Need to lose 100 lbs. or more? Lets start a group!



  • traclin
    Monday Check In is a great idea. Not much to say since I unloaded yesterday, but I am ready to conquer this week. 28.8 pounds down and 101.0 to go. I have a food find to share - Amy's organic beans and rice burrito with cheddar cheese. Ready to eat in 3 minutes, 310 cals, 9 fat, and 46 carbs. This is a really filling meal. Very satisfying and great counts. I have it with a piece of fruit or carrots/celery. I buy them by the box (12 count I think) at Costco but I have seen them in Savemart also, individually. Though I would share. Happy Monday everybody!
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Hi Traclin

    Thanks for posting on MONDAY CHECK INS. Don't you worry about unloading anytime of the week on here. Thats what this group was started support one another. With all of us trying to lose 100lbs+. I am surprised not more people post the struggles on here or their accomplishments.

    28.8lbs lose is great!!!!

    Thank You for sharing your food find. Excellent choice.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I've not actually joined a group yet so I'm not sure how this works, but I to need to loose 120+ lbs. I would love to join the group.
  • likerish
    Please count me in, I have a lot to lose and a long road ahead of me. Would love some other people who are in the same boat as me to chat with and add me as a friend. I am new to this so please add me.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Welcome to the group Silhouettes and likerish.

    Anyone can join the group. Just by posting in here you belong to it. Its that easy :drinker: We are all trying to lose weight and what is nice about that is we all have/had 100lbs or more to lose. We can talk about it in here and know that others also have had struggles and are excited about losing that first pound.

    This group started about a month ago so everyone is new and quiet. But we need some chatters on here. So lets get to posting anything and everything is welcome.

    We just started a MONDAY CHECK IN soooo today is the first day...everyone just post how you are doing good or bad.

    Have fun and talk to u soon
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Oh my goodness I am so excited!! I turned in the application and the receptionist checked it over. Said all looked great and asked if I wanted to schedule my appt with the surgeon right then! So, I have my appt with the surgeon on Oct 14th and I start my evaluation process. My ins does require the 6 month eval period, so looks like my surgery may happen around April :) I am soooo excited!!!

    What a great day for you. I know you so want to do this. Good luck and keep us posted.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Just wanted to let everyone know I just got over a hump. I should be full but for about an hour I was thinking I want something else...something sweet. Thinking hmmm what do i have in the house I can eat. Try to read, did some walking, watch tv..all thinking about food. So I decided to watch Biggest loser show I taped last week and drank some water...omg it worked I am not gonna eat tonight...NO WAY. Pats myself on my back. :bigsmile:

    P.S. I did notice I only had 2 glasses of water today. Not very good.
  • cassieinor
    Hi Phoxy........welcome to the group. I sent you a friend request. This place is so kewl for motivation. Just keep coming back.
  • cassieinor
    Yes BigMama, I was up real late...........sometimes don't sleep so well and since I found this site it's even harder to go to sleep. So many posts to read and keep up with. I llove the post where you said you were on fire with this weight loss program. That's a kewl feeling.
    Chat soon
  • cassieinor
    Hey never occurred to me about the bloating from soda's. I gave up cola type sodas a few years ago. And recently have pretty much given up on the lemon lime ones. I only have one maybe once in a blue moon. I now either drink water, hopefully with lemon in it or I go for the crystal lite drink. That's great info about the bloating. And besides all that...........the stuff they put in sodas regular or diet is amazing. I'm sure it's not too healthy for us. Thanks for that info.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Hi Cass

    Nice to see you on. How was/is your day?

    Yes I am still burning....thx. lol...Just a bit too chatty for some I bet.

    I seem to have forgotten all my other forums I use to visit...this one has taken over. But this one is gonna change my life also. I am so excited. And yes I also stay up way to late on here lately.

    EDITED to let you know.....we are gonna try to let everyone know that we are doing a MONDAY CHECK IN on please come on Mondays and post how you are doing..good or bad. We will support.
  • groovybeenz
    groovybeenz Posts: 151 Member
    I'm in. I've got about 145 lbs to lose. I've already lost 15 lbs so far but still got a long way to go.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Hi love the name. :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to the group. Congrats on your first 15lbs loss. You are doing great. My first weigh-in is on Wed. I am hoping to be a few pounds lighter. Please come post often and let us know how you are doing.

    Are you finding lossing weight to be a challenge or easy peasy right now at the beginning?
  • sgp329
    sgp329 Posts: 184
    Hey everybody! Doing great here! The pounds are melting away and I am loving my zumba classes. I went three days last week and planning on four days this week. My sweetie and I walked a mile yesterday morning and then went skating in the afternoon. First time I have skated in years. Fun fun fun!

    I have so much more energy than before. Drinking lots of water and eating fresh as often as possible has really livened me up. Now I feel downright hyper pretty much all the time. Enjoying it.

    Wish everyone the best!
  • cassieinor
    You go BigMama............that deserves a great big "atta boy"! Yay for you on that hump. That's a good feeling to have that kind of power.
  • cassieinor
    I don't mind you being's waking everyone up I think. When you say check-in are we talking about Monday weigh in??? Cause I check in everyday.........I don't wanna lose that number on my home page where it tells you how many days you've logged in. That's real important to me. I can't weigh in today cause I'm not home. I will wait til next Monday when I get home and have a couple days to get rid of all the water weight I've put on from eating out while being out of town and eating in restaurants and fast food.
    So keep up the good chats and stay on fire. It keeps me, and I'm sure a lot of others, motivated.
  • cassieinor
    Welcome grrovybeenz and dubby62 and bbond82. You've come to a really good place for motivation. Jump in here and chat with us.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Thanks cass for coming in everyday and posting. I look forward to seeing you. Its such a new group we don't have a set amount of reg posters....would love more members to come post and chat away. Then I won't seem so chatty :blushing:

    We were just thinking of getting member out from hiding and come post. To let us know how they are doing. So thought lets make a MONDAY CHECK INS. Doesn't matter what you want to talk about or post about...just let us know that they are here and working on losing weight or need support to get motivated or about the cute neighbor they seen or the housework that never gets done. :sad:

    IF you want we can try and set up a weigh-in day....I am open for first weigh in is on Wed...but I don't mind changing days. Might be hard to get others to change days.....but if we get some response we can do it for sure.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Hi sgp :happy:

    I see you did a name change!!! Care to share why? :glasses: lol

    Wonderful to see you out and posting. Can I ask what are zumba classes?
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    I've lost 10 lbs! YAY ME!!!