Need to lose 100 lbs. or more? Lets start a group!



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Haha Cassienor - I go from thinking that's a fish to a rabbit in your hand - then I get to drooling ....:laugh:
    I'd eat either one if it was covered in frosting! :bigsmile:
    tonight I had such food cravings and I have to weigh in tomorrow, it was awful !!!!! I've ended up going over my calories by 400 or so. And, the only thing I had to snack on was cheeze !!! I'd rather have a chocolate covered fish!
  • traclin
    Today was my weekly weigh in at the Clinic and I am down another 4.5 pounds. That is a total of 28 in about 53 days. Lets have a sugar free pudding cup to celebrate!:happy:
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    So seminar last night was great. It was very informative and I was able to sit and think about the decision. I talked with a friend today about it and we weighed pros and cons on all three surgeries. I made my decision and I will be filling out the application and turning it in on Monday. :)
  • txanado
    yes that's me too, lots of weight to lose, after having 6
    so count me in too :D
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    My Friday Weigh-In - results are zero - zip - nada.....didn't lose a pound - but didn't gain even 2/10 of a pound either !!!!!!! So I am happy as I can be with those results. It was a kinda rough week with me going over the limits several days, and fretting over classes and recovering from surgery (all went well, but I had to lay around) so I'm happy.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    I am so in it. I just found and joined this site a few days ago. I looking forward to giving and getting support. I have 125lbs to lose and that just brings me to 200lbs. and that sounds like an impossible number right now. But I say babysteps and keep motivated and the lbs will come off.
  • Damage483
    I've put that I want to lose 90 as my goal but know I need to lose at about 100lbs. It's gonna take me a while to read all the posts but I hope to find comfort and inspiration through everyone's posts. Thank you for starting a wonderful thread/group.
  • sgp329
    sgp329 Posts: 184
    I want in, too! I put myself on the back burner for far too long and my body shows it! I am on the right track now, but could use some support and company along the way.

    I have just read through every post in this thread and I am so glad to have found this. When you face the fact that you have let yourself balloon out of control it is isolating in a sense. I feel better to know that so many others are going through the same things. I am in good company. I look forward to "meeting" each and every one and helping each other.

    One thing I had this week that was very good... I took a salad to work with me for my lunch consisting of lettuce, carrots, broccoli and fresh mushrooms and about 2 oz of grilled chicken left over from the previous night's dinner. Before lunch, I always try to go ahead and plan out the rest of the days meals/snacks so I now where I stand. I realized that, after putting in my exercise, for this day I was way short of my calories. So I have had a taste for tacos lately. I ran to Wendy's on my lunch break and got a small chili. I poured this over my salad and even without cheese... it was a great taco salad! Very yummy and quite low cal, too. If you have a Wendy's, and have a taste for something a little spicier/mexican-ish, try it.
  • cassieinor
    Oh my goodness, that is just too funny.....LOL..... but if you put pasta and some kind of sauce on it I'd eat just about anything too. Actually, that is a 4lb rainbow trout I caught on Lake of the Woods in Oregon. Never caught anything bigger than a minnow before.... so I am VERY proud of that baby. It broke my pole reeling it in.........I was Soooo excited. No frosting for my fish though.
    Thank you for noticing it was a fish. I am guilty of not keeping safe (healthy) foods in my kitchen too so I know how it is when ya can't get what ya need. And in my case I'm not the only one cooking in my house. My brother-in-law and my husband and I all cook. We take turns..... and I'm the only one cooking real healthy. It is sometimes not easy. I just keep putting one foot in front of the's all I know to do. But now I have lots of support from this website and from this group. Thank you.
  • chyvsh
    chyvsh Posts: 10 Member
    ME TOO!! :)
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Hi Damage and sgarsee welcome to the group.

    I am also new about an hour older member than u2. LOL. I still haven't read the earlier post so hello everyone else in this group. I am thinking this is a fairly new group - looks about a month old. I would really love for this group to be active. I am sure we/I do need all the help we can get.

    I so agree with you sgarsee. We let ourselves balloon out of shape and think we are alone. And then to come in here and find out we are not alone is sooooo sweet. Just to know we are going through alot of the same temptations and challenges and we can give help and get help from each other. WTG on planning your meals so u don't get a chance cheat. And ty for letting us know about the wendy's chilli..that sounds like a treat.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Nice catch cass. LOL eating anything with pasta and sauce. Good for you sticking with it. Even if they are not cooking healthy as you. Don't you give up. Baby Steps I say....don't back step.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Wondering if anyone still in group? I started reading posts and alot of people said they were in and had 100lbs to lose. How come no one on here checking in? No support no talking.....Come on people I am sure we haven't gotten to our goals yet. :)

    Can you let me know who is in this group for the long haul?

    How is your weekend going?
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I want to lose 100 overall. I lost 30 pounds so far..70 more to lose!!
  • MommaFreem
    I have been looking for people on MFP that needed to lose 100+ lbs. I would love to join! I started in August at 296.5 and have lost 16 so far. I would love to lose 176 to weigh 120 lbs.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Hi Momma - welcome to the group....I am trying to ask how many on here with the program

    Would love some daily chat in here.

    16 lbs loss is great!!!! Are u struggling or finding it not to hard?
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi BigMomma - well I'm a chatter :laugh: you'll see lots of us come back, at least once a week to spill our guts and talk about our habits and ideas etc. And yes, as someone noted, this is a fairly new group. I started it a little over a month ago, and you d on't have to do any thing special to join, just POST "IM IN" and join in the chatter. And its open to men and women. In fact, I'd love to meet a husband here. LOL!!!! :drinker:
    WELL, I've ALREADY Met so many nice GIRLFRIENDS !!!!!
    ON another note, I wish I was more of a cooker like some of you folks, I think you can control your food better, and have more variety. I am eating mostly healthy choice and lean cuisine meals.......very boring.......I have been relying on sugarless gum when I crave something and thats been helping a lot.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome Robin. And thank you for starting this group. Guilty of being a chatter also :blushing:

    It would be nice to talk with people who have alot of weight to lose or have lost it or losing it. lol:tongue: I know people say its just as hard at losing 20lbs. I can't wait until I can be 20lbs till my goal weight.

    I did see some great low fat recipes being posted on here. I am also not much of a cooker....well at least not a low fat cooker. I am going to have to try some of those. Just starting to find all the gems in this site.

    P.S. Good luck with meeting Mr. Right on here. You never can tell. :love:
  • Luckie712
    I would love to join this group! I joined MFP on Wednesday and have so far been looking around. I figure it's time to step out and say something. I have 120 pounds to lose, and it is daunting! Please, add me! :smile:
  • ReneeMarie
    I'm in....and in desperate need of motivation to get me going.
    I have approx 120 to lose