Another Mom under fire for post baby selfie.



  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Because of the direction of some of what is being discussed in this thread, I just want to add to what I wrote that it wasn't anything I did that caused the placental abruption. No one knows why it happened. I was trying to go about my life, the same way any other mother would. I did dance with my toddler and I would lift her and carry her, and she also accidentally ran into my belly. I don't know what caused it. And I was telling people that I was in pain, but because I have a very high pain tolerance people generally do not respond to me when I am trying to tell them I am in pain (because I don't look in pain). Same with labor. My midwife did not even think I was in labor, but I had been (on my own for 5 hours), and it was actually time for me to push, but she still didn't think I was in active labor. And during the pregnancy I made myself eat as much as I could (but I had vomiting for the whole nine months). Anyway, sorry for the yucky stories. Us ladies are tough, we can take it!

    None of that should have caused abruption. Hell, my toddler body slammed me a couple of times when I was lying on the floor cause I felt sick.

    Yeah, I know!! The little ones don't understand. I'd be lying on the bathroom floor from throwing up and my toddler would start kicking me to get up. They just don't know, of course. My midwife and doctor also said those things shouldn't have caused it. They had asked me if I had been in a car accident. It's just one of those mysteries. I'm just so glad my baby was ok. I still feel terror when I remember those moments before the ambulance got me to the hospital. But, I don't want to tell horror stories. It all turned out good. I had great medical care. And I even went on to have my baby at home.

    Also, I did look more closely at the pictures and I can definitely see that she has recently had a baby (again I just would think weeks, not days). Also, just want to add that it's not jealousy to have a healthy amount of skepticism about the things we see on the internet. I stayed fit before, during, and after having my babies. My babies are all big now. And I have no reason to feel jealous that someone bounced back a few weeks before I did. To say that we are all jealous indicates a problem in how people are viewing women in general. We can't question anything women or pregnancy related without it meaning jealousy. I also agree that no one should put unreasonable pressure on any women to bounce back after 4 days. I don't really know what I looked like at 4 days, my midwife was saying to me that my belly was flat. But, yeah, I was bleeding and struggling with severe anemia (my midwife was talking with me about possibly going to get a blood transfusion).
  • bamakmd
    Didn't Heidi Klum do the same thing? She had her baby with Seal and like a few days later she was in a VS fashion show? I guess it's good genes and luck. The fact that she would have a flat stomach would make me jealous but ripped abs. I'm envious lol. I have two kids myself and I'm still trying to lose the weight. Definitely motivating.
  • xXBabyBelleXx
    xXBabyBelleXx Posts: 110 Member
    You do have a good point, the only reason I wonder is because im pretty certain Jordan had a tummy tuck with the Caesarean section she had for her daughters birth.

    She carried on modeling and showed off her new flat tummy afterwards - so who knows about scaring or recover time when it comes to the lives of the rich and famous?

    I know when my mother had a c section with my sister, she was in pain for days afterwards and now has a scare, so im totally confused how they do it...
  • just_Jennie1
    My only comment regarding this is i'm totally jealous, i've not even had a baby and still look nothing like her LOL

    The only thing I wonder about, is you hear of famous women booking in to have the baby by C section and getting a tummy lift at the same time.

    I really hope this isnt the case here ...

    Unless she has access to surgeons that can perform miracles or to some unknown advanced super fast healing technology, there's no was she had a c-section.

    Not only that but she'd have a huge scar from a "tummy lift". In case you didn't know they slice you open in two spots, take out part of your mid section, then sew the pieces back together which forms a large angry scar spanning across your mid section.
  • Summer_Lunatic
    Summer_Lunatic Posts: 543 Member
    What ever voodoo she did for that body...,I want in

    I'll take sloppy seconds on said voodoo and take my chances. Whatever the *kitten* she did, worked. And anyone *****in about it is just jealous. Eff 'em.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    what I want to know is, why do we GAF?
  • xXBabyBelleXx
    xXBabyBelleXx Posts: 110 Member
    Like I say, its a know practice for the rich and famous to have a tummy tuck at the same time as a planned c section - Jordan being a good example.

    But I totally agree, I don't know how they can go on and model afterwards because of scaring...

    I would like to point out that I wasn't accusing this woman of actually having a tummy tuck, just that I bet she could have done if she had wanted to.

    I actually believe she was very fit before the birth and had dieted through-out her pregnancy. :-)
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    totally in to get her pregnant again and get proof....for science of course
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    The rampant jealousy and misguided attempts to shame her for her body in this thread are not only mean spirited, but amusing.

    Jealousy is a b, apparently.

  • _Tink_
    _Tink_ Posts: 3,845 Member
    I honestly don't see why this is such a big deal. I gave birth 7 weeks ago and my stomach looked like hers at 4 days postpartum. It wasn't luck or genetics (third pregnancy - I didn't look that good with my first 2). I worked my *kitten* off to stay healthy and fit during the pregnancy. I gained an ideal amount of weight, worked out routinely, made healthy food choices, and tracked my calories. I'm proud of what I was able to accomplish, and I would find it hurtful to have people hating on me for something that I was proud of. Everyone carries pregnancy differently and recovers differently. We don't see a lot of judgment regarding women who gain too much weight and don't exercise during pregnancy; why do we need to judge people for being fit?
  • just_Jennie1
    How many women would be so obsessed with showing the world how amazing they look postpartum when they have a 4 day old baby to admire, bond and be totally in love with?


    But then again I'm shallow, egotistical and narcissistic.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    The only reason to be annoyed at something like this is because you feel guilty, and that is not the fault of the person posting the picture.

    Agreed. It is a personal issue of the person that is taking issue with the person that posted the picture........which shows how much insecurity these types of people have.

    I love that she looks like that 4 days post baby.

    I wish I still looked that good and the reason why I look at myself with so much disdain and disgust.

    Damn it. I *used* to look damn problems and a bad car accident wrecked that and I am working slowly but surely to reclaim my health and well is just a long, hard road.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I don't understand the uproar at all. Granted, I also think it's nice when women who are normally considered "perfect"--Kate Middleton--show a more common post-baby body, I have no problem with these types of pictures.

    Comparing yourself to someone else is rarely a good idea. I'll never have her face or her body. I can only do the best I can with what I have. Same with everyone. I can admire her and even be a little envious (as long as it isn't detrimental to my well-being), but jealousy to the point of being "green-eyed", and anger, are pointless, IMO.
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 500 Member
    meh someone's husband needs to give them more attention

    This is sad. This is exactly what this post is talking about. JEALOUSY!!!!

    I think she looks amazing!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Again, I'm glad I'm a man... that my healthy skepticism isn't construed as jealousy.

    (It's unfortunate that women don't have this same luxury.)

    I actually think the discussion about her and what are and are not reasonable expectations for a "normal" pregnancy are potentially beneficial. And I don't remember that much jealousy (and certainly not "rampant jealousy") in the nine pages so least not in a malicious way.
  • actingnurse1
    actingnurse1 Posts: 153 Member
    In the famous words of our generation...

    "haters gon' hate."
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    I agree!
    The only reason to be annoyed at something like this is because you feel guilty, and that is not the fault of the person posting the picture.
  • CassandraBurgos83
    CassandraBurgos83 Posts: 544 Member
    I don't know her, but I have this terrible urge to judge and I know it's wrong... The cute little fitness mom with 3 kiddos inspired me and she is a pro athlete and looked no where near what this women did. This if any feels/seems way more in your face to me then any I have seen. I also worked out while preggo and had abs before and after, but my abs didn't come until nearly 5 months after (both pregnancies) But wow, she does look amazing, but I honestly feel she lacks humility.
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    Again, I'm glad I'm a man... that my healthy skepticism isn't construed as jealousy.

    (It's unfortunate that women don't have this same luxury.)

    I actually think the discussion about her and what are and are not reasonable expectations for a "normal" pregnancy are potentially beneficial. And I don't remember that much jealousy (and certainly not "rampant jealousy") in the nine pages so least not in a malicious way.

    You're absolutely right.

    I haven't had a child, and I still don't look like that. I fully accept that. Even with minimal body fat and toned muscles, I still wouldn't look like that - I have a totally different body shape. Genetics.

    So please do call me jealous for thinking people like her don't have their priorities straight, it's water off a ducks back TBH.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    It is impressive for sure. Just look at her stomach. Her stomach is more impressive 4 days after birth than many women who have never had a kid. I don't think it promotes a false body image ideal. I think most people realize that it is not normal for women to have that great looking of a body 4 days after birth. I'd congratulate her.