Another Mom under fire for post baby selfie.



  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    ok dont shoot
    ( i know atleast 4 of you will) the messanger but....
    so this has been a moderate deal in the postpartum medical area as of late(its in my friggin coding classes for crying out loud), and acording to a few 30+ year veterains of the maternity ward this womaan is a "oddity" (to say the least) and due to this is running the risk of her bby being "less than adverage" both physicaly and mentaly. hate me if you want idont care im just the messanger.... and no im not going to look crap up for you, you has the internet do it your self.. im too tired:frown:

    I can confirm this information a leprechaun on a unicorn showed me the report. I don't have a picture of the report but you guys can search it on the internet. I'm super serial!
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    This lady is a model/Trophy wife it is her job to make sure her body is banging.
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member

    I can confirm this information a leprechaun on a unicorn showed me the report. I don't have a picture of the report but you guys can search it on the internet. I'm super serial!

    can i have the drugs your on.. for real i can bearly keep my eyes open at this oint....point
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member

    I can confirm this information a leprechaun on a unicorn showed me the report. I don't have a picture of the report but you guys can search it on the internet. I'm super serial!

    can i have the drugs your on.. for real i can bearly keep my eyes open at this oint....point

    Sure, just come to the end of the rainbow.
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    7 fricin pages allready? oi
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member

    I can confirm this information a leprechaun on a unicorn showed me the report. I don't have a picture of the report but you guys can search it on the internet. I'm super serial!

    can i have the drugs your on.. for real i can bearly keep my eyes open at this oint....point

    Sure, just come to the end of the rainbow.

    ok but i ate all my skittles
  • OatFloats
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    There have been 4 trainers in my Wellness Center that have had kids in the last 6 months. ALL of them got back into shape in a couple of weeks. No lie.
    Going into pregnancy fit makes it easy to get back being fit.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Even though this is as old thread and I detest necroposting, that's actually pretty interesting.

    3 hours is considered necroposting for you? What do you call a 1 year old+ threads new activity, reincarnation posting?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    The problem I have with these types of images is that they are more about extolling and celebrating images of society's idea of physical "perfection" rather than health.

    Women, but also increasingly men, are bombarded with these types of images from early childhood. They are pushed as "aspirational". Whether most of us like it or not we are affected by them on some level which can cause body image issues.

    It used to be that pregnancy was a sanctuary from this type of pressure - that a woman's worth was elevated above a physical ideal to something greater and there was a free pass to leave it behind. Temporarily.

    No more it seems.

    The flip on the pressure cooker never gets turned off.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I am a postpartum nurse, and I have had 4 children as well. This picture does not convey someone who has an infant 4 days old. The uterus is at the level of the umbilicus right after birth and takes six weeks to shrink back down to its original size (about the size of your fist). She should also be wearing a pad as she would be bleeding from childbirth. She has a nice body, but it is not 4 days after giving birth.

    Exactly, our skepticism on this is warranted. It's not our opinion on what's possible with her fitness. It's just 4 days does not fit with our general understanding of biology.

    Can women get hysterectomies right after giving birth? Would that look flat like she does?

    I'm just trying to figure out how this can work out. I guess there's always Photoshop, too! (And I've never had children, so assuming I must be jealous won't work well for me either :D )
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Many women, and men (I was guilty of this one) view pregnancy as a time to eat whatever they want, when they want. Could it be that she ate properly, and did exercises that did not require her to squeeze her baby? Hate the Game, don't hate the Playa!
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    What ever voodoo she did for that body...,I want in

    Exactly...i'm not jealous or angry or feel like she is personally putting me down...I just want to know how she did it??!?!? Particularly the no droopy stomach thing. That's freakin' amazing!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I remember a teacher I had was so teeny it was impossible to believe she was pregnant. It's not the norm, but after seeing it in person with someone who wasn't a model, I can believe this woman. Any medical speculating on how that happens is beyond my scope.

    She has tons of pictures of herself up, including pictures of herself naked while pregnant, so this shot is not really out of the norm for her site and so it's hard to swallow that she was waging war. I get why people want to make it clear that this is not the norm, because of some of the reasons others have listed about pressure and unrealistic expectations, but it shouldn't be through attacking her. (Not at anyone in the thread, just media in general.) She seems to use site for self-promotion (it looks like she is a designer and a model?) so this picture would fit. Actually, after looking at her other pictures, she looks much less polished in this picture than in her others, so I find it believable from that front too. (I didn't think that at all until after looking at her other pictures. She looks better than me in that picture than me on my best day.)
  • Donners185
    Donners185 Posts: 329 Member
    I don't see everyone's problem. You don't want to look at it.....then don't look at it. Good for her I say. I think she looks hot. If I had a body like that (baby or no baby) I'd get arrested for indecent exposure. It's not her fault she is isn't covered in stretch marks. Fair enough, if you look like that 4 days after having a baby it's probably a mixture of both working hard during your pregnency and very good genetics but even still I'm sure she is proud. I would be!!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    So much butt hurt. :huh:

    Lubricate. As I cyclist I find Chamois Butt'r to be very good for long rides or other types of chaffing. Hyperglide is an excellent product around the elastic part of the shorts. Keeps redness down. Real butter? Not so much.

    This stuff is da bomb.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I think women tend to put pressure on themselves and spend too much time comparing themselves with others. Maybe women with a tendency to compare themselves to others and feel bad because they don't shape up, should just stop looking at pictures of other women. No-one said you have to look like her. Certainly no-one said you have to look like her 4 days after giving birth!! Just because she posts a picture of herself after giving birth, doesn't mean she's saying "this is the standard that everyone else has to live up to" - other people are projecting that message onto the pictures.

    Also, I believe she's telling the truth. It means she's not average in terms of how quickly her uterus goes back to its normal size, but breastfeeding helps to make it go back to its usual size more quickly, so maybe she breastfed her baby and maybe she's genetically gifted in that respect. And if she's already stopped bleeding then she's definitely genetically gifted. The problem is that most people don't seem to understand the concept of *variation*. Not everyone is average. (and yes, non-average people shouldn't be held up as what everyone should strive to be but then neither should average people, in fact everyone should stop obsessing about trying to look like or be like other people, and just strive to be the best and healthiest versions of themselves)
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    Personal experience and true story- I looked AMAZING 4 days after my first baby was born. Huge perky boobs, flat stomach and all! Newborn babies up to 2 weeks old do nothing but eat and sleep, hubby was off work so he was making meals etc, honestly I looked and felt fine, and had several commemerative photos taken showing off my new and novel physique!

    However, at 3 wks PP I was a wreck. I did too much too soon, had a baby who NEVER slept, and I didn't stop bleeding for 5 weeks. Then I started to look haggard and a bit saggy in the chesticles.
    So it would be interesting if this lady posted another pic of 3 or 4 weeks postpartum, see if she still *feels* like a supermodel then.

    Edit- I should just add, that I do not underestimate the huge effect that pregnancy and birth have on women- its a huge deal! Everyone copes with it differently. I know the way my body coped was not typical, but my mum was just the same, after 4 kids she still had flat tummy on coming out of hospital with my youngest brother. Only now in middle age does she have any kind of pooch. (Sorry mum if you're reading this) x
    Anyway I was just trying to say that this woman is blessed with a great body, and why shouldn't she show it off? Girls with amazig cleaveages or legs show them off all the time, no one asks to see, and this woman is blasted and called a fake because she put pics on her own instagram?! Its madness I say.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Because of the direction of some of what is being discussed in this thread, I just want to add to what I wrote that it wasn't anything I did that caused the placental abruption. No one knows why it happened. I was trying to go about my life, the same way any other mother would. I did dance with my toddler and I would lift her and carry her, and she also accidentally ran into my belly. I don't know what caused it. And I was telling people that I was in pain, but because I have a very high pain tolerance people generally do not respond to me when I am trying to tell them I am in pain (because I don't look in pain). Same with labor. My midwife did not even think I was in labor, but I had been (on my own for 5 hours), and it was actually time for me to push, but she still didn't think I was in active labor. And during the pregnancy I made myself eat as much as I could (but I had vomiting for the whole nine months). Anyway, sorry for the yucky stories. Us ladies are tough, we can take it!

    None of that should have caused abruption. Hell, my toddler body slammed me a couple of times when I was lying on the floor cause I felt sick.