Need to lose 100 lbs. or more? Lets start a group!



  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    ***************************WE CAN DO THIS****************************************

    Hi Damage

    I was thinking we all could put the slogan in our signature. Under our ticker. Not sure how to do that but gonna play around with it.

    How was your weekend?

    Take Care
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Welcome to the group Nicole. Glad you found us. It is nice to have a group of people all trying to do the same thing. We can get support and give support along our journey.
  • PhoxyLaydee
    PhoxyLaydee Posts: 5 Member
    Count me in too!
  • cassieinor
    Hi BigMama, thanks for the Wendys chile info....sounds like a good idea.
    Can't chat anymore tonite though. My eyes are getting fuzzy looking at this small screen.
    Chat more tomorrow.....IKm going to bed.
    G'night all
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Hi Phoxy

    Welcome to the group. The more the merrier.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Wow Cass your were up late last night. Yawning you still asleep? :yawn:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi Foxy and all the newbies!!!:flowerforyou: Welcome ! I'm SO excited by all the supporting people who've joined this forum and are reaching out to each other with support and encouragement. Gosh you guys are wonderful ! CHEERS :drinker: Get that water down !!!! One trick I learned for my sweet tooth. I gave up real pop and diet pop before I started this diet, being convinced by a friend it was no good for me, and switched to just water. Well the other day, I wanted a Dairy Queen Blizzard really, really bad, and instead I had a Diet Coke. Boy of boy, after that diet coke, I was so satisfied, that I didn't want that blizzard at all. I was so full, and so BLOATED with (gas) (ahem) that I couldn't put anything in my stomach. My friend was right. The constant drinking of pop was stretching out my s tomach and enabling me to intake more. Giving up soda's helped make my stomach smaller. Now, I'm only going to have a soda pop for a rare treat when I'm really craving something or about to give in to a craving.
    Yeah, thats the ticket !!!!!:wink:
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    WTG Robin that is not easy to do. When we get an urge and to fight it and have a much better choice (a diet coke) instead. I am noticing that I am making better choices now since I fill out my food intake on this site.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Soooooooo I was thinking can we have a check in day. Lets say on Mondays we can just take a quick peek in here and post and let everyone know that you are still on track (doesn't matter if you are doing great or terrible). We can give support or get support if we all start talking about how we are doing. Just a few words if you want and if you are a chatter like me you can tell us everything. :noway: I know alot of people said they were in when this thread when it started up.... Just wondering how you all are doing?

    I am ready to add more people to friends but need to know who is still with us.

    P.S. If you want to doing the MONDAY SIGN IN please type on top of post - MONDAY CHECK IN please.
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Good morning!!!!!! Ahhhh this weekend was a weird one lol I was craving chocolate alllll weekend. Then I remembered that I have Extra sugarfree gum and started chewing on that. I may have gone through a half a pack lol I made roast and potatoes with carrots yesterday. I used to make my roasts with gravy. Now I use a beef buillion cube or cubes (depending on size) to give it the flavor. It actually turns out better.
    I will be turning in my application for the surgery either today or tomorrow. I had to get my insurance company's criteria for surgery. My ins company requires 6 months of monitoring, hmmmm wonder if I can get away with saying my primary care physician has been monitoring my weight for 2+ years. It wouldn't be a lie because he has. We'll see.

    Have a great day!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    BigMama - I think thats a great idea for everyone to check in on Monday and say how they are feeling !! Course we all will be feeling different and then we can encourange those that need it. Kudos for thinking of it !

    Stephi - I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you - hope everything works out for you and your surgeon and your insurance.
  • Dubby62
    Dubby62 Posts: 20 Member
    willing here also!
  • blbond82
    I'm another 100+ pound person and would love to be part of a group with similar goals.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Hi blbond

    Welcome to the group. Glad you stop by. I was thinking I was all alone having to lose all this weight but when I saw this thread I though wow there are alot of people who have to lose 100lbs also. Makes me feel like I belong here. Please post when ever you feel like it. Group seems quiet and we need some action in here.

    Are you just starting your weight loss?

    P.S. We are going to try something called MONDAY CHECK INS....your just in every Monday just let us know how you are doing good or bad.

    Doesn't typing burn calories????? :drinker:
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Hi Dubby

    Glad you found us and welcome to the group!!!! We are all here for the same reason. Join in and post away. We are just starting something new...its called MONDAY CHECK INS....your just in just let us know how you are doing good or bad on Mondays and then we can support you anyway we can.

    Are you just starting out?
  • Chelle_D
    Hey there! I'm all about that!!! Count me in, too! :)

    Today is Monday, and I'm feeling like I could take over the world!!! The scale dipped down another pound, and I've lost 38 lbs so far. YES!!!! Went to the gym today and tackled walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes. A huge thing for me, since last week when I started I could barely get through 15 without feeling like I was going to die.

    It's taken a long time to get to where I'm excited about this weight loss thing, but with perseverance, it's FINALLY paying off.

    Thanks for letting me play!!! :)
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Hello ardavis

    Welcome to the group. I sooooo like your attitude. You seem to be focused and on track. WTG on another pound lost this week and drumroll plzzzz 38lbs lost so far.

    I am new to this site just joined last Wed and couldn't be more excited. Crossing fingers my first weigh-in is on Wed.

    Excellent on the gym workout. I hear ya about thinking we are gonna die from some exercise. Personally I am just doing my walks as home right now.....gym is very scarey thought for me. I think only skinny people are at the gym and they would laugh at me if I showed up.

    New post we are trying is MONDAY CHECK INS....just started where ever you are on your weight loss journey come on in here and post how you are doing. Get some support and give some support.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Thanks Robin - I don't want to step on yours toes since you started this group. Just let me know if I am too chatty. I am just so excited and want to give support anyway I can.

    If you are quiet how can we help one another. Please join us for MONDAY CHECK INS......please let us know how you are doing one way or other. Let us know you want to be here and are ready to lose that 100lbs+. :flowerforyou:
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Hi Stephi

    Great choice on not caving in and eating chocolate this weekend. Keep chewing that sugarfree gum. Go buy more if you have to. :tongue:

    Thanks for the tip on using bouillon cubes to make your gravy.

    Good luck on your application for surgary. Keep us posted how it is going.

    Take Care
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Oh my goodness I am so excited!! I turned in the application and the receptionist checked it over. Said all looked great and asked if I wanted to schedule my appt with the surgeon right then! So, I have my appt with the surgeon on Oct 14th and I start my evaluation process. My ins does require the 6 month eval period, so looks like my surgery may happen around April :) I am soooo excited!!!