Another Mom under fire for post baby selfie.



  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    If you look at her Instagram, she posts pictures of her progressing pregnancy all the way up until 11/23. Then there are pics of her newborn starting 11/26. The pic in question is posted 11/28.

    And if you scroll back and look at the pics of her stomach before she was pregnant, they look *markedly* different.

    There's really no reason to think the picture is fake.

    Except is 4 days enough time for her uterus to contract? It very well might be for her, but it normally takes WEEKS. I think that alone is room for some speculation.

    Not that unbelievable in her case. She carried really tiny. In a pic from a week or so before the birth she only looked 5 months along.

    Agree, she looked small on the 4th November, which probably explains why it is her belly looks the way it does now, supposedly. She may also have a tilted uterus, which could account for the lack of projection, if her's veered towards her back vs her front. On the 4th November, many would assume that she was between 3 to 4 months along, which is known as the stage pre-dropping and as the photos attest to ~ she carried her bundle low.

    She reminds me of Jinjee the RawVegan [see attached :]

    Jinjee 7 and a half months pregnant with Adagio - Raw Vegan Pregnancy

    Jinjee 10 days after raw vegan pregnancy and delivery, with baby Adagio.

    Jinjee with Baby Yarrow ~ Age 40 ~ 10 days after birthing.

    ETA: Caption pics
  • cevalid
    The days when mum had to worry about her teenage daughters posting provocative pictures of themselves online have changed. Now kids can grow up a little worried that the world has seen an almost naked mum go viral.

    The pic isn't offensive. Its a picture of a skinny chic in her underwear. I see pictures like that all the time.

    I just hope that no matter how fit (or unfit) I am, I remember to keep it classy and never share pics on the net that I wouldn't want my nanna to see.
  • 722_christina_722
    Holy MOTHER!!! So much controversy. All I was saying is.....her panties look a little too flat to be holding the giant diaper sized pad you have to wear for a good week!

    If anyone couldn't tell, I was being a bit sarcastic and humorous about the whole thing!

    I surely didn't look like that 4 days after I gave birth...but I also didn't look like that before hand either! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    I can tell she doesnt have a 4 day olf becausr of a few small clues!

    1. She is awake
    2. She isnt holding the baby
    3. She has makeup on
    4. She has her hair done
    5. Her boobs arent falling out of her bra
    6. She doesnt have black rings under her eyes
    7. She looks as if she has showered recently
    8. She has no puke or poop on her
    9. Did i mention shes awake
    10. She is obviously not wearing one if those giant diaper like pads you have to wear after birth!

    You couldnt fool me!

    As for the body...kudos, looks great!

    Every now and then someone posts something reminding me why I invest in the kind of birth control that lasts for years, then immediately follow it up with more birth control that lasts for years, and continue to pester my doctor about tubal ligation. The exception that one must be tired and unkempt, or else they 'don't have a newborn'/are some manner of freak of nature is pretty gross.

    Dare I say as gross as this supposed trend towards not looking as if one has given birth? :indifferent:

    She probably is fairly unusual, an outlier or, pejoratively, a freak. I don't have any stats or studies, just my personal experience and what I'm going to perilously assume is fairly common... most women don't feel up to much more than just taking care of the baby the first week.

    When you're bleeding like your worst TOM ever for the first week after, when you're getting up every couple of hours to change and feed, when your breasts hurt so badly that you cry out if you jar them at all, when just the act of going to the bathroom is both painful (don't even get me started on that first post birth poo) and time consuming, it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to think that most women might not have the additional energy to wear makeup or look overly cheery for a few days.

    Now going through that doesn't make us martyr's or anything but a few days of less than top notch grooming should be allowed and even expected.

    Analogy time!
    Do people get all dressed up and gussied up when they have the flu? Or do they wear PJs, do very little with their hair and just do what they need to recover. Some people do, most don't. Personally, I'd rather deal with flu symptoms than the first week after birth anytime. One doesn't have a screaming newborn associated with it.

    I can only speak from my own observations, as centered on my mother, but I can't recall any unkempt moments. With the most recent sibling, who is now five to my 26, my mother was back at work in a week. When she had the twins, who are now 13, she was home for 3 weeks, but was as properly dressed as she always was.

    My mother is no genetic freak, or anything like that, she's just really type A. While that may not be how the majority of people are, I don't think it's so strange that women who are that way are extreme cases, or should have it subtly implied that their priorities are out of line. Which you didn't do, I'm just speaking of the reactions she's gotten in general.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    If you look at her Instagram, she posts pictures of her progressing pregnancy all the way up until 11/23. Then there are pics of her newborn starting 11/26. The pic in question is posted 11/28.

    And if you scroll back and look at the pics of her stomach before she was pregnant, they look *markedly* different.

    There's really no reason to think the picture is fake.

    Unless you haven't looked at her instagram...

    ...and then there is a reason to think the picture is fake....

    ...even if it's an apparently bogus reason.

    Right, we didn't all look at it. And it's kind of my MO to be skeptical about internet memes. It's served me well in life, usually.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    If you look at her Instagram, she posts pictures of her progressing pregnancy all the way up until 11/23. Then there are pics of her newborn starting 11/26. The pic in question is posted 11/28.

    And if you scroll back and look at the pics of her stomach before she was pregnant, they look *markedly* different.

    There's really no reason to think the picture is fake.

    Unless you haven't looked at her instagram...

    ...and then there is a reason to think the picture is fake....

    ...even if it's an apparently bogus reason.

    Right we didn't all look at it. And it's kind of my MO to be skeptical about internet memes.

    I think skepticism is a reasonable starting point for...well, most things.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    If you look at her Instagram, she posts pictures of her progressing pregnancy all the way up until 11/23. Then there are pics of her newborn starting 11/26. The pic in question is posted 11/28.

    And if you scroll back and look at the pics of her stomach before she was pregnant, they look *markedly* different.

    There's really no reason to think the picture is fake.

    Unless you haven't looked at her instagram...

    ...and then there is a reason to think the picture is fake....

    ...even if it's an apparently bogus reason.

    Right we didn't all look at it. And it's kind of my MO to be skeptical about internet memes. Go figure.

    I think skepticism is a reasonable starting point for...well, most things.

    Mmmhmm. And if sometimes we are wrong, well not much harm done.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I think there's a good chance that she may have sacrificed the health of her baby during pregnancy to ensure that she had this figure after her delivery. There are many women who are afraid of getting "fat" during pregnancy, and don't eat like they're supposed to. I wouldn't "bash" her for it though. Yeah, she looks great, and I hope her baby wasn't starving in there. Lolol.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    This is not something to be jealous of, it is not as if a woman 4 days postpartum is allowed to diet or exercise. I didn't care what I looked like for about a month, I was more concerned about the ability to climb stairs to my bedroom.

    The only issue that I have with this trend is that women are being shamed into trying to make their bodies look as if they had never had a child. That is so sad to me. I am proud of being able to do an amazing thing with my body. I do exercise and diet- but I never am ashamed of stretch-marks, or a little pouch up front, or the fact that my hips have gotten a tad wider.

    Why is it so shameful to look as if you had birthed a child?
    My cousin's wife decided during her second pregnancy that she wanted a perfect postpartum body. She dieted and worked out like a fiend throughout her pregnancy, especially running and endless ab work. I think she did get the body... but her daughter wasn't so lucky. The poor kid had spinal deformities among other serious health problems, and had to spend her first several years in back braces. Doctors said it was because of the exercise. They had warned her during the pregnancy. So I have the same issue with this trend. Not saying women should stop exercising during pregnancy -- not at all. I kept dancing until I was too big to keep my balance, and I admire the pregnant women who lift safely. But when your vanity is more important than the child you're carrying, that's a problem in my book.
  • the_dude00
    the_dude00 Posts: 1,056 Member
    I was figuring she worked out really hard during the pregnancy as well
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I am a postpartum nurse, and I have had 4 children as well. This picture does not convey someone who has an infant 4 days old. The uterus is at the level of the umbilicus right after birth and takes six weeks to shrink back down to its original size (about the size of your fist). She should also be wearing a pad as she would be bleeding from childbirth. She has a nice body, but it is not 4 days after giving birth.

    Exactly, our skepticism on this is warranted. It's not our opinion on what's possible with her fitness. It's just 4 days does not fit with our general understanding of biology.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    I'm just gonna place this here. Thoughts?


    Baby daddy is loving that.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    There have been 4 trainers in my Wellness Center that have had kids in the last 6 months. ALL of them got back into shape in a couple of weeks. No lie.
    Going into pregnancy fit makes it easy to get back being fit.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    hot. me gusta.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    The only reason to be annoyed at something like this is because you feel guilty, and that is not the fault of the person posting the picture.

    I don't understand why someone should feel guilty.

    I don't have anything negative to say about her. I didn't look that good 4 days postpartum (although people were commenting on my "flat belly"), but I did bounce back quickly. When I was 9 months pregnant I weighed 130 pounds, and after giving birth I was quickly back to 110. By six months postpartum I looked amazing. But, during the pregnancy I had a placental abruption (that is an internal injury) from trying to keep up with everything (caring for my toddler as well) as if I was not pregnant (and continued even when I was in pain and was bleeding internally) and started hemorrhaging. I won't go into all the details, but I did have to go on bed rest until I was full term (and I will be forever relieved and thankful that my baby was ok). At the end of bed rest I found it extremely challenging to stand and walk around with the weight in my abdomen. And my labor was quick and I gave birth at home, but again I had excessive bleeding and was severely anemic. So, yeah, at 4 days postpartum I had trouble breathing just to stand up and walk from my bed to the bathroom. But, I took care of myself and my baby and I recovered. And as soon as I could I was back to being active and exercising.

    I don't think women should feel guilty about the natural process of pregnancy and birth and the impact that can have on a body. This has nothing to do with this one woman and her photo. We don't need to judge her, but we also don't need to judge all other mothers. I guess I just worry that awareness of that gets lost in all of the defenses. And the last thing we need is more mother guilt. Maybe I am just overreacting in some way. Just that pregnancy is complicated. And the whole experience of becoming a mother can involve all kinds of judgements from all over the place from people that don't have all the info. Probably also why people would judge this woman.

    Because of the direction of some of what is being discussed in this thread, I just want to add to what I wrote that it wasn't anything I did that caused the placental abruption. No one knows why it happened. I was trying to go about my life, the same way any other mother would. I did dance with my toddler and I would lift her and carry her, and she also accidentally ran into my belly. I don't know what caused it. And I was telling people that I was in pain, but because I have a very high pain tolerance people generally do not respond to me when I am trying to tell them I am in pain (because I don't look in pain). Same with labor. My midwife did not even think I was in labor, but I had been (on my own for 5 hours), and it was actually time for me to push, but she still didn't think I was in active labor. And during the pregnancy I made myself eat as much as I could (but I had vomiting for the whole nine months). Anyway, sorry for the yucky stories. Us ladies are tough, we can take it!
  • RachelBiancaxx
    RachelBiancaxx Posts: 62 Member
    I am sooo jealous of this woman.

    She has an amazing body and if I looked like that 4 days after giving birth, I'd probably post a picture too.
  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    I am a postpartum nurse, and I have had 4 children as well. This picture does not convey someone who has an infant 4 days old. The uterus is at the level of the umbilicus right after birth and takes six weeks to shrink back down to its original size (about the size of your fist). She should also be wearing a pad as she would be bleeding from childbirth. She has a nice body, but it is not 4 days after giving birth.

    Exactly, our skepticism on this is warranted. It's not our opinion on what's possible with her fitness. It's just 4 days does not fit with our general understanding of biology.

    That is what I was thinking as didn't seem medically possible, but I am not a doctor. Her body is fantastic and I'm sure she works very hard for it...but I think the social commentary we should be angry about isn't that she posted a photo of herself but that society thinks this is how women should think after giving birth. Remember the uproar over Princess Catherine and her post-baby belly shots when she left the hospital...people were FURIOUS that she still had a bump and apparently were unable to comprehend biology and the process of birth and recovery.
  • glin23
    glin23 Posts: 460 Member
    There have been 4 trainers in my Wellness Center that have had kids in the last 6 months. ALL of them got back into shape in a couple of weeks. No lie.
    Going into pregnancy fit makes it easy to get back being fit.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Even though this is as old thread and I detest necroposting, that's actually pretty interesting.
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    ok dont shoot
    ( i know atleast 4 of you will) the messanger but....
    so this has been a moderate deal in the postpartum medical area as of late(its in my friggin coding classes for crying out loud), and acording to a few 30+ year veterains of the maternity ward this womaan is a "oddity" (to say the least) and due to this is running the risk of her bby being "less than adverage" both physicaly and mentaly. hate me if you want idont care im just the messanger.... and no im not going to look crap up for you, you has the internet do it your self.. im too tired:frown:
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    There have been 4 trainers in my Wellness Center that have had kids in the last 6 months. ALL of them got back into shape in a couple of weeks. No lie.
    Going into pregnancy fit makes it easy to get back being fit.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Even though this is as old thread and I detest necroposting, that's actually pretty interesting.

    3 hours is considered necroposting for you? What do you call a 1 year old+ threads new activity, reincarnation posting?
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    meh someone's husband needs to give them more attention

    I'm guessing that she's just had a baby & that means hubby WAS giving her more attention. But then the green eyes always come out.