Horrible experience in the gym tonight



  • susieoj
    susieoj Posts: 181
    I used to feel uncomfortable in the weight area too, and some of the things the op is talking about are indeed frustrating but I agree that it's a good idea to try talking to the guys, I chat with the guys that are in the lifting area at my gym - which is also a really male dominated gym esp in the weight area- and they're usually pretty nice, just kinda oblivious sometimes....because they're focused on their workouts and well... Because they're young dudes and in my experience with the guys that I've lived with.... Guys can be kinda oblivious in general lol.... I'm sure I'm not the only woman who has found the dirty dishes stacked next to the dirty dishwasher ... And the clothes next to the hamper ... Lol but anyway, I agree that the op should try just talking to the guys to break the ice
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    Apparently you don't know what superset means...
    I know what it means. It's when you do another set during what would normally be the 'rest' period between sets, usually with an opposing muscle group. Thanks for the inane comment.

    And I will reiterate that if you're sitting there with an 80 lb dumbbell and an EZ bar loaded with 50 lbs so you can preacher curl and do tricep extensions, and you tell someone 'no' when they ask to use one of those thing while you have it layin on the ground because you're not actively using it, you are a douche. Thankfully, I've never encountered anyone who does this in real life, so I'm hoping this is just a stupid hypothetical internet discussion.

    Hilariously, I superset tricep pushdowns and EZ bar preacher curls. Though I do 60 pounds on the pushdown machine and use a 60 pound EZ bar. You were so close!

    And I will tell someone know. If someone is sitting on a bench during their rest period (doing bench presses lets say) would you walk up to them and ask them to use the bench, then lay down and start doing bench presses when he or she says no? Of course you wouldn't because you would be a massive douche, not the guy or gal saying no. It is literally the exact same thing. Just because I am not actively lifting it doesn't mean I am not using it.
  • just_Jennie1
    Apparently you don't know what superset means...
    I know what it means. It's when you do another set during what would normally be the 'rest' period between sets, usually with an opposing muscle group. Thanks for the inane comment.

    And I will reiterate that if you're sitting there with an 80 lb dumbbell and an EZ bar loaded with 50 lbs so you can preacher curl and do tricep extensions, and you tell someone 'no' when they ask to use one of those thing while you have it layin on the ground because you're not actively using it, you are a douche. Thankfully, I've never encountered anyone who does this in real life, so I'm hoping this is just a stupid hypothetical internet discussion.

    Yeah sorry but if I have equipment in front of me and I'm "just sitting there" chances are good I'm resting. If you ask me if you can use the weight I'm going to say no because I'm obviously using it. Just not at this point in time.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I'm so glad I go during old man and SAHM hour. I hate beefcake gyms! Good luck!
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    That's why I lift with headphones - my gym doesn't play loud rap/rock music. :-P And that hardly makes me a thug. It's simply good music for lifting.

    There's honestly no need to feel intimidated in the weights section of the gym, guy or girl. A lot of bigger guys look tough because they're busting their *kitten* and pumped up from lifting, but honestly many of those guys are also some of the nicest guys I've met. Odds are if they aren't actively using the equipment and if you ask them (instead of just silently lurking and being intimidated), they will let you use the equipment. Hell, they might even smile at you. Assuming they're sexist ****s and running home to post on the forums, before you even ask to use the equipment, is just silly.
  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member
    So because somebody is going to use a piece of equipment in about 30-45 seconds after the first lift they're a *kitten*? How ridiculous.
    No, they're a *kitten* because they are telling you that they refuse to share the piece of equipment that is sitting on the floor while they're using something else.

    Like I said, this must be a silly internet phenomenon because I have never encountered someone who is a big enough douche to do this. I (and everyone else who lifts) can easily do a set of whatever it is I'm doing while you are doing the superset with the other piece of equipment.
    Yeah sorry but if I have equipment in front of me and I'm "just sitting there" chances are good I'm resting. If you ask me if you can use the weight I'm going to say no because I'm obviously using it. Just not at this point in time.
    That is poor gym etiquitte. If someone asks to work in while you are resting between sets, you're supposed to say yes. It's called sharing equipment. I'll even offer you a spot if you need it.
    And I will tell someone know[sic]. If someone is sitting on a bench during their rest period (doing bench presses lets say) would you walk up to them and ask them to use the bench, then lay down and start doing bench presses when he or she says no?
    First, see above -- I haven't encountered anyone who's enough of an *kitten* to say no to letting someone work in. In fact, I've frequently had people offer if they see I'm waiting to use a power rack, but the reason I didn't ask was because they're doing a different exercise (e.g. they are benching and I want to squat).

    Secondly, if you do say no, you're a douche. I wouldn't just sit down on the bench, though. My next step would be to explain to you that you're being inconsiderate, and if you weren't convinced I would have a talk with the manager.

    But thankfully, in real life, everytime I ask to work in is "sure bro no problem" followed by helping me rack weights on the bar or "I only got one last set" with me saying "you need a spot?"
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    And I will tell someone know[sic]. If someone is sitting on a bench during their rest period (doing bench presses lets say) would you walk up to them and ask them to use the bench, then lay down and start doing bench presses when he or she says no?
    First, see above -- I haven't encountered anyone who's enough of an *kitten* to say no to letting someone work in[sic]. In fact, I've frequently had people offer if they see I'm waiting to use a power rack, but the reason I didn't ask was because they're doing a different exercise (e.g. they are benching and I want to squat).

    Secondly, if you do say no, you're a douche. I wouldn't just sit down on the bench, though. My next step would be to explain to you that you're being inconsiderate, and if you weren't convinced I would have a talk with the manager.

    But thankfully, in real life, everytime I ask to work in is "sure bro no problem" followed by helping me rack weights on the bar or "I only got one last set" with me saying "you need a spot?"

    You said if they say no to just grab the weight. I can only assume you just sit on the bench if they say no as well, since it's essentially the same thing.
    "I only got one last set" with me saying "you need a spot?"

    So in other words someone said no and you DIDN'T just grab their weights and run off like a sociopath?
  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member
    You said if they say no to just grab the weight.
    No, I never said that. Go try to find a post where I did. You can't. I detailed exactly what I would do in the post you quoted.

    Don't change the subject to back pedal, either.
    So in other words someone said no and you DIDN'T just grab their weights and run off like a sociopath?
    First, again you're trying to put words in my mouth.

    What I said is that the only acceptable reasons for declining is: You have one last set and it will take longer to re-rack the weights, or it's an entirely different exercise and you have to spend time setting up the bench and the barbell height that just makes it stupid.

    Saying no because you're doing supersets and are afraid someone might disappear with 'your' weight is inconsiderate, and so is saying no because you want to sit on the bench and look at your phone. People aren't dumb -- they don't ask to work in if they're going to take the weight all the way across the gym. And if you're worried about it, there are ways to say 'sure you can work in but don't go far because I'm also doing [exercise] with that" without saying "no, I'm using that dumbbell that's sitting on the floor right now and you can't have it."
  • Trimi
    Trimi Posts: 57
    May I suggest using noise canceling headphones?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    This is exactly why I open carry in my gym.

    No one's taking my weights when I'm lifting.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    This is exactly why I open carry in my gym.

    No one's taking my weights when I'm lifting.

    Oh you big man, you!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    This is exactly why I open carry in my gym.

    No one's taking my weights when I'm lifting.

  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    last night I walked up to two guys benching.

    i waited till one was done his set and asked the one standing how many sets they had left and smiled.

    he said one.

    I said great, thank you, and stood off to the side.

    He wiped down the bench for me when they were done and said all yours and have a good workout.

    imagine that.
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    I was sharing weights with 3 different guys tonight over the course of my strength training, all were approachable, i didn't ask to share just asked first guy if i could have after him, he suggested sharing between sets he was doing, then one of his mates later saw me looking for another weight and he offered to share! 3rd one i just asked if i could have his bench after, he'd just started so he offered to spot me whilst he was resting and we shared the bench!

    Clearly they were all inconsiderate meatheads? However if i had not taken the first step, they wouldn't have known i wanted to use the equipment!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    This is exactly why I open carry in my gym.

    No one's taking my weights when I'm lifting.

  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    last night I walked up to two guys benching.

    i waited till one was done his set and asked the one standing how many sets they had left and smiled.

    he said one.

    I said great, thank you, and stood off to the side.

    He wiped down the bench for me when they were done and said all yours and have a good workout.

    imagine that.

    You must have been open carrying.

    Or maybe your gym is in Bizarro World.
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    Dumb question, but what's open carrying?
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    last night I walked up to two guys benching.

    i waited till one was done his set and asked the one standing how many sets they had left and smiled.

    he said one.

    I said great, thank you, and stood off to the side.

    He wiped down the bench for me when they were done and said all yours and have a good workout.

    imagine that.

    To be fair, they were probably scared of you. You are one intimidating lady. :bigsmile:
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Dumb question, but what's open carrying?

    Carrying your gun where people can see it (ex: on your hip in a holster).