect example; Left= hot, Right = disgusting.

    Well aren't you a lovely person... :noway:

    I bet many people could think of many ways to describe you, luckily people have the common decency to keep their mouths shut.
  • Granville_Cocteau
    Granville_Cocteau Posts: 209 Member
    I don't mind them, but I'm really not a fan. More than a few, and it seems like someone is putting in way too much effort to try and look cool and make a personal statement. Reminds me of the people in the 80s with the Chess King wardrobe, parachute pants, and butt-cutt, or the Cobain wannabees in the 90s. Fashion fads come and go..
  • IhScoutII
    IhScoutII Posts: 162 Member
    Indeed. I hate looking around me and seeing what looks like the cast of a “Genghis Kahn” movie. I hate seeing people who are emotionally scarred and deeply disturbed being taken advantage of by yet another money making trend. But mostly, I hate seeing people thinking that their outward appearance can somehow make up for their lack of personality. I believe that most people who get tattooed today simply want acceptance and attention and, in their desperation, have had to resort to mutilating themselves. Tattoos are a cry for help. A Band-Aid on a deep seeded emotion and/or mental breakdown. I would suggest looking for a way to appreciate yourself as you are rather than trying to hide behind lame artwork and inane symbolism.

    ..you know what I hate? People who judge and think they know everything about a person by looking at them...those people usually hate themselves so the judge other people....


    Right back at ya *kitten*:wink:
  • tinyzombie
    tinyzombie Posts: 128 Member
    Fashion fads come and go..

    ... except tattoos have been around as long as civilizations have existed. :flowerforyou:
  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member
    Indeed. I hate looking around me and seeing what looks like the cast of a “Genghis Kahn” movie. I hate seeing people who are emotionally scarred and deeply disturbed being taken advantage of by yet another money making trend. But mostly, I hate seeing people thinking that their outward appearance can somehow make up for their lack of personality. I believe that most people who get tattooed today simply want acceptance and attention and, in their desperation, have had to resort to mutilating themselves. Tattoos are a cry for help. A Band-Aid on a deep seeded emotion and/or mental breakdown. I would suggest looking for a way to appreciate yourself as you are rather than trying to hide behind lame artwork and inane symbolism.

    ..you know what I hate? People who judge and think they know everything about a person by looking at them...those people usually hate themselves so the judge other people....


    You judge so harshly based on tattoos why? Do you believe people without tattoo are anymore stable? Honestly if we were all the way you've paint us to be they're just wolves in sheeps' skins. Your included =).
  • PlanetoftheAtheists
    Indeed. I hate looking around me and seeing what looks like the cast of a “Genghis Kahn” movie. I hate seeing people who are emotionally scarred and deeply disturbed being taken advantage of by yet another money making trend. But mostly, I hate seeing people thinking that their outward appearance can somehow make up for their lack of personality. I believe that most people who get tattooed today simply want acceptance and attention and, in their desperation, have had to resort to mutilating themselves. Tattoos are a cry for help. A Band-Aid on a deep seeded emotion and/or mental breakdown. I would suggest looking for a way to appreciate yourself as you are rather than trying to hide behind lame artwork and inane symbolism.

    ..you know what I hate? People who judge and think they know everything about a person by looking at them...those people usually hate themselves so the judge other people....


    Right back at ya *kitten*:wink:

  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member
    Tattoo WITH females....

  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Mine is our family logo, designed by me, all 4 of us have the same tattoo. Visible here in my profile picture.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    I have 4 and am planning one more - all relatively small and tasteful and in places that cannot be seen unless I am in a bikini. Dressed in anything more and you would think I was a complete conservative.
  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member
    Well...When I was a young man....(crotchety old man voice).

    I can't imagine ever seeing a woman with tats when I was young. If you did, she was pretty well on the fringe, probably riding on the back of a Harley (another activity that has gained acceptability over the years).

    So, that's what I grew up with and that's what I'm used to. I know those rules and societal norms no longer apply and I don't use them to judge people. Even so, my tastes were formed way back then, so I don't love tats.

    All that said, I've seen some seriously smoking hot women with incredible ink work. So I guess the bottom line is, as it always has been for man/pig that I am, Hot is Hot, and nothing is off limits where hot is concerned.
  • Bubblilios
    I currently have 9 tattoos. Each one of mine have a special meaning behind them. I think tattoos are an expression of who we are. When I lose 50 pounds I play on getting another one.
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member
    And, just to blow all yawl's minds here a tattoo of Tattoo...

  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I've always liked em but now they are becoming so popular seems like most people have them. Maybe it's not a bad thing, but they dont represent rebellion anymore pretty much main culture now.

    Guess if you look at a lot of primitive cultures like the IceMan Otzii tattoos where pretty common. So probably going full circle.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Fashion fads come and go..

    ... except tattoos have been around as long as civilizations have existed. :flowerforyou:
    Not to the extend they are now. It seems there's a new tattoo shop popping up every day, sometimes almost across the street from each other. It's a fad.
  • keya729
    keya729 Posts: 166 Member
    Well considering I have seven I'm going to say that I love them lol!!
    I think they're great in moderation I don't like when women have them on their faces, but I do like tattoos and believe they are a great way to express yourself.