Another Mom under fire for post baby selfie.



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    If you look at her Instagram, she posts pictures of her progressing pregnancy all the way up until 11/23. Then there are pics of her newborn starting 11/26. The pic in question is posted 11/28.

    And if you scroll back and look at the pics of her stomach before she was pregnant, they look *markedly* different.

    There's really no reason to think the picture is fake.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Some have hinted at it, but I don't think anyone has actually said it... I will.

    I'm predicting this is a fake. Oh, sure, it's a real pic, but I don't think this was 4 days postpartum.

    There...I said it.

    She has pictures of her self still preggo on the 23rd, pictures of the new baby on the 26th (saying she gave birth the day before), and then the 'obscene war shot' picture on the 28th, so.

    3 days-5days, assuming you believe she wasn't stringing out preggo pictures for the sake of some big reveal.

    Wow. She really doesn't look to me like she gained the recommended 25 lbs. But as long as the baby was healthy, who am I to judge?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    She only gained 24 lbs by following a very strict diet

    And this. Our bodies need to be free to do what they do during pregnancy. The sad thing is, they found during WWII that a starving woman will produce a healthy baby. It's only when they are in their 30s that the heart problems start.

    Totally agree with you. I happen to know that my friend cared more about what her body was going to look like after she had the baby, than that she give birth to a healthy baby. I never said anything to her about it, but it did make me sad at the time.

    I also met a model who chose to give birth via a planned C section so she wouldn't have to get 'too big' and chose not to breast feed so her breasts could stay perky. She told me all of this in the waiting room of the obstetrician's office. She was rail thin and hanging onto a plump one month old baby. At first I was judgmental, but then I realized that she was protecting her career. Maybe it was her only source of income.

    That's fine. It's her body, her baby and her choices. But a strict diet during pregnancy / planned preterm delivery isn't healthy for the mom or the baby and shouldn't be promoted as an ideal for maternity.

    Hahahaha!!! Is that what you think I am doing? Promoting a strict diet during pregnancy?! :noway: :laugh:

    Not at all.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    If you look at her Instagram, she posts pictures of her progressing pregnancy all the way up until 11/23. Then there are pics of her newborn starting 11/26. The pic in question is posted 11/28.

    And if you scroll back and look at the pics of her stomach before she was pregnant, they look *markedly* different.

    There's really no reason to think the picture is fake.

    Unless you haven't looked at her instagram...

    ...and then there is a reason to think the picture is fake....

    ...even if it's an apparently bogus reason.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I'm not really following the thread, but we are saying that this pic could have been taken 4 weeks after birth, not 4 days. That would not take a ton of work to delay it that way. If it is 4 days, wow. But, we are just saying that there are biological processes of the uterus needing to shrink (it has nothing to do with fitness level).

    This would entail that she's been 'lying' since day one and is, even now, putting out pictures of her infant daughter on facebook/instagram/her website a month after they were taken and that no one has spoken up and said 'those are actually four weeks old'.

    Even though there are pictures of her and her husband with the infant putting up a christmas tree, out at what seems to be a pretty public cafe, and with other people.
  • hstoblish
    hstoblish Posts: 234 Member
    First of all, that's amazing. I was still swollen for the epidural and looked like **** generally at four days after giving birth. Hell, I still looked like crap until about 10 months after, when all my hard work started showing.

    I'm not sure I see the issue with this photo. She's proud. She's not being obnoxious like the woman who said "what's your excuse?" which made it all about what the viewer of the photo felt instead of how she felt about her own body. (Before anyone tries to cook and eat me alive for saying that: I'm not saying the "what's your excuse?" woman deserved the level of vitrol she got by any means, just that she was obnoxious about her accomplishments. It's an annoying move to throw up a photo of yourself, showing off a great accomplishment saying "why didn't you achieve this?" no matter how universal you might think that ideal is.)

    She's hot and that's maybe not the most important thing in life, but it's cool and she has the right to be proud of the work she puts in to maintain her body.

    An act of war? Eff that noise. Slightly annoying? Maybe, but I like people who like themselves and actively work to improve themselves.
  • LosingExtraKristy
    LosingExtraKristy Posts: 164 Member
    I'm just having a hard time figuring out how she felt so great 4 days after birth that she is not rocking the granny panties and fleece PJs. I didn't wear panties like that for weeks after having my kids, and not because of my big butt and thighs, even though they were huge.

    I'm impressed, and yes jealous too.

    Yeah, I didn't wear panties like that 4 days after giving birth because I was still bleeding profusely.

    That's kinda what I was thinking. lol I say good for her! I wish I looked like that...but I have not put the time into myself to look like that.

    And I HATE the word selfie. I just think it's stupid.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    She looks amazing jealous lil petty people being stupid.
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
    Body shaming is ugly either way you slice it. Although I am a little upset about Maria's statement about plus-sized ladies and lingere. It is not okay for a plus size lady to love herself?
  • I can tell she doesnt have a 4 day olf becausr of a few small clues!

    1. She is awake
    2. She isnt holding the baby
    3. She has makeup on
    4. She has her hair done
    5. Her boobs arent falling out of her bra
    6. She doesnt have black rings under her eyes
    7. She looks as if she has showered recently
    8. She has no puke or poop on her
    9. Did i mention shes awake
    10. She is obviously not wearing one if those giant diaper like pads you have to wear after birth!

    You couldnt fool me!

    As for the body...kudos, looks great!

    Every now and then someone posts something reminding me why I invest in the kind of birth control that lasts for years, then immediately follow it up with more birth control that lasts for years, and continue to pester my doctor about tubal ligation. The exception that one must be tired and unkempt, or else they 'don't have a newborn'/are some manner of freak of nature is pretty gross.

    Dare I say as gross as this supposed trend towards not looking as if one has given birth? :indifferent:

    Now that you mention it, this thread is kinda making me want to renew my birth control. :sick:

    Got a vasectomy. My wife will never have to worry about that! Whoop whoop!
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    If you look at her Instagram, she posts pictures of her progressing pregnancy all the way up until 11/23. Then there are pics of her newborn starting 11/26. The pic in question is posted 11/28.

    And if you scroll back and look at the pics of her stomach before she was pregnant, they look *markedly* different.

    There's really no reason to think the picture is fake.

    Except is 4 days enough time for her uterus to contract? It very well might be for her, but it normally takes WEEKS. I think that alone is room for some speculation.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I can tell she doesnt have a 4 day olf becausr of a few small clues!

    1. She is awake
    2. She isnt holding the baby
    3. She has makeup on
    4. She has her hair done
    5. Her boobs arent falling out of her bra
    6. She doesnt have black rings under her eyes
    7. She looks as if she has showered recently
    8. She has no puke or poop on her
    9. Did i mention shes awake
    10. She is obviously not wearing one if those giant diaper like pads you have to wear after birth!

    You couldnt fool me!

    As for the body...kudos, looks great!

    Every now and then someone posts something reminding me why I invest in the kind of birth control that lasts for years, then immediately follow it up with more birth control that lasts for years, and continue to pester my doctor about tubal ligation. The exception that one must be tired and unkempt, or else they 'don't have a newborn'/are some manner of freak of nature is pretty gross.

    Dare I say as gross as this supposed trend towards not looking as if one has given birth? :indifferent:

    Now that you mention it, this thread is kinda making me want to renew my birth control. :sick:

    Got a vasectomy. My wife will never have to worry about that! Whoop whoop!

    I tried to get my husband on board with this and at first he was all 'okay' but then we finally got an appointment made and he backed out. The wuss.

    So now I have to step up and get the job done. /sigh
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    My question for her would be whether she had a healthy pregnancy weight wise, I mean women are supposed to gain weight while they are pregnant.

    25 pounds for a healthy pregnancy. Some of that goes away at birth.
    You don't actually need to "eat for 2" when pregnant, you require only an extra 200-300 calories a day.
    I would assume that since her baby is healthy, she had a healthy pregnancy.

    Now, I am not saying that women should only gain 25 pounds, or that they should look like her, or anything like that.
    What I am saying is that IT'S OKAY TO LOOK LIKE THAT. She doesn't look like that to offend people.

    I have really long hair, a lot of women don't have long hair. If I post a picture of my hair, it's not to offend short haired women. Dumb analogy, I know.

    I didn't gain weight when I was pregnant, I lost weight actually (went from 243 to 219) and honestly didn't change too much of my eating, just ate a little less and was moving more. Had no morning sickness or nothing (didn't know I was preggo until I was 6 and a 1/2 weeks), I even went to college classes and started my job at the paper.

    I haven't worn underwear like that because I don't feel sexy enough to (I will say it bluntly), and even if I could have, I wouldn't have after giving birth, I was bleeding for 2 and a 1.2 weeks after and then had my lovely TOM about 2 weeks after that.

    She should be proud of the work she has put in. I started working out intensely as soon as I had the all clear at 6 weeks and ran my first 5k in June of 2012 (mind you there was I wanna say 3 to 4 months between 6 weeks pp and my first 5k), and now i have my dance minor, weight lifting, running, and Insanity.

    I do get strange looks from those that are 18 and up in my class. All of them complain about their age, and I say "I'm still older." they look at me and when I tell I am 25, have an almost 2 year old and am married, the looks=priceless :laugh:
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I'm not gonna read the whole thread right now but bump it for later with the thought that I am aware there is this thing where women try to give birth early and try to get a Dr. to plan an early c-section or induced birth to prevent growing too large in the belly for vanity reasons. That is bad. IMO. Unsure how much media coverage and posts contribute to that practice but that's just the idea that popped into my head when I saw that this is a recurring theme amongst new mothers...the posting of selfies.

    ETA: I have a friend who just gave birth and her FB is a tasteful (and more to the heart of the matter) pregnant belly with a blue bow as background and then pic of her kissing her newborn imposed over that image in the foreground. It's beatiful IMO and highlights to me what new motherhood is all about. At least amongst my set. *shrugs*
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I can tell she doesnt have a 4 day olf becausr of a few small clues!

    1. She is awake
    2. She isnt holding the baby
    3. She has makeup on
    4. She has her hair done
    5. Her boobs arent falling out of her bra
    6. She doesnt have black rings under her eyes
    7. She looks as if she has showered recently
    8. She has no puke or poop on her
    9. Did i mention shes awake
    10. She is obviously not wearing one if those giant diaper like pads you have to wear after birth!

    You couldnt fool me!

    As for the body...kudos, looks great!

    Every now and then someone posts something reminding me why I invest in the kind of birth control that lasts for years, then immediately follow it up with more birth control that lasts for years, and continue to pester my doctor about tubal ligation. The exception that one must be tired and unkempt, or else they 'don't have a newborn'/are some manner of freak of nature is pretty gross.

    Dare I say as gross as this supposed trend towards not looking as if one has given birth? :indifferent:

    Now that you mention it, this thread is kinda making me want to renew my birth control. :sick:

    Got a vasectomy. My wife will never have to worry about that! Whoop whoop!

    I tried to get my husband on board with this and at first he was all 'okay' but then we finally got an appointment made and he backed out. The wuss.

    So now I have to step up and get the job done. /sigh

    Do you not realize that you have...

    ...leverage in this negotiation, er, I mean, discussion?
  • Happylady123
    Happylady123 Posts: 166 Member
    I am a postpartum nurse, and I have had 4 children as well. This picture does not convey someone who has an infant 4 days old. The uterus is at the level of the umbilicus right after birth and takes six weeks to shrink back down to its original size (about the size of your fist). She should also be wearing a pad as she would be bleeding from childbirth. She has a nice body, but it is not 4 days after giving birth.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    If you look at her Instagram, she posts pictures of her progressing pregnancy all the way up until 11/23. Then there are pics of her newborn starting 11/26. The pic in question is posted 11/28.

    And if you scroll back and look at the pics of her stomach before she was pregnant, they look *markedly* different.

    There's really no reason to think the picture is fake.

    Except is 4 days enough time for her uterus to contract? It very well might be for her, but it normally takes WEEKS. I think that alone is room for some speculation.

    Not that unbelievable in her case. She carried really tiny. In a pic from a week or so before the birth she only looked 5 months along.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    She has a nice body, but it is not 4 days after giving birth.

    Oh? So it's just a big conspiracy. Her thousands of photos on Instagram are actually all delayed by three months.

    Come on people.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    If you look at her Instagram, she posts pictures of her progressing pregnancy all the way up until 11/23. Then there are pics of her newborn starting 11/26. The pic in question is posted 11/28.

    And if you scroll back and look at the pics of her stomach before she was pregnant, they look *markedly* different.

    There's really no reason to think the picture is fake.

    Except is 4 days enough time for her uterus to contract? It very well might be for her, but it normally takes WEEKS. I think that alone is room for some speculation.

    Not that unbelievable in her case. She carried really tiny. In a pic from a week or so before the birth she only looked 5 months along.

    This happens to ppl. I had a friend like this. Man I got a lot of friends. I swear I'm leaving this thread though, till tomorrow. For reals!
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    I think it's not even her baby.
    Maybe she pulled a Beyonce, yo!